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Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209

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Analysis of partially composite foam insulated concrete sandwich

Fengtao Bai ⇑, James S. Davidson
Department of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the theoretical development that defines the small displacement behavior of foam
Received 8 October 2014 insulated concrete sandwich panels. Composite theories presented by other researchers are first
Revised 9 December 2014 thoroughly reviewed and scrutinized in the context of their use for precast concrete beams. A more
Accepted 25 February 2015
rigorous Discrete Model that incorporates the complex shear deformation behaviors and independent
Available online 25 March 2015
flexural resistance of the concrete wythes is then derived. Experimental data from full-scale precast sand-
wich panel tests are used to validate the developed methodology. Finally, it is demonstrated that this
study provides a rigorous analysis methodology for foam insulated concrete sandwich structures.
Partially composite beam
Sandwich panels
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Interlayer slip
Layered wood system

1. Introduction and background layer and overall bending moment of the whole cross-section.
More than a decade later, Holmberg [2] adopted and improved
1.1. Historical development of composite structures Granhom’s theory by considering additional transverse action
and applied it to various concrete structures. Meanwhile, Allen
Recently, due to energy efficiency interests, foam Insulated [3] and Hartsock [4] respectively published essentially the same
Concrete Sandwich Panels (ICSP), as illustrated in Fig. 1, have governing equations with each other by considering the kinematics
gained popularity in civil engineering construction. ICSPs provide relation between interior and exterior wythes, and overall shear or
thermal efficiency advantages over other traditional building bending moment equilibrium. Later, based on very similar govern-
façade construction due to the layer of insulation sandwiched ing equations of Hartsock [4], Ha [5,6] and Davies [7] focused on
between the structural concrete wythes. Unfortunately, this layer aspects of matrix formation and finite element algorithm. Also,
of insulation, along with the shear connectors, results in significant there are a number of studies that focus on a particular aspect of
behavior complexity, and an absence of versatile analysis metho- sandwich structures construction, such as design optimization,
dology. This research focuses on developing a suitable ICSP theory structures with thin or thick wythes [8], and development of
after reviewing typical composite structures and associated theo- various composite elements [9]. Therefore the list of multi-layer
retical developments. The research developments presented herein composite structures theories is extensive, and a comprehensive
are limited to elastic small displacement behavior of sandwich review and study of over 1300 publications is available [10].
panels that have symmetric wythes. In bridge engineering, two-layer composite structures such as
Partially composite structures of three layers and more, some- composite steel concrete T beams have been widely used and stud-
times called sandwich or laminated structures, have been used ied theoretically [12–18]. In 1951, Newmark [12] published his
for structural purposes for more than a half century in the aero- work on composite T beams; his theory was derived from the
space engineering and nailed timber construction industries. strain compatibility of the steel concrete interface. In 1967,
During this time period, a number of analysis methods have been Goodman [11] proved that Newmark’s theory is the same with
derived [2–11]. In the late 1940s, Granholm [1] published his the- Granholm’s [1]. Since then, a number of studies targeting different
ory and work in the field of nailed timber structures. Granholm’s aspects of composite T beam mechanics have been carried out.
theory focused on the equilibrium of axial force within individual Girhammar [13] developed a second order analysis approach.
Ranzi [14–16], Salari [17], and Sousa [18] published studies involv-
ing finite element formation. Fabbrocino [19] employed predefined
⇑ Corresponding author. moment curvature relation and force equilibrium to study the
E-mail address: (F. Bai). mechanics of composite T beams. Xu [20,21] considered the
0141-0296/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
198 F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209

beams is the significant shear deformation. Therefore the deflec-

tion can be considered to consist of two components, shear deflec-
tion and flexural deflection, as illustrated in Fig. 2(b) and (c),
respectively. These two components interact with each other
through shear connectors and the insulation layer, resulting in four
internal forces: two identical local bending moments around two
wythes and one pair of opposite axial forces that form an overall
bending moment around the entire cross section. External moment
is resisted by means of summing these internal bending moments
at any given cross-section.
The flexural deflection can be obtained readily by Euler–
Bernoulli beam theory, but the shear deflection is complicated
and can vary due to different shear connector stiffness, wythe
thickness, theories employed and assumptions. The primary differ-
ence of various theories lays in this shear deflection and will also
be discussed thoroughly in later sections.
Fig. 1. Typical sandwich panel geometry.

