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A. Birth
1. Rizal was born on June 19, 1861 in
Calamba, Laguna
2. baptized in the church of Santa Rosa on
June 22, 1861.
3. Father Rufino Collantes - priest baptizes
with Rizal
4. Padre Pedro Casanas - served as
godfather Rizal
A. Parent
1. Francisco Mercado
1. Born on May 11, 1818
2. Studied Latin and Philosophy at the University
of SanSan Jose
3. Switch Calamba to be included in Haciendang
Dominicans in Calmba.
4. Died on January 5, 1898.
2. Teodora Alonzo
1. Born on November 8, 1826 in Manila
2. Attended the Colegio de Santa Rosa
3. There is great interest in literature and in
4. Died on August 16, 1911
A. Brothers Rizal
1. Saturnina
2. Paciano
3. Narcisa
4. Olympia
5. Lucia
6. Maria
7. Jose
8. Concepcion
9. Josefa
10. Trinity
11. Soledad
A. My Ancestors
1. Ancestry Father
1. Domingo Lamco (Mercado) was married Ines
de la Rosa begat
2. Francisca Mercado was married and begat
Cerila Bernacha
3. Juan Mercado and add Cerila Alexander
married and begat
4. Francisco Mercado and his wife Teodora
Alonzo and begat
5. Jose Rizal
2. Ninuno Mother
1. Eugenio Ursua was married Benigna and the
son they had
2. Regina who became the wife of Manuel de
Quintos and begat them
3. Brigida who married Lorezo Alberto Alonzo and
begat them
4. Teodora Alonzo who napangasiwa of Francisco
Mercado and begat them
5. Jose Rizal
A. Family Rizal
1. The Family Finances
1. The family is among the group principalia and
one of the recognized families in Calamba.
2. The father was tenant of land owned
haciendas of the Dominicans in Calamba and
estimated that his land that extends 600
acres. The land is planted with grain corn and
sugar cane.
3. Besides farming care of animals is one of their
4. Rizal's mother had a shop at the bottom
of their home, grinding wheat into flour,
powder and challenges.
5. The family is one of the first able to
construct stone house in Calamba.
6. Owns them a carriage a luxury at that
7. They have a home library containing
1,000 books.
8. Sent the Rizal their children to Manila to

B. House of Rizal

1. The house of Rizal are made of

stone and hard wood and is
situated near the church of

2. The households were planted

around the trees custard apple,
starfruit,chico, Macopa, papaya,
santol, compressed, and so on.

3. The grounds of the house has been

kept as chicken and turkey.


1. Memories of Kamusmusan
1. Watching birds.
2. Daily prayers during the Angelus .
3. Telling his nurse about asuwang, ancestry,
and tikbalang.
4. Faced with sorrow the death of his younger
brother Concha.
5. At the age of three he had been praying family.
6. Going to New York on June 6, 1868. This is
his first crossing of the Laguna Lake. After
going to Antipolo they went with his father in
7. He will not forget the story of his mother about
2. Period of Kamusmusan Talents
1. He organized and given a new linear banner
2. Creating an image from the mud (clay).
3. At age 8 he wrote the poem In My Kabata that
pays tribute to his own language.
4. At age 8 he started writing a drama dedicated
to the feast of Calamba and such works of
Rizal was bought him gobernadorcillo of Paete.
1. The influence for Rizal
1. Heritage
1. From the Far ancestors have
inherited his love of freedom, a desire to
travel, and courage.
2. From his Chinese ancestors
inherited his serious nature, thrift,
perseverance, and love of children.
3. From his ancestors he inherited
Spanish delicacy of movement and
technicalities of insult.
4. From his father he inherited his
persistence in work, respect, and
independent thinking.
5. From his mother he inherited his
self-sacrifice and desire in art and
2. Environment
1. The environment of Calamba
served long encouraged his love of art
and literature.
2. His brother, Paciano was taught in
his mind about the love for freedom and
3. From his sister he learned to
respect women.
4. Listening to the stories of his
nurse has given his interest in folk tales
and legends.
5. From his three brothers he
nainpluwensiyahan follows:
1. Jose Alberto Alonzo has
learned his love of art.
2. Manuel Rosales has learned
the importance of strengthening the
3. Gregorio Alonzo he learned
deeply love of reading.
6. Father Leoncio Lopez has learned
his love of makaiskolar and pilsopikal
1. Rizal's First Teacher
1. Doña Teodora Alonzo - the first
teacher of Rizal
2. Mestro Celestino
3. Luke Padua
4. Leon Monroy
2. Going to Santa Rosa
1. June 1869 - Rizal was leaving to
go to Metro Manila to study.
2. He was accompanied by his
brother Paciano.
3. Justiniano Aquino Cruz - became
a teacher of Rizal in Calamba.
3. Mga Activity Learning
1. At the first meeting he had with
his teacher said her scarcity of knowledge
of Spanish and Latin.
2. Rizal said that his teacher has
excellence in Spanish grammar written
by Nebrija and Gainza.
3. Nakaaway Rizal's Peter who was
his teacher.
4. He also fought with the children in
Biñan one of them is Andrew Salandanan
defeat him.
5. Rizal studied painting with Old
Juancho that it had been his
kaeskuwelang Jose Guevara.
6. In the coming months Rizal led his
schoolmates in Spanish, Latin and other
7. Despite the excellence of Rizal in
the study, he napapalo his master almost
every day because of the charges against
him of his classmates.
8. Rizal left the study Biñan in
December 1870 after almost one and a
half years.
9. Laguna Rizal left aboard
ship blade that led him to Calamba.
4. The GomBurZa
1. On his return home in Calamba
has heard the Mutiny onCavite and the
execution of three martyred priests
Jose BurgosMariano Gomez and Jacinto
2. His brother Paciano soon became
a pupil of Padre JoseBurgos.
3. Paciano in many instances are
shared Rizal the ideas and philosophy of
Jose Burgos.
5. Absence of Justice to His Mother
1. After the death of GomBurZa,
Rizal's mother is accused of intending to
poison the wife of his brother (Jose
2. The enemies of families Rizal and
his mother-in-law nagkipagsabawatan to
involve the mother of such charges
3. After the arrest Doña Teodora, it is
required to walk from Calamba toSanta
Cruz, Laguna which is 50 kilometers
4. The mother of Rizal was
imprisoned for two and a half years.


1. The Entry Rizal Ateneo
1. June 20, 1872 - accompanied by
Paciano Rizal to go to
Manila. Examination of the lessons of
Christian Doctrine, arithmetic, and
reading Colegio de San Juan de
Letran . Rizal returned to the Philippines
from Manila to attend a feast in his
return to Manila, Rizal changed his mind
and planned to enter the Ateneo.
2. Rizal was not accepted because
she Ateneo
1. late in the registry
2. small for his age
3. The first time was used by his
surname Jose Rizal Mercado instead.
4. Xerex Manuel Burgos - the
nephew of Joseph Burgos helped to enter
Rizal Ateneo.
5. He lived in a rental house owned
by the Old Lady Titay Caraballo, outside
the walled city.
2. Jesuit Education System
1. More adbanse the education
provided by the Jesuits compared to
colleges in the Philippines.
2. The aim of Jesuit education is to
train students in the teachings of
Catholicism, knowledge of art and
science. A smart Catholics from the
perspective of the Jesuits would be good
protector of the church. The basic
philosophy of the Ateneo spice Gloriam -
For Increased greatness of God.
3. divided the class into two groups
1. Roman Empire - terms of internos
or students who live within the grounds
of Ateneo.
2. Empire Carthage - terms of
externos or students who live within the
grounds of Ateneo.
1. First Year of University (1872-73)
1. Father Joseph Bech SJ - the
teacher of Rizal in his first year in Ateneo.
2. He started in the low rank Empire
Carthage but the transfer of the week is
able to lead his classmates.
3. He won his first prize in his study
- a religious image.
4. To improve Rizal his knowledge of
the language he Esanyol session lessons
in Colegio de Santa Isabel during his rest
at noon.
5. In the mid-year Rizal was not
improve his learning to maintain his lead
in this class because of his
dissatisfaction with teacher feedback
unreasonably him.
6. In the holidays of 1873, Rizal was
not happy because his mother is in
prison. Secrets to goSanta Cruz to visit
his mother and his mother
kinuwentuhan about his studies at the
2. Second Year University (1873-74)
1. Nothing too important event Rizal
University this year.
2. Not demonstrated initiative in
Rizal studied causes of dissatisfaction
Dailan not good teacher feedback him
3. Come to Ateneo some of his former
classmates in Biñan.
4. Rizal predicted the imminent
release of his mother.
5. Rizal began his love of reading and
some of these books are as follows:
1. Count of Monte Cristo by
Alexander Dumas wrote.
2. Universal History written by
Cesar Cantu forced to validate his father.
3. Travels in
thePhilippines written Dr. Feodor Jagor.
3. Third Year University (1875-76)
1. Ateneo Rizal returned for his third
2. His mother came and gave his
release Rizal.
3. Neither kinakitahan pioneering
Rizal class.
4. He lost classmates Spanish
Spanish because even better with the
proper pronunciation.
4. Fourth Year in Ateneo (1876-77)
1. This year's Jose Rizal met Fr.
Francisco de Paula Sanchez SJ The priest
said Rizal motivated to study hard,
especially in writingpoem.
2. Rizal said Padre Francisco de
Paula Sanchez is a model of
righteousness and efforts for the
development of his students.
3. The reason is again the vitality of
Rizal in the study and completed the year
of study with five medals.
5. Last Years of the Ateneo (1876-77)
1. perfected vitality Rizal in his
studies at the Ateneo.
2. He graduated from the Ateneo de
Manila on March 23, 1877 and gains in
schoolBachiller en Artes .
6. These became the Ateneo Other Activities
1. Organizations that Kinasapian
1. Secretary of the Marian
2. Members of the Academy of
Spanish Language
3. Members of the Academy of
Natural Sciences
2. He studied drawing with Agustin
Saez well-known Spanish artists.
3. He studied sculpture with
Romualdo de Jesus.
4. He also studied fencing and
5. Father Jose Villaclara - Rizal told
to stop writingpoem.
7. Likhang sculpture
1. Image of the Virgin Mary to be
providedshould Rizal Padre Lleonart.
8. First Love Rizal
1. Segunda Katigbak - the woman's
first love Rizal.
2. Mariano Katigbak - Segunda's
brother and friend of Rizal.
3. La Concordia - is the school's
Segunda Katigbak.
4. Manuel Luz - the man's wife fixed


