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Vizex Hot keys

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Vizex Hot keys
'Hot keys' are single-press keyboard shortcuts that allow you to quickly switch from one editing or viewing
mode to another. The following hot keys are provided in Vizex:

Key Does Description

A A nvoke Arc/Curve Properties
B B oggle Between mode
SHIFT+B cycles thru options
C C ction Close String
D D nvoke Move/Copy String
E E ction Extend String
F F nvoke Insert Points (Equally Spaced)
G G nvoke String Gradient
H H nvoke Bearing/Distance
I I oggle Insert Points mode
SHIFT+I cycle thru options
J J ction Join Strings
K K oggle Select Triangles
L, R or T Action Looking East, West or in Plan
SHIFT + L, R or Action Looking North, South or Up
M M oggle Measure
N N ction New String*
*completes current and starts new
O O ction Reverse String Direction
P P oggle Perspective
Q Q nvoke Validate Wireframe (F2)
S Toggle Snap mode
SHIFT+S cycle thru options
U, V or W Constrain Rotation around X, Y or Z Viewing axis
X, Y or Z Constrain Rotation around X, Y or Z axis
ESC Toggle Reverts to the Select tool from most cursor states or Cancels when a dialog
is open
PGUP/ PGDN Action Previous/Next Section in clipped display
HOME Action Align the view with the current section plane.
F4 Invoke Open Active Layer file (then F6 to Modify)
CTRL + N Invoke File | New
CTRL + O Invoke File | Open (Edit)
CTRL + W Invoke Wireframe Utilities | Manage
CTRL + Z Action Undo

CTRL + Y Action Redo

CTRL + SPACE Action In any open form, clears the current response and moves to the next

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