3. Typical theoretical developments

composite cross-section in a plane stress state and derived theo-
retical solutions. Theories that could potentially be applied are mainly from three
The mechanical behaviors of metallic sandwich panels, nailed areas: thin face metal laminated plate [3–9], composite steel con-
timber systems, composite bridge beams and ICSPs are similar in crete T beam [12–21], and nailed timber structures [1,11]. Among
some respects. For example, they all consist of a relatively deform- these three areas, some theories are similar in terms of deriving
able middle layer that results in large overall shear deformation. governing equations and therefore are applicable to each other in
However, there are also significant differences. For example, metal the elastic range with modification. Here two major strong form
faced sandwich structures, due to the slenderness of the face theories are chosen prior to proposing a new model.
plates, are more susceptible to face buckling and other local failure Assumptions shared by both are listed as:
modes. For nailed timber and composite bridge beams, compo-
nents are connected tightly through shear connectors, leaving little (1) Structural behavior is limited to elastic and small displace-
room for shear deformation. Actually, those two-layer composite ment, and the constitutive relation is assumed to be linear.
structures could have fairly high composite action that in some (2) The wythes have the same deflections.
circumstances may be considered as fully composite. Whereas (3) Perfect bond is achieved at the interfaces between the
metallic sandwich panels and ICSPs have a thick middle insulation middle foam layer and the wythes, meaning that no relative
bearing considerable amount of shear deformation and therefore sliding occurs at the two interfaces. However, the two
are usually partially composite. wythes move relative to each other due to the shear defor-
mation of the middle layer, and in the literature, this relative
1.2. ICSP literature movement is referred to as ‘‘slip’’. Therefore, even though no
sliding occurs and the use of the word ‘‘slip’’ may not be
Increasing building constructions involving ICSPs call for accu- mechanically accurate, ‘‘slip’’ will be used herein to be con-
rate analysis theory. The majority of available literatures focus on sistent with other prominent literatures.
experimental studies [22–42], although there have also been (4) Continuous and constant middle layer shear stiffness exists
attempts to define sandwich panel behavior by force equilibrium along the span.
[22,23], classical beam theory [24,25], and adapting various exist-
ing composite theories [26,27]. Most of those theories however are 3.1. Single cross section sandwich theories
not appropriate for ICSP behavior and not derived rigorously nor
validated by experiments. Consequently, few of them properly pre- The first category of theories [3–5] considers the two wythes
dict the response behavior of concrete sandwich structures to connected by the middle layer as one whole unit, and only one
transverse loading. governing equation is derived in this manner. Among these theo-
ICSP analysis methodologies by others [22,24,25,28] typically ries, Allen’s [3] and Hartsock’s [4] theories are most frequently
consider sandwich structures to be classical Euler–Bernoulli beams referenced since their assumptions are most realistic. Also, these
involving flexural deflection only, and then attribute the additional two are equivalent as demonstrated by Ha [5]. Therefore, Allen’s
unexpected deflection of the sandwich beam to a reduced moment theory is used to illustrate the approach herein.
of inertia through the concept of composite ratio. The present From the geometry and shear deformation kinematics shown in
study uses a closed form solution to demonstrate that the addi- Fig. 3, the shear deformation can be represented as follows:
tional unexpected deflection, along with other unexplained behav-
iors, is the consequence of shear deformation within the insulation c
y0s ¼ c ð1Þ
layer. The moment of inertia should still be calculated without 2r
reduction until cracking. In this way, the correct stress and strain
where ys = shear deflection; c = 2r  d = middle layer thickness;
distributions can be determined.
d = wythe thickness; 2r = distance between centroids of two
wythes; and c = shear strain of middle layer. The shear stress caused
2. Sandwich structure mechanics by flexural deformation in the middle layer can be considered to be
constant since the stiffness of the middle layer foam is much lower
Before proceeding with the theoretical development, sandwich than that of concrete. Also, because of the existence of the shear
structures’ general behavior will be briefly introduced. One of the stress and strain in the middle layer, the wythes must retain com-
essential differences distinguishing ICSPs from conventional solid patibility with the middle layer shear strain, resulting in additional
F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209 199

d N N
r x
d N N
b M M





Fig. 2. Illustration of shear and flexural deflections.

where B ¼ b  ð2rÞ2 =c. Recall Q 1 ¼ Ef Iy000 000

f and Q 2 ¼ Ef If ys , and
plug them into Eq. (4),
d e
f Q1 If
c 1 ¼ y0s ð5Þ
ys' BG I
c 2r
Defining shear force equilibrium,
Q ¼ Q1 þ Q2 ð6Þ
where Q = external applied shear force.

a2 Q ¼ a2 Q 1  a2 Q 2 ð7Þ

Fig. 3. Kinematics of shear deformation.
where a2 ¼ BG=ðEf If ð1  If =IÞÞ. Recall Q 2 ¼ Ef If y000
s , and plug it along
with Eq. (5) into Eq. (7),
shear deflection in the wythes. Therefore, shear force equilibrium a2 Q ¼ a2 Q 1 þ Q 001 ð8Þ
can be established as:
Eq. (8) is a second order linear differential equation and can
ðQ 1 þ Q 2 Þ ¼ bð2rÞs þ Ef If ðy000 000
f þ ys Þ ð2Þ now be solved to first obtain Q 1 and then the other unknowns.

where Q 1 ¼ Ef Iy000

f internal shear force resultant of flexural deflec-
tion in wythes and middle layer; Q 2 ¼ Ef If y000 3.2. Interactive wythes theories
s = internal shear force
3 2
resultant of shear deflection in wythes; I ¼ bd =6 þ 2bdr = moment
This category of theories may also be referred as layered wood
of inertia of the whole cross section; b = width of cross section;
theory, interlayer slip theory or partially composite beam theory.
s = shear stress in the middle layer; Ef = modulus of elasticity of
This type of theory, as mainly applied to nailed timber structures
wythes; If ¼ bd =6 = moment of inertia of two wythes; and and composite steel–concrete T beam, considers the interior and
yf = flexural deflection. From Eq. (1), the shear stress can be defined exterior wythes as separate parts connected by shear connecters
as: for shear transfer. Although fundamental theories were indepen-
s ¼ y0s 2rG=c ð3Þ dently developed by Granholm [1] and Newmark [12], Goodman
[11] subsequently proved that they are actually the same. In
where G = shear modulus of the middle layer. Note that in Eq. (3), Granholm’s theory, two coupled governing equations establish
the shear modulus G is only suitable for relatively small shear stiff- interactive equilibrium between the axial forces of wythes and
ness. For beams with a comparably stiff middle layer, an effective the middle layer shear forces, and the external bending moment
Gm should be used to account for nonlinearity of line cb in Fig. 3 and the sum of the internal bending moment. Newmark’s work
[3]. Substitute Eq. (3) into Eq. (2), addresses the shear strain compatibility of the steel concrete inter-
face. As a result, only one governing equation of axial force in the
ðQ 1 þ Q 2 Þ ¼ BGy0s þ Ef If ðy000 000
f þ ys Þ ð4Þ wythes is obtained. In the present study, Granholm’s approach is
200 F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209

