PSOT2019 Dbox

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*The example given here is a dummy example. Please fill the empty box for you own study

1. The current issue (problem) being leads to the need (addressed) for the study:
The percentage of students in STEM field continues to decline every year (MOE, 2018)

2. The importance of the problem:

The nation needs more STEM-skilled personnel to meet the IR4.0 challenges (ASM, 2016)

3. The statement of the problem:

The % of students in STEM field continues to decline, even the nation needs more students to be
in this field to meet the future needs for STEM-skilled personnel and IR4.0 challenges.

4. The specific problem with evidence from the literature and real situation:
Lit: Study has noted a declining level of interest towards STEM among student (Sjoberg Schreiner,
2015) because teachers focused more on direct instruction (Osborne et al., 2016) by referring to
the textbook (Cimer, 2014) when teaching STEM subjects.
Real: 42% of middle school students in Malaysia chose to do Science, including TVET at high
school (MOE, 2016), reverse form the actual target of 60:40 policy (MOE, 2017).

5. The proposed solution of the problem:

There is a need to study on how teachers integrate STEM through PBL and 5E strategies in order
to motivate and encourage them to pursue their study in STEM field.

6. The justification of the research problem:

The importance of developing STEM literacy is critical to ensure students leave school with the
necessary competency to engage in an increasingly technological world. However, this
requirement cannot be expected to be achieved unless students chose to remain in the STEM
pipeline during their school education (Omar, 2018).

7. The Research Question (must be reserchable – can be measured by collecting data):

i. To what extent teachers intergrate STEM in their classroom ? (Survey for data collection)
ii. How do teachers integrate STEM in their classrooms? (Interview for data collection)

8. The contribution to knowledge:

It’s about time to know how teachers integrate STEM in classroom practices to make meaningful
learning for students in important to ensure the student to pursue their study in STEM fields.

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