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Opinions on Celebrating Valentine’s Day

1. Valentine's day is the annual celebration where people celebrate love or show their love to
someone they care about or someone they love. 2.People celebrate this day by giving chocolate,
flowers, or letters to the ones they love. 3.Valentine's day is always related to romantic things such
as couples and lovebirds. 4.Sometimes people who are single tend to use this moment to express
their feelings to someone they love. 5.And as for couples, the man brings his lover over to the
romantic dinner and usually almost fine dining restaurants are fully booked this day due to these
couples' dates.

6.For me, love is much more than a couple who fall in love with each other. 7.Sadly, people
nowadays especially younger ones who are single, get easily sad and gloomy when they see a
couple being romantically together especially on valentine's day. 8.So in order to deal with their
sadness and gloominess, they tried a bunch of tricks to get a lover, which make them look really
hopeless and desperate for getting love. 9.So these people must really hate when valentine's day is
coming. 10.What they did not realize is that valentine's day is not just celebrate love with a lover,
but also celebrate love to the ones we love, maybe our family, relatives, friends, neighbors, even
our pets.

11.The idea of Valentine's day is really makes no sense for me, as if it is the only day when we
should celebrate love with the ones we love. 12.So we don't express our love to the ones we love
besides valentine’s day? of course not. 13.For me everyday is valentine's day. 14.We can show our
care and love to others not just by giving them romantic stuff but there are many small acts we can
do everyday which also count as our care and love to others. 15.For example, saying 'take care'
when they go outside, always make sure they are okay, always offer some help if they are having
problems, be a good listener to them if they are sad, cook them dinner if they haven’t eaten
anything, these small acts are so priceless because we can see someone can be so genuinely care
to us. 16. These things matter the most.

17. The concept of valentine's day can be a good reminder for someone who forgets to show their
appreciation to someone they love because they are super busy and put these unimportant matters
behind them. 18.So when they see everybody else are celebrating, they will consider to do the
same. 19.Maybe, they have not contacted their families or their best friends for a long time because
of their busy career, then they can use this opportunity to appreciates their families and friends
because these people have form their characters to be someone who they are now. 20.But i really
hope people who want to do this, really express their true feelings and not to fake it in order to
impress the ones you care about. 21.And also, i hope someone did not do this in order to show off
on their social media because for me this kind of appreciation is something personal between you
and the ones you care about so don’t mess with other’s feeling.

22.In the end, i think it's fine to celebrate valentine's day but remember that we can also celebrate
and sharing our love whenever we want to, even everyday. 23.Showing our love to someone
doesn't mean we need to give someone romantic stuff. 24.Just by showing our care and love can
be meaningful to someone. 25.It does not matter whether you are single or have a lover to celebrate
this day. 26.Everybody deserves to love and to be loved.

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