taken as an example. The middle layer shear transfer mechanism in

this study consists of shear connectors and foam insulation.
3.2.1. Axial forces equilibrium
The strain due to axial force in each wythe is equal to the first y'
derivative of its axial displacement, which is half of the total axial
displacement. Then the axial stress is obtained as:
r ¼ Ew ð9Þ
where u2 = slip between wythes due to axial displacement; Ew =
moduli of elasticity of wythes. Notice that the middle layer shear
force causes the change in axial force in the two concrete wythes. Fig. 5. Slip due to bending.
Therefore if a differential length of dx is considered, the axial force
equilibrium is achieved as shown in Fig. 4.
sbdx ¼ N0 dx ð10Þ 3.2.2. Bending moment equilibrium
Considering the distance of the pair of opposite resultant axial
sb ¼ ðArÞ0 ð11Þ forces in each concrete wythe as 2r, the moment equilibrium can
be established as:
where s = shear stress in the middle layer; N = resultant axial force
in the wythe; b = wythe width; A = bd = cross section area of wythe; Mex ¼ Min þ M ex þ 2rN ð18Þ
and d = thickness of wythe. After substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (11),
the shear stress is obtained as: where Mex = external bending moment; Min = internal bending
moment of interior wythe; Mex = internal bending moment of exter-
Ew A 00 ior wythe. Using Eq. (9) and the assumption that the two wythes
s¼ u ð12Þ
2b 2 have the same deflection, Eq. (18) can be rewritten as:
The shear stress in the middle layer could also be determined by  
shear stiffness of connectors and corresponding relative slip as: Mex ¼ Ew 2Isgl y00 þ 2r AEw 2 ð19Þ
Ku ¼ s ð13Þ 3
where Isgl ¼ bd =12 = moment of inertia of each wythe. Substituting
where K = shear stiffness of the middle layer; u ¼ u1 þ u2 = total Eq. (15) into Eq. (19) yields:
slip between wythes; u1 = relative slip due to bending.
Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (13):
  ðu0  2ry00 Þ
Mex ¼ Ew 2Isgl y00 þ 2rAEw ð20Þ
Ew A 00
Ku ¼ u ð14Þ Eq. (20) can be rewritten as:
2b 2
With u1 as defined in Fig. 5, u2 can be expressed as: Mex ¼  2Isgl þ ð2rÞrA Ew y00 þ rAEw u0 ð21Þ

u2 ¼ u  2ry0 ð15Þ By using Itotal ¼ 2Isgl þ 2r 2 A = moment of inertia for the whole
cross-section; a2 ¼ 2r2 A=Itotal . The second governing equation can
where y = deflection; r = distance from neutral axis of wythe to the
now be determined from Eq. (21) as:
overall neutral axis. Substituting Eq. (15) into Eq. (14) yields:
2bK a2 Mex
u  u00 ¼ 2ry000 ð16Þ y00  u0 ¼  ð22Þ
Ew A 2r Ew Itotal
Eqs. (17) and (22) are combined to form the coupled set of govern-
After rearranging terms and using v2 ¼ 2Kb=ðEw AÞ, the first gov-
ing equations:
erning equations is determined as:
u00  v2 u ¼ 2ry000 ð17Þ
u00  v2 u ¼ 2ry000
y00  a2r u0 ¼  EwMI ex

dx 3.3. Theory for discrete shear connectors

As shown at the beginning of Section 3, one of the common

A N bdx N+N'dx
d assumptions is that the shear stiffness is constant and continuous
E I along the span. However, in reality, this is an unrealistic assump-
r tion since discrete, perhaps with non-uniform spacing, shear con-
nector distributions are often used. Therefore, an arbitrary shear
stiffness function is implemented in the present research. By doing
so, any form of shear connector pattern can be analyzed, but as a
result, the governing equations are nonlinear and can only be
A N N+N'dx
d solved numerically.
E I bdx In this study, a rectangle wave is chosen to represent the stiff-
ness of discrete shear connecters. Therefore the constant shear
stiffness K is replaced by a shear stiffness function K f , which is
Fig. 4. Force equilibrium. obtained through Fourier Transform as:
F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209 201

