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Static Liquefaction

September 2017

The Assessment of Static

Liquefaction in Tailings Dams:
A Review

Nico Vermeulen 1

The principle objective of this presentation is to elicit response, comment & debate
on the topic of static liquefaction in the context of tailings dams.

 it represents an independent review of the state-of-the-art

 it expresses the observations/views of the author, not necessarily of J&W
 it does not propose to offer a recipe for liquefaction assessment

Reference: Static Liquefaction, The Assessment of Static Liquefaction in Tailings

Dams: A Review, presentation by Nico Vermeulen of Jones & Wagener, September

1. Definitions
2. Static Liquefaction
3. Investigations
4. Analysis
5. Challenges


Types of “Liquefaction”
Static Liquefaction

flow type failure as a result of strain softening accompanied by increased pore
pressure and a consequent reduction of the undrained shear strength
 some researchers still adhere to a model that allows for the collapse of a meta-
stable fabric or packing (card house structure) of the soil skeleton (solid particles)
 Mike Jefferies brought us the NorSand CSSM that is capable of modeling static
liquefaction within a sound engineering framework.

Many Triggers
Often heavy rainfall
can also be seismic 5
Dynamic / Cyclic Liquefaction
 failure as a result of the cyclic build-up (ratchetting) of excess pore pressures in
response to repetitive loading or shaking typically associated with seismic events.

Repeated loading
Often earthquakes
‘Quick Sand Conditions’
 boiling or quicksand type failure as a result of seepage forces overcoming the self
weight and frictional interaction between non-cohesive grains.

Hydraulic Gradient
Poor seepage control
‘Quick Clay Conditions’

 failure as a result of physio-chemical processes resulting in a meta-stable fabric

that collapses on mechanical disturbance.

Dispersion / Flocculation
Mechanical disturbance

Behaviour of Soils = Composition x State
Size (PSD) Structure Stress-Density
Texture Fabric Void ratio / Density / State parameter
Critical State / Steady State Bonding Effective stress
Fiction angle Collapsibility Pore pressure
Cohesion Stress history / OCR
Dilatancy (Dilate & Contract)
Earth pressure
Elasticity / Plasticity / Yield / Hardening

Physical properties of particles Packing arrangement & glue History & Starting Point10
Computational Model
Critical State Soil Constitutive Models

 The means to calculate soil behavior

 Elastic conditions
 Yield conditions
 Plastic conditions
 Failure conditions (critical or steady state)
 Framework for understanding soils
 Applied within:
 Known or imposed boundary conditions
 Drainage conditions

 Examples:
 Granta Gravel (simplified sand)
 Cam-clay (Clay)
 Modified Cam-clay (Clay, numerical solutions) CSSM Model for Clays - Cambridge
 NorSand (Sand & Silts -> Tailings)

Static Liquefaction: The Recipe for Disaster
1. Liquefaction SUSCEPTIBILITY

potential for undrained strain softening associated with a contractive soil state or low

2. Liquefaction TRIGGER
trigger mechanisms that may initiate strain softening (break the camel’s back):
• static or monotonic stress (static loading from self-weight or surcharge)
• cyclic stress (blast/construction vibrations, seismic/earthquake)
• deformation (undermining collapse, squeeze)
• Piping/boiling, overtopping, progressive sloughing . . .

3. Post-liquefaction STABILITY
extent of strain softening and loss of strength and the resultant impact on slope
stability, settlement, bearing capacity etc.

Olsen & Stark (2003) + Been & Jefferies (2006, 2016)

Nic’s Rules of Thumb
 All hydraulically placed fine tailings below the water table
should be considered contractive & susceptible to liquefaction
 Assume that a plausible trigger will exist.
 Consider undrained shear strength for ‘quick’/brittle triggers
 Check slope stability
 su(liq)/s’vo = 2% to 5% - liquefied undrained strength ratio
 Test Rheology and determine in situ Density profile
 Carry out a dam-break analysis, i.e. what is the consequence

