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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lalawigan ng Quezon



Project Title RCBMS: An Effective Tool for DRRM

Type of Project Updating of the Municipal Data-Base
Project Proponent Local Government Unit – Mulanay, Quezon
Point Person/s Mayor Joselito A. Ojeda
Number of Beneficiaries 11,783 households or 54,554 population; 28,059 male
and 26,495 female (2018 projection)
Project Beneficiaries LGU Mulanay, Sangguniang Barangays, Municipal
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
(MDRRMC), Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council (BDRRMC), women, youth,
informal settlers, farmers, fisherfolks, teachers,
students, etc.
Location of Beneficiaries Municipality of Mulanay, Province of Quezon,
Region IV-A, Philippines
Date of October 2018 – March 2019
Area of Project 28 barangays of Municipality, Province of Quezon,
Implementation Region IV-A, Philippines
Budget Requirement Php 1,377,000.00
Budget Requested Php 500,000.00

The project is entitled: “Rapid Community-Based Monitoring System (RCBMS): An

Effective Tool for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (MDRRM). It will be the
second round of its implementation for the updating of the existing municipal data-base
generated from its first round of implementation in 2014. It contains core local poverty,
climate change adaptation and mitigation, and vulnerability indicators.

The Local Government Unit (LGU) of Mulanay will be the project proponent with its
Municipal Mayor, Joselito A. Ojeda, as Point Person.

It will be implemented in partnership with the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC)

who will provide the Rapid CBMS technology, application and technical assistance.

The Local Government Unit of Mulanay, the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council (MDRRMC), Sangguniang Barangays, Barangay Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council (BDRRMC), women, youth, informal settlers,

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farmers, fisherfolks, teachers, students, and all other sectoral groups will serve as the
project beneficiaries as the survey will saturate the 11,783 projected households with a
total population of 54,554, with 28,059 male and 26,495 female. The data to be generated
from the RCBMS will be used for planning purposes, development interventions, and
disaster risk reduction and management for the whole populace of Mulanay.

It will be implemented on a modular basis within six months or 180 days starting October
2018 to March 2019. The implementation schedule includes:

• Module 1: October – November 2018 - Training on RCBMS Data Collection; and

commencement of the survey.

• Module 2: November – December 2018 - Training on RCMS Data Processing System:

Data Processing and Poverty Mapping. After the data generation, data validation
through community consultation will be conducted. Once there are discrepancies on
the data, a re-survey for the concerned households will be conducted.

• Modular 3: January 2019 – March 2019 - Preparation of the Barangay and Municipal
Socio-Economic Profiles, Local Development Plans and Budget, and DRRM Plans
Using the RCBMS Database
The area of project implementation covers all the 28 barangays of Mulanay and has an
estimated cost of One Million Three Hundred Seventy-Seven Thousand Pesos (Php
1,377,000.00). Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 500,000.00) will be requested
FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 2018 and the remaining amount will be the counterpart of the
municipal government and Sangguniang Barangays/Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Councils of Mulanay.


The municipality of Mulanay, a first-class municipality in Quezon province, aims to

become a climate change adaptive and resilient community. It is the municipality’s
priority to focus on disaster risk reduction and management.

RCBMS is an assessment tool which presents a new method and technology for
the timely gathering and processing of data using smart phones and different
applications. It has its features and indicators on disaster preparedness that is
aligned with the formulation of a climate change proof Comprehensive Land Use
Plan (CLUP), Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP), Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Plan (DRRMP), Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP),
Contingency Plan and other plans required by national government agencies.

The system introduces new technology like Global Positioning System (GPS)
wherein location of houses is exactly identified relative to hazard map. This
presents data about the houses and households vulnerable to hazards helpful in
achieving the goal of zero casualty in times of disaster.

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Before RCBMS, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Mulanay, focused
merely on Relief Operation and Quick Response disregarding preparedness,
prevention, and mitigation. Interventions focused on relief distribution and
provision of assistance to the victims of disasters. It relies on bandilyos only around
the Poblacion area to warn its constituents about the upcoming typhoons.
Evacuation centers were simply determined based on finger-pointing neglecting
the consideration of how safe it was to cater the affected households due to
insufficient bases and data. As a matter of fact, there were evacuation centers
before which were mostly schools that are located in the hazard prone areas.
Another thing is that it focuses merely on the flood prone areas and setting aside
the other hazard prone areas – those vulnerable to storm surge, landslides,
earthquakes, and others.

How has the RCBMS helped improved the DRRM practice of Mulanay?