t X 1
1 2pn 2pn 2bK f 2r
K f ðxÞ ¼ K in þ sin cos x u00  u¼ M 0ex ð25Þ
T n¼1 np T T b2 Ew A b2 Ew Itotal
X 1
1     )
2pn 2pn rA 0 M
1  cos
x ð23Þ y00  u ¼  ex ð26Þ
n¼1 Itotal Ew Itotal
where K f = the shear stiffness function of the whole structure; K in = where b2 ¼ ð1  a2 Þ. Then the first order standard form of the set of
the shear stiffness of individual shear connecter; t = length of posi- governing equations is determined based on Eqs. (25) and (26) for
tive phase; T = period length. It is suggested that K in ¼ KðT=tÞ when numerical solution as:
the dimension of shear connecter cannot be accurately obtained. In
Z 01 ¼ k1  Z 2  k2 ð27Þ
this way, the total shear stiffness of all the shear connecters remains
constant, even though the shear connecter width varies. The
Z 02 ¼ Z 1 ð28Þ
rectangular wave function with T ¼ l=6 (l = span length), and
t = 0.05T is used in this study, which is normalized and plotted in
Z 03 ¼ k3  Z 1  k4 ð29Þ
Fig. 6.
K is then replaced with K f in Eq. (16), and the first governing
Z 04 ¼ Z 3 ð30Þ
equation is obtained as:
2bK f where: u
Z1 ¼ 0 ; Z2 ¼ u; Z 3 ¼ y0 ; Z 4 ¼ y; k1 ¼ 2bK f =ðb2 Ew AÞ;
u  u00 ¼ 2ry000 ð24Þ k2 ¼ 2rM ex =ðb2 Ew Itotal Þ; k3
¼ rA=Itotal ; k4 ¼ M ex =Ew Itotal .
Ew A
Finally, Eqs. (27)–(30) can be solved with specific boundary
The new set of governing equations is now rewritten by replac-
conditions as the Boundary Value Problem (BVP), and numerical
ing Eq. (17) with Eq. (24) as:
schemes such as finite difference can be employed.
< u00  2bK f u ¼ 2ry000 In summary, Allen’s method is concise in the governing equa-
Ew A
tion and its solution, but as a tradeoff, it involves assumptions
: y00  a2 u0 ¼  Mex
2r Ew I total
regarding the shear strain distribution in the middle layer that
may result in inaccuracy in some extreme cases. Granholm’s theory
In order to solve the coupled governing equations, Eq. (24) is does not involve those additional assumptions and is mechanically
mathematically manipulated further to the second order by closer to ICSPs but yields complexity in both of the governing
eliminating the third order term of deflection. The processed set equations and solution. However, they both have an unrealistic
of governing equations is determined as: assumption of constant and continuous shear stiffness in the mid-
dle layer along the span length. Finally, the arbitrary shear resis-
tance theory developed herein is better conditioned in terms of
1 shear stiffness but can only be solved numerically.

0.8 4. Solutions and comparisons

All solutions are based on a simply supported beam subjected to


uniform pressure on the top and x = 0 located at the mid-span.

4.1. Allen’s solution

0.2 A solution to Allen’s governing equation can be obtained by

solving Eq. (8) with specific boundary conditions. The original
boundary conditions are shown in (a) of Fig. 7. However, in order
to simplify the solution by symmetry, the problem is solved with
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
equivalent boundary conditions of a half span cantilever beam sub-
jected to the same loads shown in (b) of Fig. 7.
x/ (0.5l)
Deflection and shear stress in the middle layer are solved as:
Fig. 6. Shear stiffness function.

l 2

qb qb

x x

-q b l/2 -q b l/2 -q b l/2
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Simply supported beam.
202 F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209

" !# p p
1 qbl 2x2 cosh e; u3 ¼ sin e  sinh e; k¼ 2=4ðl=l0 Þ; e ¼ 2=4ðx=l0 Þ; l0 ¼
y¼ x2 3  2 p ffiffi
48 Ef I l
ðEw  i=2k  bÞ; i ¼ 2Isgl .
 2 " 2 2
# The final solution:
qb If x b l
 1 þ 2 ð1  cosh axÞ ð31Þ yex ¼ jy1 j þ jy2 j þ jy3 j
BG I 2 4h ð36Þ
yin ¼ jy1 j  jy2 j  jy3 j
qbl If 2x Bending Moment in the Wythes:
s¼ 1  b2 sinh ax ð32Þ "   !
2bd I l  2 !#
1 2 2b
cosh vb x 1 2 2x
M1 ¼ qbl a2 1 þ b 1  ð37Þ
where h ¼ a  l=2; b2 ¼ ðh  coshhÞ ; l = span length. 8 vl cosh vl 2

4.2. Holmberg’s solution to Granholm’s theory M2 ¼ 0 ð38Þ

Based on Granholm’s governing equations, Holmberg provides 2 2 l0 1  0 
comprehensive solution cases. The solution system provided by M3 ¼  qbl u u  u01 u3 ð39Þ
4 l w 3 1
Holmberg [2] is considered more complex and more accurate.
The specific condition in this present study, shown in Fig. 8(a), is The final solution:
determined by superposing the three cases illustrated in Mex ¼ jM 1 j  jM3 j
Fig. 8(b)–(d). The first case shown in Fig. 8(b) determines the ð40Þ
deflection shared by both wythes, then the second and third cases Min ¼ jM 1 j þ jM 3 j
shown in Figs. 8(c) and (d), respectively, determine the relative Axial Force in the Wythes (Prestress not included):
vertical compression between the wythes. All of the three cases "   !   2 !#
are presented here, but the second and third cases are regarded
1 qbl 2 2b
cosh vb x 1 2x
N1 ¼ a  1 þ 1 ð41Þ
as beam bending on soft medium, details of which can also be 8 r vl cosh vl 2 l
found from related references. In this study, those later two cases
are considered to be trivial. N2 ¼ 0 ð42Þ
4  N3 ¼ 0 ð43Þ
5 qbl 24
x 2 16
x 4 1
y1 ¼ 1 þ þ
384 Ew Itotal 5 l 5 l 16 The final solution reads
4  2  2 " 2 !  2 !#
qbl a 2b 2b cosh vb x 1 2x Nex ¼ N1
  1 þ 1  ð44Þ
Ew Itotal b vl vl cosh vl 2b
2 l Nin ¼ N 1
ð33Þ Slip between the Wythes:
3  2 " v ! #
q 1 qrbl 2b 1 2b sinh b x 2x
y2 ¼  ð34Þ u¼  ð45Þ
4k 4 Ew Itotal vl b2 vl cosh vl l
where b = ð1  a2 Þ; k = vertical compressive stiffness of middle Middle Layer Shear Stress:
layer; l = span length. " v ! #
pffiffiffi 1 ql 2 2b sinh b x 2x
2 qbl l0 1  0  s¼ a  ð46Þ
y3 ¼  u1 u1 þ u03 u3 ð35Þ 4 r vl cosh 2b
vl l
2 Ew Itotal b w
Or alternatively
where W ¼ u01 ðu02 þ u04 Þ  u03 ðu02 þ u04 Þ; u01 ¼ cos k  coshk; u02 ¼
cos k  sinh k; u03 ¼ sin k  sinh k; u04 ¼ sin k  cosh k; u1 ¼ cos e s ¼ Ku ð47Þ

l -q b l/4 -q b l/4
+q b +q b/ 2

x x

+q b/ 2
-q b l/2 -q b l/2 -q b l/4 y -q b l/4
(a) (b)
+q b l/4 +q b l/4
+q b/ 2

x x

-q b/ 2
y -q b l/4 -q b l/4

(c) (d)

Fig. 8. Load cases.

