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Alabado, Kenneth Adrian S.

Understanding the Self

ACTY139 Sec. 16

Analytical Paper: Triadic Reciprocal Causation to

Francis Magalona’s Nilamon ng Sistema

Bandura’s theory of Triadic Reciprocal Causation explains the human function that

comprises of the triadic factors (Behavior, Person and Environment) and how one factor

affects the others and/or vice versa. This will be used to analyze a song from a famous

Philippine rapper.

Francis Magalona’s song Nilamon ng Sistema has different characters that

embodied different social issues among Filipinos. Their actions in the premise of the song

signifies struggles and it will be identified in which of the triadic factor of Bandura’s theory

were strongest during their moments.

In the first stanza of the song, referring to a woman who came to the city without

any knowledge of the hardship she would face and later was scammed by an illegal

recruiter. The Person is a woman who wants to find a job, its Environment is the city full

of evil and the Behavior was innocence about the scene. The strongest factor was the

Behavior of being innocent as an assumed probinsyana that has no knowledge about

what the difficulty in the city, it has caused her to continue the city and be scammed.

Meanwhile in the second stanza, it tells a story about a boy who ran away because

of the parent’s behavior. The Person is a poor child, the Environment is the parent’s who
doesn’t care about the well being of the child and the behavior is wanting to leave the

family. Among the Triadic Factors, the environment had the biggest impact to the action

of the child wherein it has triggered the child to ran away to the family because of the

parents’ behavior towards him.

Lastly in the closing stanza, it talks about women going to Japan and being abused.

The Person is the women who have poor families, its Environment is the abusive

workplace in Japan and the Behavior is the wanting to support their family. The prominent

factor for the action is the Person, being in a poor family has pushed the women to accept

the jobs abroad and be maltreated.

In a nutshell, though the different scenarios of the person has different factors

prevailing their actions, each having different ways in life, it all roots down to the injustice

and the reality of hardships nowadays.

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