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Villegas 1

Eva Villegas

Di Viki

ENGL 2010

30, August 2019

Notebook: week 5 2d

In my memoir draft Discrimination in School I used a research statement at

the very end, I also quoted the research statement and said that is according to that
research because I have to tells my readers that the statement it’s not mine but
borrowed from someone else, as well wrote the name of the research. I did not use
another research so I didn’t contrast it but I agree with my resource because it does
support points.
There are other ways to used the sources like phrase or summarizing for
phrasing used write the idea from the sources in your on words and in parenthesis
write last name and year at the end of your phrase and for summarizing put the full
information first, last name in parenthesis year, name of the book and name title of
the research where is realized and pages as well. I chose quote to use it in my
memoir because I think it was more easier for me that to use other.
I also chose this sources because it says the not one person suffer from
discrimination but it talks about in generals in the USA.

“Most Latinos in the United States say they have suffered discrimination, more than

twice as many who said so a decade earlier, according to research released on Tuesday.”

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