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That I, Mennaldz Akin Amilhasan, Filipino, of legal age, a resident of Governor Gutierrez
Avenue, Cotabato City is the lawful owner of a certain motor vehicle which is more particularly
described as follows:

Make: HONDA Serial No.: JF370E-2030494

Model: ACB125CBTG Motor No.: MLHJ3706G5030494
Type: MOTORCYCLE Plate No.: MC90598
O.R: 10268316413 File: 255456950

That for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Five Thousand (Php 55,000.00), Philippine
Currency, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged to my entire satisfaction, I hereby sell, transfer and
convey by way of Absolute Sale unto Sahid S. Bagundang, Filipino, of legal age, and resident of
Espino, Mother Barangay, Rosary Heights, Cotabato City the above described motor vehicle.

I hereby warrant that said motor vehicle is free from any liens and encumbrances and that I will
defend the title and rights of the VENDEE from any claims of whatever kind or nature from third

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our hands this __________ day of
_______________, at ______________________.

Sahid S. Bagundang Mennaldz Akin Amilhasan

Vendee Vendor

Signed in the presence of:

_____________________________ ______________________________


Republic of the Philippines )

Province of ___________________ ) S.S.
City of _______________________ )

BEFORE ME, Notary Public for and in the City/Municipality of ________________________

personally appeared:

Name CTC Number Date Issued Place Issued

Mennaldz A. Amilhasan ID no. 011736 12/7/2017 Cotabato City
Sahid S. Bagundang ID no. JO1-046 Cotabato City

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and
acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.

Notary Public

Doc. No.______;
Page No. ______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20____.

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