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I T C H F R E E WI T H M O N I Q U E !




 Posted on November 6, 2016 by Monique van der Vloed  3 Responses

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Yogurt is very popular in the Netherlands. After milk, it is the most sold dairy product in the
Netherlands. In the meantime, many varieties and variants have been brought onto the
market. I do not work with cow's milk / lactose, but with yogurt I occasionally make “an
outing”. Thank God I am blessed without allergies, and I love dairy, especially yogurt and
curd cheese. What exactly is yogurt? And what is stirred yogurt? What is yomio yogurt? An
extensive article about yogurt! 

Yogurt is a product made from milk. We obtain yogurt through controlled fermentation and Follow me on Facebook!
acidi cation. Yogurt and other fermented milk products have been made in various places
Also become a
around the world for around 4,000 years. The fermentation of yogurt is done by adding two
member of the
lactic acid bacteria, also called "living yogurt culture". We distinguish two cultures:
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make that
- The rod-shaped "Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp.bulgaricus" Lacto stands for milk,
bacillus for bacteria and bulgaricus for Bulgarian.

- The spherical “Streptococcus thermophilus” Strepto stands for strand, coccus for
spherical and thermophilus for heat-giving.
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The milk is almost always rst pasteurized at about 80-90 degrees Celsius. This is done to
kill any pathogens and to make the milk more fermentable through a partial milk protein
denaturation. With denaturation, a large molecule loses its spatial structure. After the high
temperature it is reduced to 30-45 degrees Celsius. The yoghurt culture is then added to the Search
warm milk. The whole remains, depending on the temperature, under constant temperature
Zoekterm hier To go
for 4-16 hours. This ensures that the bacteria can do their job. The yogurt is then cooled
and is then ready for consumption.

INTOLERANCE / ALLERGY September ANTI plastic and

food waste month! Do you also

In recent years we have observed more and more cases of people with an allergy and / or participate?

intolerance to cow's milk. These people cannot or hardly digest the lactose (milk sugar) that
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occurs naturally in milk and experience many complaints such as abdominal pain / cramps,
capsules, 100% natural and
nausea and diarrhea. However, it often happens that this group of people can digest yogurt.
This is because yogurt has been fermented. A part of the milk is broken down to lactic acid
by the added live yogurt cultures, which greatly reduces the pH value. Because yogurt is an Melkunie ”PROTËIN KWARK,

acidic product with a pH between 3.7 and 4.5, other bacteria have no chance to grow and what is the added value

fungi and yeasts have little or no possibility to make yogurt perishable. This is the reason compared to regular cottage

why we can keep yogurt in the fridge for weeks and milk spoils quickly. To digest lactose, cheese and what is wrong?

the enzyme lactase is needed. The bacteria in yogurt contain large amounts of lactase,
Make your own date syrup /
which in fact helps the yogurt digest itself. People with a cow's milk allergy / intolerance can
sometimes just eat yogurt, while others cannot digest it at all. It is a matter of trying. Lactic
acid has two stereoisomers (isomers that have the same chemical formula and sequence Chicory coffee replacement ...
of atoms but have a different spatial structure) a left-turning L or S, and a right-turning D or discover it and enjoy!
R. In low-fat yogurt made from skimmed milk (skimmed milk) the enzyme "phosphatase"
may not be present. The bacteria in yogurt contain large amounts of lactase, which in fact
helps the yogurt digest itself. People with a cow's milk allergy / intolerance can sometimes
just eat yogurt, while others cannot digest it at all. It is a matter of trying. Lactic acid has Advertisement
two stereoisomers (isomers that have the same chemical formula and sequence of atoms
but have a different spatial structure) a left-turning L or S, and a right-turning D or R. In low-
fat yogurt made from skimmed milk (skimmed milk) the enzyme "phosphatase" may not be
present. The bacteria in yogurt contain large amounts of lactase, which in fact helps the
yogurt digest itself. People with a cow's milk allergy / intolerance can sometimes just eat
yogurt, while others cannot digest it at all. It is a matter of trying. Lactic acid has two
stereoisomers (isomers that have the same chemical formula and sequence of atoms but
have a different spatial structure) a left-turning L or S, and a right-turning D or R. In low-fat
yogurt made from skimmed milk (skimmed milk) the enzyme "phosphatase" may not be
present. It is a matter of trying. Lactic acid has two stereoisomers (isomers that have the
same chemical formula and sequence of atoms but have a different spatial structure) a left-
turning L or S, and a right-turning D or R. In low-fat yogurt made from skimmed milk
(skimmed milk) the enzyme "phosphatase" may not be present. It is a matter of trying. Advertisement
Lactic acid has two stereoisomers (isomers that have the same chemical formula and
sequence of atoms but have a different spatial structure) a left-turning L or S, and a right-
turning D or R. In low-fat yogurt made from skimmed milk (skimmed milk) the enzyme
"phosphatase" may not be present.


