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The idea of self-directed learning has sprouted since the ancient time.

Many famous Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, learned

through self study. Documentation about the use of this techniques has been

done and celebrated of several people around the world (Hiemstra, 1994).

In recent years, research has focused on identifying key factors that leads

to academic success among students of different levels. However. The self-

directed learning process is more successful for people who were mature enough

to know their responsibility as a student. Consequently, only adult learners are

capable of learning using this method effectively. Indeed, the technological

advantages nowadays can cater the needs of each young learners to study by

his own pace, time and style without the presence of the traditional teacher. It

gives students freedom as well. However, the characteristic of individual students

are best in the process. It is the task of the researchers to find out through this

study how student attitudes correlates with the self-directed learning style to help

student excel academically. The creativity and leadership of individual students

will b developed through this process. Likewise, each student will become a more

responsible adult in the future by exposing them to an independent situation.

Moreover, several researcher have explained that giving some learning


responsibility back to the learners in many situations is more beneficial that other

approaches (Hiemstra, 1994).

Self-directed learning (SDL ) is a key to seek for new knowledge, skills

and gaining information through independent learning. Even though studying at

school is one of the most important components of academic life, SDL is an

essential tool for all learners. The more a person tries to learn independently, the

more knowledge he/ she acquires; then it will become strategy to gain success in

the educational field.

Gibbons (2002) States that self-directed learning is any increase in

knowledge, skills, accomplishments, and development, which an individual

selects and brings about his or her own efforts using any method in any

circumstance and anytime, Indeed SDL is associated with critical thinking as well

as improved understanding and decision making Candy (1991).

Many children succeed in various aspect of life, while others seem to lose

sight of who they are and what is the important. To find out why this happens to

some children and not others, It is important to look at what makes an impact in

children’s well-being, especially academically. Academics are very important

factor of an adolescent’s life. Many studies today look at ways to increase

academic performance, especially in adolescents because of their upcoming

decisions on college and career choices.

An adolescent’s life is very much influenced by academic self-esteem and

self- efficacy; it is important to determine which factors contribute to them. This


could change as they progress into different stages in life, but for this research, it

is crucial to look the factors that affect adolescents’ level of academic self-

esteem and efficacy. Past research has identified several social factors that

contribute to academic well-being, such as positive interactions with peer ( Cakar

& Karatas 2012 ),with teachers ( Martin, Marsh, Mclnerney, Green, & Dowson,

2007 ), and during extra-curricular activities ( Kort-Butler & Hagewen, 2011). As it

has stated that self-directed learning involves that students should learn on their

own, it is the responsibility of the teachers to make the students aware of their

function in their own learning, encourage the students to show resourcefulness

and creativeness in their learning. Teachers have to develop an amiable and

approachable towards the students, provide them enough room for discussion

and suggestions should not be made to think that they are working independently

and there is no support from the teacher.

With the knowledge of the traits/learning styles of these pupils with high

honors, it could help a lot in achieving more pupils receiving highest honors. We

need to also focus upon the emotional, affective components of engaging self-

directed learning which challenge our sense of world and self.

This study focuses on the influence of self-directed learning to the

academic achievers interest the researchers, because the researchers want to

explore the self-directed is one of the key to be an academic achiever. This study

would like to prove that this self-directed learning really influence a child to be

academically excellent.


This study seeks to investigate the influence of self-directed learning style

in the pupils or preteens who received the highest honors during the school year

2018-2019. This aims to further investigate the benefits and advantages of this

self-directed learning to be able to produce more self-directed preteens who will

be lifelong learners and shall be receiving the highest honors if given a chance to

practice the benefits and advantages of this kind of learning style.

This researchers seeks to answer the following questions:

1. To analyse the benefits of SDL as viewed by these preteens achievers,

parents, and teachers.

2. To explore the challenges of using SDL as viewed by preteens, parents,

and teachers.

3. To identify the learning style preferences of preteens academic as viewed

by preteens, parents, and teachers.

4. To analyze the five key assumptions with the influence of Malcom S.

Knowels SDL viewed by preteens, parents, and teacher incentives such

as the need for self-esteem.



With the importance of self-directed learning in the life of a pupil with

highest honors this study is conducted to help students in different schools, to

become self-sufficient and life-long learners which is one of the goals of the

Department of Education. As this research proved the benefits of self-directed

learning in developing top notch pupils this research would be of great help to:

Department of Education this study would serve as a basis of

innovation for assessing a curriculum focusing on self-directed learning. This

would also help the department of Education to innovate which would best fit to

the need of the pupils in the elementary school to become more self-sufficient

and responsible pupils.

