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Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics)

Graduation project

Photovoltaic Solar Tracking System with Dual Axis

Prepared by

Name Student Number

Abd El Rahman Mohamed 20132084
Marwan Walid Nour 20132562
Raouf Mahmoud Mourad 20131602
Rawan Hesham Ahmed 20131506


Dr. Eng. Mohamed A. Karali

Department of Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics), Faculty of

Engineering and Technology, Future University in Egypt, Cairo,

July, 2018
This work is dedicated to…
Our families.

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Copy rights
This project report is submitted to the mechanical engineering department
(mechatronics), faculty of engineering and technology, future university in Egypt. The
project is described in this report was conducted in the department workshops, under
the supervision of Dr. Mohamed A. Karali between October 2017 and July 2018.

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We would like to express our profound gratitude and sincere appreciation to our
supervisor Dr. Mohamed A. Karali for his inspiration, indispensable guidance and for
teaching us invaluable knowledge throughout the course of our study.
Also our thanks go to TA. Eng. Mostafa Sabry and Technicians in workshop Eng. Abd
Elkhalek and Eng. Michele.

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Solar energy is a safe alternative to replace current fossil fuels like coal and natural
gas for the generation of electricity. Without any pollution for air, water and land. As
traditional power plants produce a lot of harmful gases for the environment causes the
greenhouse phenomena, more over it helps for the depletion of ozone layer.
Sunlight received by the earth in one hour is enough to meet the annual energy
consumption of the world.
Solar photovoltaic are devices that converts sunlight directly into electrical energy, the
electricity produced by the solar cells is clean and silent. Solar tracking system will
allow the tracking of the sun’s movement and the orienting of the PV modules to be
perpendicular to the sunrays, obtaining the maximum solar energy generation.
The current project is studying the importance of photovoltaic system equipped with
dual axis tracking system in order to gain maximum power from the solar irradiance,
while comparing the output of this tracking system to a non-tracking one.

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Symbol Description Units

AC alternating current
Ah ampere hour
BC before christ
CPV concentrated photovoltaic
D depth [m]
d diameter [m]
DC direct current
DOD depth of discharge
g gravity [m/s2]
HCE heat collection element
HTF heat transfer fluid
I current [Ampere]
L length [m]
m meter
n speed of the shaft [RPM]
P power [Watt]
PV photovoltaic cells
R resistance [Ohm]
r radius [m]
CSP concentrated solar power
RPM revolutions per minute
S seconds
SCA solar collector assembly
T torque [N.m]
v linear velocity [m/s]
V volt
w width [m]
W watt
N newton
Jt total inertia [Kg. m2 ]
Js shaft inertia [Kg. m2 ]
Jl load inertia [Kg. m2 ]
Jm motor inertia [Kg. m2 ]
Km/h kilometer per hour
mA millie ampere
Kg kilogram
mm/sec millimeter per second
° degree
C celsius

Greek letters Description Units

π Pi = 3.14
μ coefficient of friction
ω angular velocity [rad/s]

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Preface II Formatted Table

Acknowledgments III
Abstract IV
Nomenclature V
Contents VI
List of figures VIII
List of tables IX
Formatted Table

Chapter 1 Introduction and Background 1

1.1 The sun 2
1.2 Solar energy 2
1.3 Sun angle, duration and insolation 5
1.3.1 What causes the variation in insolation 5
1.3.2 Using the sun’s rays to measure the Earth circumference, 2200 years
1.3.3 The Anelemma 10
1.3.4 Variations of insolation with latitude 11
1.4 Solar Harvest technologies 11
1.4.3 Solar thermal power plant 11 Solar panel 11 The parabolic trough system 12 Power tower 14
1.4.4 Solar photovoltaic 14
1.4.5 Solar tracker 15
1.5 Motivation of the solar panel project from 2013 to the current project 17
1.5.3 2013/2014 17
1.5.4 2015/2016 18
1.5.5 2016/2017 29
1.5.6 Current project objective (2017/2018) 20
1.6 Report outline 20

Chapter 2 Design calculations of the tracking system and assembly 21 Formatted: Font: Bold

2.1 Design calculations 22 Formatted: Font: Bold

2.2 Forces acting on each part 29

2.2.1 Base 29
2.2.2 Connecting shaft 29
2.2.3 Coupling (upper) 30
2.2.4 Coupling (Lower) 30
2.2.5 Motor plate 31
2.2.6 Shaft 31
2.2.7 Upper part 32

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2.2.8 Frame 32
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1", No bullets or numbering

3 Chapter 3 Tracking System Description and Commissioning 33

3.1 System Description 34
3.1.1 Photovoltaic system components 36
3.2 System components 37
3.2.1 Solar panel 37
3.2.2 Solar charge controller 37
3.2.3 DC motor (seasonal axis) 38
3.2.4 DC motor (daily axis) 39
3.2.5 Dual channel DC motor 39
3.2.6 Solar sensors 40
3.2.7 Arduino 40
3.2.8 LKD bearings 41
3.2.9 Batteries 41
3.2.10 Temperature sensor 42
3.2.11 Gearbox 43
3.3 System assembly 44
3.4 Control circuit 45

4 Chapter 4 Results 47
4.1 Voltage readings 49
4.2 Comparing electricity price 53

5 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 54

5.1 conclusion 54
5.2 Recommendation 54

2. RReferences 55 Formatted: Font: +Body CS (Arial), 12 pt, Bold

Formatted Table

Appendix – A (total cost of the system) 564 Formatted: Font: +Body CS (Arial), 12 pt, Bold
Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering

Appendix – B (Arduino code) 586 Formatted Table

Formatted Table

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Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted Table ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
List of figures Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Chapter 1 Introduction and background Formatted ...
1 Formatted ...
Figure 1.1: The sun is the largest star in our solar system.
Formatted ...
Figure 1.2: The planets orbit around the sun. 2
Formatted ...
Figure 1.3: Archimedes utilized heat from sun rays to burn Roman ships. 2
Formatted ...
Figure 1.4: Direct solar dryers. 3
Figure 1.5: Air pollution. 4 Formatted ...
Figure 1.6: Solar Energy Budget. 4 Formatted ...
Figure 1.7: The geometric relationships between the Earth and the sun during Formatted ...
the June and December solstices. Formatted ...
Figure 1.8: Differing day lengths the summer and winter solstices in the Formatted ...
Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Formatted ...
Figure 1.9: The geometric relationships between Earth and the sun at the Formatted ...
March and September equinoxes. Formatted ...
Figure 1.10: Day and night periods are 12 hours everywhere because the Formatted ...
circle of illumination crosses the equator at right angles and cuts through both 8
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Figure 1.11: Measuring the spherical earth circumference using the sun rays,
9 Formatted ...
2200 years ago.
Figure 1.12: An Analemma is used to find the solar declination (latitudinal Formatted ...
10 Formatted
position) of the vertical noon sun for each day of the year. ...
Figure 1.13: Variations of solar insolation with latitude. 11 Formatted ...
Figure 1.14: Solar panel to heat. 12 Formatted ...
Figure 1.15: The parabolic trough system. 13 Formatted ...
Figure 1.16: Power tower. 14 Formatted ...
Figure 1.17: Solar photovoltaic. 15 Formatted ...
Figure 1.18: Single axis tracker. 15
Formatted ...
Figure 1.19: Dual axis solar tracker. 16
Formatted ...
Figure 1.20: Selected mechanism, side view & top view (project 2013/2014). 17
Formatted ...
Figure 1.21: The mechanism (project 2014/2015). 18
Figure 1.22: The seasonal motor while position the panel frame upwards Formatted ...
19 Formatted
(project 2016/2017). ...
Formatted ...
Chapter 2 Design calculations of the tracking system and assembly Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Figure 2.1: Coupling. Formatted ...
Figure 2.2: Coupling gasket. 24 Formatted ...
Figure 2.3: Fasteners. 24 Formatted ...
Figure 2.4: Fasteners. 24
Formatted Table ...
Figure 2.5: coupling with connecting shaft . 24
Formatted ...
Figure 2.6: LKD P204 bearing. 24
Formatted ...
Figure 2.7: Upper part holding the PV cell frame with bearings mounted. 25
Figure 2.8: DC motor base plate. 25 Formatted ...
Figure 2.9: Motor base plate mounted to the system base. 26 Formatted ...
Figure 2.10: Main shaft. 26 Formatted ...
Figure 2.11: The frame. 27 Formatted ...
Figure 2.12: The whole Mechanism. 27 Formatted ...
Figure 2.13: Wiring connections and electrical components. 28 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
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Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Figure 2.14: Static stresses on base. 29 Formatted ...
Figure 2.15: Connecting shaft design. 29
Formatted ...
Figure 2.16: Static stress on upper coupling. 30
Formatted ...
Figure 2.17: Static stress on coupling (lower). 30
Formatted ...
Figure 2.18: Motor base plate design. 31
Formatted ...
Figure 2.19: Main rotating shaft design. 31
Formatted ...
Figure 2.20: Static stress on upper part. 32
Figure 2.21: Static stress on frame. 32 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Chapter 3 Tracking system description and commissioning Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Figure 3.1: Solar panel holding frame. Formatted ...
Figure 3.2: The base. 34 Formatted ...
Figure 3.3: The base and the rotating shaft. 35 Formatted ...
Figure 3.4: Solar system components 36 Formatted ...
Figure 3.5: Connections of solar system components. 36
Formatted ...
Figure 3.6: Solar panel. 37
Formatted ...
Figure 3.7: Solar Charge controller. 38
Formatted ...
Figure 3.8: Seasonal axis DC motor. 38
Figure 3.9: Daily axis DC motor. 39 Formatted ...
Figure 3.10: Motor driver MDD10A. 40 Formatted ...
Figure 3.11: PV sensors. 41 Formatted ...
Figure 3.12: Arduino Mega 2560 board. 41 Formatted ...
Figure 3.13: LKD P204 bearing. 42 Formatted ...
Figure 3.14: Solar Battery. 42 Formatted ...
Figure 3.15: Temperature sensor. 43 Formatted ...
Figure 3.16: NMRV gear box. 44
Formatted Table ...
Figure 3.17: The dual axis solar tracking system. 44
Formatted ...
Figure 3.18: Wiring connection. 45
Formatted ...

Chapter 4 Results Formatted ...

Formatted ...
48 Formatted
Figure 4.1: The position of sun rise and sun set over Future University. ...
Figure 4.2: Variation of the output voltage over the day for the two cases: Formatted ...
without tracking and with tracking (day 24/6/2018). Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
List of tables Formatted
Formatted ...
Table 1.1: Showing the Top ten countries with the most solar power capacity
5 Formatted ...
(Claudio Vita, 2016).
Formatted ...
Table 4.1: Voltage readings across different days. 49
Formatted ...
Table 4.2: Comparison of unit electricity price for all systems 52
Formatted ...
Table A: Total cost of the system. 55 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...

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Chapter 1
Introduction and Background
1.1 The sun
The sun is the star of our solar system, it is a big hot ball of hydrogen at the center of
the solar system, all the planets orbit around it, in Figure (1.2). But ancient people
didn’t have access to the same scientific tools as we have today. Their understanding
about the sun was much more primitive.

The sun is the original source of all energy on Earth. It was the first energy source
humans used. It provided light and heat to the first humans. During the day, people
searched for food. Once the sun went down, the world was dark and cold. They looked
for shelters when it gets dark. The moon and the stars gave a slight amount of light
and no warmth. People huddled together for warmth and protection from the wild
animals who hunted them at night. As in Figure (1.1).

The sun does not truly rise or set. It just looks like it does because the Earth rotates
around its axis and around the sun.

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Figure 1.1: The sun is the largest star in our solar system.

Figure 1.2: The planets orbit around the sun.

1.2 Solar energy

Human utilized solar radiation directly into many applications such as crop drying and
heating houses, as used in other fields of historical records.

Archimedes have burned roman war fleet in the war in 212 BC by concentrating solar
radiation on enemy ships by hundreds of metal armor. As shown in Figure (1.3).

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Figure 1.3: Archimedes utilized heat from sun rays to burn Roman ships.
In the Babylonian priest women were using any polished gold like mirror for solar
radiation concentration to get the fire.
Human tried long ago to benefit from solar power and exploitation but little and limited,
with great development in technical and scientific advances which had opened new
scientific vistas in the field of solar energy utilization.

Solar technology is not recently discovered. Its history spans from the 7 th Century B.C.
to today. We started out concentrating the Sun’s heat with glass and mirrors to light

Today, we have everything from solar powered buildings to solar powered vehicles,
solar energy is, simply, an energy provided by the sun. This energy is in the form of
solar radiation.

Solar energy is not only sustainable, renewable and this means it is unlimited in supply.
It is about as natural a source of power as it is possible to generate electricity; It is
considered 'Renewable Energy' because it generates its energy by nuclear fusion of
hydrogen nuclei into helium.

Unfortunately, the sun is not present all of the time as there are natural phenomena
can prevent the sunrays from reaching us. This is the reason of why we cannot rely
on solar energy alone.

The technology used to convert the sun's power into electricity does not produce
smoke (carbon dioxide and other air pollutants). During operation solar electricity
power plants produce zero emissions.

In many African villages, the people use the sun's energy to dry foodstuff such as fish,
corn, snails, and cocoa for storage? That is raw solar energy in use. They spread the
foods on large mats and trays in the hot sun for days until the required dryness is
attained. This is common in regions with lots of sun. See Figure (1.4).

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Figure 1.4: Direct solar dryers.
Polluted air has become a problem in cities worldwide. O2 levels are lowering annually
making it more challenging to breathe. Trees die more frequently and water has
become dirtier all over the planet. As shown in Figure (1.5). Our world is slowly but
surely dying as a result of poor choices we humans have made. Perhaps going back
to those things we utilized early in the life of mankind is the best solution.

The sunrays have always been there to provide heat and light, and solar power may
get the world back on track. All the way through the history of the earth, solar energy
was never used as an alternative source of electrical power. It was continually the
primary energy that gave warmth as well as light.

Figure 1.5: Air pollution.

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Figure 1.6: Solar Energy Budget [9].
In a world that's hungry for energy but increasingly wary of the damage that
generating power can do, solar might just be the answer: clean energy that's cheap
and virtually endless.
Table 1.1: Showing the Top ten cities and countries with the most solar power
capacity (Claudio Vita, 2016).