Suggest you investigate & analyse back-to-front

Examples of Static Liquefaction Failures
 1965 El Cobre, Chile
 copper tailings, >200 deaths
 1966 Aberfan, Wales
 Coal tip, 144 deaths including 116 school children
 1971 San Fernando, California USA
 Van Norman dams, 80 000 evacuated
 1983 Canadian Beaufort Sea => CANLEX
 Nerlark underwater berms, construction abandoned
 1985 Sand Heads, Fraser River Delta, Canada
 Seabed instability
 1994 Merriespruit, South Africa
 Gold tailings, 17 deaths
 2008 Kingston Fossil Plant, Tennessee USA
 Fly ash, 4.2x106m3 spill
 2014 Mount Polley, British Columbia, Canada
 Copper & gold tailings, 10x106m3 water & 7.3x106m3 tailings spill (foundation failure)
 2015 Samarco, Minas Gerais, Brazil
 Iron ore, 158 homes destroyed, 17 deaths, 32-60x106m3 tailings spill

Desk Study
Seismic Data – Ground Acceleration (PPV)

 Earthquake (Trigger?)
 10% Probability of exceedance in 50 years, or
 Maximum Credible Earthquake (Australia vs. Northern SA on the Rift Belt)
 Be careful of the questions that you ask, you may not like the answers

Design & Operational Data

 Foundations / Drainage / Liner

 Topography / Geometry
 RoR / Delivery (sluicing vs cyclone)
 History / ‘Funnies’ / ‘Specials’ / ‘Deviations’

Environmental Data
 Water Balance
 Rainfall
 1:100 year 24hr event 16
In situ Investigations
Geotechnical Drilling
 SPT – always good as a back-up check for liquefaction potential
 Tube sampling (undisturbed, Shelby Tube, Mostap) for laboratory testing
 Core extraction (disturbed samples) and visual logging
 Piezometer installation

Sonic Drilling
 Faster than conventional rotary core drilling
 Good core recovery in soft tailings
 Continuous casing of the borehole to prevent collapse
 Allows SPT, tube sampling & piezometer installation
 Can drill without water / drilling mud, i.e. ‘dry-drill’

 Slowly becoming more widely available in SA for geotechnical applications

 SA Contractors do not have inner-sleeves (expensive) for better core recovery
Sonic Drilling

Core Liner No Core Liner

Core recovery by Sonic Drilling
Note no inner sample sleeve used

Penetration Testing - SCPTu
 CPT – cone resistance, sleeve friction (now common) & inclination
 u – dynamic pore pressure and equilibrium pore pressure
 S – shear wave velocity (should become common!!)

 Multiple ‘liquefaction parameters’ are measure simultaneously and continuously
 Many liquefaction analyses are based primarily on CPTu data
 Shear wave velocity adds another level of interpretation (SPT CPT vs)
 Reliable measurement of pore pressure regime in a tailings dam (critical)
 Best bang for buck by far, should be the primary investigation tool
 Window sampling now possible (Mostap)
 Cannot penetrate hard or dense layers, or possibly all the way to the base of TSF
 Seismic piezocone not as widely available in SA, or measures top-down
 May still be perceived as ‘expensive’!?! 20
SCPTu with Dual/Multi Geophones

 

1 is good!

2 is better!!
Three independent shear wave velocity measurements
CPTu / SCPTu (single geophone) / CSW

Remarkable correlation!
Was this pure luck?
 All TSF’s should have piezometers that are monitored as part of operations
 Site records are typically poor, incomplete and not well understood by site staff
 Piezometers are often lost or damaged as part of operations
 Extensions to piezometers are not always properly recorded

Electronic Piezometers
 Real time data to the cloud and available to all for analysis
 Multi-level sensors -> pore pressure regime
 Auto-trigger warning levels
 Communications technologies allow long term remote sensing (10 year battery life)
 Theft/vandalism no longer a major concern due to wireless technologies

 Perceived as expensive
 Limited ‘track record’
 Data flooding 23
Laboratory Investigations

Disturbed tests for COMPOSITION

Undisturbed tests to verify STATE


• SG – Specific Gravity
• PSD - Particle Size Distribution and fines content
• Atterberg Limits - influence of the fines
• Moisture content
• Confirm SBT & FC classifications from CPTu interpretation

Commercial Laboratories
 Routine tests, reasonable chance of reliable & repeatable results
 Can be done on disturbed but representative samples
 Best source of composition data

 Laboratories can and do ‘regularly’ mess up basic tests 24

Characterisation – Undisturbed Specimens

• Density / Void Ratio – critical to liquefaction susceptibility

• Triaxial tests - indication of expected stress paths & dilatancy
• Verify state parameter estimates from CPTu & calculations