1. At the end of Rizal in Ateneo he prepared
for university studies.
2. The planned Rizal entering university
was opposed by his mother because they
have a lot of knowledge has threatened
the life of Rizal.
3. Despite the objections of his mother took
with Paciano Rizal in Manila to study.
4. In April 1877 enrolled to study Rizal
University of Santo Tomas.
5. The first thing he took courses are
philosophy Y Letra follows fruits of
1. This is the wish of his father
2. Before the definitive course you want
6. Padre Pablo Ramon SJ - The Rizal asked
his advice should be courses in UST.
7. In the first semester of 1877-78 Rizal
also attended courses peritus surveyor in
8. In the second Semester of the same year
received by Rizal's letter Ramon SJ
Father Paul advises him to take
Medicine. Rizal took the course because
of his desire to cure his mother.
9. There Rizal relationship with the
following women:
1. Miss L. - a woman who was always
visiting Calamba Rizal at night during the
holiday he returned from Manila
disappointed with Segunda Katigbak.
2. Leonora Valenzuela - neighbors of Rizal's
rented house. It sent a letter to him by
invisible ink.
3. Leonor Rivera - Rizal's cousin and son of
his rented house. In their correspondence
is used by Leonor name Taimis.
10. Rizal was the victim of an official
Spanish in 1878. Rizal was beaten by the
sword behind these officials.
11. In 1879, Rizal will participate in
the contest of Liceo artistico-
literario. Slaton has won the first prize for
his poem wrote titled A La Juventud
Filipina. The contest is only for Filipinos.
12. In 1880, Rizal will participate in
the contest of Liceo artistico-literario
about the honors as the 400th year of the
death of Miguel de Cervantes. Slaton
made his article titled El Consejo de los
Dioses has won the first reward. The
contest is open to Filipino and Spanish.
13. Champion of Students - Rizal were
built an organization that
tinatagwag Compañerismothe purpose to
defend themselves against the insults of
their classmates Spanish.
14. It was not fun Rizal UST result of
the following factors;
1. Angry at her teacher UST
2. underestimate students Filipinos of
3. Old-fashioned system of teaching in UST


A. Removal
1. At the end of Rizal in his fourth year
medical student at UST Rizal planned to
go to Spain for it to continue learning.
2. The Secret Departure of Rizal
1. Paciano - the planned removal of Rizal to
go to Europe.
2. Antonio Rivera - Leonor Rivera's father to
get a passport Rizal towards Spain.
3. Jose Mercado - the name used by Rizal
in his secret departure to Spain.
3. Rizal left the Philippines on May 3, 1882
on the ship Salvadora.
4. Donato Lecha - the captain of the ship
B. Singapore
1. May 8, 1882 - reached RizalSingapore.
2. Hotel de la Paz - hotel tinuluyan
3. Rizal visited the following:
1. Harding Botanical
2. District Market
3. Buddhist temple
4. Statue of Thomas Stanford Raffles -
founder ofSingapore.
4. Rizal leftSingaporeon the ship Djemnah.
B. Colombo
1. Many different races he happened Rizal
ship Djemnah and planned Rizal who
speak French but he understood them.
2. The Galle Port said he was very sad city.
3. Have himColombo and he said beautiful
city than Singapore, Galle Port, and
B. Suez Canal
1. Suez Canal - a water corridor that
connects the Red Sea
andMediterranean Sea.
2. Ferdinand de Lesseps - a French
diplomatic planned the construction
ofSuez Canal.
3. Have RizalPort Saidto the far side of
Egypt. Here Rizal saw people who speak
different languages.
B. Naples and Merseilles
1. The ship went Djemnah reached in
Europe and in RizalNaples on June 11,
2. The next day he reached the port of
Merselles and he visited the chateu
d'If that is the site mentioned by
Alexander Dumas in his novel Count of
Monte Cristo.
B. Barcelona
1. June 15, 1882 Rizal left Merseilles
interested reached theBarcelona by train
from France.
2. He reached Barcelona on June 16, 1882.
3. Not good first impression
RizalBarcelona because he was not
napatira good part of the city.
4. They later changed his outlook
onBarcelona because he saw the city
possesses the freedom and liberalism, the
people are friendly, and courteous.
5. Plaza de Cataluña - the favorite kaininan
of students FilipinoBarcelona Rizal and it
gave a banquet as regards his arrival.
B. Amor patrio
1. Amor patrio - the first author Rizal
abroad. It was also used by Rizal's name
in pen Ancient Laan .
2. Diariong Tagalog - an outrageous Manila
newspaper published his article.
3. Basilio Teodoro - the director of Diariong
4. Marcelo H. Del Pilar - translated by Amor
patrio from Spanish language Tagalog.
5. Other articles sent Rizal's Tagalog
1. Los Viajes
2. Revista de Madrid
B. Moving to Madrid
1. In Barcelona Rizal heard the news about
the epidemic of cholera in the Philippines.
2. He received a letter from Jose Cecilio
that speak of the sad condition of Leonor
since he left.
3. counseled Paciano Rizal switchMadrid.
B. Life in Madrid
1. Rizal enrolled at the Universidad Central
de Madrid courses:
1. Medicine
2. Philosophy and Writing
2. tried to learn the following:
1. Painting and Sculpture at the Academy
of Fine Arts of San Fernando
2. Trained fencing and shooting in the Hall
of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell
3. He studied languages:
1. French
2. German
3. English
3. namamasyal in art galleries and
4. I read a lot of books
5. Rizal was sparing his pagastos
6. The only gambling bet Rizal's lotto
7. Nagpapalipas of free time at home
B. Love with Consuel Ortiga y Perez
1. There have been instances Rizal visited
the house of Señor Pablo Ortiga y Rey
former alcalde of Manila during the
tenure of Governor General Polavieja.
2. Consuelo - the daughter of Don Paul fell
in love with Rizal.
3. Rizal sent apoemThe maid titled A La
Señorita CO Y P.
4. Not Rizal continued wooing the girl
a. True to her Leonor
b. His friend Eduardo de Lete is courting
the girl
B. The As A Mason
1. InMadrid Rizal met prominent liberal of
Spain that it belongs to the Masonic
2. Masonry - a universal brotherhood of
people with independent minds.
3. Join Rizal said the organization might
have to help them in his fight with the
friars in the Philippines.
4. Logia de Acacia - the village of Masoneya
that inaniban Rizal.
B. Difficulties in Paris
1. There was suffering RizalMadridReasons
not to become a good harvest in their
land. Reason is not reached allowance
2. Sold Paciamo the colt's Rizal Rizal only
have to be sent.
3. Get Rizal test his Greek lessons not only
breakfast and lunch.
B. Luna and Hidalgo Salute to what
1. There salute the Filipino reasons for
winning by:
1. Juan Luna in Spolarium
2. Resurecion Felix Hidalgo in Virgines
Christianas expuesta al Populacho.
B. Completion of Study
1. Rizal finished his course in 1885 in
Medicine and Philosophy