F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209 203

4.3. Comparison Z 1 ðl=2Þ ¼ Z 2 ð0Þ ¼ Z 3 ð0Þ ¼ Z 4 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0 ð48Þ

The normalized results of deflection, slip, bending moment and
4.3.1. Allen’s and Holmberg’s solutions
axial force (normalized to 0.39) of both models for half of the span
As shown in Fig. 9, Allen’s solution shown in Eq. (31) and either
are compared and plotted as:
Granholm’s original solution or the first case of Holmberg’s solu-
As shown in Fig. 10, deflection and relative slip are not signifi-
tion shown in Eq. (33) would yield identical results for specimens
cantly affected by the Discrete Models. However, the internal
of the same dimensions, even with various middle layer shear stiff-
forces, such as axial force and bending moment, are significantly
ness, which includes both shear connectors and foam. However, it
affected at the vicinity of the shear connectors. Furthermore, two
should be noted that, for the simply supported condition as shown
parameters, t and T as defined in Eq. (23), will affect the results,
in Fig. 8(a), Holmberg supplies the two additional load cases shown
even though the total shear stiffness remains constant. The ratio
in Fig. 8(c) and (d) to conclude the computation although they are
of t/T is usually referred to as ‘‘duty cycle,’’ which ranges from zero
trivial in this study, whereas Allen does not consider those
to one. The bigger the duty cycle is the smoother the results will
become. When the duty cycle is equal to 1, the Discrete Model
becomes the continuous model. For example, in Fig. 10, the
4.3.2. Continuous and Discrete Models
Discrete Model has a duty cycle of 0.05 and the continuous model
The continuous model refers to Granholm’s Model or the first
can be regarded as the Discrete Model with duty cycle of 1, and
case of Holmberg’s solution. Eqs. (27)–(30) can be solved with sim-
they all have the same middle layer total shear stiffness.
ply supported beam boundary conditions, which are given in Eqs.
Therefore it is generally sound to conclude that the continuous
(48). Note that among these boundary conditions, Z 2 ð0Þ ¼ 0,
shear connector model is adequate for general analysis; however,
Z 3 ð0Þ ¼ 0, and Z 4 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0 are directly obtained from the facts that
the maximum stress may no longer occur at mid-span, but rather
slip and slope are zero at the mid-span, and deflection is zero at the
in the vicinity of shear connectors near mid-span and actual stress
end support. However, Z 1 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0 is derived from Eq. (26), with near the shear connecters may be larger than predicted by the con-
the conditions of both external applied bending moment M ex and
tinuous model. Special attention should be paid to the problems
internal bending moment EW Isgl y00 equal to zero at the ends. with large shear stiffness, but small duty cycle.

4.4. Property of solution

4.5 ↓ Non-composite

4 4.4.1. Classification of deflection components

Both Eqs. (31) and (33) consist of two components: flexural
3.5 deflection and shear deflection. The flexural deflection terms are
identical to the solution of the equivalent solid Euler–Bernoulli
Deflection (mm)

3 ← PCS1
2.5 2  
1 qbl 2 2x2
yf ¼  x 3 2 ð49Þ
2 48 Ef I l
← PCS2
1.5 4 
5 qbl 24
x 2 16
x 4
yf ¼ 1 þ ð50Þ
1 384 Ew Itotal 5 l 5 l

0.5 Eqs. (31) and (33) also have the following shear deflection compo-
↑ Fully Composite nents, which are the major differences in the various composite
0 theories:
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
 2 " 2 2
Normalized Stiffness of Ties (Stiffness of PCS2 as Unit) qb If x b2 l
ys ¼  1 þ ð1  cosh axÞ ð51Þ
Fig. 9. Mid-span deflection of Allen’s and Holmberg’s theories @ q = 10.34 kPa (1.5
BG I 2 4h

0.8 0.8
Normalized Results
Normalized Results

0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
Discrete Model-Slip
0.2 Discrete Model-Deflection Continuous: Bending Moment
Continuous Model-Slip Continuous: Axial Force
0.1 Continuous Model-Deflection 0.1 Discrete: Axial Force
Discrete: Bending Moment
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x/ (0.5l) x/ (0.5l)

Fig. 10. Comparison of different models.

