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1) what is the republic act 1425 what does the law state explain some issues and controversies

about a
passage of the law

The republic act 1425 batas rizal the goal is to inform the masses the true filipino culture and to provide
the lack of patriotism to the philippines because we are under of spaniards hands in 300 years 1565 to
1898 and once again conquered by the stadus unidos 48 years 1898 to 1946. senator claro m recto is the
one that push it to be a law. with the speech jose laurel that state that needs of this law to be published
because of his belief in rizal, all public and private school should have a subject that tackles the work of
rizal specially noli me tangere and el filibusterismo for us to know the sacrifices of jose and his love to
the country which modern filipino seems to start fading away, and the second thing is that all school and
colleges should have a numbers of copy of rizal books in the libraries. and also because some of his
books is in the spanish or english the board of national education should translate it for easy reading for
the people. but not anyone is happy nor agree in this law example various people and organization is
against some legislators and of course to Catholic church senator rodrigo is against it because of
forcefully changing of this and the fact that we need to read the whole books to him this will lead to
misunderstanding of the government and the church. He said that forcefully teachings rizal is not a good
study practice senator also states that the enforcement of this law will going to lead the destruction of
Catholics schools. the representative of abra jesus parades state the law is contravention to the section
927 prohibition of the teachers of public school to discuss the doctrine religion. He also said that
teaching of a novels of rizal is anavoidable to discuss the religion. but other is still protecting the law to
be inforced In the lower house the deputy roces of the mayor stood to defend the passage of the rizal
law. He expressed his feelings about the use of the confession He said he believed the lawmakers saw
the need to use the confederation because the force that had dominated the Philippines for hundreds of
years had used the confederation so that the Philippines could not afford it. their race according to him
despite the fact that the Philippines is free of the force left by the hundred years of use of the
confederation will continue to prevail to fight the aspiration of Filipinos who truly form as a race he
emphasized to suppress the rule of This power has the need to also use the Filipino community to fulfill
the people's aspirations.

2) expain ferdinand Magellan's voyage (circumnavigation) to the east and how did Magellan's land in

So in 1400 european age of exploration on led with the portuguese italian and spanish sailors they
discovered a lot, experience a lot, they do this because of the passion, excitement and money but the
main reason is food. in europe spices are more limited and expensive so whoever control the supply of
these things will bring fortune to oneself that's why in 1580 the route in spice island is controlled by the
portuguese. But being a jealous country spain is also want a passage for easy access to the island so they
bring out ferdinand magellan a good sailor who's has a lot of experience when it comes to the sea. so he
set sail in 20th september 1519 with the beliefs of its possible to reach the new world in east that's why
the king gave him 270 crew members and 5 ships carracks. They first go to the atlantic and ashore in
brazil here they trade with the local products then he continued to go until he reaches puerto san julian
then left in august. in this travel here he discover a shortcut that named after him the strait of magellan
that will lead to the pacific ocean but things aren't always in their favor along the way to the pacific
ocean one of the ship is destroid because of some despute in San Julian but all the men is alright with a
lot of member per ship he decided that one ship will go home for now and it departs. Plus the pacific
ocean is huge place that even magellan couldn't think of it and they start to run of supplies and even
forced to eat rats and dirty water just to survive and some of the men died of the disease and after
almost 100 day they spotted a land the guam but some islanders stole a boat so they decided to
continue the sail after a week they finally reach/discover philippines and made an alliance in a ruler in
the leader of the village and with the help of Malay translator he make him agree to be baptist as
christian and swear to become allegiance with spain. then one of the chief of mactan ask magellan for
help to defeat a rival name datu lapu-lapu then he decided to help. with 60 men in boats they cross
mactan so the battle begins in terms of the armor and weapons magellan and his crew are superior but
in terms of numbers they loss. even though they are trying to escape the numbers of men wanting to
stab them is so many so magellan got impaled in the neck and died after hearing the loss of magellan the
chief that ask for magellan for help killed 30 men that was left behind but they are some still alive and
they escaped and continue the expedition. along the way because of lack of the men they decided to
burn the other ship and continue with just two ship they soon end up in borneo and after talking and
negotiating they soon managed to go to their destination the spice island or the maluku island.

3) How do you think spaniards easily manage to colonize the natives of the archipelago? Expain the
impact of spanish colonization in term of religion, education and culture.

