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About the Retailer:

ABC Retailers is mid size organization having so far 5 outlets in Bengaluru and looking for an
expansion up to 25 outlets across the Bengaluru. As of today, the company operates in full
manual mode and have realized the potential need of digitization of all their day-to-day

Movement of goods from Supplier to the outlets:

In general, high level operations at an outlet:

About the Retail digitalization solution provider:

XYZ Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading solution providers in this business segment in the world and
few of their well known products are,

● Procurement Management
○ External
■ Web Application, IPad & Tablets
○ Internal
■ Web Application, IPad & Tablets
● Inventory Management
○ At warehouse
■ Web Application, IPad & Tablets
○ At Outlet
■ Web Application, IPad & Tablets
● Labor Management
● Warehouse Management
● Sales Management & POS
○ Web Application, IPad & Tablets

XYZ Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading solution providers in this business segment in the world and
you are the Business Analyst working in this company. And, you have been assigned to this
project (Name: ABC Retailers).

On Products & Application:

1) Vendor onboarding application (Web)

2) Vendor App to update order status (App)
3) Procurement application @ Warehouse
a) Web - Full functionalities
b) App - For viewing & updating order confirmation post inspection.
4) Inventory Management @ Warehouse & @ Outlet
a) Full functionalities - Only Web application
b) Only View / Track goods movement and confirmation / rejection post inspection
at Outlet - By App.
5) Sales application - Only Web integration with POS gun (barcode reader).
Business high level requirement:

To start with, as for the phase #1, the leadership team decides to computerize the Procurement,
Inventory & Sales. At the moment, you have given the below high-level business requirements
gathered at the business workshop with client last week for the business / client partner / sales.

On Warehouse

1) Maintain inventory at warehouse
2) Maintain movement of goods in/out of the warehouse
3) No movement of goods from one outlet to another directly
4) Warehouse cannot initiate the internal goods movement
5) Alert on goods expiry date
6) Alert administrator when product availability reduces below threshold limit set for a
7) Accept / Reject / Modify pull or push request(s) from outlets. Automatic / Manual.
8) Reports - Over all inventory / category / etc., , Over all movements / per store / per day /
etc ., .
9) Initiate transport requests depends on availability.

1) Maintain orders placed to Suppliers / Vendors.
2) Unrealized goods - before delivering and after order accepting by the Vendor
3) Realized goods - goods delivered and cleared Procurement process
4) Maintain accountability of Unrealized goods with lead time the inventory system.
5) Feed inventory system with default sales price w.r.t define calculation on cost price.
6) Reports

On Outlets


1) Maintain inventory at outlets

2) Maintain movement of goods in/out of the outlet
3) Alert on goods expiry date
4) Alert on the goods if its availability reduces below threshold
5) Setting up automatic goods pull rules from the warehouse
a) Cannot be for multiple products (cannot combine)
b) Max duration for a month. Or for 3 time whichever comes first
6) Manual goods pull requests
a) A request can have single or multiple goods per delivery schedule
b) A request cannot have the same or different goods and for multiple delivery
7) Manual goods push requests
a) Goods push request cannot be automatic.
b) A push request cannot not be for multiple goods and for multiple schedules
8) Allow to place manual pull request for unrealized good
9) Search inventory availability of product in another outlet.
10) Manual pull request to move goods from one store to another via warehouse.
11) Per day/month/week inventory reports and on inventory movements.

1) Auto-Inventory update when a product sold
2) Manual override on inventory data by Administrators
3) Generate Invoice (paper roll), invoice over email. And mobile SMS alert.
4) Manage customer details and discounts for Gold, Platinum customers.
5) Backend:
a) Manage sales price - update / overrides the sales price per outlet. - Only by outlet
b) Accept returns - Update / Override in outlet inventory - Only by outlet
6) Generate sales report per shift / per POS, per day per POS, per day / week / month for
entry outlet


Below features not available in the product at the moment. This has been communicated to
customer. And, they agreed for customization. Project Manager will soon start on SOW for the

1) Setting up of rules for auto goods pull request from an outlet.

2) Invoice on Email, Mobile SMS alerts
3) Manage Privileged customers
4) Report - Sales - at day in an outlet.
5) Integration workflow for Procurement and Inventory on Unrealized goods.
6) Placing unrealized goods pull request from the Outlet.
Your Objective:

1) Come up with Business and Functional Scenarios

2) All relevant questions
3) Business workflows/wireframes for new features
4) May have to meet Product Owner / Managers, Engineering Managers, Business & Client

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