Through integration and overlaying of RCBMS data into hazard maps (landslide,
wind, storm surge, and floods), LGU-Mulanay could now determine the number of
households, population, and vulnerable groups in the landslide, storm surge, and
flood prone areas.

Significantly, this system also ensures that households living in makeshift and light-
material housing units, though living outside hazard prone areas, are also given
priority. They were also considered vulnerable to wind hazard as their houses
cannot withstand typhoons with a strength and speed of 80 kph and beyond.

As per RCBMS 2014 data, Mulanay have 7,882 or 69% of households that are
vulnerable to different kinds of hazards.

Basically, the MDRRMO has established a Systematic Information Communication

Dissemination Network System (SICDNS). With this developed system, the LGU
was able to simultaneously provide timely and necessary information down from
the MDRRMC to BDRRMC, cluster and household leaders to the vulnerable

Under this system, the LGU grouped the vulnerable groups identified thru the
RCBMS in every sitios per barangay with their respective household leaders. The
household leaders are then grouped into clusters and one of them is designated
as cluster leader. The said cluster leaders form part of the BDRRMC to which they
directly report and coordinate.

The LGU also now has a Responsive Evacuation Management System (REMS)
and works together with the SICDNS to address concerns on safety of identified
evacuation centers, plan and evacuation routes. Through the RCBMS, the
BDRRM Committee organized 10 cluster members with one cluster leader and a
designated evacuation and house centers. The formation of these clusters was
done in barangay assemblies and BDRRMC meetings. The cluster leader provides

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the information, alerts every member, and acts as the manager in taking its cluster
members to their designated evacuation or house centers. With this, the
community knew very well who to directly follow, where and when to go in times of

RCBMS becomes significant in terms of stockpiling and prepositioning of

commodities as the LGU has already determined the volume needed per possible
affected families.

DRRM Office also developed the DRRM Household Booklet containing the
information related to DRRM: where to evacuate, what to bring and do per type of
hazard, what to do after the occurrence of hazard, and what are the reports to
submit and to whom it should be submitted. This was developed as the RCBMS
posted the very limited number of households or 10% with knowledge on DRRM
particularly, on the importance of having a disaster preparedness kit.

As a result of the RCBMS Implementation, various programs and projects circled

in the Municipality. Using the data derived from the RCBMS, the Municipal Poverty
Reduction Action Team (MPRAT) prioritized projects related to DRRM. On the
prioritization side, they have seen the need for the Municipal Comprehensive
Disaster Evacuation Centers as more vulnerable families seek refuge in times of
calamities. Flood Control Projects, Water Treatment Facilities and Infrastructure
Support were also identified on the risk areas determined in the RCBMS.

Indeed, thru RCBMS, the LGU could predict and see things on its actual scenario
that is a useful input, bases, and aid for Mulanay DRRM.

This helped the LGU in creating an efficient MDRRMC, BDRRMC, volunteers, and
stakeholders who hand-in-hand contribute for the welfare of everyone. Indeed,
Mulanay is an empowered community converging and uniting as one; a community
of not merely the government addressing the issues within it but a community of
people and the government joining hands as one to ensure zero-casualty and
mitigation of the loss of property and source of livelihood.

The above things and scenarios need to be sustained and improved. That is why
there is a need for the updating of the municipal and DRRM data through the
implementation of the 2nd round of the RCBMS designed for updating every 3
years. With the updated data, the LGU could also update, enhance, formulate,
implement, and evaluate related plans, strategies, and programs of different fields
particularly DRRM.

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1. Come-up with an a. Enumeration

municipal data- Data enumeration will be conducted within 30 days, from October-
base consisting November 2018, considering that 28 enumerators (1 per barangay) could
of poverty, interview an average of 15 households per day.
climate change,
Prior to data enumeration, training for enumerators, team leaders, and
and vulnerability
supervisor on data gathering/enumeration using android gadgets will be

b. Data Processing System: Data Processing and Poverty

Upon completion of the enumeration, training on data processing and
poverty mapping for the barangay secretaries, LGU – department and unit
heads, MPDC and MDRRMO staff will be conducted.
This will enable them to process, generate, and analyze data, tables,
maps, and graphs.

c. Community Data Validation

The Rapid CBMS Data Validation will be conducted through community
consultation to be participated by the Sangguniang Barangays, Community
Leaders, CSOs, Health Workers, and all other stakeholders.
Once identified some discrepancies in the data, a re-survey of the
concerned households will be conducted.

d. Generation and Analysis of Municipal Data, Tables, Graphs,

and Maps

Once finalized, the LGU through the Office of the MPDC and MDRRMO will
generate comparative data between 2014 and 2018 for an analysis.

