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Scene 1

Tv show program

Carol Leon: Presenter 1: Good morning my dear t. v viewers welcome to our

program love land van Orange.

Samuel Rodrigues: Presenter 2: Good morning for all of you, today we’re going to
learn everything about our most popular celebration.

Laura Gomez: Presenter 3: the name of our celebration is in Dutch Koninginndag

but in English is the King´s day.

Carol Leon: Presenter 1: today, we have an important guess, the secretary of

state, who will tell us how to celebrate the king´s day.

Juan Orjuela: Secretary of state 1: King's Day is the most important day of the
year in Holland. Every 27th of April, the whole country is dyed orange and filled
with lived activities

Samuel Rodrigues Presenter2: please, tell us what kind of activities?

Juan Orjuela: Secretary of state: activities such as, concerts, orange parades,
flea markets and so on.

Laura Gomez Presenter 3: ok, come with us and enjoy with this first celebration.

Scene 2

Orange parade

Students are going to present a typical Dutch dance, after that students´ re
going to explain what the dance is about.

Laura Alarcon Student 1: This is the orange parade, It is in honor of the royal

Juliana Pulido: Student 2: The name of this typical dance is "Sextant" .

Jeronimo Ramirez: Student 3: This typical dance has an Scottish origin.

Juan Cruz: Student 4: The typical dances were made to animate the popular

Mariana Robledo: Student 5: The typical dances preserve the melody, the clothing
and the typical Dutch letters.

Felipe pineda: Student 6: The typical dances were executed by farmers, in their
free times.

Scene 3

Juan Diego Jaimes : Presenter 1: that was a nice presentation. “Sextant” was a
beautiful dance.

Alison Gomez: Presenter 2: there is a lot of history to learn about the typical
dance of Dutch.

Daniel Cortes: Presenter 3: yes, but the “sextant” is not the only one that is
dancing in Holland.

Tomas Naranjo: Secretary of the state2 : of course not. The Dutch are the
makers of the Hakken

Juan Diego Jaimes: Presenter 1: hakken? What does it means?

Tomas Naranjo: .ju7Secretary of state 2: Hakken means : speedy movements with

the body.

Alison Gomez: Presenter 2: Sounds good and interesting

Daniel Cortes: Presenter 3: But don’t say more. We invite you to enjoy an
excellent presentation about hakken.

Scene 4

Students are going to present a techno performance. At the end of the dancing,
students are going to explain what the techno performance is about.

Ana maria jimenez: Student 1: This dance is called Hakken and is associated with
the Gabber subculture

Stephania meneses: Student 2: Hakken was mainly danced in the 90 decade

Mariana Duque: Student 3: Hakken Are a set of movements that are made with
small steps and the movement of arms and body

Ashley Gonzalez: Student 4: Hakken is a variety of the Jumpstyle.

Stephania Arteaga: Student 5: Hakken created an authentic revolution in dance

Scene 5

Sceneray tv show

Juliana chaparro: Presenter 1: It is a great joy to learn many things from the King's

Camilo Alvarez: Presenter 2: But that's not all. There are many things to see.

David Avila: Secretary of state 3: I agree with you. This spring festival is known as
the "Orange Madness".

Maria jose Siza: Presenter 3: orange madness?

David Avila Secretary of state: of course. This name is given by the surname of
the Dutch royal family.

Maria jose Siza: Presenter 3: Thanks for the clarification, now all makes sense.

David Avila Secretary of state: You´re welcome. .That´s the reason to be here.

Juliana chaparro Presenter 1: Now, I want to invite you, to go to the streets and
ask to the passersby, how they enjoy this orange madness?

Camilo Alvarez: Presenter 2: okay let’s go.

Scene 6

Scenary: at the street

Sofia Noreña: Presenter 1: welcome to our t.v program love land van orange.

Diego muñoz: Presenter 2: We are from Amsterdam streets to ask people, how
they enjoy this king´s day.

Sofia Noreña Presenter 1: excuse me my friend, what is the most important

characteristic to enjoy this king´s day?
Felipe Castañeda: Passerby1: the most important thing that you need to have is
your orange clothes, and any orange accessories. Remember that orange is the last
name of our royal family.

Juan Manuel Perez: Passerby 2: You can also paint your face and wear orange
wigs. So, you will be according to the event.

Diego muñoz Presenter 2: now, tell me something about your orange drink. It
looks delicious.

Joan Sanchez: Passerby 4: The name of my drink is Orangebitter, and it has its
name in honor to royal family.

Tomas Vargas: Passerby5: each year all Dutch toasted by the life or our royal
family. The color of this drink is perfect to celebrate today.

Passerby 1,2,3,4,5: so, cheers for our royal family.

Scene 7

T,V show

Sara Torres: Presenter 1: We have learned many things about the King's Day. Do
we lack any aspect?

Juan Jose Romero: Secretary of state: Yes, only have one very important aspect
to mention

Luis Anduquia: Presenter 2: what aspect is this? Tell us.

Juan Jose Romero :Secretary of state: The Vrijmarkt in Dutch or flea market in

The Vrijmarkt

Danna Acosta: Seller 1: Here, we sell everything in the street. I'm selling these
delicious chocolate biscuits.

Heidy Beltran: Seller2: Im selling this clothes, that I don’t use long time ago.

Danna Acosta: Seller 1: I hope to sell these cookies soon and go to celebrate the
Orange parade.
Heidy Beltran: Seller2: me too. I heard that this year will be the king in the orange

Danna Acosta : Seller1: lets hurry, and we ´re going to celebrate.

Sara Torres: Presenter 1: we want to celebrate and enjoy this wonderful day.

Luis Anduquia: Presenter 2: Thank you for seeing each day and being with us. See
you tomorrow. Good bye

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