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A stranger lived among us, unknown to our tribe

He stood till end beside us, and help us win fight.

He's the one-man army, against the enemies crowd,
His strength was just "no-fear", his roar was hell loud.


That day, we're in the battle. Our enemies were pulling us apart. Many of us were
sacrificed that day. Within few hours we're left from hundreds to few. And then we
were asked to retreat. But right before we could turn back, we heard the thunder,
the lightning, as if zeus has stabbed the sky, but it wasn't that. It was a roar of
a an unknown warrior, who was riding on his horse, but yet came as a lightning and
before we could understand whats possibly going on, 7 of our enemies head were on
the ground, with the single slash of his sword.
And suddenly there was a chill in the enemy's bones. Nobody believed what they saw.

And before they could hold the grip on their swords even tighter few more heads
touched the soil and some were even crushed under their tamed horses.
We were all stunned, unable to move, unable to believe. And when that lightening
stops a hundread of enemies solder were already on the ground and they shouting
We saw an army of thousand retreating as if they were cought in a magic spell which
is doomed to kill them all today. In the dust of their retreat, which nearly
blinded us for an instant we saw a shadow of man, a warrior, who's not afraid of
numbers, who defied all the odds, a man we don't know but who stood by our side.
and before the dust settle he was gone.
We didn't move, it was a hell kind of silence. When the dust settled we saw bodies
of our comrade, accompanied by the heads of the enemies. It was a gruesome battle,
that we WON, somehow.

The warrior wanted to remain in the shadows. He believed, people loose their
strength and become dependent on the superior. That's why he never stayed with us.
We kept fighting our battles with all our might and he kept coming like lightening
when we're on the verge of failing but not always.
He would've died in silence. But how could we've let such a leader vanish in
oblivion. He was full of knowledge and strategies, that he implied in all the
battles he fought. I kept digging about his origin and I want his story to be
shared, to be told. So the one who seeks knowledge will come find him, the one
who's not willing to give up will seek his stories.

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