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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


DNA Extraction

Name: _________________________________ Date submitted: __________________

Grade and Section: ______________________ Teacher: ________________________


DNA can be found in the cells of every living, or once-living thing. It

provides the instructions for building and operating all living things. The
nucleus of a cell contains chromosomes. Chromosomes are made up of
DNA. DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid; it is a special molecule that
carries the hereditary information in almost all living things. The DNA
tells the cell how to work and which particular characteristics it should
have. A section of DNA that tells the cell to display a certain
characteristic, or produce a certain particular chemical is called a gene.

 Laboratory gown
 1 ziploc bag/ re-sealable plastic bag (8” x 5”)
 2 plastic cups
 1 coffee filler/ cheese cloth
 Coffee stirrer
 2 strawberries
 1 teaspoon of salt
 2 teaspoon of dish detergent/ dishwashing liquid
 ½ cup of water
 ½ COLD ethyl alcohol

Note: Please be reminded that all students must wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) in
the laboratory. Required PPE includes appropriate clothing, lab coat, goggles (if needed) and gloves. Should
a student come unprepared to laboratory, he/ she will be asked to leave and change their PPE.

Pull off any green leaves on the strawberry that have not been removed yet.
1. Put the strawberries into the plastic bag, seal it (remove the air) and gently smash it for about two
minutes. Completely crush the strawberries for 2 to 3 minutes.
2. In a plastic cup, make your DNA extraction liquid: mix together 2 teaspoon of detergent, 1 teaspoon
of salt and ½ cup of water.
3. Add 2 teaspoon of the DNA extraction liquid into the bag with strawberries. This will further break
open the cell
4. Reseal the bag and gently smash for another minute (avoid making too many soap bubbles)
5. Place the coffee filter inside the other plastic cup.
6. Open the bag and pour the strawberry mixture into the filter. You can twist the filter just above the
liquid and gently squeeze the remaining liquid into the cup.
7. Next, slightly tilt the cup and pour down the side of the cup an equal amount of COLD rubbing
alcohol as there is strawberry liquid. DO NOT mix or stir. You just have isolated the DNA from
the rest of the material contained in the cells of the strawberry
8. Within a few seconds, watch for the development of a white cloudy substance (DNA) in the top
9. Tilt the cup and pick up the DNA using a plastic coffee stirrer or wooden stick.
10. Clean up your station.

Name: _________________________________ Date submitted: __________________

Grade and Section: ______________________ Teacher: ________________________

Results and Observations:

As you do the activity, fill out this table with observations that you make. Be detailed as possible about
what you observe at each step of the experiment.

Steps Observations
What happened after mixing the
DNA extraction liquid and the

What happened when you added

the alcohol?

Describe the DNA extract you


What do you expect to see if you

examined it under the

Conclusion and Analysis

1. Why did you have to mash the strawberries?


2. What was the purpose of the salt in the DNA extracting solution?

3. What was the purpose of the soap in the DNA extracting solution?

4. Explain what happened in the final step when you added alcohol to your strawberry extract.

5. Why is it useful for scientists to be able to extract DNA from an organism? List two reasons

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


DNA Extraction

1. 2.
3. 4.
Names (alphabetical)
5. 6.
7. 8.
Grade and Section:
Group No. Date submitted:

Rubric: Strawberry DNA Extraction

Incomplete or
Excellent Good Fair
Criteria (13-15 pts) (9-12 pts) (5-8 pts)
Unsatisfactory Score
(0-4 pts)
Information is
relevant and
provides wealth of Information
provided is
information about provided is copied This part of the
Results and correct but is not
DNA extraction from the original report is
Observation cohesive. Student
and strawberries. text or does not missing.
uses own words to
Student uses own make sense.
describe it.
words to describe
Listed but not
List is complete List is complete complete.
for an accurate but quantities not Quantities missing
The materials
Materials replication of the always there or or are rarely there
are incomplete
experiment. It missing or the metric
includes quantities. completely. system isn't used
for data collection.
Logical sequence
Procedures are Needs more steps
but missing steps.
accurate and the to have an accurate
The students are All steps are
students are not result. The students
Procedures asking some inaccurate and
asking questions keep on asking
questions incorrect.
regarding the about the
regarding the
procedure. procedure.
All questions are This part of the
Some questions
answered and Most of the report is
are answered
Conclusion and student is showing questions are missing or
incorrectly. Some
Analysis knowledge gained answered doesn't provide
knowledge gained
from the incorrectly. enough learning
is evident.
experiment. evidence.
Proper clean-up
Proper clean-up procedures are
Needs to be
Consistently uses procedures seldom used.
reminded more
proper clean-up generally used.
than once during
procedures Requires
the lab to use
May need teacher's help to
proper clean-up
Cleanliness Station left neat reminding once to complete clean-
and clean, pitches complete clean- up.
in and helps others up.
1 or 2 items left at
clean up and 3 or more items
station or not
directs Station generally left at station or
left clean. station not

Checked by: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________


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