e. Training on the Preparation of the Barangay and Municipal

Socio-Economic Profiles, Local Development Plans and
Budget, and DRRM Plans

f. Formulation/Updating of Municipal Socio-Economic Profiles,

Local Development Plans and Budget, and DRRM Plans
2. Determine the a. Overlaying of CBMS Indicators/Data into Vulnerability and
number of Hazard Maps
households and
population Integration of data and overlaying them into hazard and vulnerability maps
exposed to will determine the number and specific location of households and
hazard per type population who are within the hazard prone areas and the type of hazards
per level of they are vulnerable to. The exposure per level of susceptibility per type of
susceptibility hazard of each household and population could be easily determined as

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Through the project: “RCBMS: An Effective Tool for DRRM” Mulanay would achieve a safe
and resilient community.

With the aid of RCBMS data, Comprehensive Land and Water Uses Plan coupled with its
Zoning Ordinance, Climate Change Action Plan, and DRRM Plan could be regularly
updated and enhanced, hence proper uses of land, water, and environment would be
regulated and conserved.

By improving the DRRM plan, practices and climate change adaptation and mitigation of
the municipality using the RCBMS data; loss of life, livelihood, and properties could be
mitigated, thereby the socio- economic condition of households would improve.

To sustain this initiative the following measures will be pushed thru:

➢ Passage of an ordinance adopting the RCBMS and its regular updating every three

➢ The MDRRMO together with the MPDC should ensure that updating of the RCBMS is
included in the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) and Annual Investment
Program (AIP).

The guidelines on the utilization of the DRRM funds allows the LGU to finance the
conduct of Rapid CBMS, thereby, there would be an available funding source.

➢ The MPDC Office as the municipal data bank will serve as the repository of the
RCBMS data and will be responsible for the provision of technical assistance to other
LGU departments and units, national agencies, private sectors, and other clients on
data generation as well as in advocating its uses so as to maximize the investment
and its benefits to the community.

RCBMS has the following linkages with other development initiatives:

It is an initiative of the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC). They are providing the
technology as well as trainings and technical assistance in its implementation. With the
LGU adopting and implementing the project; particularly Mulanay, the integration of the
data with the LGU Information Dissemination System (IDS), a 24/7 ICT-Based System
that enhances information dissemination and data collection of disaster-related bulletins
(from PAGASA, PHVOLCS, RDRRMC, MGB, etc.), farming and fishing updates (DA,
BFAR, etc.) community announcements (suspension of classes, community activities
such as town fiesta, festivals, jobs fair, public bidding, etc.) would be very helpful.

Through the Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (CEST) Project
of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the municipality has acquired
DRRM equipment and technology like the Automated Rain Gauges (ARGs) and LGU
Information Dissemination System (IDS). This is in line with the provision of trainings on
the utilization of Project NOAH with the MDRRMO staff. The utilization of these equipment
and technology became more effective with the aid of the information from the RCBMS
particularly the LGU-IDS which sends weather updates and warning from PAG-ASA and

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automated rain gauge to cluster leaders who then disseminate the information to their
members. From this process, pre-emptive measures and information are easily
disseminated and necessary actions are done.


The LGU Mulanay finds no difficulty in the implementation of the project based from its
previous implementation in 2014. However, risks and factors that may hamper or hinder
the successful implementation of the project activities and achievement of its outputs on
this proposed 2nd round include:

➢ Late procurement of the android-based cell phones to be used in the data

enumeration/collection by the Sangguniang Barangays
➢ Un-cooperative barangay officials and BDRRMC
➢ Unavailability of the technical/resource persons from NAPC for the trainings
➢ Delays in the procurement/delivery of supplies and materials like uniform, IDs, and
household numbers/stickers
➢ Bad weather conditions during the conduct of enumeration

LGU Mulanay will adapt the following measures to mitigate the adverse effects of the
above risks:
➢ Since, the procurement of android-based cellphones is a barangay counterpart and
included in its Barangay Annual Investment Program and Barangay Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan and Budget for 2018, the MDRRMO will facilitate its
procurement within August until mid of September, 2018. This is to ensure that during
the target training on data collection for the Data Enumerators, said gadget is already

➢ The MDRRMO will facilitate the social preparation for the activity that includes
meetings and consultations with the Sangguniang Barangays and BDRRMCs
regarding the project and their role and responsibilities for its successful
implementation. It will be conducted until the 2nd week of September.

➢ The LGU through the MPDC will finalize its schedule with the NAPC Consultants on
RCBMS on the schedule of Module 1 Training on October, 2018. In fact, request for
NAPC assistance on its conduct was already approved and they are just waiting for
the LGU’s schedule of the training.