There are roughly two types of yogurt:

- stand yogurt

- stirred yogurt

The main difference is in the temperature during fermentation. Stand yogurt is prepared at
45 degrees Celsius. It has a relatively high graft content from the yogurt bacteria and is
ready within 4-6 hours. Stand yogurt is made in the packaging itself and has a very sturdy
structure that is very easy to damage by stirring.

Stirred yogurt fermentes at a much lower temperature, between 30-32 degrees Celsius. Stir-
fried yogurt has a much lower graft content of the yogurt bacteria and takes between 10-16
hours. Due to the lower temperature, polysaccharides (these are slimy compounds) are
formed, so that the yogurt remains rm after stirring and retains its smooth structure.
Because stirred yogurt is very easy to produce in larger quantities, this method is most
commonly used in the Netherlands. While in other countries stand-alone yogurt is much
more general. Advertisement

We can further distinguish yogurt by fat percentages:

- Full yogurt with at least 3% fat

- Semi-skimmed yogurt with 1.5 to 1.8% fat

- Low-fat yogurt with less than 0.5% fat


For different types of yogurt, the solids content is increased to make the yogurt creamier
and thicker and tastier. Yoghurt types such as Greek and Bulgarian yoghurt are very popular
in the Netherlands. Greek yogurt is made by sieving the moisture away from the yogurt, the
same principle as hanging, but to a lesser extent. Greek yogurt contains around 10% fat.
Because Greek yogurt does not shift when heated, it is often used as a substitute for sour

With Bulgarian yogurt, the milk is thickened before it is made into standing yogurt. Milk
powder is then added. Bulgarian yogurt contains about 5% more fat than regular yogurt.
Turkish yogurt is also very popular in the Netherlands. Turkish yogurt is very similar to
Greek. Yogurt is also drained here. There are thinner, liquid and thicker variants with a fat
percentage of 10% and higher.

Milk powder, casein and whey powder are added to many types of yoghurt. This happens
primarily to the thicker variants, such as the Greek yogurt. Sometimes things like gelatin and
starches are added, this is mainly done abroad. This will also be shown on the packaging.
Yogurt is also very often and often sold with added sugars and so-called "fresh" fruits.
However, those pieces of fruit are very di cult to nd in the yogurt and, in particular, avor
and other substances have been added to obtain, for example, a strawberry avor in
strawberry yogurt.

Yogurt is healthy. It is rich in calcium and a very large source of potassium and magnesium.
Furthermore, it contains many proteins, vitamins and minerals. The bacteria in the yoghurt
help digestion and can relieve intestinal complaints (diarrhea, constipation). Sour milk
products are easier to digest than regular cow's milk products. When it comes to a good
source of calcium, yogurt is a big exception compared to regular cow's milk. It is thought
and therefore advised to drink three glasses of milk a day for strong bones.

In 2014, a Swedish study revealed that drinking three glasses of milk a day is not at all good
for our skeleton, in fact, it could actually lead to bone fractures. Scientists at Uppsala
University in Sweden discovered that women who drink more than three glasses of milk a
day are twice as likely to have bone fractures and even die earlier than women who drink
one glass less per day. The percentage was slightly lower for men. The culprit could be the
sugars (lactose and galactose) in milk. The opposite results were achieved for yoghurt. This
could actually result in fewer fractures. This is because lactose occurs to a much lesser
extent in yogurt. A lot of research is still ongoing, but this is certainly remarkable.

So there are quite a few species. There is a lot to choose from depending on your wishes.
How do you make the best choices now?

If you want to eat yogurt to lose weight, we quickly grab the lean varieties. However, these
varieties ll less well than full-bodied yogurt products and you will feel hungry / hungry
again in no time. In this case you better opt for Greek yogurt. As you can read earlier, Greek
yogurt contains 10% fat, but it also contains much more protein than regular yogurt. This
ensures a faster feeling of satiety. In that respect, low-fat yogurt is very lean: it hardly
contains any nutrients. Nowadays you can also choose Greek yogurt with 0% fat. They
sometimes contain even more proteins than the variant with 10% fat, so it is de nitely worth
comparing the packaging. Here is a handy list of the most available and popular types of
Greek yogurt.
Source: National Adademic

What you should never buy is the yoghurt varieties that are enriched with all kinds of
additives. Such as sugars, colors / fragrances and avors, and arti cial sweeteners. All
these additives are never enriching for your health. Do you nd yogurt a bit dull, sour or
"ordinary"? Decorate it yourself with fresh intact fruit, stevia / erythritol sugar, ceylon
cinnamon powder, the marrow from a vanilla bean / bourbon, low-fat cocoa powder, or
carob powder.