All right as we know this all began because of Magellan discovering the philippine archipelago even
though he died. some of his men managed to go home and tell the location of the philippines to the
government of spain plus magellan didn't just died in the philippines he introduced christianism and
even baptist a datu to become one, but let's jump when the time spain sent explorers to go to the
philippines. Their main objective is to conquer the philippines but they do it in the nice way. a way that
the natives never seen before they gifted them different types of weapons, new recipe for food, and
clothings as well as alliance. the natives is new to this concept for me they see the spaniards as some
kind of higher beings so they trusted them easily because they all wear metal coated suit with an iron
sword i think the native sees that as some kind of power that can be used because back then villages
datus's, raja's sometimes spark a conflict with each other whether because of the land or resources and
because spaniards soldiers help them the bond between them got formed, and after the spaniards
baptists all the leaders of the village to become christian and introduce the concept of god. Because back
then the god of the natives is those "bathalas" the nature because it's the one give them food and house
soon they abandon this beliefs because of the christianism soon all the citizen in one village become
christian and the spanish government now sent the friars the ones that know god properly and soon
build churches that teach the word of god but still not everyone is one to be christian there's still don't
want to be a puppet of spain so the spaniard told to the newly christian filipinos those guys are sinners
so they started killing and slaving those who doesn't believe in the church because of the influence of
the church in the philippines the church is the one that become a government of spain that ruled by the
friars so to fully control the people this friars now started to teach the people the language so they can
communicate well but the natives back then isn't as dumb as they think they have their own way of
communicating , language or writing it called "alibata" a literature that represent the nature. The friars
now stated that these are demon languages. So they start hypnotizing the natives to forget their own
language and culture by teaching them their own now the rituals that to the friars are some kind of
taboo to the christian point of view is instantly a work of demons and so on the colonizing start

4) Explain: the spanish history of the Philippines starts and ends with the friars.

In 1521Ferdinand Magellan set sail in the Pacific, then later he found himself in the philippines. Magellan
got a conversation with local Chief and he manages to convince it became a christian by baptism him.
Magellan then told by the chief that he has a rival, named Lapu-Lapu and the chief wanted Lapu-Lapu
dead then Magellan decide to attack the tribe of lapu lapu. But in the end being outnumbered Magellan
loss and dies. But when 1565, when Miguel Lopez de Legazpi begone a expedition thru cebu, but the
Spain didn't start colonizing just yet. 1571 when the spaniard got to luzon. The city of Intramuros then
soon they called it Manila, which became the Philippine capital. In this time also when they conquer
luzon soon some soldiers did March and guard the area. Feudalism was born here. A lot of of the land
and estate now are belong to spaniards. And then the king of Spain decided to fully control the
Philippines by bringing the friars to the Philippines to convert pilipinos to Catholics and introduced a new
system of teaching and relegion. Soon Schools and universities were build to become the headquarters
of the friars. In the Philippines, in this age the only citizens that let's say is happy is those who is rich
indios that have direct connection to the government and straightup spaniards and friars on year a boats
of Chinese traders and sellers come and sell goods for the spaniards and those indios that are rich. But in
1762 an unexpected things happen the british empire capture the Intramuros. They have it in long
period of time until 1764, when the treaty of paris, signed in 1763,Soon a rebellion happen in 1827, all
the pilipinos that wanted freedom stand together and form KKK . By the help of our national hero Jose
Rizal 1861-1896,with his love to the country and hatred to the friars never ending discrimination to the
indios. He went overseas to study and to write his two novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo (the
el filibusterismo is inspired by the three martyr priest gomburza) that raises the moral of his fellow
country men. Jose then form the Liga Filipina movement in 1892 that what makes him a big name to the
Spanish government then soon he got caught to be killed in fort Bonifacio. But the revolution is getting
started by the leader Andres Bonifacio. 1896 the revolution starts Rizal get accused by the government
for being one of the leader, on 30 December 1896 rizal was executed. but Rizal's death just make the
people more angry to the spaniards and wanted revenge. The 1898 out of nowhere the America declare
war to the Spaniards that receding in the Philippines. The Americans won in the same year. Then June 12
the leader of the Revolutionary Emilio Aguinaldo, declares that the Philippines is a independent nation.

5) Described the execution of the three martyr priest, how aforementioned priest affect mercado, Rizal's
family. Especially Paciano.