Country State Average hours

per Year per Day
United States Yuma,Arizona 4015 11
United States Phoenix,Arizona 3872 10.6
Egypt Asswan 3863 10.6
United States LasVegas,Nevada 3825 10.5
Sudan Dongola 3814 10.4
United states Tucson,Arizona 3806 10.4
Chad Faya-Largeau 3792 10.4
Egypt Kharga 3791 10.4
Sudan Abu Hamed 3763 10.3
United States El paso,Texas 3763 10.3

1.3 Sun Angle, duration and solar insolation

The intensity of the sun’s rays varies from place to place throughout the year and due
to the seasonal changes on Earth; Solar radiation received by the Earth, is known as
solar insolation; the solar insolation is expressed in kWh/m2 /day

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The seasonal variations in temperature that we experience are due primarily to
fluctuations (instability) in insolation.
Earth’s atmosphere affects the amount of insolation received.

Heavy cloud cover will keep more solar radiation from reaching Earth’s surface than
will a clear sky.

1.3.1 What causes the variation in insolation

Two major phenomena that vary regularly
For a given position on Earth as our planet rotates on its axis and revolves around
the sun, the duration of the day and the angle between the earth and the sun varies;
The duration of the day controls the duration of solar radiation, and the angle of the
sun’s rays directly affects the intensity of the solar radiation received.

Together, 1) the intensity and 2) the duration of radiation are the major factors that
affect the amount of solar insolation available at any location on Earth’s surface;
Therefore, a location on Earth will receive more solar insolation if the intensity of the
sun shines more directly, duration of the day is longer, or both.

The intensity of solar radiation received at any time varies from place to another
because Earth presents a spherical surfac; Therefore, only one line of latitude on the
Earth’s rotating surface can receive radiation at right angles, while the rest receive
varying oblique (sharp) angles. See Figure (1.7).

Solar energy that hits Earth at a nearly vertical angle gives more intense energy but
covers less area than an equal amount hits Earth at an oblique (sloping) angle.

The intensity of insolation received at any given latitude can be found using (Lambert
– Beer Law). By definition, the transmittance of material sample is related to
its optical depth τ and to its absorbance A as:

𝑻= = 𝒆−𝝉 = 𝟏𝟎−𝑨

 Φet is the radiant flux transmitted by that material sample.

 Φei is the radiant flux received by that material sample.

Lambert developed a formula by which the intensity of insulation can be calculated

using the sun’s zenith angle (that is, the sun angle deviating from 90° directly
overhead). Using Lambert’s Law, one can identify, based on latitude, where greater
or lesser solar radiation is received on Earth’s surface.

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The atmospheric gases act to reduce, to some extent, the amount of insolation that
reaches Earth’s surface. Because oblique rays must pass through a greater distance
of atmosphere than vertical rays, more insolation will be lost in the process.

German scientist and mathematician (August Beer) established a relationship to

calculate the amount of solar energy lost as it comes through our atmospheric gases.
(Beer’s Law), as it’s called, is strongly affected by the thickness of the atmosphere
through which the energy must pass.

The longer the period of day, the greater the amount of solar radiation that will be
received at that location. Periods of daylight vary in length through the seasons of
the year. As shown from Figure (1.7 to 1.10)

Figure 1.7: The geometric relationships between the Earth and the sun during the
June and December solstices [12].

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Figure 1.8: Differing day lengths the summer and winter solstices in the Northern and
Southern Hemispheres [12].

Figure 1.9: The geometric relationships between Earth and the sun at the March
and September equinoxes [12].

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Figure 1.10: Day and night periods are 12 hours everywhere because the
circle of illumination crosses the equator at right angles and cuts through
both poles [12].

1.3.2 Using the sun’s rays to measure the Earth circumference, 2200
years ago
About 240BC in Egypt, Eratosthenes, a Greek philosopher and geographer,
observed at noon (the middle of the day) sun’s angle above the horizon (the line at
which the sky and earth appear to meet) changed along with the seasons. Knowing
that our planet was spherical, he used geometry and solar observations to make a
remarkably accurate estimate of earth’s circumference. A librarian in Alexandria, he
read an account of water well (water hole) in Sinai (today Aswan Egypt) located to
the south about 800 kilometers on the Nile River. On June 21, the sun’s rays
reached the bottom of the well and illuminated the water. Because the well was
vertical, this meant that the sun was directly overhead on that day.

Eratosthenes had made many observations of the sun’s rays were never vertical in
Alexandria, and at noon on that day in June a vertical column near the library formed
a shadow. Measuring the angle between the column and a line from the column top
to the shadow’s edge, he found that the sun’s angle was 7.2 degree away from

Eratosthenes knew that Alexandria was located 7.2degree north of Sinai. Dividing
the number of degrees in a circle (360) by 7.2degree, he calculated that two cities
were separated by 1/50 of earth’s circumference. The distance between Sinai and

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Alexandria was 500 stadiums (with a stare being the distance around the running
track at a stadium. therefore, 5000 stadiums in circumference.

At the equator, the noon sun is directly overhead at all points on that line (0°
latitude). Note also that on any day of the year the sun’s rays will strike Earth at a
90° angle at only one position, either on or between the two tropics. While all other
positions will receive the sun’s rays at an angle of less than 90°. Shown in Figure

Figure 1.11: Measuring the spherical earth circumference using the sun rays, 2200
years ago [12].

1.3.3 The Analemma

The latitude (line of width) (an imaginary line around the earth parallel to the equator)
at which the noon sun is directly overhead is also known as the sun’s declination.

Thus, if the sun appears directly overhead at 18°S latitude, the sun’s declination is
18°S, this is called an Analemma. Shown in Figure (1.12).

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Figure 1.12: An Analemma is used to find the solar declination (latitudinal position) of
the vertical noon sun for each day of the year [12].

1.3.4 Variations of insolation with latitude

The amount of energy received by the surface begins after daybreak (sunrise) and
increases as Earth rotates toward the time of solar noon. A place will receive its
greatest insolation at solar noon when the sun has reached its zenith (point in sky
directly overhead), or highest point in the sky, for that day. The amount of insolation

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then decreases as the sun angle lowers toward the next period of darkness.
Obviously, at any location, no insolation is received during the darkness hours.
We also know that the amount of daily insolation received at any one location on
Earth varies with latitude. The seasonal limits of the most direct insolation are used
to determine recognizable zones on Earth. Three distinct patterns occur in the
distribution of the seasonal receipt of solar energy in each hemisphere. These
patterns serve as the basis for recognizing six latitudinal zones, or bands, of
insolation and temperature that circle Earth.
If we look first at the Northern Hemisphere, we may take the Tropic of Cancer and
the Arctic Circle as the dividing lines for three of these distinctive zones.
The area between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer can be called the north
tropical zone. Here, insolation is always high but is greatest at the time of the year
that the sun is directly overhead at noon. This occurs twice a year, and these dates
vary according to latitude.
The north middle latitude zone is the wide band between the Tropic of Cancer and
the Arctic Circle. In this belt, insolation is greatest on the June solstice when the sun
reaches its highest noon. As shown in Figure (1.13).

Figure 13: Variations of solar insolation with latitude [9].