204 F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209

1 lim u ¼ 0 ð57Þ
ys ¼ K!1
4  2  2 " 2 !  2 !#
qbl a 2b 2b cosh vb x 1 2x
  1 þ 1  4.4.4. Upper and lower bounds of internal forces
Ew Itotal b vl vl cosh 2bvl 2 l
The upper and lower bounds in which the mid-span moment
ð52Þ and axial forces converge to are based upon Eqs. (37) and (41):
4.4.2. Upper and lower bounds of deflection lim M ¼ ð58Þ
K!0 8
The upper and lower bounds of Eq. (33) are plotted as non-
composite and fully composite in Fig. 9, which can be solved 2
qbl 2
theoretically as: lim M ¼ b =2 ð59Þ
K!1 8

x 2 16
x 4
5 qbl
lim y ¼   1 þ ð53Þ
K!0 384 Ew 2Isgl 5 l 5 l lim N ¼ 0 ð60Þ

4  !
5 qbl 24
x 2 16
x 4 2
qbl 2
lim y ¼ 1 þ ð54Þ lim N ¼ a =2r ð61Þ
K!1 384 Ew Itotal 5 l 5 l K!1 8
Eqs. (53) and (54) mean that when the shear stiffness of the
middle layer is sufficiently small, the wythes withstand local flexu- where a2 ¼ 2r 2 A=Itotal , b2 ¼ 1  a2 . a2 and b2 represent the ratios of
ral deformation independently. However, if the shear stiffness of middle layer bending stiffness, and wythes bending stiffness over
middle layer is sufficiently large, the wythes will act together as the overall bending stiffness respectively. The bending moment is
a fully composite beam. a result of the local bending in the wythes, and the axial force is
the result of composite action by force in the shear connectors.
4.4.3. Upper and lower bounds of slip Internal forces will distribute according to bending stiffness ratio
The bounds of relative slip can be calculated based on Eq. (55) only when fully composite action is achieved. For partially compos-
and Fig. 5: ite structures, internal forces will distribute according to

u ¼ u1 þ u2 ¼ 2r  y0 þ u2 ð55Þ
Table 2
For non-composite beams, u2 is zero since the axial force is zero Material properties.
for each wythe. y is obtained from Eq. (53). For fully composite
Young’s Modulus Stiffness of Stiffness of shear
beams, it is reasonable to assume that the relative slip is zero when of wythes, insulation foam, connectors,
considering the assumption made by Euler–Bernoulli beam theory GPa (ksi) kN/m3 (lb/in3) kN/m3 (lb/in3)
that the plane’s normal remains coincident with the beam center PCS 1 35.63 (5167) 84,517 (311.36) 3042 (11.21)
while bending. Finally, the upper and lower bounds of relative slip PCS 2 36.01 (5223) 84,517 (311.36) 196,723 (724.72)
can be obtained as: PCS 3 36.03 (5226) 84,517 (311.36) 196,723 (724.72)
PCS 4 36.91 (5353) 56,347 (207.58) 952 (3.51)
5 rqbl 48
x 64
x 3 PCS 5 36.86 (5346) 56,347 (207.58) 8490 (31.28)
lim u ¼  þ ð56Þ PCS 6 36.61 (5310) 56,347 (207.58) 374,678 (1380.30)
K!0 384 Ew Isgl 5 l 5 l


203 407 203





(a) Test Apparatus (b) Cross Secons (UNIT: mm)

Fig. 11. (a) Test apparatus and (b) cross sections (unit: mm).

Table 1
Cross section details.

A kN (kips) B C D E mm (in) F mm (in) G mm (in)

PCS 1 9.525 mm(3/800 ); @71.62(16.1) Steel C Shape WWR EPS 51 (2) 203 (8) 2@508 (20)
PCS 2 9.525 mm(3/800 ); @71.62(16.1) Carbon Mesh WWR EPS 51 (2) 203 (8) 2@508 (20)
PCS 3 2  200 mm2(#5) bars &9.525 mm(3/800 ); @71.62(16.1) Carbon Mesh WWR EPS 51 (2) 203 (8) 2@508 (20)
PCS 4 9.525 mm(3/800 ); @66.28(14.9) Metal C-pins 71 mm2(#3) @ 45.72 cm(1800 ) XEPS 76 (3) 229 (9) 3@305 (12)
PCS 5 9.525 mm(3/800 ); @66.28(14.9) Composite Pin 71 mm2(#3) @ 45.72 cm(1800 ) XEPS 76 (3) 229 (9) 2@508 (20)
PCS 6 9.525 mm(3/800 ); @71.62(16.1) Carbon Mesh WWR XEPS 76 (3) 229 (9) 2@508 (20)

Where: A is the longitudinal prestressing tendon; B is the shear connector; C is the reinforcement; D is the type of insulation foam; E is the thickness of insulation layer; F is
the total thickness of the sandwich beam; and G is the space between shear connectors.
F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209 205

equilibrium achieved between shear connector deformation and y ¼ yin ¼ yex ¼ y1 ð62Þ
wythe bending.

5.1. Consideration of prestressing forces

5. Experiment setup and validation
Prestressing forces are considered as a pair of axial forces plus a
Holmberg’s solution is employed for the validation since pair of additional bending moments if eccentric prestressing ten-
Discrete Model will yield the same results in the deflection and dons are present. For this study, the prestressing tendons are in
slip. Also, the sandwich panels tested have very large vertical resis- the center of each wythe, therefore only a pair of axial forces is
tances; therefore the second and third terms are trivial. considered. Since this study is limited to small displacement and



Load (KPa)
Load (KPa)

12 15

8 PCS1 Specimen A
PCS1 Specimen B
PCS2 Specimen A
6 PCS1 Specimen C
PCS2 Specimen B
Theoretical Solu. w/o Foam
4 Theoretical Solution w/o Foam
Theoretical Solu. w/ Foam 5
Theoretical Solution w/ Foam
Full Composite
2 Full Composite
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)


25 16

Load (KPa)

Load (KPa)

10 PCS3-G2 F 6 PCS4 Specimen A
PCS3-G2 DEF Average PCS4 Specimen C
Theoretical Solution w/o Foam 4 Theoretical Solution w/o Foam
5 Theoretical Solution w/ Foam Theoretical Solution w/ Foam
Full Composite
Full Composite 2
Non-composite Non-composite
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)

18 18

16 16

14 14

12 12
Load (KPa)

Load (KPa)

10 10

8 8
PCS5 Specimen A PCS6 Specimen A
6 PCS5 Specimen B 6 PCS6 Specimen B
PCS5 Specimen C PCS6 Specimen C
4 Theoretical Solution w/o Foam 4 Theoretical Solution w/o Foam
Theoretical Solution w/ Foam Theoretical Solution w/ Foam
2 Full Composite 2 Full Composite
Non-composite Non-composite
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)

Fig. 12. Deflection–resistance comparisons.

