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ACTIVIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE 3: Segmentar el mercado según

Características de los consumidores

Evidencia 2: Market Projection





Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Sena

Negociación Internacional
FICHA 1749927
Medellín – Antioquia
Mayo 2019

8 Steps

Explore Coustomer Analyse

Trends, explore Coustomer Competitions Markeitng plan prepare marketing

Bussines plan plan
current analyse analyse changes

Other oportunities Make sure

of implement convering 8 steps
to carry, prioritires
follwing up steps

Need to study,
Realice un resumen en inglés que contenga como mínimo dos párrafos, de la lectura
del segundo material complementario mencionado anteriormente.

The eight most important steps to form a perfect marketing plan, depends on the
information, is the key to the success of a marketing plan, that information is divided
into eight different parts. To ensure marketing success.

The exploration in marketing plans has remained in the success due to its great variety
of ideas and plans, not only focuses on its sector, but also in other industries, the more
ideas come up the better its marketing plan and the more secure it is the possibility of

Analyzing the client must be elementary, they are your best consultants, that is to say,
they will obtain the best answers and the best possible advice.

Analyze your competitors, as you are doing to attract customers, also highlight the
characteristics among those advertised by competitors, to take into account the
opinion of customers.

Implementing a contingency plan is of great importance when the strategy is not well
received in the market. Follow up implementing a marketing plan and it is important to
take into account the positive and negative reactions of customers, you can improvise
in your future plan.

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