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October 2019
463 Highland Rd.,Peterborough, Ontario,K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841
Pastor Scott Schellenberger – (705) 313-0333
Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate our faith in
Christ by caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole person, serving each other
and those beyond our Lutheran community.”

This article written by National Bishop Susan Johnson first appeared in the Canada
Lutheran September 2019. We will begin a commitment to the Living our Faith in October.
Pastor Scott
Living Our Faith: Deepening Our Discipleship Starting With Prayer
Pray, read, worship, study, serve, give and tell! Does this sound familiar to you? Shortly after I
was first elected as National Bishop, I called our church into spiritual renewal and invited us
all to (say it with me)—pray, read, worship, study, serve, give and tell. This call to deepen our
discipleship is something I am very passionate about.
I grew up in a family that was very focussed on devotional life—prayers, reading scripture,
attending worship, generous giving, service in the community and in the world. This was all
part of what shaped me and how I learned to respond in faith to God’s abundant grace, love
and mercy.
I want so much for everyone in our church to experience how the whole way we live our lives
can express our faith and love for God. I’m grateful for everyone who engaged in the Call to
Spiritual Renewal but I know there is still much room for us all to grow in this area of our faith
I’ve been reflecting on this for a while and it feels as though it is time to come back to this call
and revisit it with a renewed sense of energy and a fresh vision. Which is why I am inviting the
entire church to join me in a new four-year emphasis on Living our Faith, as together we pray,
read, worship and love.
Starting this September, we begin a year of prayer. As a whole church I want us to learn
about prayer, grow in prayer, and deepen our regular prayer practice. A year from now,
September 2020, we will move on to a year of reading and learning about scripture together.
September 2021, we will focus on a year of worship and private devotion. And September
2022 will bring us into a year of focusing on how we respond to God’s grace and mercy by
living lives of full love.
As we begin this first year, we will be sharing weekly encouragements and more in-depth
monthly pieces on our website, in our newsletter from the National Office, and on social
media. I hope you will find these helpful and that you will share them with others in your
family, your congregation and community. Perhaps you can consider how you might provide
opportunities and encouragement for people to pray with each other. Or share with others
what guides your prayer practices.
I know for me there is no one way to pray. I pray frequently but there is no set time or way
that I pray. Mostly I try to find the opportunities that arise for prayer—doing the dishes, going
for a walk, reading the newspaper. Sometimes the opportunity comes about during a quiet
time, and sometimes it finds its way through the loud instruction of what is happening the
My hope for this first year of Living our Faith is that this will encourage all of us to feel more
comfortable talking about prayer and praying with each other. Wouldn’t it be amazing to be
known as the church that really knows how to pray?
Thank you for your support of Living our Faith as together we (say it with me)—pray, read,
worship and love!
National Bishop Susan Johnson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Church Council Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 pm
Present: Connie, Sylvia, Iris, Scott, Al, Marlys, Janice, Brenda, George
Regrets: Johanna, Milan
Opening Devotion led by Pastor Scott.
The minutes of June 18, 2019 approved: Motion to approve: Marlys, Second – Janice;
Mail and Other
ELCIC Eastern Synod: Benevolence update, Christ Lutheran recognized as a congregation
that is maintaining its benevolence contributions, in a time when several congregations are
reducing their contributions
Elections Canada: Christ Lutheran will be a polling station in the October 21 Federal Election
ELCIC Group Service Inc. (GSI): GSI manages health and dental benefits for the ELCIC,
Canada-wide. Given the increasing costs of benefits, expect a change in the program in 2021
Electronic Updates - Facebook continues to be updated regularly.
Pastors Report
Council Report September 20 - Attached
Parish Support (George)
Several maintenance and upgrade items were discussed (paint back doors, flooring in janitor
closet, paint narthex and stairs wells, gardening…). George will prepare a “to-do” list for our
fall cleanup and upgrades.
Treasurers Report (Brenda)
Cash on hand as of August 31 is 80,990.42.
Current Offerings: We have a shortfall of $12,975 as of September 15. Al will ask Robin to
put the “Current Offerings” in the bulletin, with an appeal to bring our offerings back to the
average per week we need to sustain our mission.