I. In Paris (1885-86)
1. Rizal went to his goal to specialize in
ophthalmology or treatment.
2. Before coming toParis Rizal temporarily
stopped at the house of Maximo Viola
studying medicine at the Barcelo.
3. In Barcelona he met Eusebio
Carominas the editor of the newspaper La
Publicidad .
4. November 1885 - did Rizal Paris and
served as assistant by Dr. Loius de
Weckert main ophthalmologist of
France. Rizal stayed here from November
1885 to February 1886.
5. Outside of his time in the
clinicDr.Weckert is his friend particular
family here Pardo de Tavera.
I. Heidelberg
1. After their work in Paris Rizal was moved
to Germany for
continued his studies in ophthalmology.
2. February 3, 1886 - Rizal visited the
historic city ofHeidelberg known for its
university. He lived in a boarding
house inhabited by students of law.
3. In Heidelberg, Rizal served as assistant
at the clinic of Dr. Otto Becker, a
prominent doctor of ophthalmology in
4. A Las Flores de Heidelberg - Rizal wrote
this poem in the beauty of the
5. In that city handed Rizal celebrated Fifth
Way Year of establishment ofHeidelberg.
I. Wilhelmsfeld
1. Wilhelmsfeld - a country retreat in
Germany where Rizal was stopped for
three months.
2. Karl Ullmer- protestant pastor
discontinued Rizal while he was on
vacation in Wilhelmsfeld.
3. Napamahal Rizal's family Pastor Ullmer
and he lavished on him by writing to her
son Friedrich Ullmer grateful to the good
of the family said.
I. First Letter to Blumentritt
1. July 31, 1886 - the date of the first
letter of Rizal who dispatched, he's a
2. Ferdinand Blumentritt - a professor at
the University ofLeitmeritz, Austria who
are interested in learning the diyalekta
the Philippines.
3. Arithmetic - title of the book written in Spanish
and Tagalog sent Rizal with Blumentritt to be used
to study the basis of the Tagalog language.
I. Leipsig andDresden
1. Leipsig - a city he visited Germany to
attend lessons in History and Psychology.
2. Here was his friend, Friedrich
Ratzel known historian and Dr. Hans
MEVER a prominent anthropologist.
3. Translated Rizal's also the author
of Hans Christian Andersen.
4. Dresden- Rizal visited this city and here
he met Dr. Adolph MEVER the director of
the Museum of Anthropology and
I. Acceptance Rizal society
1. Berlin - Rizal admired this city because
of its scientific pagkakroon environment
free of discrimination and race.
2. Dr. Feodor Jagor - met Rizal traveled to
write such a book matter about the
3. Dr. Rudolf Virchow - a prominent
German anthropologist met RizalBerlin.
4. Dr. W. Joest - a prominent heograpong
Germany met RizalBerlin.
5. Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger- a
prominent ophthalmologistBerlin And
here Rizal was sitting in the clinic.
6. Dr. Rudolf Virchow - Rizal invited her to
speak at a meeting of the Ethnographic
7. Tagalog Verskunt - the title role lecture
read Rizal, during a meeting of
the Ethnographic Society ofBerlin.
I. Rizal's LifeBerlin
1. Reasons to Stay in RizalBerlin
a. Expand the knowledge of ophthalmology
b. Expand the knowledge of science and
c. Observe the political and economic
situation of Germany
d. Participate in prominent scientific
e. Printable's Noli Me Tangere
1. Observations of Women German
a. seryosa
b. Patient
c. Educated
d. palakaibiganin
1. DifficultiesBerlin
a. Nothing comes remittances from
b. eating only once a day
c. Naglalaba his own clothes
d. she suspected she was having symptoms
of tuberculosis

CHAPTER 8 - Printing of Noli Me

I. The Ideas and Writing Noli
1. Uncle Tom's Cabin - a novel written
by Harriet Beecher Stowe focusing on the
lives of black slaves in America.
2. January 2, 1884 - the date of the
meeting where Rizal's planned group of
Filipinos that they write a novel about the
condition of the Philippines.
3. Division of writing Noli Me Tangere
a. 1/2 in Spain
b. 1/4 in France
c. 1/4 in Germany
1. Wilhelmsfeld - here Rizal finished the last
chapter of Noli Me Tangere.
2. Maximo Viola - served as the savior
of Noli Me Tangere by lending him Rizal
P300 to be used in the printing of the
3. February 21, 1887 - a date that ended
the Noli Me Tangere and prepared for
4. BerlinBuchdruckrei-Action-
Gesselschaft - the publishing house to
receive ilaathala the Noli Me Tangere at
P300 at a rate of 2,000 copies.
5. March 21, 1887 - out of the publishing
house's novel Noli Me Tangere.
6. First you sent a copy of Rizal's Noli
a. Ferdinand Blumentritt
b. Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor
c. Graciano Lopez-Jaena
d. Mariano Ponce
e. Felix Resurrecion-Hidalgo
1. took the title of Rizal's Noli Me
Tangere from the gospel ofSan Juan.
2. Offered by Rizal's Noli Me
Tangere the motherland.
3. Elias and Salome - a chapter removed
Rizal's Noli Me Tangere to save him in the
price of the printing of the novel.


I. The Journey
1. May 11, 1887 - began the journey Rizal
and Viola in Europe.
A. Dresden
1. Their journeyDresden coincides with the
Exposition of the Flowers.
2. Dr. Rizal visited Adolph Meyer Museum
of Art.
3. Prometheus Bound - a masterpiece
masterpiece pint overly impressed
4. Dr. Jagor - advises Rizal to send a
telegram was first held in Blumentritt
before he go Leitmeritz.
A. Leitmeritz
1. May 13, 1887 - came Rizal Leitmeritz
and here he was met by Prof. Ferdinand
Blumentritt station train carrying the
picture pagkakakilalanan Rizal.
2. Hotel Kreb - live here were Rizal and
Blumentritt while visiting Leitmeritz.
3. met Rizal's family Blumentritt
a. Rosa's husband Blumentritt
b. Dolores - children
c. Conrad - children
d. Fritz - children
1. burgomaster - introduced by
Blumentritt, Rizal and his intelligence
Rizal admired the easy learning of the
German language.
2. Dr. Carlos Czepelak - one of the
prominent scientists of Europe nma met
Rizal Leitmeritz.
3. Robert Klutschak - a famous naturalist
who met Rizal Leitmeritz.
A. Prague
1. Rizal and Viola visited this city on May
17 -19, 1887.
2. Dr. Willkom - the professor of natural
history at the University ofPrague Rizal
visited the city with a letter of
introduction to Blumentritt.
3. Rizal and Viola visited the tomb
of Copernicus - the great astronomers in
the history of mankind.
4. They also visited the cave served as a
prison of San Juan Nepomuceno as the
bridge pinaghulugan it.
A. Vienna
1. Rizal visited this city was Norfenfals one
of the greatest novelist of Europe at that
time.Subsequently he also admired Rizal
wisely with it.
2. Hotel Metropole - Hotel discontinued
Rizal and ViolaVienna.
A. Speeding on the River Danube
1. Danube- One of the major rivers of
Europe. Rizal and Viola were aboard the
boat to see the beauty of the river and its
2. Here's Viola noticed for the first time the
extraordinary use of the inhabitants
paper napkins in their diet.
A. Lintz to Rheinfall
1. Munich - Rizal and Viola visited the city
and short-term trips to taste Munich beer
famous in the whole of Germany.
2. Nuremberg - The city is visited Rizal and
Viola museum contains pangpahirapna
equipment used during the inquisition
and the automobile industry dolls largest
3. Ulm - Rizal and Viola visited the
cathedral of the city known as the largest
and highest and went up the tower it.
4. Rheinfall - Rizal saw the falls he said
"best in Europe."
A. Switzerland
1. Geneva - Rizal this city the best in the
whole of Europe.
2. The language spoken by the people of
a. German
b. French
c. Italian
1. Here he received a telegram about the
ongoing Exposition inMadridthat the
Philippines has shown that the
tribes Igorot wearing loincloth and the old
equipment was laughing at the
2. In Geneva Rizal handed his 26th
birthday and his Viola fed a hearty meal.
3. Here in the city ofGenevaRizal and Viola
were separated. Rizal to continue his trip
to Italy and Viola turn back to
A. Italy
1. The city of Italy visited Rizal
a. Turin
b. Milan
c. Venice
d. Florence
e. Rome
1. Rome - did Rizal "city of the Caesars" on
June 27, 1887. Rizal admired greatly the
luxury of that city.
2. The wonderful sights visited by Rizal in
a. Capitolium
b. the Tarpeian Rock
c. Palatinum
d. Forum Romanum
e. Amphitheater
f. ChurchSanta Maria Magigiore
1. The Vatican - the city center of
Catholicism in the world and has visited
Rizal on June 29, 1887. He saw
the Basilica de San Pedro - the largest
church in the world.


