Abstract Rutas de Transporte

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Modelo integral de transporte para la reducción del tráfico

vehicular en la ciudad de Arequipa

Nikol E. Cáceres
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Facultad de Ingeniería de Producción y Servicios
Señor de los Milagros H-21 Cayma Arequipa – Perú, Arequipa 053

Brayan D. Salinas
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Facultad de Ingeniería de Producción y Servicios
Calle Brasil 202 Cerro Colorado Arequipa – Perú, Arequipa 053

Rodrigo N. Velásquez
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Facultad de Ingeniería de Producción y Servicios
Urb. Villa Los Girasoles C-1 Cercado Arequipa – Perú, Arequipa 053


In the last years in the city of Arequipa, there has been a collapse of the transport system, being thus, that

a viable alternative for its sustainability has not been found. This situation has brought serious repercussions

on citizens, causing situations of high stress, bringing that the mental health of the population is

deteriorating, and over time the situation will worsen due to population growth and increased purchasing

power. This collapse is a consequence of the mismanagement by the municipalities and the unconsciousness

of the drivers of the different vehicles, because their own interests always prevail.

In order to give a solution to the exposed problem, it is that in this project a deep collection of information

is made in the areas where the collapses occur through artificial intelligence tools, and subsequently an

analysis of the situation supported by tools of operational research and other computational models. In this

way, viable solution alternatives will be proposed and the social and economic profitability of each of them

will be evaluated in order to choose the one that guarantees a better sustainability of the system.
Finally, a comparison of the current transport system perspective and the proposed integral model will be


Keywords: Operational research, Artificial intelligence, Simulation, Complex System

Thematic area: Modeling and Simulation of complex systems


En los últimos años en la ciudad de Arequipa, se ha producido un colapso del sistema de transporte, siendo

así, que no se ha encontrado una alternativa viable para la sostenibilidad del mismo. Esta situación ha traído

repercusiones graves en la ciudadanía, ocasionando situaciones de alto estrés, trayendo que la salud mental

de la población se está deteriorando, además de que con el tiempo la situación empeorará debido al

crecimiento poblacional y el aumento del poder adquisitivo. Este colapso es consecuencia de la mala gestión

por parte de las municipalidades y la inconciencia de los choferes de los diferentes vehículos, debido a que

siempre priman los intereses propios.

Con el fin de dar una solución al problema expuesto, es que en este proyecto se hace una recolección

profunda de información en las zonas donde se producen los colapsos a través de herramientas de

inteligencia artificial, y posteriormente un análisis de la situación apoyado en herramientas de investigación

operativa y otros modelos computacionales. De tal forma se propondrán alternativas de solución viables y

se evaluará la rentabilidad social y económica de cada una de ellas con el fin de escoger la que garantice

una mejor sostenibilidad del sistema.

Finalmente se hará una comparación desde la perspectiva del sistema de transporte actual y el modelo

integral propuesto.

Palabras clave: Investigación operativa, Inteligencia artificial, Simulación, Sistema Complejo

Área temática: Modelación y Simulación de sistemas complejos


The present investigation makes a financial comparison of the profitability obtained by

the carrier of the city of Arequipa under the current operation and the one projected by

the Transportation Reform through the implementation of the Integrated Transportation

System (SIT). It also explains the impact of the unsustainability of the current transport

system on the qualities of the service. The fundamental role of investment (acquisition

and operation of transport vehicles) is in the hands of private investment, however, the

"atomization" of business, overcharges (operational and financial) and the inefficiency

used in the administration of the sector on the part of the private ones) have produced a

collapse of the system whose main consequences are in the negative perception on the
part of the user and the impossibility to generate sustainable enterprises of companies

dedicated to the provision of the regular transport service of people. The SIT represents,

for the present operators (transporters), far from an investment opportunity, a threat.

However, to date, no objective comparisons have been made on the yields obtained and

expected from conventional and future transport systems. None of the local carriers has

demonstrated the SIT's financial and operational weaknesses (referred to at the time of

criticizing reform), nor has the competent authority established the benefits of the

proposed investment and profitability (amounts). In summary, the profitability analysis

of a local carrier (represented by the owner of a vehicle) of the district of Cayma is carried

out, and performs the xv comparison of the profitability expected by the same under the

parameters of investment of the SIT C-3 CAYMA). Likewise, an analysis of the

feasibility of the projections made is carried out, through a review of the current

regulations governing the service. Finally, it is explained that the economic sustainability

of the system (for the private), reflects for the city (and the citizens) as a priority factor

of economic, social and cultural development.

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