Current Offerings - 2019
Actual Budget Shortfall
Average per week Total Average per Week Total
At Sep 15 $1,630 $60,327 $2,019 $73,302 -$12,975

Connie will update the income and expenses for our October meeting
Outreach (Milan)
One-roof Diner: October 20, 2019
Messy Church (Sylvia)
Messy Church continues to grow. There were 25 persons (10 children) at the September 9
Messy Church. Next event is October 7, with a “Harvest” theme.
Kids Club (Marlys)
Vacation (Bible) School was held the week of August 26, with 21 children attending the
Monday session. The theme this year was “Water”, with daily presentations from water
experts. The Kid’s Club has raised $224.05 towards the water well for a needy community.
Health and Wellness (Iris)
There will be a Parkinson speaker at the October 27 Coffee Time after church.
A future session will present a discussion about fraud and scams.
Visiting our church family is a focus of the team. Pastor is putting together a shut-in list.
Connie and Pastor are maintaining a visitation list to make sure everyone is visited on a
regular basis.
Social Activities (Iris)
Coffee time is restarting, and volunteers are needed to host this social time and get-together
after church. The sign-up list is up.
Stewardship and Fun-raising (Sylvia)
Three fund-raining events are in the planning stages to the end of 2019:
Fall Fund Raiser – October 26; including games, prizes and silent auction (we need prize and
silent auction donations from the Congregation
Christmas Bazaar – November 16
Christmas Dinner with talent show - TBA
Mutual Ministries (Sylvia)
Sylvia and Scott met
Peter LeClair is our new Custodian. Al will document the custodian duties and compensation.
Martin Luther House (Johanna, Al, Marlys)
We have four tenants. Pastor is meeting with them to develop the ministry.
Old Business - None
New Business
Church / parsonage property and liability insurance has been renewed. The church insurance
requires our protection of vulnerable persons to be updated annually. This includes a Police
Background Check and Vulnerable Sector Check for each volunteer working with vulnerable
persons. In a future Coffee Time, we will review the ELCIC policy to protect children, youth
and other vulnerable people
Iris suggested updating our Christ Lutheran Church brochure. She will take a lead in making
a draft update for review by the Council.

Barry’s art group, the Outdoor Art Group, will be renting the church one day a week for the
foreseeable future. They will be paying $40 per week for the use of the church facility. They
are aware that any church needs that arise will take priority over their use of the basement.
Upcoming Events:
Robin – please send me the coming events to add
Next meeting: - Tuesday, October 22, 6:30 pm
Pastor’s Council Report September 2019
June visits July visits August visits
2 hospital visits 2 hospital visits 3 home visits
15 home visits 9 home visits
Funeral – Noretta Lentz memorial 1:00pm September 28 at Christ Lutheran
Worship – June 9 Thank you to all who participated in the lay-led service and to Pastor Mike
for filling in. I have been quite impressed with the attendance over the summer and in
Currently using “Season of Creation” ecumenical material during the month of September.
GTA East Lutheran Activities – There are plans to do another mission Sunday in Oct. We will
be shifting it to a November date.
October 20 weekend my parents will be celebrating their 50th anniversary and will be away.
This will be one of my 5 personal holiday Sundays.
Student Rentals: All rooms are rented. Two are rented to students from Nigeria, one from
India and the other is Canadian. Our mandate has sort of changed to creating a student
ministry for international students. It is has become a neat endeavour. I have met a house
meeting to go over things like best laundry times, thermostat temps, garbage days, intentional
living and so one.
Youth Ministry: Charmaine and I are attempting to start a youth ministry outreach. We will be
starting by meeting once a month. Our plans bowling 6-8 on September 22 and a Halloween
horror movie night at the church in October.
Work hours: As most of you know I have moved permanently to Oshawa. I will be posting my
estimated office hours/times in Peterborough for visiting outside my office each week. I will be
working one day at home a week. That will change depending on evening events. For
example, days following Messy Church I will work from home.
October 20 off- My parents are celebrating 50 years of marriage. Pastor Mike will fill in.
Respectfully submitted,
Pastor Scott


One Roof Community Centre on Sunday October 20th 3 pm, sign up list is on
the vestibule door.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday October 15th after the Slice & Dice. Our
Christmas Tearoom & Bake/Craft Bazaar is on Saturday November 16th,
9 am – 1 pm. Please come and enjoy the great fellowship!