Characterisation – Triaxial Tests on Disturbed Specimens

• Shear strength – effective strength parameters

• Critical State Parameters - depends on the model adopted
• We need both Drained & Undrained tests to probe NorSand parameters
• Staged consolidation assist in understanding compression/consolidation

Commercial Laboratories in SA
 Specimen preparation and care are critical, lab manager needs to be aware
 Special test procedures are often required for CSSM parameters
 Regrettably results are not as reliable as they should be in SA
 Capacity and testing time are major challenges
 Research lab capacity is extremely limited for commercial testing 25
Fabric Effects on Reconstituted Samples
Chang et al. (2011) Hoeg et al. (2000): Silts & Tailings

Critical State Models

 Test reconstituted samples
 Develop intrinsic soil parameters
 Model complex behaviour
 Explain fabric effects to some degree

CIU Triaxial Tests on the same tailings material

f’ = 19° f’ = 39°
Deviator stress (kPa)






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Mean normal effective stress (kPa)

Reconstituted – Moist Tamp Undisturbed – Shelby Tube

eo = 0.9 eo = 1.2!
Sample liquefied during the test Strongly dilatant at lower density!

? Lab error or real soil behaviour ?

Specialised Testing

• Electron micrographs – still the best way to see what you are dealing with

• X-Ray Diffraction & SEM Spectrometry

• Cyclic Triaxial Tests

• Bender Element Tests
• Cyclic Simple Shear Tests
• Resonant Column Tests

• Rheology Tests – for dam break analyses

• Cylinder & Vane viscometer tests
• Newtonian vs Non-Newtonian behaviour (𝜏: 𝛾)
• Tailings typically 4 parameter Bingham Plastic

Walking on Water?

... well corn-starch

(non-Newtonian Fluid)

Slope Stability = Balancing Act


FoS > 1

Olson & Stark (2003) – Case based
 Based on undrained shear strength to the vertical effective stress ratio with depth

 Liquefaction trigger: su(yield)/s’vo peak available strength (not CS Yield)

 Liquefied strength: su(liq)/s’vo not zero, but low say 2% to 5%
 Non plastic fines (tailings) do not reduce liquefaction susceptibility (?Robertson?)
 Liquefaction failures typically when su(yield) = 25% to 30% of s’vo

 Susceptibility:
 Contractive/dilative boundary (‘simplification’ of Fear & Robertson, 1995 SPT)

𝜎𝑣𝑜 𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦 = 1.10𝑥10−2 𝑞𝑐1 4.79

 Triger Analysis:
𝐹𝑜𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑟 = FoS ≥ 1
𝜏𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 + 𝜏𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑐 + 𝜏𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟

 su(yield)/s’vo based on CPT data and back analysis of liquefaction failures

𝑠𝑢 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑
′ = 0.205 + 0.0143𝑞𝑐1 ± 0.04 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑞𝑐1 ≤ 6.5𝑀𝑃𝑎

 tstatic stress levels associated with the current static slope stability, i.e.
a static slope failure is a trigger for liquefaction

 tseismic based on CSR & CRR, Seed, Youd & Idriss, 1971, 1997, 2001
𝛼𝑚𝑎𝑥 CSR = tseismic / s’vo
𝜏𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑐 = 0.65 𝜎𝑣𝑜 𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑀
𝑔 CRR = su(yield)/s’vo
PGA Depth/Stress Reduction Magnitude Scaling
 tother could be deformation driven shear, deformation etc.

 Other trigger analysis methods

 Simplified Liquefaction Potential Index method (LPI or IL): seismic resistance
see Iwasaki et al. (1978 & 1982)

 Post-trigger Stability:
 Assign liquefied strength to soils along failure planes
 Carry out a limit equilibrium stability check
 FoS ≤ 1 Failure
 1 < FoS ≤ 1.1 Progressive failure
 FoS > 1.1 No failure

 su(liq)/s’vo based on CPT data

𝑠𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑞
′ = 0.03 + 0.0143𝑞𝑐1 ± 0.03 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑞𝑐1 ≤ 6.5𝑀𝑃𝑎
NorSand CSSM [Mike Jefferies 1993]
 Principle Axioms
 The CSL is a unique locus of failure or ultimate states
 Shear strain moves a soil towards the CS

 Characteristics [built on the state parameter, ]