➢ Supplies and materials like uniform, IDs, umbrella, and raincoats for the enumerators,
team leader, supervisor, and project coordinator; and household numbers; will be
procured by September, 2018 before the actual survey so as to avoid delays of the
project implementation.

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Municipal Mayor • Acts as the project point Mayor Joselito A. Ojeda +639209504898
• Designates the project
supervisor and
• Provides the necessary
budget and logistics

Office/Municipal • Acts as the project over- EnP Marissa P. Cortez +639307518169

Planning and all coordinator
Development • Coordinates activities
Coordinator relative to the project with
different partners; NAPC,
KAYA NATIN, Office of
the Vice-President, San
Miguel Corporation,
Sangguniang Barangays,
• Acts as the repository of
the RCBMS Data
• Advocates the utilization
of the data for planning,
project development,
policy formulation, etc.
• Assists the barangays in
the preparation/updating
of their SEPs and
Barangay Development

Office/Municipal • Acts as the over-all EnP Willy P. Lincallo +639213331710

Disaster Risk project supervisor
Reduction and • Supervises the RCBMS
Management team leaders and
Officer enumerators
• Monitors the conduct of
the survey
• Provides technical
assistance to team
leaders and enumerators
• Provides/facilitates the
necessary logistics and
coordination activities
• Updates the DRRM
profile, plans and policies
based from the RCBMS

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Phase 1: September 2018 - Preparatory Activities

A. Social - Orientation/ Consultative - Commitment Set - Commitment/ Support of the MDRRMO Foods 24,500.00
Preparation Meeting with the 28 Sangguniang Barangays
Sangguniang Barangays and BDRRMCs for the project Venue and 5,000.00
and BDRRMCs set by September, 2018 Sound System

B. Procurement - Procurement of IT - Gadgets/ cellphones - 28 gadgets/ cellphones Barangay 280,000.00

Equipment procured procured by the Sangguniang Captains/
Barangays/ BDRRMOs by BDRRMOs
September, 2018

- Laptops procured - One laptop computer MDRRMO/ 50,000.00

procured by October, 2018 MPDC

- Procurement of Supplies
and Materials for the
Survey/ Enumeration:
-- Household Numbers - Household numbers - Household numbers for 58,915.00
procured/ available 11,783 households procured
and available by September,

-- RCBMS Kit - RCBMS Kit - 33 sets of RCBMS kit for the 6,600.00
procured enumerators, team leaders,
supervisor, and coordinator
procured/ available by
September, 2018

C. Hiring of - Screening of Applicants - Shortlist of - 31 applicants shortlisted by MPDC/

Enumerators applicants September, 2018 MDRRMO

- Hiring - Appointment of Data - Appointment of 28

Enumerators and Enumerators and 3 Team
Team Leaders Leaders approved by
September, 2018

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Phase 2: October 2018 - March 2019 - RCBMS Implementation

A. Module 1: - Training on Data Collection - Training conducted - 3-day training on data MDRRMO/ Foods 57,500.00
October - and participated by collection conducted MPDC Honorarium of 20,000.00
November, 2018 - the enumerators, Trainers
Training on Data team leaders, - 28 enumerators, 3 team Supplies & 5,000.00
Collection; and supervisor, leaders, 1 supervisor, 1 Materials
Commencement of coordinator, and IT coordinator, and 3 IT staff Venue & Sound 18,000.00
the Survey staff trained by October, 2018 System
Hotel 6,000.00
Salary of 353,490.00
- Data Collection/Survey - Data collection/ - 100% completed by October, Enumerators
survey completed 2018 Salary of Team 81,000.00

B. Module 2: - Training on Data - Training conducted - 4-day training conducted and Food 48,500.00
November - Processing and Poverty and participated by participated by 15 RCBMS Honorarium of 24,000.00
December, 2018 - Mapping LGU-RCBMS TWG by November, 2018 Trainers
Data Processing Technical Working Hotel 8,000.00
System Group Accommodation
Venue & Sound 20,000.00
Supplies and 5,000.00

- Data Generation - Poverty and DRRM - 100% poverty/DRRM data Supplies and 10,000.00
data generated and indicators and maps Materials
generated by December, 2018

- Community Validation - RCBMS Data - RCBMS data validation in 28 Salary of 50,400.00

validation completed barangays completed by Enumerators and
December, 2018 Team Leaders