206 F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209

linear elastic behaviors, curvature and deflection will not be the shear connectors, can be observed from the PCS6 specimens.
affected by this pair of axial forces. Although, the shear stiffness of PCS6 is large, as defined in
Table 2, all three tested samples show non-composite behaviors
5.2. Experiment setup shortly after loading begins. For example, the theoretically pre-
dicted slopes of deflection are much larger than that demonstrated
Data from experiments conducted by Naito [23,28–32] are used by the testing results, and the slopes of the testing results are actu-
for validation. Displacements were measured as a distributed load ally very close to the lower bound, non-composite action. This is
that was applied by a load tree apparatus that simulated uniform because when the poor bonding of the shear connecter embed-
pressure. The test apparatus, and cross section properties of sand- ment is smaller than the demand exerted by the applied load, shear
wich panels tested are illustrated in Fig. 11 and Table 1. The span of connecter embedment failure occurs and the two concrete wythes
all specimens is 3.05 m (120 in.). act independently as non-composite structures. Nonetheless, the
deflection comparisons of Fig. 12 demonstrate that the developed
methodology can capture the characteristic of sandwich structures
5.3. Mid-span deflection validation
with reasonable accuracy considering the random characteristics
of concrete structures and uncontrollable factors associated with
The upper and lower bounds of deflection are given in Eqs. (53)
the manufacturing process.
and (54) of Section 4.4.2. Erroneous sensor data and deflection
associated with seating of the samples were eliminated.
Several characteristics of behavior can be observed. Firstly, the 5.4. End slip validation
testing results will usually fall between the theoretical solutions
with and without the middle layer foam, although it is yet to be The upper and lower bounds of deflection are given in Eqs. (56)
studied to what extent the foam shear stiffness is effective. and (57) of Section 4.4.3. It can be noted from Fig. 13 that the rela-
Secondly, the comparisons between the testing results and the tive slip predicted at the ends of the specimens correlates well with
theoretical solutions confirm that the stiffness influences the the test results. However due to manufacturing imperfections, the
deflection in a nonlinear way, as can be also observed from slip at one end may differ slightly from the slip at the other end.
Fig. 9. For example, the comparison of PCS1 and PCS2 shows that
the same additional foam will help reduce the deflection more
effectively for specimen with small existing shear connecter 6. Pattern of internal forces and stresses
stiffness compared to the one with large existing shear connecter
stiffness. Furthermore, the behavior related to a common manufac- Eqs. (37) and (41) are employed. The dimensions of PCS1 under
turing flaw of concrete sandwich structures, poor embedment of pressure of 10.34 kPa is taken as an example. The internal forces

30 30

25 25

20 20
Load (KPa)

Load (KPa)

15 15

10 10 PCS3-G2 Specimen East

PCS1 Specimen East PCS3-G2 Specimen West
Theoretical Solution w/o Foam Theoretical Solution w/o Foam
5 Theoretical Solution w/ Foam 5 Theoretical Solution w/ Foam
Non-composite Non-composite
Full Composite Full Composite
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Slip (mm) Slip (mm)

20 22
18 20
16 18

14 16
Load (KPa)

Load (KPa)

PCS4 Specimen East PCS5 Specimen East
6 PCS4 Specimen West 6 PCS5 Specimen West
Theoretical Solution w/o Foam Theoretical Solution w/o Foam
4 4
Theoretical Solution w/ Foam Theoretical Solution w/ Foam
2 Non-composite Non-composite
Composite Composite
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Slip (mm) Slip (mm)

Fig. 13. Load-slip relationship.

F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209 207

1 1

0.9 ← Where Stress Plotted 0.9

0.8 0.8

Normalized Results
Normalized Results

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6
Bending Moment
0.5 Axial Force 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 Constant Model: Exterior Top

0.2 Constant Model:Exterior Bottom
0.2 Discrete Model: Exterior Top
0.1 0.1 Discrete Model:Exterior Bottom

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
K/ (K@PCS1) x/ (0.5l)
(a) (b)
Fig. 14. (a) Mid-span internal forces and (b) stresses.

and stresses are plotted with an assumption of 60 times of original for relatively thick insulation layers, it is more difficult to achieve
shear connectors’ stiffness. fully composite action than for thin insulation layers (the 3–4–3
Fig. 14 shows how of shear connector stiffness influences the panel would need about 3 times the number of connectors com-
internal forces and the related stress pattern. As expected, the pared to the 3–3–3 panel, and 5 times compared to 3–2–3). After
bending moment decreases and the axial force increases to their achieving fully composite action, the 3–4–3 panel would be stiffer
bounds, respectively, when shear connectors become sufficiently and have less deflection due to the larger moment of inertia, but
strong. Then, at the normalized stiffness of 2.1, exterior wythe for average sandwich panel design, the deflection associated with
stresses are plotted with both Continuous and Discrete Models. It shear dominates and consequently a thicker insulation layer results
should be noticed that the Discrete Model will yield larger stresses in a larger deflection. Therefore it is not sound to conclude that a
near shear connectors and the maximum value exists at the first larger moment of inertia would help reduce deflection in sandwich
one or two connectors from the mid-span. structures.

