Is This A Security? Yes?

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Personal Reflection:

-Business Entities
-type 5 pages

Pierce the Corporate Vail:

-Thin capital
-Lack of formality
-must be meet quarterly
-mission statement/strategic plan
-Co-mingle bank accounts
-Personal use of assets
-Criminal purpose

Fiduciary: owners, employees, executives, agents, and vendors

Fiduciary Duty: acting in the interest of the organization, unidirectional, must be
Examples of breaching fiduciary duty:
-solely buying from a family member

Chapter 42: Securities

Securities- most do not need to be registered federally because they do not meet the
dollar threshold
State and federal law heavily protect the investor
Civil and criminal penalties

Is this a security?
 Is it exempt from federal registration? Do not memorize pg 820
o Under Reg D Section 504, Under $3 million
o Rule 506
o Railroad
o State or federal agency
Yes? Blue Sky Laws
 Check for possible state registration
 1933 Securities Act: IPO
 1934 Securities Act: secondary market
o Insider trading

Insider Trading
-employee calls broker calls person
-employee: Tiper
Person= tipee
Broker= both
All liable for insider trading
Burden of proof on insider trading: scienter

-In contract
-in privity
Louisiana and most states uses restatement of torts:
-can sue if named in contract or a known class of users
Some states use foreseeable users rule

Contract Theory:

Tort Theory:
 Reasonable?
o Yes, no case
o Executives Business Judgment rule: make mistakes
 Negligent?
o Yes, no case
 Gross Negligence?
o Yes, state law = case
 Scienter
o Federal standard
 Criminal Mansraya

When companies begin selling securities, the scienter goes away.

Chapter 42 and 47:

-plain negligence is not enough for a case
-business judgment rule: it is okay to make ordinary mistakes
-used for reasonable and negligent stair step
Burden of proof:
State level: grossly negligent and above
Federal level: scienter (knowingly) ignoring critical things, reckless, and above
*You can insure all this risk up until Scienter
Review for Test 2:

Ch 29 and 30 Debtors & Creditors

Attach debt to Asset

 Mortgage
 Surety
o Can be written or verbal and primary
 Guaranty
o Must be written and is secondary
 UCC-9
o Collateralize anything besides real estate

 Writ of Attachment
o Subordinate to mortgage in house case
 Lien
o Priority over any asset
 Garnishment
o Take wages

Requirements to create UCC-9:

1. Financing Statement
2. Security agreement
a. At least verbal

1. Creditor in Possession “Pawn” = verbal
2. Purchase Money Secturity Interest= best puts you first
a. Must be done in 20 days
3. Retail = no filing required, once SA is done and loan is made, you are secured
and perfected
4. Liens > All UCC-9

CH 31Bankrupcy= federal law

 Stop trying to get money from debtor = Stay order
 Centralized = discharge debt

Non-Dischargeable Debt: pg 607
 Intentional Tort (regular torts are dischargeable)
 Fraud
 Fines/Penalties
 Crimes
 Embezzlement
 Back taxes
 Student loan debt
 Cash advances past $925
You get even when bankrupt- exempt assets:
 Reasonable personal items
o Home =some
o Car =some
o Medical Items
 Alimony
 Child support
 Retirement = all
Federal Code Chapter:
7= liquidation
9= Municipal
11= Reorganization
13= Personal

Debtors can voluntary file for bankruptcy if they qualify or 3 creditors can force them
into it

Trustee can go back 2 years for fraudulent transfer

90 days= preferential transfers: unfairly paid one creditor full amount other creditors can
recover pro rata amount.

Diagram who gets paid?


Agency law:
Not authorized:
Nonapparent= completely unreasonable
Apparent = seems reasonable, 3rd party cannot have knowledge, created by principal

Disclosed: tell its for the company = principal liability
NonDisclosed: both are liable

Foreign corrupt practice act: federal law that bares some (not all) types of bribing of
foreign officials
50 questions
Debtor Creditor Relationships
-how to seek recovery
-how to prevent
-mortagae on anything immobile
-secrurity agreements attach asset to debt
-must say if you don’t pay, the moveable can be sold
-use tree
-principal creates power
contractural CPA liability

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