A. Decision to return to the Philippines
1. Decline Rizal returned to the Philippines
a. Paciano Rizal
b. Silvestre Ubaldo
c. Jose Cecilio
1. Reasons Return
a. Lance the eyes of his mother
b. Serve her people
c. See the impact of kanayng novels Noli
d. Ask why not written Leonor Rivera
1. June 29, 1887 - Telegraph Rizal to his
father about his return to the Philippines.
A. Return To Manila
1. July 3, 1887 - entered Rizal
ship Diemnah boarded his ship when he
was proceeding to Europe five years ago.
2. July 30, 1887 - did RizalSaigonand
boarding the ship Haipong.
3. August 5, 1887 - did Haipong in Manila.
4. Rizal noticed that in five years separating
his country is virtually no nagababago
order and appearance of the city of
A. Return to Calamba
1. August 8, 1887 - the date of arrival Rizal
in Calamba.
2. Paciano - he departed was among the
first days of returning it to the City
because of its concern for the safety of
his younger brother.
3. Rizal built a clinic in Calamba to be able
to sit sioya as a physician.
4. His first patient was his mother , but he
did not operating table because the
cataract is not yetthen ripe.
5. Rizal called Doctor Uliman by the -
Calamba and became famous in Calamba
and the neighboring towns and people
went on a pilgrimage to his clinic.
6. Make Rizal P900 in the first months of
his treatment and in February 1888 the
amount has reached 5,000 .
7. Rizal built a gymnasium in Calamba to
save his people from vices such as
gambling and cockfighting.
8. No Rizal visited Leonor Rivera due to
objections of his parents to visit her. The
parents of Leonor Rivera was not their
child makatuluyan Rizal.
A. The turmoil result of Noli Me Tangere
1. He approached the friars governor and
deliver complaints against the novel Noli
Me Tangere.
2. Emilio Terrero - the governor who called
for the question about Rizal's novels Noli
Me Tangereand its hinigian Rizal a copy
of the novel. No duplicate issued Rizal
because its gone carrying.
3. Rizal at Ateneo visited his former
teachers who were Fr. Federico
Faura , Paula Francisco Sanchez, and
Joseph Bech to ask for copies of the Noli
Me Tangere he gave Ateneo, withheld by
the Jesuits pare their copies .
4. Peter Tip - The Archbishop of Manila,
the Philippine opponent and sent copies
of Noli Me Tangere the rector of the
University of Santo Tomas to study the
5. Gregorio Echavarria - the rector of UST
and auxiliary board of university teachers
to make learning the novels Noli Me
6. According to the study of the board of
UST faculty recommendation to the eMac
is heretical, subversive, and against
public order.
7. Disliked Terrero of the report of the
Board of UST teachers because they
know his opponent Rizal Dominicans and
sent a copy of the eMac Fixed Censorship
Board consisting of priests and those who
are not followers of the church .
8. Father Salvador Font - the head of the
Board of Censorship, which reported that
the Noli Me Tangere
is subversive and anti-church and
government. He proposed the restriction
of importation, manufacture and sale of
destructive novel.

A. The Enemy of Noli Me Tangere

1. Father Jose Rodriguez - friars of
Guadalupe who brought eight pamphlets
criticizing the Noli Me Tangere. The
pamphlet he wrote are sold in the
2. Senators Spain criticizing the Noli Me
Jose Salamanca
Luis M. de Pando
Fernando Vida
3. Vicente Barrantes - he criticized the
eMac his article published in the
newspaper La Espana Moderna.
A. The Advocate Noli Me Tangere
1. Marcelo H.City Pilar
2. Antonio Ma. Regidor
3. Graciano Lopez Jaena
4. Mariano Ponce
5. Segismundo Moret - a Spanish former
Minister of the King of Spain and
protector of Noli Me Tangere.
6. Miguel Morayta - professor of history at
the University Central de Madrid.
7. Ferdinand Blumentritt
8. Padre Vicente Garcia - a scholar Filipino
priests to make a brochure that he
treated the pen name Desiderio
respectfully and he answered the
accusations against Fr. Jose Rodriguez
ofNoli Me Tangere and its author.
A. Gaining Jose Taviel de Andrade
1. Jose Taviel de Andrade - a Spanish
army lieutenant appointed by Governor
General Terrero to serve as a keeper of
secrets Rizal against his enemies.
2. Due to both young, educated, and have
become quite good friends cultures were
Rizal and Andrade.
3. Nakasama Rizal Andrade, sightseeing,
iskrimahan, and shot.
A. Agrarian Problems in Calamba
1. Governor General Terrero influenced her
read the Noli Me Tangere and initiated an
investigation into the hacienda owned by
the friars to correct the excesses
occurring here.
2. The original was among his countrymen
in Calamba getting vital data on the
agrarian problem in his hometown.
3. Take the studies made by Rizal as
a. the haciendas of the Dominicans covers
the entire town of Calamba.
b. The profit of the Dominicans is still
increasing due to reckless expansion of
paid rent.
c. The hacienda did not even provide any
financial assistance for the celebration of
the feast, the education of young people,
and improving agriculture.
d. These include the difficulty of excess
building haciendas were terminated only
from the ground just superficial reasons.
e. charged high profit are included in the
hacienda and if not already paid will be
confiscated by the administrator of the
hacienda animals, equipment, or even the
house included.
A. Removal of Calamba
1. Because of Noli Me Tangere and
tampering Rizal hacienda agrarian
problem in Calamba, Rizal was much
hated by the Dominican friars.
2. forced the friars Governor General
Terrero to fix Rizal pagpaptapon by him
but the governor does not comply with
the wishes of the friars.
3. Received Rizal's life threatening his
parents and showed he discussed his
relatives as Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade to
leave aside the Philippines.
4. Pinatawag Rizal Governor General
Terrero and advised him to leave the
Philippines for the good first.
5. Rizal was forced to leave the Philippines
as a result of two main factors.
6. Napapasanganib also the lives of his
parents, siblings and friends.
7. Less than a fight for the sake of byan if
he writes that independently abroad.
A Journey Towards Hongkong
1. Peberero 3, 1888 - Ride the City of
vessels Zafiro to Hongkong and arrived in
Amoy,ChinainFebruary 7.1888 .
2. Can not stand RizalOdor result of three
a. not good feeling
b. rainsthen strong
c. he heard that the city is dirty.
1. Victoria Hotel - Rizal sojourned here
comes in Hongkong
2. Jose Sainz de Varanda - an official
Spanish track or watching Rizal
3. Encountered Rizal Hongkong Filipino
refugees fromMarianas arrested by the
Spanish in 1872.
4. Encounter Rizal Hongkong Jose Basa a
lawyer fledMarianas aat victims of
terrorism in Spain in 1872.
A. VisitMacao
1. Kiu Kiang - Rizal boarded the ship and
Wet towardsMacao on February 18, 1888
and saw it was Jose Sainz de
Varanda following him.
2. Don Juan Francisco Lecaros - Filipino
married Portugess and his home Rizal
was sojourned while they are inMacao.
A. Experience in Hongkong
1. Rizal observed the following in
a. Noisy celebration of the New Year on
February 11- 13, 1888.
b. The difference between the exhibition of
Chinese and process performance and
description of motion mg staff.
c. The abundant feast where guests will
harvest the excess food.
d. The Dominican's richest religious orders
in Hongkong reason owned many houses
hire, and large amount of cash on deposit
in banks grow great interest.
A. Evacuation in Hongkong
1. February 22, 1888 - Hongkong Rizal left
the ship Oceanic owned by the American
and his destination was Japan.