 NCL is no longer a unique locus defining the hardening law
 The state parameter now defines the position of the ‘external’ yield surface
 OCR [R] defines how far the soil state is from yield, elastic range
 Infinite yield surfaces can exist not necessarily intersecting the CSL
 Plasticity is still governed by associated flow & normality
 State parameter is used to capture the effects of the density state
 Dilatancy behavior is captured as a function of the state parameter
 Unloading can cause yield (internal yield surface) – load cycles can cause ‘creep’
 Principal stress rotation causes softening = ƒ(lode angle)
 It accommodates phase transfer dilation and pseudo steady state fundamentally
 Elasticity assumes constant shear rigidity (Ir) and constant Poisson’s ratio (n)

 ∞ NCLs as ƒ() i.e. ƒ(density)
 NCLs on both sides of the CSL
 Solution to the Problem that:
“Sands always behave OC”

Decoupling of the Yields Surface from the CSL

 8 Model Parameters (dimensionless)
 M = Slope of the CSL in stress space, (q/p’)
 l = Slope of the CSL in void ratio/stress space, (e/ln(p’))
 G = Altitude of the CSL in void ratio/stress space, (e/ln(p’))
 H = Plastic Hardening Coefficient, is ƒ() and modelled as H = Ho + H()
 Hardening Law determined by Iterative Forward Modelling (IFM)
 Can approximate to 1/(l–k) in silty clayey soils, H often taken as zero
 Hr = Plastic Softening Coefficient, not yet fully understood
  = State-Dilatancy Coefficient, i.e. relationship between  & Dmin
 External Yield Surface & Internal Yield Surface
 Ir = Shear rigidity, G/p’
 n = Poisson’s ratio
 Helper Parameters
 N = Stress-Dilatancy Coefficient, i.e. relationship between hmax, Dmin & M
 Volumetric Coupling to capture dilatancy in the Flow Rule, N = 0 in CamClay
 Dmin = max dilatancy, where D = ev/eq & e = ep + ee (plastic & elastic components)
 hmax = max stress ratio, where h = q/p’
 G = Shear modulus, used to model elastic behaviour
 Determined from shear wave velocity from geophysics, or bender element tests
 Can be determined by load/unload cycles during triaxial shear but requires care
 Dependent on initial stress level po
 With both Ir & n assumed constant, G becomes stress dependent
NorSand – Parameters and Ranges

NorSand - Typical Soil Parameters Sets

Jefferies & Been (2006, 2016)
 Liquefaction explained by way of NorSand CSSM framework
 Allows undrained simultaneous & equal plastic/elastic volumetric strains
 No requirements for collapse type mechanism to generate pore pressures

 Liquefaction Susceptibility:
 Based on state parameter: 𝜓 = 𝑒 − 𝑒𝑐𝑠 “How far from CS/SS & on which side”
 Simplified: + indicates contractive response, i.e. liquefiable
-  indicates dilative response
 Dilative/contractive boundary varies from  > -0.05 (strong) to  > -0.08 (mild)
 The in situ state parameter  is determined from CPTu test results
Q = ƒ(initial state  & compressibility k, m)
 Qp = normalised cone resistance
 k & m rigidity functions (compressibility) linked to cavity expansion theory
 Plewes et al. (1991) screening method, assumes F(cone friction ratio) & M = 1.25
 Shuttle & Jefferies (1998), k & m ito l for drained CPTs (F < 1.5% & -0.02 < Bq < 0.02)
 Shuttle & Cunning (2007), 𝑘 & 𝑚 ito l & M for undrained CPTs (F > 1%)
 Full-monty NorSand: M, N, H, l, n, Gref & n (Gexp)

Screening Level


Contractive &

 Triger Analysis:
 J&B use the CRR vs. CSR concept to check the FoS against a Seismic Trigger
 CRR is determined from
  Estimates based on  for example:

  Cyclic simple shear laboratory tests

  NCEER Robertson & Wride (1998): Q, Ic & modifications factors (Kc, Km, Ks & Ka)
 CSR based on
 The work of Seed, Youd, Idriss etc. as before,
 Typically Seed Simplified as described in Youd et al. (2001)