1.4 Solar harvest technologies

1.4.1 Solar thermal power plant

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Solar thermal plants are plants where the energy from the sun is transformed into
thermal energy which is used to spin an electrical generator and produce electricity.
There are three mature technologies Solar panels
A pump pushes cold water from a storage tank through thermal pipes under the
solar panel The water is heated by heat energy from the Sun and returns to the
tank. They are often located on the roofs of buildings where they can receive the
most sunlight. As shown in Figure (1.13).
Here, a concentration of the sun's energy by many panels is used to heat up water
into steam, which is then used to turn turbines to produce electricity.
Solar panels are different to solar cells. Solar panels do not generate electricity
directly; Instead they heat up water directly. A pump pushes cold water from a
storage tank through pipes in the solar panel. The water is heated by heat energy

Figure 1.14: Solar panel to heat..

from the Sun and returns to the tank. They are often located on the roofs of
buildings where they can receive the most sunlight.
The creation of solar energy almost requires no maintenance. Once the solar
panels have been installed and are working, there are limited times of maintenance
required each year to ensure they are in working order.
There are continual progresses in solar panel technology to increase its efficiency
and lowering the cost of production, thus making it even more cost effective. The parabolic trough system

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This system, uses troughs that are designed to direct the sun's energy to
absorber tubes as long as the sun is up; Many of these parabolic troughs are
installed to build up heat through the tubes resulting in raising the temperature
of water and turning into steam to drive gas turbines, generating electricity.
Other less common methods that use the Solar Thermal Power Plant system
are the Solar Dish and The Solar Power Tower. As shown in (Figure 1.14).

Figure 1.15: The parabolic trough system.

This system if composed of:

 Long parabolic shaped mirrors made of thick glass with high
transmittance properties and include a reflective silver layer on the
backside of the glass.
 A receiver tube that runs the length of the mirrors.
 A tracking support structure and drive components that control the
movement of the collector throughout the day in relationship to the
position of the sun. All together these components are called a solar-
collector assembly (SCA).
 The SCA’s can sit approximately 25 to 30 feet high.
 It can reach up to 300 °C.
The parabolic trough system operation:
 The mirrors direct the sun’s light to a focal point where the energy is
concentrated onto to the linear receiver tube, or heat collection element

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 The HCE is a stainless steel tube that is coated with a special absorber
surface that maximizes transfer of heat from the sun to the heat transfer
fluid (HTF) traveling inside the tube.
 The HTF is usually comprised of an either a high temperature oil or a
mixture of water and ethylene glycol.
 The HTF is supplied to the power plant where it passes through a series
of heat exchangers, turning water into high pressure steam that drives a
Rankine steam turbine.
 The HTF is then returned to the solar collector field to be heated once
again, creating a closed loop system. Power tower

 A large field of mirrors (heliostats), tracks the sun.
 A tower that collects the light concentrated by the heliostats onto a
central receiver on top of a tower; The tower heights range from
approximately 300 to 650 feet.
 HTF, composed of either water or molten nitrate salt, moves through the
receiver and is heated to temperatures over 500°C.
 The heated HTF is then sent to a heat exchanger where water is turned
into steam, which then drives a turbine generator. As shown in (figure
 Theoretical efficiencies aside, real-world experience of CSP reveals a
25%–60% shortfall in projected production.

Figure 1.16: Power tower.

1.4.2 Solar Photovoltaic

Solar cells are devices that convert light energy directly into electrical energy. They
are also called photovoltaic cells or PV devices.

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There are semiconductors in each cell that are responsible for producing electricity.
Each cell is made from a material which exhibit the “photovoltaic effect”; when
sunrays hit the PV cell, the photons excite the electrons in the cell causing them to
flow, generating electricity.
Photovoltaic solar panels are being used increasingly in cities. to produce electricity
for households and schools and to supply power for equipment such as
telecommunication and water pumps. The majority of solar PV installations in Egypt
are grid connected systems. They are a silent producer of energy. There is
absolutely no noise made from photovoltaic panels as they convert sunlight into
usable electricity.
Egypt is one of the sunniest countries in the world and there is huge potential for
solar PV to make a significant contribution to electricity generation. As shown in
(Figure 1.16).

Figure 1.17: Solar photovoltaic.

1.4.3 Solar tracker

Several kind of solar tracking systems are proposed in the literature; one can
classify them according to the degree of freedom and control strategy.
Degrees of freedom
a. Fixed solar panel:
 It is for domestic and small scale commercial photovoltaic and hot water
panels are usually fixed, often flush mounted on a roof top. As shown in
Figure (1.17).
b. Single axis solar tracker:
 It rotates on one axis moving back and forth in a single direction.

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Figure 1.18: Single axis tracker.
c. Dual axis solar tracker:
 It tracks the sun vertically and horizontally, helping in obtaining the
maximum solar energy generation by keeping the solar panel
perpendicular to the sun rays. As shown in Figure (1.18).

Figure 1.19: Dual axis solar tracker.

Control strategies
a. Passive controlled solar tracker:
 Have no electronic sensors or actuators.
b. Open loop controlled solar tracker:
 Have no sensors for feedback, but it uses a mathematical formulas
integrated in a microprocessor to predict the sun position.
 It depends on geographical location of the solar tracker. Explained in
Figure (4.1).
c. Closed loop controlled solar tracker:
 It uses PV sensors to locate the position of the sun.
 The geographical location of the solar tracker doesn’t affect the

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 The integration between open loop system and closed loop system is
called “Active tracking system”; which increase the precision of the
system tracking and reducing any lag between the position of the sun
and the solar tracker system.
d. Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) solar tracker:
It is suggested by the literature that the dual axis tracking system will increase
the efficiency of the solar panel system than the single axis. Therefore, in the
present work, a solar panel system is to be designed and equipped with a dual
axis tracking system in order to gain the maximum power from the solar
irradiance that verifies the importance of the dual axis tracking system.
 The tracking functionality of the CPV modules is used to orient the sensors that the
incoming light is focused on the photovoltaic collector.

1.5 Motivation of the solar panel project from 2014 to the current project
1.5.1 2013/2014
The project was aiming at the design of a photovoltaic solar system to drive air
conditioning equipment. Shown in Figure (1.19).
The goal was to design a system which can convert solar energy to electricity. The
system located perpendicular to the sun for maximum energy conversion at all-time
placed at 30 degrees from the ground.
Energy can be stored in batteries or transmitted directly to the public grid.
Components of the system:

 Charge controller to limit the rate of discharge of the batteries to the

electrical loads.
 Batteries to store energy.
 Solar energy inverter. To convert DC power output into AC current
that can be fed in the grid and directly influences the efficiency and
reliability of a solar energy system.
 DC motor

Page | 18
System design:

Figure 1.20: Selected mechanism, side view & top view (project 2013/2014) [12].

1.5.2 2015/2016
They worked on the previous project of (2013/2014) to modify it to be a tracking
system. Shown in Figure (1.20).
For the solar tracking system, they used:
 Arduino as a microprocessor.
 DC motor.
For future recommendations, they suggested:
 The use of PLC as it can handle the working environment of the project.
 The use of servo motor as it is much easier in programming and it have an
initial position.
For controlling method, the use of active tracking system that combines between
advantages of both open loop “using timers”, and closed loop “using PV sensor”.
Components of the system:

 DC motor “for the single axis”.

