Oscar Goes Native

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Oscar goes native

In this subchapter Oscar is practically writing all the beautiful, impressive and also the
not so good things about the Dominican Republic. He is explaining the activities he did
and the things he saw. He also decides to stay in the DR. Right then he fell in love with
Ybon Pimentel.

La Beba

In here we how Oscar describes Ybon, she is a 36 years old women, beautiful, she lived
two houses down from where his grandmother lived. He feel in love with her at first
sight. They became friends, but his family didn’t like her cause she was a semi-retired

A note from your author

The author in here is like asking himself and the reader if it would have been better if he
had put another prostitute for Oscar, or who had them met in another place. Another
prostitute would have been jahyra, a friend a neighbor of Villa Juana, who has 2 kids
and work in a carwash.

The girl from Sabana Iglesia

In this chapter Ybon and Oscar began to get more close, Oscar visit her every day, they
went out almost every day. They got very close, they practically were knowing each
other life.
La Inca Speaks

Here la Inca speaks the truth. Oscar didn’t met Ybon on the street like he said, he met
her on a cabaret when his cousin took him one day.

Ybon, as recorded by Oscar

Here Ybon is explaining that she didn’t wanted to return to Santo Domingo. After she
was let out jail she had some troubles paying back some people she owed and her
mother was sick so she came back. She its saying it wasn’t easy, once you left SD is
the smallest place in the world.

What never changes

It was obvious that Oscar wasn’t the only friend or man in Ybon had. He didn’t know the
word quit, he was in love with her and being in love with her was the world for him. It
was obvious that Ybon liked Oscar but it didn’t go that far.

Oscar at the Rubicon

At the beginning of August Ybon started to mentioned her boyfriend a lot more. She
said to Oscar that he wanted to meet him. She wasn’t so happy about the idea, he is
really jealous. She also told Oscar that they shouldn’t spend so much together. This
whats the time to wake up for Oscar, those didn’t smell good for anyone.
Last Chance

This was like a warning for Oscar but he didn’t seem to care. He found his Uncle
examining the front of the house, he said: I think someone shot at our house last night.
Were lucky were alive. La Inca and Oscars mom didn’t think the same. Oscar what’s
going to Ybon’s house so he didn’t mind at all.

Oscar gets beats

Oscar meets the Capitan, Ybon boyfriend. He also got his first kiss ever.
Consequences of the meeting with Capitan he got beat up so badly that he almost dies.
He saw his life passing before his eyes. He was beat up in the cane fields and on the
way there he could swear he saw a faceless man.

Clives to the rescue

Clives was intelligent enough to follow the cops who had taken Oscar and got exactly to
where he was. When he found him Oscar was almost dead, he managed to get some
help from some Haitians, he got Oscar to the car and drove as fast as he could to save
Oscar life.

Close Encounters of the Caribbean

Oscar remembers having a dream where he was talking with a mongoose, the
mongoose ask him or less, he was in so much pain that he was in so much pain that he
said less but then he remember his family and how optimistic he was when he was
young and he said more. Then the mongoose was gone.

Dead or Alive

Oscar got a horrible beating but he was Alive

Briefing for a descent into hell

Oscar was out for 3 days, in those days he had some fantastic dreams. He couldn’t
remember them. But he remember an old man with a mask on his face, holding a book
for Oscar to read, when Oscar opened the book it was in blank.


As soon as the doctor gave the green light Oscar mom decide it was time to go home.
He refused and manages to stay a couple of days more, he didn’t want to go he was in
love with her. Ybon came to visit him, she told him that she and the Capitan where
getting married. Oscar finally got into the plane to go home, practically force because
he still didn’t want to go.
Some advice

Travel light, the advice Ybon always gave to Oscar.

Paterson, Again

He returned to Paterson he healed, he read his favorite book, he watch movies and he
tried to calm but he kept dreaming of the cane fields. This time they were beating his
mother and his sister he didn’t race towards the voices he couldn’t bear that. He would
wake up in the middle of the night screaming “Not me, not me”. He finally manages to
not ran away from the voices of them and finally listen.

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