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Denis Alvarez

Arizona State University

SED 464 Middle School Curriculum and Organization

“Rules and Consequences”


On the first day of class, each class will have the opportunity to create their own “norms”.

Norms will be defined as “behaviors and expectations that we have all agreed on”. I will give an

example of what norms are so that the students understand. Each student will write on a sticky

note behavior they believe we should have in order to be on task and get things done. To start it

off, I will have questions posted for them to begin thinking of our class norms. The questions

will be things like:

 How will we encourage participation?

 How will we encourage listening?

 How will we discourage interruptions?

 How do we treat others?

 Phone use?

We will go over them as a class and demonstrate what these looks like. If I feel that something is

missing from these norms, I will discuss with the class and have them added to our list. I will

create a poster with the norms the class has agreed with. I anticipate for the norms to be very

similar among each class, so I will only be creating one poster. We will go over the “final copy”

of what each class has agreed with once it is completed.

We will have “non-negotiables”, these are norms that if broken, will result in a

consequence immediately. Examples of non-negotiables will be behaviors that physically or

emotionally harm someone else. Consequences will vary depending on what occurred. Possible

consequences will be volunteer work with the teacher either before class or after class. Students

will be aware of the consequences the day we set norms. Students will help decide which

consequences are acceptable.

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