 DC motor “for annual axis”.

Page | 19
 PV cells “used as sensors”.
 Dual axis controller with LDR sensor.
 Arduino.
 Relay.
 12V 80Ah battery.
 Power supply.
 Charge controller (prevent CMP 30 – 12V/24V), “to limit the rate of discharge
of the batteries to the electrical loads”.
System design:

Figure 1.21: The mechanism (project 2014/2015).

1.5.3 2016/2017
They redeveloped the dual axis solar tracking system in order to gain maximum
power from the solar irradiance. Shown in Figure (1.21).
This principle was proved, but the project had not workout due to high cost.
Components of the system:

 DC motor for Seasonal Axis “Super Jack HARL .3624 – (24 inch) Satellite
Dish Actuator Motor (Electric DC Motor)”.
 DC motor for daily Axis Stepper Motor (NEMA 34 Frame Size 86x86mm)
 Stepper Motor Driver “used as driver for the stepper motor.”
 Solar PV Cell for power generation.
 Power Supply for Stepper motor, stepper motor driver and for electric DC
 PV sensors.
 Arduino as microcontroller.

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System design:

Figure 1.22: the seasonal motor while position the panel frame upwards (project

1.5.4 Current project objective (2017/2018)

This study attempts to achieve the following objective:

 Modifying the last project in 2016/2017 by overcoming the defects found

before as:
o Adding a position holding system.
o Finding a solution to make the system more stable against wind.
o Making the tracking process of the sun to be accurately, in order to
maximize the gained electrical power.
Suggested solutions to achieve the current project objectives

 Using the main shaft and the secondary shaft on the coupling.
 Installed a gear box to maintain the stability of the solar tracking system.
 DC motor instead of stepper motor for better performance and higher torque.
 Replace the bearings, nuts and bolts with stainless ones.
 Between the holding frame and the main shaft is threading, an aluminum pin
and two nuts to avoid it from getting loose.

1.6 Report outline

This report consists of five chapters: chapter (1) contains history and background,
chapter (2) carrying the design calculations and assembly, also including the
system description in chapter (3). Chapter (4) involve the readings and results,
lastly chapter (5) holds the conclusion and recommendation.

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Chapter 2

Design calculations of the tracking system

and assembly

This chapter discuss all the main calculations for the design including torque, wind,
and inertia for parts such as shaft, load and motor. As well as Images of the whole
components of the design showing the parts assembled together. In addition to
previous calculations exact dimension changes shown below for each component with
force acting on each part with material properties.

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2.1 Design calculations

Torque calculations (on the main shaft):

Dead load (dead weight) = weight of frame + weight of solar panel + weight (2.1)
of structure
= (7 kg + 19 kg + 6) kg × 9.81 = 32 × 9.81 = 313.92 N

Wind calculations
The following information for wind speed and drag coefficient are obtained from google
and previous project which will be included in the appendix.

Maximum wind speed = 27 Km/h

Average wind speed = 14.4 Km/h
Minimum wind speed = 7.92 Km/h
Drag coefficient: Dc

Wind load (max) = area projected × wind pressure × solar panel drag (2.2)
coefficient area × P × Dc

= (1.658 × 0.993) m2 × (0.613 × 7.52) × 1.4 = 79 N

Wind load (average) = (1.658 × 0.993) × (0.613 ×42) × 1.4 = 22.5 N

Total load = Wind Load (max) + Dead load = 79 + 313.92 = 392.92 N

Torque (max) = Total load * perpendicular distance * coefficient friction

= 392.92 × 0.3 × 0.2
= 392.92 × 0.3 × 0.2
= 23.57 N.m

Calculation for DC motor

The shaft rotating with 1 rpm

(1 × 2 × π)
= 0.11 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠𝑒𝑐
Shaft radius = 25 mm

Velocity = ω × r = 0.11 × 0.25

= 0.0275 m/s
Total inertia (Jt) = (Js + Jl + Jm) * θ (2.3)

Where Js is shaft inertia, JL is load inertia, Jm is motor inertia, these parameters

shown in Equation (2.3)

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Torque (Maximum) = (Jt × θ) + Tf + TL (2.4)

Tf = factor of safety = 1.5
Tl = wind load = F * r = 79* 0.25

Torque (maximum) = (0.216 × 9.33) + 1.5 + (79 × 0.25)

= 23.265 N.m

Torque (average) = (0.216 × 9.33) + 1.5 + (22.5 × 0.25)

= 9.14 N.m

Shaft Inertia (Js) = Iz + Ix = (0.5 × m × r2) + (1/12 × m × 3r2 + h2)

= (0.5 × 3 × 0.25^2) + (1/12 × 3 × 3 × (0.0252) + (0.552))

= 0.216 Kg.m2
Iz = 0.5 ∗ 𝑚 ∗ 𝑟 2
Ix = ∗ 𝑚 ∗ 3 ∗ 𝑟 2 + ℎ2

Inertia due to load (JL) = 𝑚 ∗ 𝑙 2 / 3

= = 9.33 kg.m2

DC motor properties

Power = 500 W
Volt = 24 V
Rated Speed (With Load): 1500 RPM
Rated Speed (No Load): 3000 RPM
Torque at 1500 RPM: 11.91 Nm
Torque at 3000 RPM: 50 Nm

Therefore, the calculations show that the DC motor satisfies the calculated torque.

Page | 24
Figure 2.1: Coupling. Figure 2.2: Coupling gasket.

Figure 2.3: Fasteners. Figure 2.4: Fasteners.

Figure 2.5: coupling with connecting

shaft. Figure 2.6: LKD P204 bearing.

Page | 25
Figure 2. 7: :Upper part holding the PV cell frame with bearings mounted. Formatted: Font: +Body CS (Arial), 12 pt
Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font: +Body CS (Arial), 12 pt

:Upper part holding the PV cell frame with bearings mounted. Formatted: Font: +Body CS (Arial), 12 pt

Figure 2.8: DC motor base plate.

Page | 26
Figure 2.9: Motor base plate mounted to the system base.

Figure 2.10: Main shaft.

Page | 27
Figure 2.11: The frame.

Figure 2.12: The whole mechanism.

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Figure 2.13: Wiring connections and electrical components.

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2.2 Forces acting on each part
Stress calculations are from Solid works based on each object with exact dimension
and material properties the factor of safety is 1.5

2.2.1 Base

Figure 2.14: Static stresses on base.

Weight Load: 313.92 N
Gravitational force: 9.81 N
Material: Aluminum Alloy 1060.

2.2.2 Connecting Shaft

Figure 2.15: Connecting shaft design.

Torque: 23.57 N
Gravitational Force: 9.81 N
Material: Stainless steel 304.
Page | 30
2.2.3 Coupling (upper)

Figure 2.16: Static stress on upper coupling.

Weight Load from shaft: 313.92 N
Torque: 23.57 N
Gravitational force: 9.81 N
Material: Grey cast iron.
2.2.4 Coupling (Lower)

Figure 2.17: Static stress on coupling (lower).

Weight Load from shaft: 313.92 N
Torque: 23.57 N
Gravitational force: 9.81 N
Material: Grey cast iron.