Preferably also opt for biodynamic. You can nd this in the organic shop. Biological variants,
just like with curd cheese, have little or no difference in nutritional value compared to non-
organic variants. With the exception of this, the organic variants are available in the organic
shop, because they often come from the region.


We can nd special variations in organic stores. Biological / dynamic yoghurts such as
yomio and Acidophilus are sold there. What exactly are these two types? 
YOMIO is a product that is prepared as yogurt. In addition to yogurt cultures, special yomio
cultures are added. These cultures produce predominantly clockwise lactic acid, which is
also naturally present in the body. It gives the yogurt a milder taste and a thicker structure.
This yomio is just like the Acidophilus of Demeter quality. This means that the cows keep
their horns and the starting point is a closed cycle in the region.
It goes a step further than organic. Yomio is available in full, half-full and low-fat yogurt.
Yomio therefore consists mainly of right-turning lactic acid, while normal yogurt consists of
left and right-turning lactic acid. Whether right-handed or left-handed lactic acid is produced
depends on the type of bacteria used. Right-turning lactic acid would be more easily
digestible, because this species occurs naturally in our body.

You can best compare ACIDOPHILUS with a drinking yogurt (natural). It is prepared with
organic / dynamic milk. It is then acidi ed with special cultures that gives the whole a mild-
sour taste and the structure is lumpy. It is set up as a replacement for buttermilk or regular

I myself hang almost daily. I prefer to make this with yomio, but also a lot with organic
yogurt. It is very easy to make. Read more about hangop here (and about WEI) and how you
can easily make this at home. 


It is very di cult if you are intolerant / hypersensitive or even allergic to milk sugars
(lactose). As you have read before, in many cases yogurt can be tolerated, but it is mainly a
matter of trying it out. A cow's milk allergy is different from a intolerance. Lactose
intolerance and cow's milk protein allergy are two completely different disorders. In the case
of cow milk protein allergy, an undesired overreaction takes place on proteins in the cow
milk. With lactose intolerance, these proteins are tolerated, but the lactose is the cause of
the complaints. There are no indications that children with a cow's milk protein allergy at a
young age are more likely to have lactose intolerance in later life. For example, if you are
very sensitive to lactose, then products that are 100% lactose-free are the only option.
Sometimes you see on these lactose-free products "contains 0.01 grams of lactose per 100
grams". This then involves traces. If you are really allergic, then a trace can already cause a
lot of complaints. If you are slightly sensitive, then a percentage of 0.05 grams per 100
grams can digest. Standard yogurt contains on average about 3/4 grams of lactose per 100
grams. However, this can vary per type and brand. It depends on the yogurt cultures that
have been used. Below a short overview:


Whole yogurt 3.2 grams

Semi-fat yogurt 3.3 grams

Low-fat yogurt 3.1 grams

Greek yogurt 3.5-4 grams

Bulgarian yogurt 5 grams

Turkish yogurt 4.2 grams

Lactose therefore also concerns a sugar. Lactose is  the sugar that occurs in most types of
milk, such as breast milk and cow's milk. Lactose is a so-called `double sugar` and consists
of a molecule of glucose and a molecule of galactose. Lactase is  the substance (enzyme)
that splits the lactose into glucose and galactose, so that the sugar molecules can be
absorbed into the body.

What you should pay attention to are the dairy products to which milk powder has been
added. Milk powder contains a lot of lactose. Whole milk powder contains 36 grams of
lactose per 100 grams, skimmed milk powder even more: about 100 grams per 100 grams
on average. Milk powder is often added to cheaper variants. Here too, opt for organic, and
preferably organic / dynamic. 

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 Category: Blog , Meukvrij ABC , Y

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3 Responses to “ Everything you

wanted to know about… yogurt ”

April 21, 2017

What about left and right turning cultures? Is one better than the


November 15, 2017

More than a year ago we bought a yogurt maker with 10 glass jars.
Every day we eat our home-made youghurt. The yogurt is based on a
beautiful organic yogurt and organic milk that we use to make our own yogurt
culture and use it again and again (always keeping 1 jar for the production of new
yogurt). A real HIT. Every week we make around 30 jars that my husband and I eat
either pure or with muschli or with fresh fruit. Like I wrote before, a real HIT!


May 14, 2018

There is milk egg in yogurt greek style. Is that naturally the case or is
an added product to make the yoghurt thicker. Eg milk powder.


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