A. Coming to Japan
1. February 28, 1888 - duamting
RizalYokohamaand stopped at the Grand
Hotel .
2. FromYokohama went Rizal Tokyo who is
the chief city of the country.
A. The City ofTokyo
1. John Perez Caballero - official
SpainTokyo kaay visited Rizal Rizal hotel
and invited him to live in the building of
the legation.
2. Settle Rizal legation of Spaintokyo the
following reasons:
a. He can save considerably if the legation
b. He has also kept in Spanish
1. At his residence in legation became close
friends with John Perez Caballero and
she said that the diplomat is a young,
smart, and good writers.
2. On the first day RizalTokyoRizal was
embarrassed because a mistaken
Japanese do not speakJapanese.
3. Rizal was forced to learn the
language Japanese and he learned it in a
few days.
4. We have also Rizal kabuki, art, music,
and jujitsu.
5. Encountered RizalTokyo Filipino
A. The Impression of Rizal in Japan
1. The impression of Rizal in Japan
a. The beauty of the country
b. Hygiene, being polite, and diligence of
the Japanese
c. Good costume and simplicity of
d. The little thiefTokyo
e. Almost no visible street beggar
A. O-Sei-San
1. Seiko Usui - Rizal loved this woman
when he was in Japan and known to the
term given by Rizal O-Sei-San.
2. Rizal saw O-Sei-San outside the legation
of SpainTokyo where near the residence
of O-Sei-San.
3. Alongside Rizal to his passing in front of
the legation and was introduced gardener
legation with O-Sei-San, a physician from
Manila and guests of the legation. He said
O-Sei-San in French and English.
4. Actsthen daily nagkakatagpo Rizal and
O-Sei-San and shared Rizal sightseeing
in the beautiful area of the city of Tokyo.
5. Napamahal Rizal with O-Sei-San factors
initially disappointed with Leonor Rivera
and victims of injustice.
6. O-Sei-San was the son of a samurai 23
and inexperienced in love. They are the
same interest in art gave way to their
7. saw Rizal with O-Sei-Dark ideal woman
he loved. O-Sei-San is beautiful,
glamorous, refined and intelligent.
8. Foretold by O-Sei-San Jose Rizal reason
gentleman, courteous and having a lot of
9. helped O-Sei-San Jose Rizal in many
ways more than a lover. O-Sei-San is
served with Rizal sightseeing, interpreter
and educator.
10. The beauty of O-Sei-San is nearly
charm Rizal who live in Japan and accept
the good jobs offered by the legation of
11. Rizal chose public service rather
than marry O-Sei-San.
12. He was loyal to O-Sei-San Jose
Rizal married only in 1897 after Rizal was
executed. -Sei Married O-San was Alfred
Charlton an English teacher of
A. Removing the Japanese
1. April 13, 1888 - the date of leaving
RizalYokohamato America on the
ship Belgic.
2. During his trip to the Pacific
encountered Rizal ship couple Reinaldo
Turner and Emma Jacson. Their child
asked if he knew who wrote Richal Noli
Me Tangere . He told the children that he
3. Techo Suhiro - a Japanese ship he
happened Rizal. He was journalist,
novelist, and human rights defenders in
a. similar to city and Techo reason the two
of them were expelled from their
country mapagmalupit government.
b. Both were men of peace force to use a
pen to denounce atrocities occurring in
their country.
c. They went to other countries to continue
their fight for the rights of their own
d. Both a mission to liberate their country
from the oppressive government officials.


A. The Journey to America
1. April 28, 1888 - The ship
came Belgic the port city ofSan Francisco.
2. Not allowed passengers to come down
with the ship and they are
kinuwarentenas reason to fear the
Americans that they have the disease
3. Rizal was shocked because at the time
there is no epidemic of cholera in the Far
East and the United States Consul of
Japan has provided proof that no
epidemic of the disease in Japan.
4. Rizal learned that the cause of the
quarantine is to hind immediately enter
the Chinese workers in the United States
that do not want American workers. To
enter the Chinese workers are losing the
sitting American president in the
upcoming election.
5. Even with quarantine allowed the
Americans to enter the 700 bales of silk
from China to at least pinapausukan
6. Nakaalis Rizal and travelers from
Primara class cabin from quarantine after
a week. The Japanese and Chinese were
imprisoned for longer periods.
7. Proceed Rizal Palace Hotel with its period
ofSan Francisco.
8. FromSan Francisco Rizal crossed the
expanse of the United States until the
city of New York.
9. reached RizalNew Yorkon May 3,
1888 and he said that the city is a huge
10. FromNew YorkRizal was boarding
the ship City of Rome which brought him
to theLondon.
11. Rizal's Impressions of America
Good Impressions
a. The prosperity of the United States is
reflected in its large cities, vast fields, and
growing industries and factories busy.
b. The zeal of the American people.
c. The natural beauty of the country.
d. The high level of human life.
e. The good opportunities for foreign
Bad Impressions
a. The absence of racial equality. America is
a great town for whites and people of
color in the skin.


A. Reasons of Residence inLondon
1. Enhance his knowledge of English
2. Analyze and correct book Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas written by Morga.
3. Safe London in his fight against the
cruelty of foreigners in the Philippines.
A. Crossing the Atlantic
1. On board the ship City ofRome Rizal
served as interpreter of passengers as a
result of his knowledge of many
2. Pianahanga Rizal his fellow passengers
on her skill in playing yoyo.
3. discussed American journalists about
the problems of humanity. Rizal noticed
weakness of this knowledge
in Geopolitics.
4. Come RizalLiverpool, England on May
24, 1888 and spent the night at
the Adelphi Hotel.
A. Rizal's LifeLondon
1. Come RizalLondonof May 25, 1888.
2. Rizal lived in the house of Antonio
Ma. Regidor a runaway Filipino to
Marianas in 1872 and working as a
lawyer inLondon.
3. Found a house to live RizalLondon and
address 37 Chalcot Crescent, Primrose
Hill .
4. The owner of this apartment is the
Beckett family an organist of the
Cathedral ofSt. Foul.
5. The home Beckett is in good location,
close toBritish Museum.
6. British Museum - The National Library
of England that contains numerous and
unusual books. Here Rizal spent his
many days in London by researching the
aforementioned library.
A. News From Philippines
1. Bad News
a. prosecution Filipino patriots who signed
the Manifesto against Friar presented by
Doroteo Cortes. The manifesto was signed
by 800 Filipino and written by Marcelo H.
del Pilar requesting dismissal of the friars
in the Philippines.
b. Prosecution against partners on the
ground in Calamba, including Rizal's
family because they have made petition
for reform.
c. Serious damage SenatorsSalamancaand
Vida Cortes of Spain against the Noli Me
Tangere , as well as writers and Paul
Wenceslao Retana Feced the Spanish
d. The law of Rizal was exiled by Manuel
Hidalgo Governor Weyler performed
without any trial.
e. arrested Laureano Viado Spanish friend
of Rizal in Manila due to smuggle the
Spanish copy ofNoli Me Tangere at his
1. Good News
a. abalitaan Rizal's defense made Padre
Vicente Garcia's novel Noli Me
Tangere criticisms against the friars.
A. The annotation Morga's Sucesos
1. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas - a book
Morga wrote in 1609 about events in the
2. Rizal also read the books written
by Chirino, Colin, Argensola ,
and Plasencia on the former practice of
Filipinos in the early Spanish conquest of
the country.
3. In his letter he said Morga's book better
because he has no superficiality and
arrogance like the friars, but his message
simple aynasa between each set of words.
4. Within ten months have been busy Rizal
in his study historicalLondon.
5. Due to excessive obstacle is his
rejected Mariano Ponce on offer to
become editor of the newspaper isangh
covers the destruction of the Spanish
against the Filipinos.
6. While living inLondon, Rizal did briefly
visit ParisTo read some reading materials
in theBibliotheque Nationale or National
Library of France.
7. extemporaneous also visited
RizalMadrid and Barcelona Filipinos to
find their work in action for reform in the
Philippines. For the first time saw Rizal,
Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce,
the two giants of propaganda.
8. Returns RizalLondonon December 24,
1888 and held a Christmas and New Year
at home with Beckett. Sent a gift to Rizal
and Blumentritt Dr. Czepelak.
A. The Active Participation of the
Propaganda Movement
1. Founded by FilipinosBarcelonaa
nationalist organization called La
Solidaridad Asosacioninaugurated on
December 31, 1884.
2. By unanimous vote, Rizal was elected
Honorary President of the Asociacion La
Solidaridad in recognition of his
leadership in all of the Filipino people in
3. Rizal sent a letter to the Asociacion La
Solidaridad grateful for their trust and
ikapagtatgumpay counseling
4. On February 15, 1889 was founded
by Graciano Lopez
Jaena inBarcelona The newspaper titles
spirited Amy La Solidaridad appearing on
the second and last week of the month
and served as propaganda newspaper.
5. The purpose of the Newspaper La
a. Promote a peaceful political and social
change in the Philippines
b. Show the reader the pathetic condition of
the Philippines to malapatan government
relief Spain.
c. Fight the Spanish priests in the
Philippinesthen is the control of the
d. Promote the liberal and prosperity.
e. Promote the reasonable rights of
Filipinos for life, democracy and
6. Rizal advised members of the
newspaper La Solidaridad to be
truthful and honest in their written to
honor their readings
opinion. Rizal also told not to mimic the
journalists paid by the
friar fraud and using vulgar words.
7. Los AGRICULTORES Filipino - the first
article written by Rizal for the
newspaper La
Solidarity and published on March 25,
1889. In the same article he said that
The reason being backwards Filipino
farmers are many obstacles
his promotion as rigid rulers, thieves,
from disasters
in nature, forced labor, and many other
factors that do not allow to
improving the lives of farmers and the art
of agriculture in the country.
A. Writings of RizalLondon
1. VisionCity Fray Rodriguez - a satirikong
nni Rizal wrote pamphlets against Father
Jose Rodriguez and his name is used
Dimas Alang, published
inBarcelona. Here is extremely mocked by
Fr. Rodriguez Rizal its excessive
2. In the pamphlet La Vision de Fray
Rodriguez Rizal shown its (a) highly
knowledgeable in religion and (b)
efficiency in derision.
3. Letter to the Maidens of Malolos - a letter
sent by Rizal's maid of Malolos who was
asked the government to provide them
with the opportunity to study the
Spanish language even if it is against the
wishes of the friars priest of Malolos,
4. The content of the letter to the Maidens of
Malolos has the following advice Rizal
a. The Filipina mothers should teach their
children the love of God, country and
b. must coincide Filipino mothers
mothersSparta glad to see their children
to fight for the freedom of the town.
c. You must take care of the women in the
Philippines their honor and dignity.
d. shall endeavor Filipina women to be
educated, in addition to maintaining its
e. The faith is not only long prayer, wearing
crucifixes and religious materials in the
body, but the life of a true Christian with
good morals and manners.
1. Rizal also wrote two articles Trubner's
Record an English
newspaperLondontitled Duration
Specimens of Folklore and Fables Two
Eastern .
A. The Romance with Gertrude Beckett
1. Gertrude Beckett - daughter of his
landlordLondon and he called it the
nickname Getie . The two became close,
because you help the girl was among his
tasks like mixing paint in his painting
and preparing the clay for his
sculpture. Getie called Rizal
nickname Petie.
2. But before he could construct a love,
Rizal was away from Gertrude Beckett
because of its more important mission in
3. Before leaving RizalLondon, He finished
four sculptural work titled:
a. Promotheus Bound
b. Triumph of Death Over Life
c. Triumph of Science over Death
d. The brothers head girl Beckett
1. March 19, 1889 - Rizal family goodbye
and left the BeckettLondon towards Paris.


