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Sr Montessori Education Traditional Education

Based on helping the natural development of Based on the transfer of a national curriculum
the human being
Children learn at their own pace and follow Children learn from a set curriculum according
their own individual interest to a time frame that is the same for everyone
Children teach themselves using materials Children are taught by the teacher
specially prepared for the purpose
Child is an active participant in learning Child is a passive participant in learning

Understanding comes through the child’s own Learning is based on subjects and is limited to
experiences via the materials and the what is given
promotion of children’s ability to find things
out for themselves
Learning is based on the fact that physical Children sit at desks and learn from a
exploration and cognition are linked whiteboard and worksheets
Child can work where he/she is comfortable, Child is usually assigned own chair and
move around and talk at will while not encouraged to sit still and listen during group
disturbing others sessions
The teacher works in collaboration with the The class is teacher led
The child’s individual development brings its Motivation is achieved by a system of reward
own reward and therefore motivation and punishment
Environment and method encourage internal Teacher acts as primary enforcer of external
self-discipline discipline
Child works as long as he/she wishes on Child generally given specific time limit for
chosen project work
Uninterrupted work cycles Block time, period lessons

Mixed age groups Same age groups

Working and learning matched to the social Working and learning without emphasis on the
development of the child social development of the child
Shared emphasis on intellectual, social, Main emphasis on intellectual development
emotional and spiritual development
Shared focus on the acquisition of academic, Main focus on academics
social, practical and life skills

Montessori classrooms are prepared in

advance based on observations of the
student’s individual needs. They include
17 Traditional classrooms are based on teacher-
student-centered lessons and activities.
centered lessons or activities.
In the Montessori classroom, children work
on lessons as long as need be, and
interruptions are avoided whenever possible.
18 Time limitations are mandated by arbitrary
schedules in traditional classrooms.
Montessori teachers act as guides and
consultants to students on a one-on-one basis.
They assist each child along his or her own
19 Traditionally, the pace and order of each lesson
learning path.
is predetermined. The teacher must deliver the
same lesson, at the same pace, in the same
order, for all of the students.
Montessori curricula are intended to appeal
to the child’s innate hunger for knowledge.
Children learn to love learning.
20 Traditional curricula focus on standardized test
performance and grades. Children learn
because it is mandatory.
Utalizes smaller Child-Teacher ratio

21 Child-teacher ratio is approximately 40-1

Children have the liberty to speak as they
22 Silence is enforced in classroom.

 Games as motivating students.  Not enough time to plan more
 Colorful pictures. activities.
 

 Obligation to meet the curriculum.
 Instability of the teachers
professional future.
 Pupil coercion to do things they
do not wish to do.
 Parents want highest grades of
their child.

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