Lesson 14

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LESSON 14 grade 7

I . Objective
1. Identify ways by which Philippine art is expressed
2. Explain the meaning of art based on how it is expressed as seen in the locality
3. Draw an art form found in the community
II. Subject Matter
- Art and Philippine Culture
III. Materials
Art forms in the locality, paper,pen and ink, crayon
IV. Reference
Teachers’ Module for K to 12, Art Grade 7 Learners Module p.
MAPEH for Better You pp 126
V. Procedure
A. Activity
Ask the students different examples of art around them
B. Analysis
Discuss the meaning of art.
What is art? Art stands for many things. Anything that shows or tells about ideas, feelings or
experiences is art. Painting, poems, stories plays, songs and dances are art. Art helps you appreciate what
is around you.
Art is everywhere. It abound in the community where you live. You need not go far to find art. It is
in the arrangement of stones, plants and flowers in the garden. It is in the clothes you wear. It is in the
preparation of food you eat. Art has become part of our daily life. It is in the television, movies and in the
monumental billboards along the highway.
There are two kinds of art. They are the performing and visual arts. Performing arts encompass
dance, drama/theater and music, while visual arts include drawing, painting, sculpture and architecture

Discuss the category of art forms

Examples: Weaving = baskets, blankets Pottery: Palayok, Flower pots Sculpture: Monument
Functional = baskets decorative flower pots religious: “Santos”
C. Abstraction
Differentiate visual arts from performing arts
D. Application
Draw a chosen art form of the locality
Criteria: Clear, Accurate description of the different element used
Use of appropriate terminology
VI. Evaluation
Enumerate the different art forms of the locality
Then categorize each art forms whether it is functional, decorative or religious
VII. Assignment
Research for the art forms of the locality found in the news paper and magazines and
cut it out then categorize it.

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