A. GoingParis
1. Go RizalParis Reasons to be
held then Universal Exposition that
darayuhin of thousands of people from
different parts of the world.
2. Because of the crowd, Rizal was hard to
find a place to live and become more
expensive in the room rental fee.
3. Temporary Rizal lived his friend Valentin
Ventura at 45 Rue Maubuege and it is
furnished his book annotations Sucesos
de las Filipinas Morga wrote.
4. moved accommodation Rizal until he
found a small room and he had been here
two Filipinos were Captain Justus
Trinidad former gobernadorcillo of Santa
Ana and Jose Albert , a young student
from Manila.

A. Life of Rizal in Paris

1. Despite the pleasure ofPariswas still
busy Rizal reading books in the
Bibliotheque Nationale to view data for his
annotations Sucesos Las Islas de
Filipinas de Morga.
2. At the time Rizal independent visits the
home of Filipino families were Pardo de
Tavera,VenturaLuna, and Bousted. He
became friends with the three brothers
Pardo de Tavera, whose father was one of
the victims of the atrocities of the
Spanish in 1872.
3. Rizal became the godfather of Maria de la
Paz Luna second son of Juan Luna Luz
Pardo de Tavera.
4. Rizal was often visiting family Bousted.
5. One Rizal attract Exposition
ofParisthe Eiffel Tower with a height of
984 feet.
6. Attend Rizal and his friends at the
opening of
EksposisyongParis administered by the
President of France named Sadi Carnot.
7. One of the early history of Pariss is
gaining exposure to the artwork joined by
Juan Luna, Felix Resureccion-
HidalgoAnd Felix Pardo de Tavera. Rizal
was also participated by the inclusion of
his work sculpture, his work became
involved but not earned reward.
8. Built RizalParisThe Lightning
Society consisting of his fellow
Filipinos. The association is temporary
and intended to paglalapitin
FilipinosParis so they can enjoy watching
over the exposure.
9. Rizal founded the group Los Indios
Bravos and replaced the S father
Lightning . Members pledged its efforts in
intelligence and strengthening the body
to gain the admiration of foreigners.
10. While in Paris Rizal founded a
secret society known only in terms of
RDLM and supposed meaning redencion
de los Malayos (The Afar Liberation). The
partnership is still a puzzle to pupils of
A. The Publication of Sucesos de las Islas
1. One of the most important achievements
of the city while he was inParis 1889 was
the publication of his book's annotations
Morga to Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas published byGarnier Freres.
2. Written by Blumentritt the Foreword
for Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas and
Rizal offered the book to the motherland.
3. Rizal wrote the annotations Sucesos de
las Islas Filipinas on purpose to show the
Filipinos that we have high civilization
before the Spanish arrived.
4. Rizal received much admiration from his
friends because of his publication of
annotations toSucesos de las Islas
Filipinas de Morga.
A. Rizal as a historian
1. Rizal was considered a great storyteller
because of the following factors:
a. His research on the two great libraries of
the world -British Museum (London) And
the Bibliotheque Nastionale (Paris) Is
nakapagpalawak his historical
b. His annotations made Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas are kakikitahan extensive
knowledge Rizal histograpiya - the study
of the writing of history.
c. The knowledge of Rizal in many
languages has helped him to read many
historical documents in its original form.
d. He Pigadicta read in Italian: Marsden,
Raffles, Lord Stanley, and Wallace in
English;Blumentritt, Jagor, and Virchow
in German; M. Jacquet, J. Mallat, and A.
Marche in French;and were TH Pardo de
Tavera, Pedro Paterno, Miguel Morayta,
and Pi y Margall in Spanish.
e. The knowledge of Rizal in history are not
only in the Philippines but in the history
of colonization by Europeans in Asia.
1. Except for annotations Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas also prepared Rizal
malathalang historical articlelike the
a. Every yi
b. Tawalisi of Ibn Batuta
c. Filipinas dentro de Cien Anos
d. Sobre la indolencia de los filipinos
e. La Politica de Filipinas Colonial
f. Manila en el mes de Diciembre, 1872
g. Historia de la Familia de Calamba City
h. LosNations City Archipielago Indico
1. Filipinas dentro de Cien Anos - in this
article are predicted Rizaal the end of
Spanish colonialism in the Philippines at
the end of the 19th century.
2. Sobre la indolencia de los filipinos - Rizal
discussed factors of laziness and being
slow development of Filipinos to the
following factors.
a. The Revolt of Filipinos and internal
turmoil following the conquest of the
Spanish in the Philippines.
b. The war of Spain against the Portuguese,
Dutch, English, and other opponents that
it served as the Filipino soldiers of the
Spanish army.
c. The pananlakay Muslims of Mindanao in
the coastal city of the Philippines.
d. The forced labor of thousands of
Filipinos that causes us to neglect
agriculture, commerce and industry in
the Philippines.
e. The absence of efforts of Filipinos to work
more because they do not fully
napakanibangan the fruit of their
f. The government's neglect of agriculture,
commerce and industry.
g. The bad example shown by the Spanish
on manual work.
h. The teaching of the friars to "move more
quickly into the sky the poor" and
therefore wished the Philippine poverty
immediate purpose of entering into
heaven by the death.
i. The Spanish education system is not
nakapagsulong of economic
knowledge. Education is depresibo,
brutal and inhuman.
A. Other Made in Paris
1. Planned Rizal pitch-Filipino Association
of theParis but none has been
2. Ipananukala Rizal establishment of a
modern college of Filipinos in Hong Kong
that the goal is to train and teach
children good Filipino families.
3. held a Christmas RizalParis and after the
New Year will briefly visit London to
check the accuracy of its annotation
Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas and visit
Gertrude Beckett.
4. Reasons Rizal Removal in Paris
a. The exorbitant cost of living factor in
most of those who attended the Universal
Exposition inpair.
b. The atmosphere ofParisis tearing his
attention to the literary work. He needs to
write the El Filibusterismo .