All right it all begins in 20 of january 1872. Wake up early filipino soldiers and laborers , in cavite rebelled
against the commander in Fort San Felipe, the reason is that for the governor general to remove
exemption from paying his taxes and to stop the false labor with no pay. So the governor general has
sent some filipino soldiers to the cavite to stop the rebellion this filipinos by the way is serving under the
spanish government. They killed some soldiers that came out in the fort and as a filipino themselves they
ask them to surrender but some fights and some give up. Then after the governor heneral announce to
arrest all the people that part of this rebellion so all the leaders of a certain groups were become a
suspect for the spaniards, then here comes the three priests father gomez, father burgos comma father
zamora. Who's in the campaign of secularization of the philippines , so they are used to be the leaders of
the rebellion. And then there this guy named saldua one of the mutineers that's surender and ask the
spaniards for negotiation, then the three priest is sentenced to death for being guilty mutiny and shall be
die by garrote, but saldua is sentence as well because the spaniards doesn't believe in any of his
statement , execution of them is announced and made public in bagumbayan which many citizen go and
watch comma february 16 1972 they begin their march saldua is in front thinking that he will be released
soon , with father burgos at his back crying, and father gomez being prideful he walk chin up to show
that he isn't guilty of anything , father samura in the other hand stairs vaguely, the first to die is saldua
who has not given pardon, then gomez who told his confessor he wasn't in that position without any
reasoncomma and father zamora who doesn't say anything at all, and father burgos still try saying he
doesn't do anything wrong , and after the event the natives present in bagumbayan recited a prayer for
the three priest , that soon be called martyrs. So now i'm going to talk about paciano. I read the readings
and do some research and i see that people started to study in ateneo paciano decided to make jose to
use the name rizal than mercado. Because in that time mercado is also in a hot list the names that
include in the cavities rebellion against the new governor heneral, because paciano is one of dela torres
followers that support liberalism that the current governor heneral is highly against and he had a
connection with one of the martyr priest. Father burgos who share a same house with before, so when
the gomburza executed all the members of their campaign in highly endangered plus paciano soon
joined the revolutionary , what he did is simply to protect jose because he know that he can be in danger
as well especially when hes going to a catholic church. that jose doesn't want to engage a battle in
spanish government.

6) Why did the "jesuit education" consider as the best education during jose Rizal's time what were the
subjects being taught.

For me simple because there aren't as many type of education available back then plus spaniards is all
christians so of course they will push the education system to up to their standards and also as i heard in
previous lessons the teacher's/professors but in rizal times is all friars, friars that came from the spain,
and this is not your typical kind of priest this guys really committed to their individual subjects , they all
graduated in a highest form of education ph.d so that's why jesuit education is the best education that
europe can offer. So when the friars are sent to the Philippines they build universities in 1865 the
university of ateneo is build. And to enter this prestige school that just fot the Elite's of society and the
smartest. You need to go and take their examination on Christianity, writting spanish, reading spanish,
grammar checking, and basic mathematics. the system is considered the most advance than any other
colleges, their way of discipline to the students is farm more tight. To teach them to obey the
government. And they also introduced some new subjects such as metaphysics, arts, music. Commerce
and vocational courses. And the students also being mold to become good jesuit citizen. Teaching
religion and before and after class there's always a prayer that part of their daily life in the school. So this
is the important part and the one item what makes rizal rizal is the way to make the students
competitive , so after the first meeting the prior divided the class into two teams the first is the theme
Roman empire the second theme Carthoginian empire. And each team has this rankings the bearer,
Centurion, Cecurion, Tribune, and the highest is the Emperor. Dispositions in by the students how they
can outperform or outsmart others in the class the competition is that it needs you to answer the
question right and left the enemy to make a mistake or three times to capture the enemy they will given
one point the one that has most points after few weeks will win. and this is list of subjects offers back
then latin , geography , history , archaeology , natural history , mathematics , physics , agriculture , arts ,
music , literature.

7) Why did Rizal decided to take medicine instead of law.

So after finishing bachelor of arts in ateneo jose decided to once again to study but is time in
intramuros . so in 1877 he enrolled in ust in manila he takes philosophy and letters , while taking those
subject jose also enrolled a vocational course , and when 1877 has come rizal has three choices in which
profession he really want to have the first is literature , law , medicine so he paciano insisted him to just
be a farmer and farm their lands saying that "i don't think the study of law will suit you" but rizal did
enrolled law because of his father's support. In his life in UST he got subjects subjects that he wasn't
interested about but still managed to pass everything and even get 2 excellence. but in the next term
though he changes his mind, and enrolled medicine because of his mother's condition her sight is failing
because of cataract and because jose love his mother so much he want to help her with its condition he
took over 16 subjects and managed to pass everything with two excellence, and after studying 4 years
medicine in ust he decided to go overseas and continue studies not because he wanted to learn more it's
because of the constant discrimination and flat out hostility towards him that he cannot take any more,
plus the fact that some of the professor is being racist against to some filipino students so he stopped in
1882, and in november 3 1882 jose takes medicine and philosophy and letters in university central de
madrid then after two years he got his degree of licensure in medicine , after that he completed the
three major subjects leading to doctor of medicine degree but he didn't got the diploma because of the
reason he did not not pay the tuition fee and he didn't submit the required thesis but when his 24 he
received a degree of licentiate in philosophy and letters with the grade of excellent, but because he still
wanted to cure his mother's blindness i went to university of paris to listen to the lectures concerning
ophthalmology , and become asistant of dr. Louis De Wrekert an opthamologist , when his 25 years old
he completed his eye specialization. july 1887 he went back to the philippines and perform his first
operation. In his mother to finally remove cataract on her eyes.

