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Name : Dina Vitaloka

Nim : 2192421018
Class : Dik Inggris A 19
Subject : Productive Written Language Skills

Exercise 5.10
The children of Mrs. Paterson's class went on a field trip to the city's natural history museum.
Before they could go however, they had to give the principle their permission slips that their
parents had signed. After collecting all the slips, the children got on the bus. Many of the children
had never been to museum so they were very excited about the outing. The drive to the museum
look a long time but they had fun. Mrs Peterson led the children in singing and playing games but
time went by quickly. After they arrived at the museum, the group went straight to the dinosaur
section. They went to this section first because they had been studying dinosaur in class. When the
children saw the display of dinosaurs bones, they began asking the museum guide questions
because they outing was very informative all the children had a great time.

Exercise 5.4
1. Jenna studies English in the library every morning.
2. The students are studying for the test in the math building.
3. Chinese is a difficult language to learn.
4. His new BMW was stolen from the parking lot this morning.
5. She starts her new job on Friday.

Exercise 6.5
1. There are many reasons why insects are so successful at surviving.
(complex sentence)
2. Their ability to adapt allow them to live in extreme temperature and environment.
(Simple sentence)
3. Insect can eat a wide range of natural and artificial foods.
(simple sentence)
4. These include paint, pepper, glue, book, grain, cotton, other insects, plants and animals.
(Simple sentence)
5. Because they are small, they can hide in tiny space.
( complex sentence)
6. Strong, hard but flexible shell called a exoskeleton cover their soft organs.
(Simple sentence)
7. It also protects them from chemicals, water and physical impact.
(Simple sentence)
8. Their wings allow them to fly away from dangerous situation or forward food or mate.
(compound sentence)

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