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3rd Grade – Meeting 9.12.


 Grade Level Communication – No to Google Sites so we must ALL do the same as far as
communication. Suggestion was attaching Newsletter in Class Dojo. Randy will you provide the
overview on a word doc?
 LA – Amber Brown SA – Fiction (Unit 1): Calibrate what is an AP, P, DP, N
o Unit 2 and Unit 3 Summative (Covers Quarter 1 objectives-modify if need be)
 Writing – Randy will bring the Writing Rubric to look over for the Personal Narrative.
 Math – Unit 2 Assessments (Bring Calendar incase we need to make adjustments)
o Assigning RAMs – review how to and what to click
o Fraction Strips – Materials if the order has arrived.
 Content – Performance Task look at the options and Rubric
o Next Meeting – Calibrate Performance Task Rubric scoring for a N, DP, P, AP (Bring one
for each grade to share at meeting) Due on Thursday, October 17th next meeting 2:50-
o Go Guardian – Refresher on how to set up (Amanda)
o VLD – October 14th – Do we want to assign Matter Performance Task?
 Field Trips:
o Learning Barge – scheduled for April 8th and 9th (11:00-12:30) – TSW eat lunch on
property before beginning the field trip like last year.
 Wednesday, April 8th – Wethington and Resek
 Thursday, April 9th – Carlisle, O’Shea, and South
o Back Bay – Still waiting on Erica to see if they will have enough staff to help on the week
we wanted to go (Nov. 6-8)
 ½ Day Collaboration – We will be pacing out the quarter. Please bring all assessments and
materials you may need to help with pacing. Mark your calendar!
o Wednesday, October 30th 11:30-3:10pm – do we want to order lunch to be delivered?
Pacing out Quarter 2 pacing. Master Calendar will be made like last time.
o Thursday, January 23rd 7:50-11:30pm – Pacing out Quarter 3, Lunch?
o Wednesday, March 25th 11:30-3:10pm – Pacing out Quarter 4, Lunch?
 Recess – Any concerns with the front recess area or play ground?
 Progress Reports Dates:
o Quarter 1 – October 9th
 Math 3.1.1 (read and write 6-digit numbers) and MA 3.1.3 (comparing
 Writing – None
 Reading – Unit 1 Reading Assessment (in revision)
 Content – Principles of American Civilization SS3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4,
3.1.5, 3.1.6
o Quarter 2 – December 13th
o Quarter 3 – March 4th
o Quarter 4 – May 12th
 Grade Level Meeting
o Next GLC Meeting is Scheduled for Thurs. 10/17/19 12 2:50-3:30

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