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Mathematics BSc Year 3 Term 2 Spring 2018

9-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7
Complex Analysis Algebraic Topology Intro to Number Theory Knot Theory Numerical Analysis Groups & Representations Control Theory Commutative Algebra Theory of PDEs Supt: Commutative Algebra
wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-19 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 16-24
MS.01 (Z) MS.B3.03 (Z) L3 (SC) MS.03 (Z) L5 (SC) MS.03 (Z) MS.04 (Z) L3 (SC) MS.05 (Z) MA_B3.02 (Z)
Combinatorial Opt Combinatorics II Supt: Intro Number Theory Probability Theory Theory of ODEs Fractal Geometry PDE
M wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 16-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-19
o H0.51 (H) MS.04 (Z) S0.18 (S) L4 (SC) MS.01 (Z) H0.51 (H) MS.02 (Z)
n Numerical Analysis and PDEs Supt: Theory of ODEs Supt: Func Analysis II
d wks 15-24 wks 16-24 wks 16-24
a MS.04 (Z) B2.04/5 (SC) MA_B3.01 (Z)
y Support: Groups & Reps
wks 16-24
MA_B3.01 (Z)

Groups and Representations Metric Spaces Intro to Number Theory Combinatorial Optimisation Numerical Analysis & PDEs Supt: Num Analysis & PDEs Markov Proc & Perc Thy Algebraic Number Theory Combinatorics II
wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24
MS.B3.03 (Z) MS.02 (Z) OC0.03 (OC) L3 (SC) MS.B3.03 (Z) MA_B3.01 (Z) MS.05 (Z) L4 (SC) MS.05 (Z)
Support: Knot Theory Algebraic Topology Fractal Geometry Knot Theory Supt: Algebraic Number Thy Numerical Analysis Fluid Dynamics Supt: Combinatorial Opt
wks 16-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 16-24 wks 15-19 wks 15-24 wks 16-24
T MS.B1.01 (Z) MS.05 (Z) MS.B3.03 (Z) B2.02 (SC) MA_B1.01 (Z) L5 (SC) PLT (SC) P5.21 (P)
u Support: Fluid Dynamics Supt: Func Analysis II Probability Theory Control Theory PDE Supt: Intro Number Theory
e wks 16-24 wks 16-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-19 wks 16-24
s OC0.02 (OC) B2.04/5 (SC) MS.03 (Z) MS.03 (Z) MS.02 (Z) S0.18 (S)

Intro to Number Theory Combinatorial Opt Combinatorics II Numerical Analysis & PDEs
wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15,22 ST_A1.01 (Z)
OC0.03 (OC) MS.01 (Z) MA_B3.03 (Z) wks 16-21,23,24 MA_B1.01 (Z)
W Complex Analysis Theory of PDEs Functional Analysis II Support: Metric Spaces
e wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 16-24
d MS.01 (Z) MA_B3.02 (Z) MS.04 (Z) MS.B3.03 (Z)
n Support: Metric Spaces Principles of Finance II
e wks 16-24 wks 15-24
s MS.B3.03 (Z) MS.03 (Z)

Groups & Representations Algebraic Topology Supt: Mark Pcs & Perc Thy Commutative Algebra Functional Analysis II Problem Solving Control Theory Algebraic Number Theory Fractal Geometry Fluid Dynamics
wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 16-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 21
MS.03 (Z) MS.04 (Z) L4 (SC) L4 (SC) MS.02 (Z) OC0.04 (OC) MS.B3.03 (Z) L4 (SC) L4 (SC) L5 (SC)
T Metric Spaces Support: Theory of PDEs Supt: Combinatorial Opt PDE Supt: Algebraic Number Thy Supt: Num Analysis Markov Processes & Percolation Theory
h wks 15-24 wk 16-24 wks 16-24 wks 15-19 wks 16-24 wks 15-19 wks 15-24
u OC1.05 (OC) MA_B1.01 (Z) MS.04 (Z) L3 (SC) LIB2 (L) IN_A0.02 (Z) MS.04 (Z)
r Probability Theory Supt: Numerical Analysis Supt: Commutative Algebra Support: Complex Analysis Support: PDE
s wks 15-24 wks 15-19 wks 16-24 wks 16-24 wks 15-19
d MS.04 (Z) IN_A0.02 (Z) L5 (SC) B2.04/5 (SC) MS.B3.03 (Z)
a Support: Theory of ODEs Support: Control Theory
y wks 16-24 wks 16-24
MS.B3.02 (Z) MA_B3.01 (Z)

Theory of PDEs Complex Analysis Algebraic Number Theory Functional Analysis II Knot Theory Theory of ODEs Problem Solving
wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24
MS.03 (Z) MS.01 (Z) L5 (SC) MS.03 (Z) MS.05 (Z) L4 (SC) H0.51 (H)
Theory of ODEs Metric Spaces Mathematical Economics 1B Fluid Dynamics Fluid Dynamics
F wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-24 wks 15-20, 22-24
r H0.51 (H) MS.02 (Z) H0.52 (H) MS.02 (Z) L5 (SC)
i Commutative Algebra Support: Metric Spaces Support: Complex Analysis Numerical Analysis
d wks 15-24 wks 16-24 wks 16-24 wks 15-19
a L5 (SC) B2.02 (SC) H5.45 (H) L5 (SC)

(AC) = Arts Centre, (CS) = Computer Science, (E) = Engineering, (H) = Humanities, (L) = Library, (MH) = Milburn House, (OC) = Oculus, (P) = Physics, (PS) = Physical Sciences, (R) = Ramphal, (S) = Social Sciences, (SC) = Science Concourse, (W) = Westwood, (WMG) = WMG Building, (Z) = Zeeman

Lectures start on Monday 8 January 2018. Some courses may have seminars and practicals that are not shown. Consult relevant departments for non-maths courses.

Please note: This timetable is intended as a guide only. Up to date information can be found at:

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