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Maricalum Mining Corp. vs.

Florentino  Complainants and CeMPC (one of the cooperatives) Chairman Sitchon filed his complaint
Doctrine of Piercing the Corp. Veil | Date | GESMUNDO, J for illegal dismissal and corresponding monetary claims with the LA against G Holdings,
its officer-in-charge and CeMP. Thereafter, the complaints were consolidated by the LA.
Nature of Case: Consolidated cases for Appeal by Certiorari (Case 2)
Digest maker: GDA (sorry guys really long case with a lot of lists)  Complainants: Claimed that G holdings had full control over them and their services were
SUMMARY: This is a consolidated case assailing the propriety of a CA decision. G terminated by Maricalum as part of its retrenchment program.
Holdings acquired certain shares and property of Maricalum Mining as well as taking o They claimed that they were forced to form a cooperative and they were
"rehired" only after their respective manpower cooperative services were
control of latter’s management and operations. The issue in this case stems from an issue
wherein EEs of Maricalum were forced to form cooperatives and were later on illegally
o The manpower cooperatives were mere alter egos of G Holdings organized
terminated. Complainants argue that the cooperatives they were forced to form were mere
 G Holdings, being the parent company) argued (among others) that:
alter egos of G Holdings and that the latter is liable to them for damages for illegal o They had no control because No EE-ER
termination. G Holdings argue that they are not liable but rather Maricalum should be o Maricalum should have been impleaded because it is supposed to be the
impleaded. LA ruled G Holdings is liable but NLRC modified saying it was Maricalum, the indispensable party in the present suit;
latter decision being affirmed by CA. SC ruled that CA erred in piercing the corporate veil. o Maricalum as well as the manpower cooperatives, each have distinct legal
They laid down several tests but ultimately said that it failed 2/3 tests laid down to be able personalities and that their individual corporate liabilities cannot be imposed
to pierce the corp. veil (it only passed Control test, not Fraud and Harm). Thus, upon each other;
complainants cannot bring an action against G Holdings (the parent company) for the  LA ruled in favor of complainants: complainants effectively became the employees of G
liability of Maricalum (the subsidiary) Holdings because their work had changed from assisting in the mining operations to
safeguarding the properties in the Sipalay Mining Complex, which had already been
DOCTRINE: A subsidiary company's separate corporate personality may be disregarded acquired by G Holding.
only when the evidence shows that such separate personality was being used by its parent o G Holdings connived with Marcalum Mining in orchestrating the formation of
or holding corporation to perpetrate a fraud or evade an existing obligation. Concomitantly, manpower cooperatives to circumvent complainants' labor standards rights
employees of a corporation have no cause of action for labor-related claims against another  NLRC: Modified LA. Imposed liability of paying the monetary awards against the
unaffiliated corporation, which does not exercise control over them. corporation Maricalum, not G Holdings: (Important)
o It was Maricalum-not G Holdings- who entered into service contracts by way of
a MOA with each of the manpower cooperatives;
 The dispute traces its roots back to when the Philippine National Bank (PNB, a former
o complainants continued rendering their services at the insistence of Maricalum
government-owned-and-controlled corporation) and the Development Bank of the
through their cooperatives;
Philippines (DBP) transferred its ownership of Maricalum Mining to the National
o Maricalum never relinquished possession over the Sipalay Mining Complex;
Government for disposition or privatization because it had become a non-performing
o Maricalum continuously availed of the services of complainants through their
respective manpower cooperatives;
 National Government thru the Asset Privatization Trust (APT) executed a Purchase and
o in a previous case, the Court already held that G Holdings and Maricalum
Sale Agreement (PSA) with G Holdings
Mining have separate and distinct corporate personalities.
o G Holding bought 90% of Maricalum Mining's shares and financial claims in
 CA: Affirmed decision of NLRC
the form of company notes.
o Concomitantly, G Holdings also assumed Maricalum Mining's liabilities in the
form of company notes.
1. WON CA erred in allowing the piercing of the corporate veil against PET – YES
 Upon the signing of the PSA and paying the stipulated down payment, G Holdings
a. The doctrine of piercing the corporate veil applies only in three (3) basic areas:
immediately took physical possession of Maricalum’s Sipalay Mining Complex, as well
Defeat of public convenience as when the corporate fiction is used as a vehicle
as its facilities, and took full control of the latter's management and operations.
for the evasion of an existing obligation, Fraud cases, Alter ego cases
 Subsequently, the Sipalay General Hospital, Inc. (Sipalay Hospital) was duly incorporated
b. Complainants mainly harp their cause on the alter ego theory. Under this
to provide medical services and facilities to the general public.
theory, piercing the veil of corporate fiction may be allowed only if the
o Afterwards, some of Maricalum Mining's employees retired and formed several
following elements concur:
manpower cooperatives (there were 5 in total)
i. Control-not mere stock control, but complete domination-not only of
 Each of the cooperatives executed identical Memorandum of Agreements with Maricalum finances, but of policy and business practice in respect to the
wherein they will provide the latter with a steady supply of workers, machinery and transaction attacked, must have been such that the corporate entity as
equipment for a monthly fee.
to this transaction had at the time no separate mind, will or existence
 Maricalum informed the cooperatives that it decided to stop its mining and milling of its own;
operations in order to avert continuing losses brought about by the low metal prices and ii. Such control must have been used by the defendant to commit a fraud
high cost of production. or a wrong, to perpetuate the violation of a statutory or other positive
 The properties of Maricalum, which had been mortgaged to secure the PNs, were legal duty, or a dishonest and an unjust act in contravention of
extrajudicially foreclosed and eventually sold to G Holdings as the highest bidder plaintiffs legal right; and
 Some of Maricalum’s workers, including complainants, and some of Sipalay General iii. the said control and breach of duty must have proximately caused the