7. Influence of different insulation layer thickness on overall 4.5

4 ↑ Non-composite

Five insulation setups are considered as illustrated in Fig. 15. 3-4-3

The insulation layers’ thicknesses vary but the concrete wythes’ 3.5 3-3-3
Deflection (mm)

dimensions are the same. Also, the assumption is that the same
3 3-1-3
type of shear connectors and insulation foam are used, but their 3-0.5-3
heights can vary according to different middle layer thickness. 2.5
In order to study the effect of insulation layer thickness varia-
tion, the assumption that the shear connectors’ ends are built into 2
the wythes as fixed boundary conditions is made. In that case,
, 1.5
p pð2r  dÞ 12EI 1
K ¼ s=u ¼ ¼ ð63Þ
A 12EI A ð2r  dÞ3 1

It can be observed in Eq. (63) that K, as a function of thickness of the 0.5

middle layer 2r  d, changes exponentially. The deflection is plotted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
in Fig. 16 as a function of middle layer stiffness for the five cross- Normalized Stiffness
sections. Parameters and dimensions of PCS6 are taken under
10.34 kPa pressure for demonstration. Fig. 16 demonstrates that Fig. 16. Influence of middle layer on mid-span deflection.

812.8 812.8
812.8 812.8 812.8

76.2 76.2
76.2 76.2 76.2 88.9
44.4 50.8 63.5 76.2
44.4 50.8 63.5 76.2 88.9
76.2 76.2 76.2 76.2 76.2

812.8 812.8 812.8 812.8 812.8

3:0.5:3 3:1:3 3:2:3 3:3:3 3:4:3

Fig. 15. Cross-section and dimension ratios considered (unit: mm).

208 F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209

8. Conclusions Granholm’s and Holmberg’s Theories

This research reviews and compares various existing composite u2 slip between wythes due to axial
theories that could be used for analysis of insulated concrete sand- displacement
wich panels and derives a rigorous discrete analysis model for Ew moduli of elasticity of wythes
composite structures. Most importantly, it addresses the absence s shear stress in the middle layer
of reliable analysis methodology in the ICSP industry. Key findings N resultant axial force in wythe
and accomplishments of the work include: b wythe width
d thickness of wyth
1. Both Allen’s and Granholm’s theories yield the same results A = bd cross section area of wythe
when applied to ICSP structures (demonstrated in Fig. 9). K shear stiffness of the middle layer
2. The Discrete Model can improve the stress calculation accuracy u = u1 + u2 total slip between wythes
near shear connectors and capture the key characteristic of ICSP u1 relative slip due to bending
structures. y total deflection
3. Deflection of sandwich structures are decomposed and classi- r distance from neutral axis of wythe to the
fied as flexural and shear components. Furthermore, the upper overall neutral axis
and lower bounds of deflection, end slip and internal forces v2 2Kb/(Ew AÞ
are derived and verified against full-scale test data. Mex external bending moment
4. The deflection associated with shear deformation can be so internal bending moment of interior
M in
large that it can dominate the deflection when the middle layer wythe
stiffness is relatively small (demonstrated in Fig. 16). M ex internal bending moment of exterior
Future work will include the theoretical development of 3 moment of inertia of each wythe
Isgl ¼ bd =12
unsymmetrical wythe ICSPs, the development of composite beam
Itotal ¼ 2Isgl þ 2r 2 A moment of inertia for the whole cross-
‘‘elements’’ that can be used for finite element analyses of ICSPs,
and additional validation and evaluation of the practical implica-
a2 2r2 A=Itotal
tions of the developed theories for design optimization of ICSPs.
b2 1  a2
Acknowledgement k vertical compressive stiffness of the
middle layer
The financial support provided by the China Scholarship Council l span length
(CSC) is appreciated. The first author also benefits from the discus- W u01 u02 þ u04  u03 u02 þ u04
sion with Wenxiu Liu, Syracuse University and her AutoCAD u01 cos kcosh k
drawings. u02 cos ksinh k
u03 sin ksinh k
Appendix A. Notations and symbols u04 sin kcosh k
u1 cos ecosh e,
(In the order of appearance). u3 sin esinh e,
Allen’s Theory p
k 2/4(l/l0 Þ
e 2=4ðx=l0 Þ
ys shear deflection pffiffiffi
l0 4ðEw  i=2k  bÞ
c ¼ 2r  d middle layer thickness
i 2Isgl
d wythe thickness
yf flexural deflection
2r distance between centroids of the two wythes
ys shear deflection
c shear strain of middle layer
Q 1 ¼ Ef Iy000
internal shear force resultant of flexural
deflection in wythes and middle layer
Q 2 ¼ Ef If y000 internal shear force resultant of shear Discrete Model
deflection in wythes (Notations are the same with Granholm’s model except
b width of cross section following)
s shear stress in the middle layer
Ef modulus of elasticity for wythes
Kf the shear stiffness function of the whole structure
If bd3/6 = moment of inertia of two wythes
K in the shear stiffness of individual shear connecter
yf flexural deflection
t length of positive phase
G shear modulus of the middle layer
T period length
B b  ð2rÞ2 =c Z1 u0
I 3 2
bd =6 þ 2bdr = moment of inertia of the Z2 u
whole cross section Z3 y0
Q external applied shear force Z4 y
a2 BG=ðEf If ð1  If =IÞÞ k1 2bK f =ðb2 Ew AÞ
y total deflection k2 2rM0ex =ðb2 Ew Itotal Þ
h a  l=2 k3 rA=Itotal
b2 1
ðh  coshhÞ k4 M ex =Ew Itotal
l span length
F. Bai, J.S. Davidson / Engineering Structures 91 (2015) 197–209 209

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