A. Rizal's Life in Brussels
1. Rizal left towards the city
ofBrussels(1890) with Joseph Albert and
sojourned in a modest apartment at 38
Rue PhilippeChampagne administered by
the sisters who were Suzanne Jacoby and
2. In Brussels began to write novels of
Rizal's El Filibusterimo and writers he
also sends articles for La Solidaridad .
3. He also spends his free moments in
strengthening the body of the gymnasium
and training in shooting and fencing.
4. Rizal was with Jose Alejandrino room he
noticed the parsimony of Rizal by eating
at home and cooking their noodles.
5. Article Rizal in La Solidaridad he is
a. A la Defensa - a response to the article
by Patricio Escosura destructive.
b. La Verdad for All - a defense of
indigenous leaders in the Philippines in
the criticism of the Spanish population
were illiterate and stupid.
c. Vicente Barrantes Theater Tagalog - Rizal
ignorance shown by Vicente Barrantes
Display art of Tagalog.
d. First Profanacion - an article denouncing
the friars its denial of a Christian burial
for his brother Mariano Herbosa.
e. Verdades Nueva - did Rizal's accusation
Vicente Belloc providing reforms in the
Philippines could damage the security of
the Spanish government in the
f. Crueldad - this article defended Rizal
Blumentritt vandalism against its enemies.
g. Diferencias - he answered an article derisive
Filipino asking Reform.
h. Inconsequencias - Antonio Luna defended
against vandalism made Mir Deas.
i. Llanto y risas - Rizal bitter criticism
against low paid media viewing a friar
with the brown Filipinos.
j. Ingratitudes - an article answering said
Governor Weyler's from Calamba do not be
deceived by the vain promises of their ungrateful
children (one of which Rizal).
1. Rizal also gave attention to the
orthography of the Tagalog language,
through the use of k and w and
straighten the Hispanic writing like arao
and salacot. The reason is Rizal wrote his
article Sobre La Nueva de la Lengua de
ortografia fairy he published in La
2. Here Rizal translated works
of Schiller to William Tell from the
German language Tagalog.
3. Rizal's heard what Juan Luna and
Valentin Ventura FilipinosMadrid is
addicted to gambling.Rizal wrote
FilipinosMadridand rebuked them for
their pagkakagumon gambling. Some
angry Filipinos Rizal and called it
the Pope instead of Pepe his real
4. In Brussels he received the bad news.
a. The deteriorating situation of farmers in
b. The indictment filed by the Dominicans
to remove their land leased to Don
Francisco Mercado - Rizal.
c. exiled his brother Paciano and Manuel
Hidalgo was again exiled toBohol.
d. Rizal feel his impending death.
1. Because of persecution felt by his family
Rizal was planned to go home, because
she can not stay alone while writing her
parents and siblings have suffered the
brutality of the Spanish priests. Her
home is imagined Sinalunga Graciano
Lopez- cylinders as well as his friends
were Basa, Blumentritt, and Mariano
2. changed the minds of Rizal when he
received the letter P. saying they lost their
case and it will appeal to the supreme
courtMadrid And here Rizal went to see
her do in the case.
3. There was romance Rizal with Petite
Sussane Jacoby - the nephew of his


A. Failure of Justice
1. On arrival RizalMadridHe immediately
asked the help Asociacion Hispano-
Filipina and liberal
newspapersMadridsuch as La Justicia, El
Globo, La Republica, and El Resumen to
assist him in seeking justice for his
family and countrymen in Calamba.
2. At the request of the City of justice for
his family stood Marcelo H. del Pilar as
their attorneys filed their protest against
injustice Valeriano Weyler's governor and
the Dominicans.
3. Their interview with Minister Fabie the
Ministry of Justice is vain. The policy of
Spain is the "fasten the ears, open the
wallet, and magkibit-shoulder alone."
4. Rizal received the bad news that they
have received the order of dismissal from
the City from the haciendas of the
5. The Spanish friends Rizal had no choice
but to give only words of
sympathy. Meanwhile proposed
Blumentritt to meet Rizal Queen Maria
Cristina to bring its own problems, but
Rizal said that he had no acquaintance or
money makapagsasama him to the
A. Other FailureMadrid
1. While disappointed Rizal seeking justice
for his parents killed his best friend and
partner in the propaganda that Jose
Maria Panganiban.
2. When Antonio Luna was drunk he
challenged Rizal duel reason karibalan
woman. When intoxication is fixed to
eliminate the conflict.
3. Rizal challenged Wenceslao Retana
duel. Retana is a journalist who paid the
friars to discredit the patriotic Filipinos in
Europe in one of his articles are said to
be so dismissed Calamba Rizal's family
were due to non-payment of debts. Rizal
asked Retana's excuse or the duel. It
broke down when apologize Retana and
not to write any defamatory Retana
against Filipinos.A paradox Retana the
first to write a book Rizal pangbiograpiya
titled Vidas y Escritos de Dr.Jose Rizal .
4. The Marriage of Leonor Rivera.
a. While watching that Rizal and his
companions in the Apollo
theaterMadridhas lost her locketto
angtataglay picture of Leonor Rivera.
b. Rizal received a letter from Leonor Rivera
indicating upcoming wedding with an
English engineer named Henry
Kipping greatly deplored by Rizal.
c. The excessive compensation Rizal's
displeasure failure he wrote to
Blumentritt to "choose the name of
Leonor Kipping reason it is free and the
Rizal is a slave."
d. In answer to Blumentritt was late she
said "do not understand his wife (Rosa)
That a woman honored Rizal's love will
leave him (Rizal). "
e. In another letter sent by Leonor
Blumentritt said he was "like a child,
naipinagpalit the diamonds to a common
1. Karibalang RizalCity Pilar
a. At the end of 1890, began to recognize
theCity Pilar in Madridfor his writing
in La Solidaridad .On the other hand, the
leadership of Rizal is the aspect of
idealism that does not fully understand
and imitate his colleagues.
b. Be the editorial La Solidaridad is having
a different beliefs and policies were Rizal
and del Pilar.
c. To work around that do not worsen the
karibalan encountered another
FilipinosMadridnumbering 90 were
unanimously conduct a conversation they
held on January 1, 1891.
d. talked about the editorial of La
Solidaridad is subject to the organization
of Filipinos, opposed it, del
Pilar. Discussed that there will be an
election in which the makapagtatamo a
2/3 vote wins.
e. Conducted by the Philippine
electionsMadrid in the first week of
February 1891, the Filipinos split into
two camps - Rizalista and Pilarista. On
the first day of the election was won Rizal
but gains the necessary 2/3 vote and the
sun had again ikalwang election is thus
still result.
f. On the third day, encouraged by Mariano
Ponce voted the most Rizal Rizal and
obtained the necessary 2/3 vote to elect
him as head of the organization.
g. After Rizal's victory he accepted his
position, because he does not want to be
the leader of the divided organization.
1. Rizal leftMadrid leaving a note of thanks
to the people elected him and he went
to Biarritz.


