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____- 2019


WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 16 (S-2017) adopted the National Security Policy 2017-2022
which calls for the end of all armed threats in the Philippines and recognizes that internal
socio-political stability rest upon healing the rifts that divides the nation by promoting
participatory governance, synergy of government development efforts and enhancing the
participation and responsibilities of Local Government Units (LGU’s);

WHEREAS, there is a need to ensure convergence of efforts of all levels and deliver a unified
process intervention in the operationalization of Executive Order No. 70;

WHEREAS, the Department of the Interior and Local Government issued Memorandum
Circular No. 2019-125 entitled “Guidelines for the Local Government Units in the
Implementation of Executive Order No. 70, series of 2018” provides the guiding principles in
establishing of local task force to end local communist armed conflict including its composition
and roles and responsibilities therein;

WHEREAS, the Barangay Development Council and Barangay Peace and Order Council,
during the joint-meeting held on ________________ agreed that there is an urgency to
create of a task force to end local communist armed conflict in the locality.

WHEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, be it RESOLVED as it is hereby RESOLVED, to create,

as it is hereby CREATED, a City/Municipal Task Force to End Local Communists Armed
Conflict in the City/Municipality of __________, whose composition and roles and
responsibilities are as follows:

Section 1. The creation of the Barangay Task Force (BTF) to End Local Communists Armed
Conflict, with the following composition:

_________________________ Kagawad, Appropriation

_________________________ Kagawad, Peace and Order
_________________________ Kagawad, Women and Family
_________________________ Kagawad, Environment
_________________________ Kagawad, Education
_________________________ Kagawad, Public Works
_________________________ Kagawad, Livelihood and Agriculture
_________________________ Kagawad, Sports Development
_________________________ SK Chairperson
_________________________ Representative, Congressman
_________________________ CSO Representative (BDC)
_________________________ CSO Representative (BDC)
_________________________ CSO Representative (BPOC)
_________________________ CSO Representative (BPOC)
_________________________ Faith-based Organization, Representative
_________________________ NGO Representative
_________________________ NGO Representative

Section 2. The Barangay Task Force, with the Punong Barangay as its Chair, shall have the
following duties and responsibilities:

a.) Take an active role in the implementation of the Retooled Community Support Program
b.) Ensure social preparation and participation of the community members in the phases
of the RCSP implementation;
c.) Ensure the delivery of services and inclusion of policies, programs, projects, services
and activities in the local plans based on the identified solutions by the members of
affected communities;
d.) Provide relevant feedback and recommend measures to the C/MTF on the risks and
opportunities surrounding the implementation of RCSP:
e.) Take the lead in the citizenship building and community participation mechanisms to
guarantee sustainability of RCSP implementation.

RESOLVED FINALLY, that copy of this resolution be furnished to the City/Municipality and
other concerned agencies for information and appropriate action.

APPROVED and ADOPTED this __________ of September 2019 in _____________, Nueva


I hereby certify to the correctness and accuracy of the above-quoted resolution.

Punong Barangay









SK Chairperson

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