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José Miguel Caro
Sebastián Concha
Matías Guajardo
Felipe Piña

◦ In this dissertation we will talk about the digital

marketing that is the application of the marketing
strategies carried out in the digital media, in addition,
we will talk about its advantages, disadvantages and the
types that exist.
What is the digital
◦ Digital marketing (or online marketing) covers all those
advertising and commercial actions and strategies that are
executed in the Internet media and channels.
◦ Gives us a series of tools from which they can be carried
out from small actions at cost 0 to large investments
◦ This phenomenon has been applied since the 1990s as a
way of transferring offline marketing techniques to the
digital universe.
Types of digital marketing
Content marketing:
This type of marketing is based on generating information that helps position
your brand, as well as keeping your customers informed.

Inbound marketing:
It is done in order for customers to find your brand, and once it is found, the
important thing is that you offer useful information, without stealing attention
aggressively. For Example: Videos on YouTube

Relational marketing:
In this management, customers are the most important and the way of doing
business changes, since you first think about the wishes and needs of
customers in order to customize the product.

Conversational marketing:
Seeks that customers, both current and potential, speak positively about the brand.
It is not only intended to sell a product, but to create a unique and valuable
experience that is worth sharing with other people.
Advantages of digital
◦ - Information provision.
◦ - It is totally comercial.
◦ - Digital marketing is versatile.
◦ - Easy to identify by its design level.
◦ - Drive a company to expand.
◦ - Save a little more.
◦ - It is easy to distribute.
◦ - Anyone can make use of digital marketing.
Disadvantages of
digital marketing
◦ - There are customers who do not have
Internet access.
◦ - Internet dependence. The internet may fail.
◦ - It is also ignored by many, because there are
many users who instead of following the
advertising they do is close it.
◦ - Unhappy about not receiving what they
bought on the screen.
◦ - The Internet generates distrust.
◦ In this work we were able to know and learn
about the digital marketing, learn more about its
origin (why it was created, in what decade, etc.)
We could also know what digital marketing
really is since many of us had a wrong idea or
not we knew directly what these words really
meant, we could also know some of their types
and differentiate them from each other, this can
be seen as a way of working or a form of

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