- Data gaps - Data gaps identified

- Re-Survey - Re-survey - Re-survey on concerned Salary of 15,110.00

completed households completed by Enumerators
December, 2018

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C. Module 3: - Training on the - SEP and BDPs - 3-day training on the Food 78,500.00
January - March, Preparation of SEP and Training preparation of SEPs and Honorarium of 18,000.00
2019 - Training on BDPs BDPs participated by 28 Trainers
the Preparation of Barangay Captains and 28 Venue & Sound 15,000.00
Socio-Economic Barangay Secretaries System
Profiles (SEP) and completed by January, 2019 Hotel 6,000.00
Local Development Accommodation
Plans Supplies and 10,000.00

- Submission of SEPs and - SEPs and BDPs - 28 SEPs and BDPs

BDPs completely submitted by
February, 2019

- Workshop on the - Workshop on the - 2-day workshop on DRRM Food 42,000.00

Preparation of Barangay DRRM Plan Plan formulation conducted by Supplies and 5,000.00
Disaster Risk Reduction and preparation March and participated by 28 Materials
Management (BDRRM) conducted Barangay Captains and 28
Plan BDRRMOs Venue & Sound 10,000.00
- 2020 BDRRM Plans of the System
28 barangays formulated by
March, 2019
Phase 3: March 2019 - Advocacy and Public Awareness Raising

Presentation and - Presentation and - RCBMS results - RCBMS results presented to Food 35,000.00
Orientation Orientation on the Use of presented 100 MDC members, school Venue & Sound 5,000.00
RCBMS Final Results to the principals, line agencies, and System
Municipal Development CSO/NGO leaders of Mulanay
Councils, School Principals, by March, 2019 Supplies and 5,000.00
Line Agencies, and Materials
CSO/NGO Leader
GRAND TOTAL 1,376,515.00
Say 1,377,000.00

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1. Foods Foods during:

a. Orientation/Consultative Meeting with the 24,500.00 LGU-Mulanay
Sangguniang Barangays and BDRRMCs
b. Module 1 Training 57,500.00 LGU-Mulanay
c. Module 2 Training 48,500.00 LGU-Mulanay
d. Module 3 Training 78,500.00 LGU-Mulanay
e. Workshop on the Preparation of BDRRM Plan 42,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
f. Advocacy and Public Awareness Raising 35,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
Sub-Total 286,000.00
2. Supplies and Household Numbers 58,915.00 LGU-Mulanay
RCBMS Kit 6,600.00 LGU-Mulanay
Training Supplies and Materials:
- Module 1 5,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
- Module 2 5,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
- Module 3 10,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
- Data Generation 10,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
- DRRM Planning 5,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
- Advocacy and Public Awareness Raising 5,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
Sub-Total 105,515.00
3. Venue and Sound Venue and Sound System during:
a. Orientation/Consultative Meeting with the 5,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
Sangguniang Barangays and BDRRMCs

b. Module 1 Training 18,000.00 LGU-Mulanay

c. Module 2 Training 20,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
d. Module 3 Training 15,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
e. Workshop on the Preparation of BDRRM Plan 10,000.00 LGU-Mulanay

f. Advocacy and Public Awareness Raising 5,000.00 LGU-Mulanay

Sub-Total 73,000.00
4. Hotel Hotel Accommodation of Resource Persons during:
a. Module 1 Training 6,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
b. Module 2 Training 8,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
c. Module 3 Training 6,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
Sub-Total 20,000.00
5. Honorarium of a. Module 1 Training 20,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
Trainers/Resource b. Module 2 Training LGU-Mulanay
c. Module 3 Training 18,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
Sub-Total 62,000.00
a. Gadgets/Cellphones 280,000.00 Sangguniang Barangays
6. IT Equipment
b. Laptop 50,000.00 LGU-Mulanay
7. Salaries Salaries of Data Enumerators and Team Leaders 500,000.00 KAYA NATIN / San Miguel
Sub-Total 500,000.00
Grand Total 1,376,515.00
Say 1,377,000.00

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The following stakeholders pledge support for the project:

• Sangguniang Barangays and BDRRMCs

The 28 Sangguniang Barangays and BDRRMCs of Mulanay has allocated in their

BDRRM Plan and Budget funds for the provision of android-based cell phones to
be used during the data enumeration.

• Municipal Government

LGU Mulanay has allotted fund for the purchase of laptop, supplies and materials
and trainings.

• The National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) will provide the Rapid CBMS
technology, system, trainings, and technical assistance for its conduct.

• The San Miguel Corporation is hoped to shoulder the salary and transportation
allowance of the enumerators.

Other projects that are lined-up to complement the current initiative includes the CEST project of
the DOST and the IEC campaign of the Mines and Geoscience Bureau on Risk Exposures.


Municipal Mayor

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