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Name: IOC Planning Sheet Sonali Joshi

Step 1 - Read the extract once. Then, make some notes about the context of the extract - where does it
appear in the text (what happens immediately before, and after, this extract? Is it a pivotal point in the
text? Is it an example of a motif that is repeated throughout the text? Etc.)


Step 2 - Determine 2-3 major themes, ideas, or effects that the extract reveals/emphasizes. For SLs:
these may or may not be closely related to the guiding questions provided for you.

Theme/idea/effect 1

Theme/idea/effect 2

Theme/idea/effect 3

Step 3 - Read the extract again, and annotate carefully for two things:

1. Structural significance - can you divide the passage in terms of shifts in tone, content, mood,
2. Literary elements - diction, imagery, simile, metaphor, etc.
After a thorough annotation, identify which aspects of text are most closely related to the 2-3
themes/ideas/effects that you listed above.

Step 4 - Decide how you will organize your IOC:

1. Chronologically - I would strongly advise that you only do this if there is a good reason to do so
2. By idea/theme/effect - I would present your strongest point first, in case time constraints
prevent you from fully discussing one of your points.

Step 5 - Write out the introduction to your IOC in full prose.

Your introduction must include:
 Candidate number
Name: IOC Planning Sheet Sonali Joshi

 The name of the extract/the author

 Some brief context to the extract, in terms of both the circumstances in which it was written,
and where it appears in the work (and if there is any significance to it in terms of overall plot)
 Your thesis - WHAT ideas, effects, or themes are revealed in this extract, and HOW are they
revealed (literary elements/structure)
 An overview of the structure of your IOC - "First, I will...then, I will...last, I will..."


Step 6- For each theme/idea/of your commentary, you should now select between quotes that you are
going to use from the extract to help support your point. You should then aim to comment on how the
writer’s choice of language and/or structure and/or form helps shape meaning in relation to each of
these quotations.

**NOTE: Do not leave any sections of the text untouched; this will hurt your knowledge and
understanding score.

Theme/idea/effect 1
Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and
explanation of effect(s):

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):
Name: IOC Planning Sheet Sonali Joshi

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):

Theme/idea/effect 2
Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and
explanation of effect(s):

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):

Theme/idea/effect 3
Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and
explanation of effect(s):
Name: IOC Planning Sheet Sonali Joshi

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):

Quote to support idea: Naming of literary elements included, and

explanation of effect(s):

Step 7 - Conclusion: I would recommend one sentence for each of the 3 S's. The conclusion should be


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