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By Delroy Constantine-Simms
When Jay-Z decided to engage in a business relationship with the NFL, the hip-hop mogul
should have expected some backlash, after it was announced that his Roc Nation company
would take over the NFL’s entertainment event platforms, like the Super Bowl, while helping
to push the league’s newly created “Inspire Change” initiative. The announcement received a
mixed reception. Jay-Z has been accused of enabling the NFL to use him to bury Colin
Kaepernick and the spirit of his protest and have even called him cast him as a Judas and a sell-

In defence of Jay-Z, Activist Al Sharpton[1] suggests that the Jay-Z-NFL-Kaepernick debate

was missing one key component that, if included, would put the controversy into what he said
was its proper, larger context. Sharpton (2019) asserts “This ain’t about Colin Kaepernick’s
knee, it’s about choking Eric Garner to death!” Sharpton, went on to cite Tamir Rice[2] and
Michael Brown[3] as other unarmed Black males killed by police, was referring to the absence
of justice as NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo [4]avoided criminal charges and has kept his high-
paying job more than five years after being was recorded on video choking Garner to death in
broad daylight. The reverend used the death of Eric Garner[5] explain what should matter most
in the overall social justice narrative.

He concludes by asserting that “This ain’t no battle for athletes and superstars, it’s about people
being trampled on,” he exclaimed. “Don’t let them distract you fighting the wrong
fight!” Sharpton (2019) went on to cite Jay-Z’s notable contributions on the social justice front.
“I’m not attacking Jay-Z,” he said before emphasizing that he was more concerned with justice
for Garner and other Black victims of police brutality that has gone unpunished.[6]

In essence, Sharpton is arguing that Colin Kaepernick’s protest has served its purpose, as far
as he is concerned, and it’s time to move on. In the wider context its difficult to refute
Sharpton’s comments, his sentiments echo the dismissive comments of Jay-Z who stated that
the time for kneeling has passed. Sharpton is right, the public should not be distracted from the
fact that it was the silent protest of Colin Kaepernick that kept the issue of police brutality,
firmly in the mind of the American public. However, Sharpton is to minimize and essential
dismiss the fact that Colin Kaepernick was punished for using his to knee as form of protest. He
is wrong to dismiss the current angst over the Roc Nation Deal and Colin Kaepernick as simply
a battle between athletes and super stars, that sort of position is simplistic, to say the least.
Sharpton may not have meant to minimize the actions of Colin Kaepernick, but he should
remember the events of the 1968 Mexico Olympics[7] in which two legendary African-
American athletes Tommy Smith[8] and John Carlos[9], bowed their heads and raised their
clenched fist while the national anthem was played during the medial award ceremony. The
political impact and personal consequences of their public yet silent protest has never been
forgotten and in some cases, never forgiven. Sharpton should also appreciate that the hostility
expressed towards Smith and Carlos for their raised fist protest in 1968, is no different to when
Colin Kaepernick, first took a knee in 2016.

He should also recognize that it was Kaepernick’s knee that created the catalyst for
contemporary protests against police brutality across the USA and beyond. Sharpton needs to
appreciate, that it certainly wasn’t one of Sharpton’s speeches, campaigns or initiatives that
gained widespread attention regarding the issue of police brutality, it was Kaepernick’s knee
not Jay-Z’s mouth. Furthermore, Sharpton fails to appreciate that the NFL punished Colin
Kaepernick have laid down the terms and conditions of how the mainly African-American NFL
players should express their first amendment rights in the future. Simply put, they are being
told that they should suit up, shut up and play ball.

Therefore, its incumbent on Sharpton to give Kaepernick, his due respect as oppose to running
rough shod over his silent protest by way of his knee, as if it did not matter. On reflection, one
should not be surprised by Al Sharpton’s support of Jay-Z, when it comes to fiscal power and
cultural influence, Colin Kaepernick, cannot match him. So, let’s not gasp in shock when Jay-
Z through his “Inspire Change” initiative, makes a donation to Al Sharpton’s
organization under the guise of social justice.










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