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Which of the following solutions has the lowest boiling

point? Select one: a. 0.15 M NaCl b. 0.10 M MgBr2 c.

0.15 M Ba(NO3)2 d. 0.20 M C2H6O2 e. 0.10 M

Answer: The solution with the lowest boiling point is: d 0,20 C2H6O2


The boiling point depends on the boiling point elevation which is a colligative property. All
colligative properties depend on the concentration of particles (ions) present. So then, the
concentration of particles for each point is determined by multiplying the molarity given by the
Van’t Hoff factor (number of ions that dissociate). Each of these is calculated as follows:

a. 0,15M NaCl

1. The dissolution of sodium chloride can be represented by the following equation:

NaCl (s)→Na+(aq)+Cl−(aq), so we have 2 ions,

2. Find the concentration of particles

CNaCl= (i)(M)=(2)(0,15)=0,3


b. 0,10 MgBr2

1. The dissolution of Magnesium Bromide can be represented by the following equation

MgBr2(aq) → Mg+2(aq)+ 2Br−(aq), so we have 3 ions

2. Find the concentration of particles

CMgBr2 (0,10) (3)=0,3


c. 0,15 M Ba (NO3)2= (0,15)(3)= 0,45

1. The dissolution of Barium Nitrate can be represented by the following equation

Ba(NO3)2 (s) → Ba+2 (aq) + 2 NO3-1 (aq)

2. 2. Find the concentration of particles

C Ba (NO3)2= (0,15)(3)= 0,45

d. 0,20M C2H6O2= Ethylene Glycol is a nonelectrolyte instead it is molecular. Molecular is a
compound that has nonmetals, they can dissolve in water, but they don’t dissociate in the solution
they stay intact, so then i=1 and the concentration of the particles is (0,20)(1)= 0,20

e. 0,10 Fe(NO3)3=

The dissolution of Ferric Nitrate can be represented by the following equation

Fe(NO3)3(s)→Fe3+(aq) + 3 NO3-(aq), so we
have 4 ions
2 2. Find the concentration of particles

C Fe(NO3)3= 0,10(4)= 0,4

Finally the Lowest concentration after doing calculations, the answer is C, where the concentration
of Ethylene Glycol was the lowest and have a direct relation with the boiling point.

Which of the following solutions has the lowest boiling point? Select one:
a. 0.15 M NaCl b. 0.10 M MgBr2 c. 0.15 M Ba(NO3)2 d. 0.20 M C2H6O2
e. 0.10 M Fe(NO3)3

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