Hospital's employees jointly filed a Complaint with the LA against G Holdings for illegal injury or unjust loss complained of.
dismissal and other labor-related claims (Case 1)
c. In relation to the elements above, SC laid down the jurisprudential tests for separate "will" or existence of its own. This contol, to be clear, is not mere stock control or control
piercing, to wit – (check notes for further discussion) of finances, but also of policy and business practice, among others;
i. Control Test
 There is no doubt that G Holdings — being the majority and 2. Fraud Test - the control by the parent of its subsidiary must be used to commit a fraud or a
controlling stockholder — had been exercising signifcant wrong, or to perpetuate the violation of a statutory or other positive legal duty, or a dishonest
and an unjust act in contravention of the complainant's legal right. In other words, it must be
control over Maricalum Mining. This is because this Court
shown that the corporate vehicle is being used by the parent corporation to defraud the public or
had already upheld the validity and enforceability of the
to commit a wrong;
PSA between the APT and G Holdings
To aid in the determination of the presence or absence of fraud, the following factors in the
ii. Fraud Test "Totality of Circumstances Test" may be considered,
 No clear and convincing evidence was presented by the a. Commingling of funds and other assets of the corporation with those of the
complainants to conclusively prove the presence of fraud on individual shareholders;
the part of G Holdings. b. Diversion of the corporation's funds or assets to non-corporate uses (to the personal
iii. Harm Test uses of the corporation's shareholders);
 In the case at bench, complainants have not yet even c. Failure to maintain the corporate formalities necessary for the issuance of or
suffered any monetary injury. They have yet to enforce subscription to the corporation's stock, such as formal approval of the stock issue by
their claims against Maricalum. the board of directors;
d. Hence, in order for a parent corporation to be held liable for the obligations or d. An individual shareholder representing to persons outside the corporation that he or
liabilities of its subsidiary, all three (3) tests must be satisfied. "Piercing of the she is personally liable for the debts or other obligations of the corporation;
e. Failure to maintain corporate minutes or adequate corporate records;
corporate veil" cannot be done when only one or two of the said tests have been
f. Identical equitable ownership in two entities;
g. Identity of the directors and officers of two entities who are responsible for
e. Only one of the three (3) tests was met (particularly, control). The complainants
supervision and management (a partnership or sole proprietorship and a corporation
therein (who claimed to be employees of the subsidiary) failed to prove that the owned and managed by the same parties);
parent purposely used the separate corporate fiction of its subsidiary to defraud h. Failure to adequately capitalize a corporation for the reasonable risks of the corporate
them; neither were complainants able to show any harm inflicted upon them, undertaking; SDAaTC
which was proximately caused by the control of the parent over the subsidiary. i. Absence of separately held corporate assets;
f. In other words, while control was undoubtedly present in this case, there was j. Use of a corporation as a mere shell or conduit to operate a single venture or some
neither fraud done nor harm inflicted. particular aspect of the business of an individual or another corporation;
i. Hence, the complainants were held unable to proceed against the k. Sole ownership of all the stock by one individual or members of a single family;
parent corporation for supposed liabilities of its subsidiary, in l. Use of the same office or business location by the corporation and its individual
keeping with the principle of separate and distinct juridical shareholder(s);
personalities of corporations m. Employment of the same employees or attorney by the corporation and its
ii. See doctrine shareholder(s);
n. Concealment or misrepresentation of the identity of the ownership, management or
Financial interests in the corporation, and concealment of personal business activities
of the shareholders (sole shareholders do not reveal the association with a
RULING: Wherefore, CA Affirmed.
corporation, which makes loans to them without adequate security);
o. Disregard of legal formalities and failure to maintain proper arm's length
Leonen Dissent: relationships among related entities;
DISSENT as to the ruling that the corporate veil should not be pierced. I maintain that the doctrine of p. Use of a corporate entity as a conduit to procure labor, services or merchandise for
piercing the corporate veil properly applies and that G Holdings, Inc. should be held liable with Maricalum another person or entity;
Mining Corporation q. Diversion of corporate assets from the corporation by or to a stockholder or other
person or entity to the detriment of creditors, or the manipulation of assets and
G Holdings did not merely own Maricalum Mining sa holding company. It had a say in its processes and liabilities between entities to concentrate the assets in one and the liabilities in
procedures. Thus, it cannot claim to be innocent. It cannot participate in the illegal disn;issal of employees another;
and thereafter hide behind its separate corporate personality to avoid the liability arising from it. The r. Contracting by the corporation with another person with the
elements of control, bad faith, and injury are present in the case at bar. s. intent to avoid the risk of nonperformance by use of the corporate entity; or the use
of a corporation as a subterfuge for illegal transactions; and
Moreover, assuming that the case does not fall within the purview of fraud or alter-ego cases, the doctrine
of piercing the corporate veil still applies when the separate personality of the corporation is being used to
The formation and use of the corporation to assume the existing liabilities of another person or
"defeat public convenience as when the corporate fiction is used as a vehicle for the evasion of an existing
obligation. It is established that the relations between capital and labor are impressed with public interest,
with the working class usually at a disadvantage. Thus, in case of doubt, courts rule in favor of labor.
3. Harm Test - the control and breach of duty must be the proximate cause of the injury or loss
complained of

1. Control or Instrumentality Test - it must be shown that the parent corporation sought to be held
liable has complete domination over its subsidiary, such that the latter essentially has no

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