Page | 31
2.2.5 Motor Plate

Figure 2.18: Motor base plate design.

Load: 80 N distributed equally
Gravitational force: 9.81 N (neglected to weights)
Material: Stainless steel 310.
2.2.6 Shaft

Figure 2.19: Main rotating shaft design.

Torque: 23.57 N
Force: 230 N
Gravitational force: 9.81 N
Material: Stainless steel 304.

Page | 32
2.2.7 Upper Part

Figure 2.20: Static stress on upper part.

Force: 190 N
Gravitational force: 9.81 N
Material: Malleable cast iron.
2.2.8 Frame

Figure 2.21: Static stress on frame.

Weight Load: 19 Kg
Gravitational force: 9.81 N
Material: Aluminum.

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Chapter 3
Tracking System Description and

This chapter discuss the system description from Figure (3.1 to 3.3), system
components, system assembly and wiring connection.

Page | 34
3.1.System description

Figure 3.1: Solar panel holding frame [12].

Figure 3.2: The base.

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Figure 3.3: The base and the rotating shaft.

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3.1.1. Photovoltaic system components
We shouldn’t take directly electrical power from solar panels we must connect solar
panel with charge controller, battery and inverter. As shown in Figure (3.5).

Figure 3.4: Solar system components [9].

Figure 3.4: connections of solar system components [9].

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3.2. System components
3.2.1. Solar panel
Application: A solar PV cell is a panel exposed to radiation from the sun that is used
to produce electricity from sun radiation. As shown in Figure (3.6).

 Cell Type: Polycrystalline Silicon Solar cell

 Power rating: 240w
 Imp: 8.01A
 Vmp: 35V
 Isc: 8.56 A
 Voc: 37.2 v
 Maximum system voltage: 1000V
 Length: (1650mm) (64.9in)
 Depth: (45mm) (1.8in)
 Width: (992mm) (39,1in)
 Weight: (19kg)
 Number of cells: 60

Figure 3.5: Solar panel.

3.2.2. Solar charge controller

A charge controller, or charge regulator is basically a voltage or current regulator to
keep batteries from overcharging. It regulates the voltage and current coming from
the solar panels going to the battery. As shown in Figure (3.7).

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Figure 3.6: Solar Charge controller.

3.2.3. DC motor (seasonal axis)

Name: Super Jack HARL .3624 – (61 cm) Satellite Dish Actuator. As shown in Figure
Applications: The main use is to raise the solar panel up and down.

 Voltage: 36VDC
 Speed: 5.2mm/sec.
 Maximum static load: 1350Kg
 Maximum dynamic load: 540Kg

Figure 3.7: Seasonal axis DC motor.

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3.2.4. DC motor (daily axis)
Name: Brushless electric DC Motor 24 volt (MY1020). As shown in Figure (3.9).
Applications: It is used to make the solar panel rotates in the right and left directions

 Voltage: 48VoltDC
 Output: 1000Watt
 Ratedspeed:3000RPM
 Rated current: 26.7A
 Rated Torque: 3.2Nm
 Weight 5.25Kg

Figure 3.8: Daily axis DC motor [9].

3.2.5. Dual channel DC Motor driver

Name: Crypton dual channel DC motor driver (MDD10A)
Application: It is used to control the speed and the direction of the two DC motors
(seasonal axis and daily axis) with regulated current up to 10A. As shown in Figure

 Bi-directional control for 2 brushless DC motor.

 Support motor voltage ranges from 5V to 30V (Rev2.0).
 Maximum current up to 10A continuous and 30A peak for (10 second) for
each channel.
 Solid state components provide faster response time and eliminate the wear
and tear of mechanical relay.
 Speed control PWM frequency up to 20KHz. Support both locked-antiphase
and sign-magnitude PWM operation.
 2 activation buttons for fast test on each channel.

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Figure 3.9: Motor driver MDD10A [9].

3.2.6. Solar sensors

Name: PV solar sensors.
Application: Four sensors are used to detect the position of the sun over the solar
tracking system. As shown in Figure (3.11).

 Ampere: 40mA
 Voltage: 5V

Figure 3.10: PV sensors.

3.2.7. Arduino
Name: Arduino mega 2560
Application: Arduino is a micro-controller board; The Arduino board has I/O pins
and Flash Program Memory of 32k, it is programmed with C language to achieve
control of system. As shown in Figure (3.12).
 Operating Voltage: 5V.
 Input Voltage (recommended): 7.12V.

Page | 41
 Digital I/O Pins: 52 (of which 12 provide PWM output)
 Analog Input Pins: 8.
 DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA.
 DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA.

Figure 3.11: Arduino Mega 2560 board [12].

3.2.8. LKD bearings

Name: LKD P204 stainless steel bearings.
Application: Four bearings were used, two of them are used with the
seasonal axis motor and the other two are used hold the main shaft. As shown in
Figure (3.13).

Figure 3.12: LKD P204 bearing.

3.2.9. Batteries
Name: UB1270 rechargeable solar battery (12VDC, 7.2Ah).
Two rechargeable solar batteries provide the energy storage for your system;
Without the solar batteries, you can only use power at the time you produce it (you
will not have power when the sun isn't out). As shown in Figure (3.14).
To maintain healthy batteries and prolong battery life, most manufacturers suggest
limiting the depth of discharge to about 20. At the very least, do not allow the batteries
to be discharged below 50% Depth of Discharge (DOD).

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The two batteries are connected in series to provide higher voltage output of 24VDC
and 7Ah. However, connecting them in parallel will provide lower voltage output but
higher current.

Figure 3.13: Solar Battery [12].

3.2.10. Temperature sensor

Name: Temperature sensor LM35.
Application: To sense the temperature inside the electrical box and at a certain
temperature the fan starts to work on at max speed. As shown in Figure (3.15).

 Calibrated directly in o Celsius (Centigrade)

 Rated for full −55o to +150oC range
 Suitable for remote applications
 Low cost due to wafer-level trimming
 Less than 60 µA current drain
 Low self-heating, 0.08oC in still air

Figure 3.14: Temperature sensor [9].

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3.2.11. Gearbox
Name: NMRV-075
Application: it is used to reduce the speed of the daily axis DC motor to its
half and to provide a position holding effect to prevent the solar tracking
system to lose its tracking position with the sun. As shown in Figure (3.16).
 Maximum torque: 1.550NM
 Admissible radial loads: 18N
 Worm wheel: bronze (UNI7013-10)
 Reduction ratio: 1/50

Figure 3.15: NMRV gear box.

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3.3. System assembly
 Rubber mounts are fixed to the base legs using 4 Bolts on each leg.
 The motor base is weld to the base 15cm above the base legs carrying the daily
axis DC motor on four rubber mounts, mounted by four screws and nuts on the
motor base.
 The Gear box is then mounted on the daily axis DC motor shaft.
 The coupling is then attached between the gear box by the connecting shaft
and the main shaft
 The main shaft goes through the base head cylinder which contains two
 The two LKD bearings are attached to the axial shaft.
 The frame is to be fixed on the bearings by 2 screws and nuts on each bearing.
 The seasonal axis DC motor is to be fixed on the main shaft and then it's raising
head is bolted to the frame.
 The sensors holding panel is to be fixed to the top of the frame using two

Figure 3.16:The dual axis solar tracking system.