HOLIDAY Biarritz
A. The Made RizalBiarritz
1. On leaving RizalMadrid went to
Rizal Biarritzand vacation home Senor
Eduardo Bousted atVilla Eliada.
2. Rizal was near the daughter of Senor
Bousted were Adelina and Nellie.
3. The Bearritz is a great retreat and found
it Rizal tourists from different parts of the
world.Place the beauty of the city
nagpalimot with his misfortuneMadrid.
4. There was a clot love between Rizal and
Nellie Bousted. Attracted Rizal Nellie
reason intelligence, calm, and high moral
maid. Rizal confided to his friends that he
had the desire to marry Nellie Bousted.
5. He's tempted to Marcelo H. del Pilar to
change the title of his novel Noli
Neli. Antonio Luna that once was his rival
with Nellie was recruited Rizal marry
6. Completed the City and Nellie iibigang
reason Rizal not persuaded to marry her
because of the following:
a. Let ni be Protestant
b. Do not Nellie's mother-in-law to be
reason Rizal Rizal is difficult to "Doctors
without patients, writers no money" and
a reformist persecuted by the friars and
government officials in the homeland.
1. Rizal and Nellie were parted as good
2. Ended Rizal's novel El Filibusterismo few
days before he leftBiarritz towards Paris.
3. In Paris he wrote Jose Basa and said he
wants to live in Hong Kong and it worked
as a doctor.
4. Returns RizalBrussels and he again
visited the Jacoby especially Petite
Sussane Jacoby.
5. Rested Rizal Movement activities to deal
with the publication of his second novel -
El Fililbusterismo. FromBrussels he
informed the Propaganda Movement to
stop sending her allowance P 50 per
6. Rizal also stopped sending the article in
the newspaper La Solidaridad despite the
request of his friends. Also noticed
Marcelo H. del Pilar freezing the
movement's propaganda to silence Rizal
and reason is compelled to write
aboutCity Pilar pleading Rizal re-write the

CHAPTER 19 - the printing of El

Filibusterismo SABELGIUM
The House of Rizal Ghent
1. FromBrussels Rizal went to Ghent a city
pamantyasan of Belgium.
2. Since the City has begun to Rizal's
novels Noli Me Tangere and finished the
last chapter ofBiarritz.
3. Living RizalGhent the following reasons:
a. inexpensive costs of theGhent
b. Survive the enticement of Petite Sussane
1. In the city ofGhent Rizal encountered
two Filipino student of engineering at the
University ofGhent were Jose Alejandrino
and Edilberto Evangelista.
2. Rizal lived in a cheap apartment and he
was joined by Jose Alejandrino who
noticed his parsimony.
3. With the coming of Rizal in Ghent
Highest searched her house publishing
house for his novelsNoli Me Tangere and
he found palimbagang F. MEYER-VAN
LOO PRESS hundred Viaanderen ready
to publish a novel by installment
payments. Isisnanla Rizal her jewelry to
advance the press.
4. During the press Rizal was ran out of
money and the printing of El was stopped
5. In this emergency is almost his disposal
the manuscript of El Filibusterimo fire.
6. When theVentura The emergency Rizal,
from Paris Rizal sent her money to
continue printing.
7. On September 18, 1891 out of the
publishing house El and he sent two
copies of Hongkong Joseph Wet and Sixto
Lopez. He Sent His friends were
Blumentritt, Ponce, Lopez-Jaena, TH
Pardo de Tavera, Antonio Luna and Juan
Luna. Given Rizal with ValentinVentura
the original manuscript of the Revolution.
8. Published by sipian of El in the
newspaper El Nuevo Regimen in its issue
of Oktibre 1891.
9. Offered by Rizal's El
Filibusterismo commemorate the
10. Ipinagkumpara the Noli and Fili.
a. The romantic novel Noli is a work of
heart, feeling, fresh, colorful and with a
delight. Fili is a novel political act of the
head, mind, contains bitterness, hatred,
pain, violence, and suffering.
b. The original preference Rizal's make Fili
longer than Noli but because of lack of
money has been short-Fili (chapter 38)
compared to Noli (chapter 64).
c. For Wenceslao Retana for better Noli.
d. For Marcelo H. del Pilar better Fili.
1. Rizal wrote to Blumentritt stating its
intention to make the third novel. It was
not too political but about ethics.
2. On his trip to Hong Kong was his third
start writing the novel.
A. Reasons for Moving to Hong Kong
1. Lack of satisfaction in Europe due to
differences of opinion he del Pilar and
some Filipinos in Europe.
2. In order to be more close to the
3. To protect his family.
A Farewell to Europe
1. goodbye properly Rizal withCity Pilar in
paglalayon to maintain the unity of
Filipinos in Europe.
2. From the ferry ride
MerseillesMelbourne towards Hong Kong,
along with his baggage 600 copies
of Revolution.
3. Encountered Rizal ship as passengers
were German women nangmamaliit him
ashamed Rizal discussed by conventional
A. Hongkong
1. Rizal arrived in Hongkong of Nobeyembre
20, 1891 and was met by friends and it
lived in5 D'Aguilar Street No. 2 Rednaxola
Terrace. In the same address Rizal was
also opened a clinic.
2. Before Christmas 1891 came to Hong
Kong with his father and brother to
Silvestre Ubaldo.Followed as his mother,
Lucia, Josefa, andTrinity.
3. Nakasama Rizal again his family on
holiday abroad.
A. Treatment Hongkong
1. Rizal also used his profession as a
physician in order to support his
family. Helpby Dr.Lorenzo Marquez to
kanayang friend. He brought his Rizal
patients with eye diseases.
2. Hongkong Rizal met its efficiency and the
patients he is British, Chinese,
Portuguese, and American.
3. He successfully operating table her
mother in Hongkong.
4. Many saluted Rizal in his practice.
A. The Borneo Project
1. Rizal planned to build a colony
onBorneo composed of landless Filipinos
from our country.
2. Sandacan he went and spoke to the chief
British and was able to obtain his project
of 50,000 hectares, near the port, and
good government to be used over 999
years without charge.
3. Rizal announced his project to Filipinos
in Europe showed the desire is fulfilled.
4. Writings of Rizal Governor General
Despujol about her ProjectBorneo but not
answered. In the second letter of Rizal is
still not answered but communicated
with him consul of Spain in Hongkong
A. Writings in Hongkong
1. The Human Rights - a translation of
Rizal's proclamation of the French
Revolution of 1789.
2. A la Nacion Espanola - an article
appealing to Spain to correct errors made
by the farmers of Calamba.
3. In Kaleidoscope - an article explaining
the agrarian situation in Calamba.
4. First Revisita a la Victoria Gaol - article
about his visit to the jail Hongkong vs.
cruel prisons in the Philippines.
5. The Hongkong Telegraph- a newspaper
where the city is sending the article.
6. The most important writings of Rizal in
Hongkong is the fundamental law of the
La Liga Filipina.
A. The determination Back to Manila
1. The reasons to return to Manila.
a. Talk Governor. Hen. Despujol about
Borneo Project
b. Establish the La Liga Filipina in Manila
c. Verify Eduardo de Lete is wrong his
belief that Rizal brave because she is far
from the Spanish.
1. reacted Rizal relatives of his wish to
return to Manila because itoo would
mean death.
2. Rizal made the following note before
leaving Hongkong keptby Dr.Marquez to
be opened only if he will die.
a. letter to his parents and siblings
b. Letters to the Filipino people
c. Letter to Governor General Despujol
1. So Rizal with Lucia in Manila. Likewise
homecoming Rizal is also filing his
opponent's case.


A. The Second Coming
1. June 26, 1892 - Rizal returned to Manila
with his sister Lucia and stayed at the
Hotel de Oriente.
2. In the afternoon of that day went Rizal
Malacanang to meet with governor but he
returned in the evening and meeting with
3. She visited her sister Narcisa and cell.
4. The next day, Rizal train ride and visited
his friend in Malolos, Bulacan;San
FernandoCanyonTarlac, Tarlac; and
Bacolor, Pampanga. His trip was followed
by the Spanish and the houses he visited
after a few days was attacked by Spanish
5. The next day was again met with
Despujol Rizal.
A. Establishment of La Liga Filipina
1. July 3, Rizal founded the La Liga Filipina
in the house of Doroteo Ongjungco Ilaya
Street, Tondo Manila.
2. The conference was attended by the
a. Peter Serano encyclopedia
b. Domingo Franco
c. Jose Ramos
d. Ambrosio Salvador
e. Bonifacio Arevalo
f. Agustin de la Rosa
g. Moises Salvador
h. Luis Villareal
i. Faustino Villaruel
j. Mariano Crisostomo
k. Numeriano Adriatico
l. Estanislao Legaspi
m. Teodoro Plata
n. Andres Bonifacio
o. John Zulueta
A. Arrest and Exile
1. On July 6, 1892 - in a conversation with
Rizal Despujol reason he was arrested on
suspicion of possessing anti-church
2. detained Rizal and strict settest
inFort Santiago.
3. The next day brought the order to deport
Rizal in Dapitan.
4. Rizal was brought by shipCebu.


A. The Life Of A Done
1. July 15, 1892 - did Rizal in Dapitan and
conferred with Captain Ricardo
Carnicero the commander of the Spanish
army in the area.
2. Carrying Rizal's letter Fr. Paul Pastells
superior of the Jesuits for Padre Antonio
Obach the Jesuit priest in Dapitan. The
letter contains conditions that Rizal was
to live in the convent.
3. Rizal lived in barracks, led by Captain
Carcinero that became his friend.
4. September 21, 1891 - Rizal were
received, and a Spanish Carcinero
Dipolog reward their ticket number 9736
is nanal

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