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# Name Acronym

1 Total Case Incident Rate (OSHA Recordable Incident Rate (Incident Rate)) TCIR

2 Lost Time Case Rate LTIR

3 Lost Workday Rate (Lost Time Injury Rate) LWDR

4 Severity Rate Severity


6 OSHA Recordable Severity Rate

7 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate LTIFR

8 Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate TRIFR

a mathematical calculation that describes the number of employees per 100 full-time employees that have been involved in a
recordable injury or illness.

a mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost time cases per 100 full-time employees in any given time frame.

a mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost workdays per 100 full-time employees in any given time frame.

a mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost days experienced as compared to the number of incidents

a mathematical calculation that describes the number of recordable incidents per 100 full time employees that resulted in lost
restricted days or job transfer due to work related injuries or illnesses

number of lost time injuries that occurred over a period of time for a specific number of hours worked in a specific period. Thi
could be over a month, quarter, or year.

The total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) is the number of fatalities, lost time injuries, cases or substitute work and oth
injuries requiring medical treatment by a medical professional per million hours worked. This is in contrast to the lost time inju
frequency rate, which is limited to the number of fatalities and lost time injuries per million employees.
number of OSHA recordable cases x 200K / Manhours

number of lost time cases x 200K / Manhours

number of lost workdays x 200K / Manhours

total number lost workdays / total number of recordable incidents.

(number of incidents that had one or more lost days, one or more restricted
days, or that resulted in an employee transferring) cases x 200K / Manhours

(Number of lost work days + light duty or restricted days) x 200K / Total
hours worked

(LTI's*1,000,000)/ Manhours

(Recorded incidents (GHIJ) X 200,000) / Total number of hours worked

Descriptions Number
Manhours Worked 40,714.70 TCIR LTIR LWDR
Factor 200,000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Recordables
Total Lost Time Cases TRIFR LTIFR Severity
Total Lost Workdays 9.82 0
Total Days Away
Total Incidents from OSHA 300A log (G, H, I, J) 2
Total Restricted or Transferred Days
Total Restricted or Transferred cases

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