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3.4. Control circuit

Figure 3.17: Wiring connection.

 The daily axis DC motor have two wires (red, black); the red wire is
connected to the motor driver pin (Ma+) and the black wire is connected to
the motor driver pin (Ma-).
 The seasonal axis DC motor has two wires (yellow, green); the yellow wire
is connected to motor driver pin (Mb+) and the black wire is connected to
the motor driver pin (Mb-).
 The Solar panel has two terminals wires (red, black), the two wires are
connected to the solar charge controller pins (SP+, SP-) respectively.
 Each of the two batteries have a red positive terminal and a black negative
terminal. connecting them in series will require connecting the negative
terminal of the first battery to the positive terminal of the second battery.
 The remaining negative terminal form the first battery is connected to a
terminal of a 120V switch then connected to the solar charge controller pin
(B-) and the positive terminal from the second battery is connected to the
other terminal of the switch then to the solar charge controller pin (B+).
 The motor driver pins (VCC, VSS) are connected to the solar charge
controller pins (L-, L+) respectively.
 The motor driver pins (Dir1, pwm1, Dir2, pwm2) are connected to the
Arduino pins (9,11,10,12) respectively.

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 The motor driver pin (GND) is connected to the Arduino (GND) pin.
 The cooling fan has two terminals the red wire is connected to the Arduino
pin (13) and the black wire is connected to the (GND) pin.
 The buzzer has two terminals one of them is connected to the Arduino pin
(8) and the other is connected to the (GDN) pin.
 The three terminals of the temperature sensor are (VSS, OUT, GND), the
(VSS) is connected to the (5V) Arduino pin, the (GND) is connected to the
(GND) Arduino pin and the (OUT) is connected to the analog input Arduino
pin (A7).
 The four solar sensors; each of them have a positive terminal which is
connected to the Arduino’s analog input pins (A0, A1, A2, A3) to determine
each sensor reading. The negative terminals of each solar sensor will be
connected to a 1Kohm resistance then to the (GND) Arduino pin.
All the wiring steps are shown in Figure3.5

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Chapter 4

This chapter discusses the measurements of the project, these measurements
represent the output voltage of fixed mechanism and solar tracking mechanism.
Measurements will be taken during the day every 30 minutes from 9 AM to 05:00 PM
as shown in the following tables.

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Figure 4.1: The position of sun rise and sun set over Future University [6].

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4.1. Voltage Readings
Before taking the voltage readings there is a checklist:
 The tracking mode must be enabled.
 Making sure the work space of the tracking solar panel is clear.
 The fixed solar must have and incident angle of 30°.
 Both solar panels have the same electrical load.
 Both solar panels (fixed - tracking) have no load when the readings are taken
to ensure the accuracy of the voltage output.
 Readings are taken every 30 minutes.
 Both system have no shadows covering them.
The voltage readings are shown in the table below.

Table 4.1: Voltage readings across different days.

Day: 28/5/2018, ambient temp. = 33°C

Time (hour : Fixed at 30° output Tracking mode output
min) voltage(V) voltage(V)
1 9:00 am - -
2 9:30 am - -
3 10:00 am - -
4 10:30 am - -
5 11:00 am 31.7 33.5
6 11:30 am 31.9 33.8
7 12:00 am 32.3 33.8
8 12:30 pm 32.5 34
9 1:00 pm 32.5 34
10 1:30 pm 32.8 34
11 2:00 pm 32.85 34
Day: 30/5/2018, ambient temp. = 33°C
Time (hour : Fixed at 30° output Tracking mode output
min) voltage(V) voltage(V)
1 9:00 am - -
2 9:30 am - -
3 10:00 am - -
4 10:30 am - -
5 11:00 am 32.6 33.7

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6 11:30 am 32.6 33.95
7 12:00 am 32.8 33.95
8 12:30 pm 33.1 34.1
9 1:00 pm 33.1 34.1
10 1:30 pm 32.8 34.1
11 2:00 pm 32.78 34.1
Day: 4/6/2018, ambient temp. = 31°C
Time (hour : Fixed at 30° output Tracking mode output
min) voltage(V) voltage(V)
1 9:00 am 33.4 34
2 9:30 am 33.41 34
3 10:00 am 33.43 34
4 10:30 am 33.5 34.1
5 11:00 am 33.5 34.15
6 11:30 am 33.5 34.12
7 12:00 am 33.2 34.1
8 12:30 pm 33.1 34.15
9 1:00 pm 33.8 34.2
10 1:30 pm 33.71 34
11 2:00 pm 33.69 34
Day: 5/6/2018, ambient temp. = 33°C
Time (hour : Fixed at 30° output Tracking mode output
min) voltage(V) voltage(V)
1 9:00 am 33.17 33.89
2 9:30 am 33.3 33.94
3 10:00 am 33.51 34
4 10:30 am 33.66 34
5 11:00 am 33.29 34.1
6 11:30 am 33.69 34.2
7 12:00 am 33.60 34.1
8 12:30 pm 33.83 34.16
9 1:00 pm 33.91 34

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10 1:30 pm 33.55 34
11 2:00 pm 33.32 34
Day: 11/6/2018, ambient temp. = 32°C
Time (hour : Fixed at 30° output Tracking mode output
min) voltage(V) voltage(V)
1 9:00 am 33.2 33.8
2 9:30 am 33.5 33.89
3 10:00 am 33.8 39.1
4 10:30 am 33.5 34
5 11:00 am 33.1 34
6 11:30 am 33.75 34.1
7 12:00 am 33.79 34.12
8 12:30 pm 33.89 34
9 1:00 pm 33.75 34
10 1:30 pm 33.71 34
11 2:00 pm 33.68 34.15
Day: 24/6/2018, ambient temp. = 35°C
Time (hour : Fixed at 30° output Tracking mode output
min) voltage(V) voltage(V)
1 9:00 am 33.72 34
2 9:30 am 33.78 34
3 10:00 am 33.65 34
4 10:30 am 33.78 34.1
5 11:00 am 33.69 34.1
6 11:30 am 33.72 34
7 12:00 am 33.75 34.2
8 12:30 pm 33.75 34.2
9 1:00 pm 33.82 34.2
10 1:30 pm 33.90 34.23
11 2:00 pm 34.03 34.2
12 2:30 pm 34.09 34.2
13 3:00 pm 34 34.1

Page | 52
14 3:30 pm 33.79 34
15 4:00 pm 33.75 34
16 4:30 pm 33.73 33.95
17 5:00 33.47 33.91

Voltage Readings
34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2
34.2 34.1 34.1 34.09 34.1
34 34 34 34 34.03 34 34 34
34 33.9 33.91
33.82 33.79
33.78 33.78
Voltage (V)

33.72 33.75 33.75 33.75 33.73

33.8 33.69 33.72
33.6 33.47



9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00
Time across the day

Figure 4.2: Variation of the output voltage over the day for the two cases: without
tracking and with tracking (day 24/6/2018).

It is shown from the results that, the Photovoltaic records an average increase in the
output voltage by about 4 % when using the tracking system.

4.2. Comparing electricity price

The price of unit electricity (L.E./ for the fixed system and the tracking
with dual axis system are calculated in the followings. And compared to the
price of unit electricity from the public electricity network.

