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Miranda Astari1), Irma Yanthi2), Usnul Khatimah3), Alwi Almaliki 4), Khaerati5)
Modern Physics Laboratory, Makassar State University
Abstract-Photoelectric effect is a phenomenon where there is a loss of electrons in a metal due to the
interaction of light. The released electrons are called photoelectrons. The light that is used in order to remove
metals must have a certain frequency that matches its wavelength. The minimum threshold of light frequency
used to remove electrons is called the threshold frequency, while the energy that has a threshold frequency is
called the work function. The purpose of this practicum is to determine the characteristics of light according to
quantum theory and the influence of wavelengths on stopping potential.From the experimental results, a planck
constant value of 6.408x 10-34Js. was obtained. This value is almost close to the value of the Planck constant in
theory, which is 6.626x10-34Js. This can be seen from the relatively low% diff of 3,317 %. As for the value of
the work function obtained 1.5672 eV. Through photoelectric experiments it can also be seen that the rate of
electron emission is influenced by the intensity of the light but is not affected by the wavelength of the light
used.The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectron is also independent of the light intensity, but only
depends on the wavelength, with frequency and kinetic energy related linearly.

Keywords: electron, photoelectric effect, and Planck.

The discovery of the photoelectric effect is one of the milestones in the birth of quantum
physics. To formulate the theory that the figure with experiment once again people are faced with a
situation where the classical ideology which for decades has been believed as a true understanding
must be overhauled. The concept in question is the conception that light as a wave The photoelectric
effect is a physics phenomenon that was first discovered by Hertz in 1887 when demonstrating the
existence of electromagnetic waves. Lenard then used a vacuum glass tube in which there were two
electrodes. At that time physical theory could not explain the results of Lenard's observations. After
Einstein using the quanta idea Planck provided a theoretical explanation of the observations of the
photoelectric phenomenon.
Einstein formulated an equation that connects the threshold potential with the frequency of
monochromatic light used in illuminating the cathode ie there is this experiment. light as particles
according to quantum theory and overhaul the statement of light as waves by classical theory. In
addition to this experiment will be analyzed to determine Planck's constant with the existence of this
experiment we can find out how the relationship of light intensity to photoelectric currents. In
addition we will investigate how the explanation of classical theory and quantum theory regarding
light.wWith value of the Planck constant in theory, which is 6.626x10-34Js.

During the practicum process, we use several tools and materials. The tools and materials
include: a) Planck constant measurement device, PC-101; b) several filters.In this photoelectric effect
experiment, the working mechanism of the Planck constant measurement device is when a beam of
light is emitted towards a metal surface placed in a vacuum tube. If the electrons emitted from the
metal have enough energy, that is, energy greater than the stopping potential, the electrons are
scattered out of the metal surface and reach the collector and then detected as an electric current by
the Ammeters. Then used a variety of filters, red, orange, blue, yellow, green.
There are two activities carried out in this experiment. In activity 1, the writer wants to make
sure that light behaves as a particle. At first the light source is set at a distance of 35 cm from the
sensor and adjusts the current multiplier at position × 0.01. After that, take one of the filters (in the

author's experiment, use a blue filter) and place it on the tube window. Measure the stopping
potential by adjusting the light intensity until the current reads on the screen. Then, adjust the barrier
potential which is smaller than the stopping potential, increase the light intensity and observe the
current change. Furthermore, the same process with later.
In activity 2, the blue filter is replaced first by the red filter. (when changing filters, it is better to
use a tissue). Put the barrier potential at zero. To measure the stopping potential, adjust the light
intensity until the current reads on the screen. Continue measurements using another filter.By using
Planck's theory, Einstein proposed the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect with: E = hv = Ek +
W0 and to calculate the magnitude of the planck constant based on graphs (h), h = m.e and for its
work function it can be used by finding W = c.e.


Experiment results:
Table 1. Observations of the characteristics of light according to quantum theory

Intensity Intensity Intensity

Situation Vs =1,15 Vs =1,16 Vs=1,19
There is current or not There is current or not There is current or not
V>Vs X X X
V<Vs X √ √
V=Vs X √ X

Based on the table The magnitude of the maximum current can increase if the intensity of the
light is increased, this happens because the higher the intensity of the light that is fired the more
electrons coming out of the metal plate. When the potential difference (voltage) is getting smaller and
even the value is minus (-V0), it turns out that no current is flowing which indicates there is no
potential photoelectron V0 called the stopping potential. The amount of kinetic energy emitted by
photoelectrons does not depend on the intensity of light. If the intensity of the light is doubled, then
the number of photoelectrons coming out also doubles, but the magnitude of the maximum kinetic
energy in each photoelectron does not change in value.
Table 2. The results of observations of the effect of wavelengths on stopping potential

(x1014 Hz)
Red 635 4,72 0.40±0,01
Orange 570 5,26 0,61±0,01
Yellow 574 5,56 0,80±0,01
Green 500 6,00 0,93±0,01
Blue 460 6,52 1,15±0,01

Based on the graph analysis we have obtained:
h = 6,408 × 10-34 js
W0 = 1,5672 eV
Based on the theory :
h = 6,626 × 10-34 js
In this experiment, the Photoelectric Effect Experiment aims to observe the behavior of light
as particles according to quantum theory and to determine Planck's constant. Where in this
experiment were divided into two activities. In the first activity, it was observed the effect of light
intensity on strong currents. In this activity there are three different conditions, namely when the
potential of the barrier is made smaller, equal, and greater than the stopping potential. Based on
observations of the three conditions, it is found that the current change occurs when the barrier
potential is smaller than the stopping potential (V <Vs) but not too significant, whereas when the
barrier potential is equal and smaller than the stopping potential there is no change in the current.
This shows that the increase in light intensity does not affect the increase in current.
As for the second activity, observations were made on the effect of frequency on the stopping
potential. Based on observations obtained that the greater the frequency given, the greater the
potential stop.Based on the results of a graphical analysis of the data obtained in the second activity,
a planck constant value of 6.408x 10-34Js. was obtained. This value is almost close to the value of the
Planck constant in theory, which is 6.626x10-34Js. This can be seen from the relatively low% diff of
3,317 %. As for the value of the work function obtained 1.5672 eV. The difference between the
Planck constant in theory and that obtained from graph analysis is influenced by the acquisition of
data obtained at the time of the inaccurate practicum, because it is realized when data collection is
unstable that the voltage used is often not as intended.
1. Based on the results of experiments it can be concluded that light behaves as particles
according to quantum theory. This can be seen from the absence of significant changes in

current due to changes in light intensity. But when the frequency is changed, the stop
potential also changes.
2. Based on graph analysis using line gradients obtained by Planck's constant, which is 6.408 ×
10-34 js.

[1] Beiser, Arthur. 2003. Concepts of Modern Physics – Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York.
[2] Daud M., Jasruddin. 2005. Pengantar Fisika Modern. Badan Penerbit UNM Makassar: Makassar.
[3] Subaer,dkk.2019. Modul Praktikum Eksperimen Fisika 1 Unit III. Laboratorium Fisika Modern
jurusan Fisika UNM

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