 Post-trigger Stability:
 su(yield)/s’vo from CPTu as per usual using
 f’ for Ic ≤ 2.5 for silts and sands, where f’ can be derived from 
 Nkt for Ic > 2.5 for clayey soils and clays, Nkt = 15 typically used

 su(liq)/s’vo from CPTu data and the Nor-Sand Model

 or based on Case History, see next slide 44

Susceptibility Trigger FoS Post-Liq

Clean SAND
Silty SAND
Sandy SILT

Liquefied strength
based on case histories -0.05 46
Been & Jefferies Testing Recipe
 General Approach
 Define the soil Profile
 Define the Boundary Conditions
 Define the Water Table and Pore Pressure Regime
 Define variability and identify Anomalies
 Determine the in situ state from CPTu testing
 Determine the required Soil Parameters from lab testing
 Predict liquefaction
 Scope of Field and Lab Investigations
 CPTu Penetration Testing: In situ state, profile, pore pressures, water table etc.
 Sampling through Core Drilling or using MOSTAP window sampler on CPTu
 Shear wave velocities for G via SCPTu or Bender Element Tests
 Lab Tests on Reconstituted Samples: Composition & CSSM parameters
 Indicator Tests including emin and emax
 Critical State
 Stress-Dilatancy & State-Dilatancy
 Plastic Shear Hardening (requires some modelling to compute)
 Elastic properties
 Laboratory Triaxial Testing Programme
 You need 10kg of each material for 10 to 15 Triaxial tests
 Test specimens are prepared by moist tamping
 5xTest A & 2xTest B - Determine the CSL: G, l & M
 3xTest C - Determine the Stress-Dilatancy: M & N
Determine State-Dilatancy: 
 Gmax as ƒ(Gref & Gexp) by guess & fit or bender element & assume n (0.2)
 Determine the hardening parameter by IFM: H (best fit model)
 Hr is not required but can be determined via cyclic simple shear

Seismic Analysis Only

Commercial Laboratories
 Efforts should be made to:
 ‘Educate’ Laboratories/Consultants/Clients on the requirements for liquefaction
testing and appropriate methods/procedures
 Develop/Agree on a Standard Set of tests for liquefaction parameters
 Convince the labs to offer this as a Lump Sum Suite


Major Uncertainties
 CPTu
 when is the probe response drained / undrained / de-saturated [F & Bq]
 when is an ANOMALY ( ‘blip’ in cone data) considered ANOMALOUS
 how do I interpret the CPTu data above the water table

 Material Types
 do I have 2 types, i.e. fine & coarse tailings e.g. cyclone over/under flow
 when can I test 1 mixed sample vs. a bandwidth of PSDs

 Trigger Mechanisms
 have I considered all possible or plausible mechanisms

 Strength
 when and where do I use the undrained shear strength
 can I mix D and UD strength models in the same stability calculation
Major Uncertainties
 Liquefaction Risk
 is there a limiting depth to liquefaction, say 20m deep
 can liquefaction occur above the water table
 and in sub-hydrostatic pore pressure regimes
 does increased fines content (silt) reduce liquefaction potential

 Seismic response of raised TSF

 liquefaction traditionally associated with sands below ground level
 what happens in a TSF raised above ground: damping/amplification?
 what are amax, rd and CM in, on top of or in the slopes of a TSF?

 Dam Break Analysis

 What makes a liquefaction failure stop or flow widely
 The next slides illustrate liquefaction type failures with increasing
volumes of mobilised material . . .
Sullivan Mine, British Columbia
“fortunately, another tailings dyke contained the flow”
Saaiplaas, South Africa
Relatively small mud-flow 55
Merriespruit, South Africa
Small volume, BIG mud-flow 56
Moderate volume & mud-flow

Mount Polley, British Columbia
BIG volume & BIG mud-flow

Baffokeng, South Africa
Massive volume discharged

Main Liquefaction Risks / Drivers for a TSF
 Overtopping – surface water management
 Do not use TSF to store excess water
 Collect, manage and discharge surface water quickly and safely
 Maintain adequate freeboard, check water balance
 Build-in redundancy, what if the penstock fails?
 Piping & Backwards Erosion – day wall construction
 Tailings can be susceptible to suffusion, internal and back erosion
 Weak spots in the day wall can trigger piping
 Check for boils at the toe of the embankment slope
 Upstream Day Wall Construction – the sins of the past
 Don’t build a starter wall dam
 Don’t burry weak soft tailings below the future embankment wall
 Environmental & Economic Pressures
 Go-higher & Go-faster may lead to Go-no-more or Go-ne
 Upstream construction => short term gain for long term pain
 Construction over liner systems still a big ?
Water Management

Don’t drown the angels Pool Management 61


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