Public electricity network

The current price of unity electricity in Egypt in average is 0.35L.E. /

Page | 53
The fixed system
 System total cost: 8000 L.E.
 Electricity generated and free to use: 8.2 Amp x 31.9 V x 9 hr x 30 days /1000
= 70.6 (monthly).
 Life time of the system: 20 years.
 Total free electricity over the life time: 70.6 (monthly) x 12 x 20 years =
 Price of unit electricity = 8000 L.E. / 16944 = 0.47 L.E. /

The dual axis tracking system

 System total cost: 15000 L.E.
 Average voltage generated: 34 V
 Electricity generated: 8.2 Amp x 34 V x 9 hr (per day) x 30 days (per month)
/1000 = 75.27 (monthly).
 Electricity needed for the system auxiliaries: 2 (monthly).
 Remaining free electricity to use: 75.27 – 2 = 73.27 (monthly).
 Life time of the system: 20 years.
 Total free electricity over the life time: 73.27 (monthly) x 12 x 20 years =
 Price of unit electricity = 15000 L.E. / 17584.8 = 0.85 L.E. /

It is shown that the price of 1 generated by the PV equipped with dual axis
tracking system is higher than the price of 1 generated by the fixed PV system
by about 80 %. The latter is higher than the price of electricity from the public network
by about 34%. Hence, the price of electricity from the dual axis tracking system is
higher than the one from the public network by 142 % as shown in Table (4.2).

Table 4.2: Comparison of unit electricity price for all systems

Price of unit electricity (L.E. /

Public electricity network PV fixed PV Dual axis tracking
(based on 20 years life system
time) (based on 20 years life
0.35 0.47 0.85

Page | 54
Chapter 5
Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1. Conclusion
 The photovoltaic solar tracking system was successfully studied and designed
throughout this study. The dual axis tracking was selected to maximize the power
gained from the photovoltaic solar panel.
 The aim of the current study was successfully achieved; by comparing between
fixed and tracking modes of the solar cell.
 The photovoltaic solar tracking system has high initial cost, however, it helps in
saving running cost as it is a self-sustaining system that doesn’t require external
 The photovoltaic solar tracking mechanism is expensive, however, there are
developments happening to reduce the cost of the PV cells and improve its
 It is needless to say that produced energy is clean and silent energy which have
no effect on the environment. That counts as a huge advantage as the global
warming is threatening the world.

5.2. Recommendation
 Wind sensor for safety during storms and high winds.
 Adding a cooling system to the back of the solar panel, to lower the
temperature of the solar panel leading to the increase in its efficiency.
 Using PLC controller instead of the current micro-controller.

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Web links:
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1.6.,31.4922,18/2018.07.06/20:33 Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body CS (Arial), 12 pt, Font
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fusion.html#axzz4jaTtDymR Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body CS (Arial), 12 pt, Font

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10. Claudio Vita-Finzi, A History of the Solar System, 2016.

4.11. William B. Stine and Michael Geyer, Power from The Sun, 2001.
5.12. Photovoltaic solar tracking system with dual axis, 2016.

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Appendix – A
Total cost of the system

Table A: Total cost of the system.

Price per Total Price

No. Quantity Name
unit (L.E.) (L.E.)
1 4 Photo diode 15 60
2 1 Seasonal axis DC motor 250 250
3 1 LDR 8 8
4 2 12v,7A battery 240 480
5 1 20A charge controller 400 400
6 4 4.5V Solar sensors 100 400
7 1 Cast-iron coupling 100 100
8 1 PCB(12x16) 15 15
9 1 PCB(10x15) 10 10
10 6 Pinned terminal (2-pin) 2.5 15
11 1 Soldering 25 25
12 1 (70M) 1mm wire 75 75
13 1 Heatsink (2m) 10 10
14 1 Electrical tape 25 25
15 1 Stainless-steel Shaft 100 100
16 1 motor plate 270 270
17 12 Spray cans 30 360
18 4 Bearing 25 100
19 1 Fiat (132) motor base 45 45
20 40 Fasteners 4.25 170
21 1 Plaster & sand paper 30 30
Machining ( Shaft - Coupling -
22 1 500 500
Bearings - Upper base)
23 1 Motor plate laser cutting 100 100
24 1 workshop 500 500
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25 2 Transporting the project 325 650
Price per Total Price
No. Quantity Name
unit (L.E.) (L.E.)
26 1 transportation 300 300
27 24 Male - Male wire 1 24
28 16 Male - Female wire 1 16
29 15 Terminals 1 15
30 1 3mm wire(40M) 240 240
31 1 20x4 Arduino LCD 100 100
32 2 220V,15A (ON-OFF) switch 6 12
33 1 Arduino Mega 260 260
34 1 LM35 30 30
35 15 1K ohm resistance 0.1 1.5
36 15 10K ohm resistance 0.1 1.5
37 1 Solderless Breadboard 25 25
38 1 12VFan 100 100
39 1 Control Box 400 400
40 2 Blue painting 90 180
41 1 Gearbox 550 550
42 1 Daily axis DC motor 700 700
43 1 60 cells solar panel 6800 6800
Total 14,401

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Appendix – B
Flow chart for tracking part in Arduino code

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Arduino code


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const int rs = 2, en = 3, d4 = 4, d5 = 5, d6 = 6, d7 = 7;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);

float s1=A0; //sensor 1

float s2=A1; //sensor 2
float s3=A2; //sensor 3
float s4=A3; //sensor 4
float temppin=A7; //temperature sensor
int buzzer=8; //Buzzer siren
int fanpin=13; //cooling fan pin
int dir1=9; //Daily rotational DC motor for clockwise and counter
clockwise rotation
int dir2=10; //Seasonal linear DC motor for up and down movements
int pwm1=11; //Daily rotational DC motor for clockwise and counter
clockwise rotation
int pwm2=12; //Seasonal linear DC motor for up and down movements
float readings1; //reading from s1
float readings2; //reading from s2
float readings3; //reading from s3
float readings4; //reading from s4
float temprature; //reading from temp sensor (0->1023)
float volts;
float atemprature; //actual temp (0-55 in °C)
float error1;
float error2;
float upperlimit1;
float lowerlimit1;
float upperlimit2;
float lowerlimit2;
void setup() {

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void loop(){

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if(atemprature > 35){

void Tracking(){
lcd.print("tracking mode");
readings1=analogRead(s1); //readings of sensor 1 from 0->1023
readings2=analogRead(s2); //readings of sensor 2 from 0->1023
readings3=analogRead(s3); //readings of sensor 3 from 0->1023
readings4=analogRead(s4); //readings of sensor 4 from 0->1023
upperlimit1= error1 <=1;
upperlimit2= error2 <=1.1;
lowerlimit1= error1 >=0.97;
lowerlimit2= error2 >=1;

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if(readings2 > readings4){
if(lowerlimit1 && upperlimit1){
else if(readings4 > readings2){
if(lowerlimit1 && upperlimit1){
if(readings1 > readings3){
if(lowerlimit2 && upperlimit2){
else if(readings3 > readings1){
if(lowerlimit2 && upperlimit2){
if(readings1<400 &&readings2<400 &&readings3<400&& readings4<400){

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void nightmode(){
lcd.print("Night Mode");

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