8) Did Jose Rizal really fight for independence?

It seems like a simple question yet not all have a same answer even though he is our national hero.
because some doesn't know that rizal is a hero because america wanted to. back in the day only few
filipino know jose rizal the hero that they really knew is andres bonifacio. but back to the question the
answer is simply yes? maybe? throughout elementary we are taught that rizal fought for our freedom
not in the form of strength and brutality but using his pen , he fought silently through his essays , articles
and novels , describing his love to the country and his own hatred to the priests he wrote his two famous
novels noli me tangere and el filibusterismo to show the true colors of the friars and the corruption , the
greed and the never-ending thirst for power some said the novels those really made a spark in the
filipinos desire to achieve freedom to fight for their own country but really ? rizal wrote it in overseas the
only thing that rizal experience bad about the spaniards is when he's a student in UST and the death of
the GOMBURZA is that really enough to say that she wanted for philippines to be free? rizal political
point of view is really different from that a katipunero why ? because yeah rizal wanted independence
but he is ok of being just still a part of spain he just really want to have a representative to the
government to make things equal to everyone the second is the spaniard favor with higher class like
them then "Illustrados" so he doesn't really get the discrimination of other filipinos he just know the
suffering but he doesn't experience himselves first hand , and lastly he tried to intervene with andres
bonifacio. There's even a time when andres calls him a coward. but for me he really did fought for
independence yes he is a coward yes he escaped overseas but even though his abroad his still thinking
about his country and wanted for everyone open their eyes. though not in a way he wanted to i think he
accidentally lit up the peoples desire of freedom even though he just really want equality between
Filipinos and spanish. Plus in the end his novels did manage to get the attention of the america and in his
death he intensified the philippine revolution.

9) Why did paciano urge Jose Rizal to study in Europe.

So we know that paciano is the reason that Jose use the surname rizal' instead of mercado because he
doesn't want to for Jose to get caught in the issue of the revolution in cavite because paciano is close to
the GOMBURZA and their main culprit of the revolution by the governor heneral eyes. and after jose
graduated in ateneo he goes to ust to study law then change his mind and study medicine instead, then
he decided to study to europe because he wanted want to cure his mother's eyesight but that's not the
only reason why , as we know paciano is already a member of katipuneros and he give jose a mission to
go to the europe but not jus tot study but also to observe the way europeans handle their governments.
study their business practices, culture, laws and many things but at first jose doesn't like the idea
because first doesn't have the money to travel. plus he's worried about their family and of course he
doesn't want to leave leonor rivera in that time is hes sweetheart. but paciano really want to for jose to
go to europe, then he give jose a money , money that all the katipuneros solicit and said to jose that he
doesn't have to worry about their family as he'll be the one to take care for everything then rizal leaved
and study abroad and write his two novel noli me tangere and el filibusterismo . i think that whats
paciano really wanted for jose to purposely wake the filipinos patriotism and desired to fight. Because he
believes in his brother wisdom and love for the country or he just wanted for rizal just to let rizal grow as
a person and protect him because he completely know jose and what he can do. Because imagine if jose
write the novel in the Philippines he will be dead in before he can write the el filibusterismo.

10) Did Jose Rizal directly condem Catholic religion in his book, Noli me tangere and El filibusterismo?
The novels was written by jose when he's overseas and this for me one of the reason paciano sent jose
to your europe to inspire his own people , let's analyze noli me tangere , noli's main protagonist is
crisostomo ibarra came back from the philippines after 7 years of study in europe who is a great guy. he
greeted back by some his friend and his beautiful fiance maria clara but then he learned about the big
debt of his father , because of the greed and the never ending corruption of the friars. the he got
introduced to this very powerful and corrupt friar which is padre damaso. the one they say responsible
for the death of his father but then he choose not to seek revenge but padre damaso constantly
harassed crisostomo ibarra when the point ibarra is so fed up and wanted to fight back. and then comes
the another friar then another enemy shows up. one of padre damaso friend padre salvi who tried to kill
ibarra and get maria clara a way to at him and send him to prison for treason for trying the citizens. then
to the next novel el filibusterismo which he got inspiration to the three martyr priest it's all about the
greed and the wrong doings of the spanish government here in th philippines. Jose portrait them as
absolute jerk for not wanting filipinos to learn so we cannot fight back to their way of treating us but my
final answer is NO. Because he di not directly on the catholic religion as a whole and the church he only
condemn the friars for their own doing weather it's corruption or discrimination. i can justify this by
saying rizal is a jesuit boy growing as in which he had a good and bad memories when he was in ateneo
and ust plus not all the friars in noli is mentioned bad , he love the catholic church. He just hate the
dominican priests that are abusing their powers he did speak ill about the catholic yes in which some say
he becaome a Protestant. but for me not directly.

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