Health & Wellness Committee will host a Coffee time on Sunday October 27 th
after worship. We have a speaker from the Parkinson’s Society coming and will
serve a light refreshment. We are really looking forward to seeing you all at the
Senior’s Luncheon on Thursday October 31st 11 am. Do hope that you are able to
join us.
From your members of the Health and Wellness Team: Pastor Scott, Johanna,
Audrey, Vicki and Iris.

Our next one Messy Family fun is on Monday October 7th 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Monday November 4th 5:30 – 7 p.m. Monday December 2nd 5:30 – 7 p.m.
An opportunity for families, grandparents/grandkids, or kids and adults of all ages
to spend time in a relaxed and fun atmosphere singing, worshipping and then
eating a delicious meal together. Why not invite your neighbours, grandkids or
friends? All are welcome - - come and join us!

Coffee time after worship the sign-up list is on the church door awaiting coffee
hosts. Coffee time does much to help us get to know each other and draws us
closer together. Your helping make it possible is a great gift to your church.

SLICE AND DICE is cancelled until further notice. CUPE is on a

work to rule so until contracts are signed there will be no Slice & Dice

BIBLE STUDY Tuesday Morning 10:00 am.

1. Sunday October 13TH is Thanksgiving Sunday and we can, as usual, look
forward to worshipping and giving thanks in a beautifully decorated church.
2. Thanksgiving is also a time to think of those less fortunate among us.
Therefore, please bring some extra food items for Luther’s Larder and
Kawartha Food Share. Another way to battle hunger at Thanksgiving is to
help World Hunger by making a donation. Just indicate your extra gift on
the World Hunger line on your envelope.
3. Please bring flowers, decorations, etc with the theme of Thanksgiving to the
church 9:30 am Saturday morning as we are decorating the church.

On Saturday October 26 4:30 – 6:30 pm. Come out for an afternoon of Bingo &
Chase the Ace. Festival food dinner, fall fare & crafts, pies, jarred goods and
baskets. Family and friends are welcome. If you wish to donate any items please
bring them to the church or call Robin if you need assistance.

Youth Group Halloween Scary Movie Night

On October 30 youth ages 12+ are invited to join us at the church for a
Halloween Scary Movie Night. This begins at 630 pm. There will be pizza popcorn
and goodies. Everyone tell the youth you know. Members if you would like to
make a financial donation for the goodies they will gratefully be
accepted. Contact Pastor Scott or Charmaine Mugambe.

JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Communion

Reader Ushers Assistant
October 6 Mike Schroeder Ilse & Rosi Mike Schroeder
October 13 Cal Taillefer Andy & Hilkka Iris Gravel
October 20 Iris Gravel Andy & Hilkka Cal Taillefer
October 27(Reformation) Marlys Kerkman Andy & Hilkka Marlys Kerkman
November 3 (All Saints) Cal Taillefer Glenn & Johanna Cal Taillefer
Counters for the month of October – Andy Laitila & Cal Taillefer
Altar Care for the month of October – Hilkka Laitila
Counters for the month of November – George Maschke & Sylvia Shea
Altar Care for the month of November – Johanna Coombs
Red Shirt Reformation Sunday October 27th.
Celebrate the Reformation together by wearing your red clothes to church. Let’s
create a sea of red to honour the Reformation.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sept.29 30 1 2 3 4 5
Pentecost 17 Bible Study
Sunday with Holy 10 am
10:00 am
Coffee time after

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pentecost 18 Messy No Bible Study Bring items for
Sunday with Holy Church Thanksgiving
10 am
5:30 – 7 pm decorations to
Coffee time after church
worship 9:30 am

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Bible Study
Pentecost 19 10 am
Holy Communion Bazaar mtg
Service 12:30
10:00 am
No coffee time

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Pentecost 20 Bible Study Fall Festival
10 am
Holy Communion Fundraiser
10:00 am 4:30pm-
Coffee time after Council 6:30pm
worship 6:30 pm
One Roof 3 pm
All welcome
27 28 29 30 31 Nov. 1 Nov. 2
Reformation Bible Study Youth Scary Senior’s
Sunday 10 am
Movie night Luncheon
10 am
Holy communion 6:30 pm 11 am
Health &
Wellness speaker
with light

Join us at
Christ Lutheran

In the Spirit of Christmas Bazaar & Tea Room

At 463 Highland Road

Peterborough, Ontario
on November 16 2019
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
No admission charge
Craft & bake items, Gift Basket Draws,
Christmas Nu-to-U Table, Auctions

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