Elementary Schools the result of this study could also be a basis for

promotion of the school and the teacher of these top notch pupils engaged in

self-directed learning so that they will be more inspired to develop more

intelligent, diligent and responsible pupils.

Preteens they are the respondents and foremost beneficiary of the study.

This study is aimed to them to make learning more effective. This method

develops students’s creativity by studying independently.

Parents as great influencer to the lives of their children their parenting

style could also be of help in improving the study skills of these pupils who aimed

to be an academic achiever at the end of the school year.


Teachers being the second parents when pupils are in the classroom

have a great influence on the study habits of pupils. The result of this study

would be of great help to design a teaching strategy to produce more academic

achievers if proven that self-directed learning is an effective way to study.


This case study will focus on the influence of self-directed learning of

preteens academic achievers. The respondents of this study are the grade five

pupils with highest honors received last school year 2018-2019. This school

year they will be in grade six. These pupils with highest honors are studying in

the public elementary schools in the town proper of Calauag, Quezon. This

study does not include the pupils who received highest honors in the barangays

elementary school in the town of Calauag, Quezon.

The pupils involved in this study are residents of town of Calauag and

those who live in nearby barangays but studying in the public elementary in the

town proper. This study also involved teachers and parents who plays a very

important role in a preteens life. More so teachers would be beneficial of this

study because she will put into practice whatever the result of this study about

self-directed learning to produce more academic achievers preteens.



This study is anchored with the following theoretical basis:

Malcolm Knowles developed and strengthened this theory of self-directed


Chever (2019) claimed that:

“Nurturing self-directed learning is a combination of allowing

for free and loosely-guided play and activities. Children thrive in

routines, but making sure that their routines included open-ended

exploration fuelled by their own curiosity can help lead to

independent kids with a life-long love of learning”.

Knowles also states five key assumptions which underlies self-

directed learning:

1. Self- directed learning assumes that the human being grows in capacity

and needs to be self-directing as an essential component in maturing.

2. Self-directed learning assumes that the learners’ experiences become an

increasingly rich resource for learning that should be exploited along with the

resources of experts.

3. Self-directed learning assumes that individuals become ready to learn

what is required to perform their evolving life task or to cope more adequately

with their life problems.


4. Self-directed learning assumes that the natural orientation of individuals is

task or problem- centered.

5. Self- directed learning assumes that learners are motivated by internal

incentives such as the need for self-esteem.

In social learning theory, Albert Bandura (1997) agrees with the

behaviorist learning theories of classical conditioning, however he adds two

important ideas. (1) Medating processes occur between stimuli and response (2)

Behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational

learning. Behavior is learned from the environment through the process of

observational. Behaviorism is also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory

of learning based on idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning.

Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorist believe

that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions.

Pavlov classical conditioning theory helped in developing self-directed

learning. With the classical conditioning theory the possibility that a child is

conditioned to receive a reward to every small or big accomplishment has this

tendency to be the best in the class because he wants to received a reward to

both the parents and the teacher. Source



Academic Self-efficacy is the strength and belief in an adolescent to achieve

and reach goals on academic task which is a valuable skill to attain during


Academic Self-esteem is defined as how an individual feels his/ her abilities are

in academic setting.

Achievers refers to preteens who are with highest honors.

Classical Conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus is paired with and

precedes the unconditioned stimulus until the conditioned stimulus alone is

sufficient to elicit the response.

Learning Activities refers to activities done to different study habits.

Preteens refers to a boy or a girl under the age of 13.especially one between

the ages of 9 and 12.

Self- Directed learning This is a process by which a student learns on his/ her

own pace and style independently.

Social Leaning Process in which individuals observe the behaviour of others

and its consequences, and modify their own behaviour accordingly.

Study Habits have been considered to be constituted of different kinds of study

behavior. Such as budgeting time, reading ability, note taking, preparation for




The review of related literature forms the base material for the investigator

to have a clear idea about the general concepts, principles and an exhausted

review for the development of the research. It implies locating, reading and

evaluating reports of research as well as reports of observation and opinion that

are related to the individual’s planned research work.

This chapter is expected to give important background information for the

discussion of related literatures. The researcher give some description related to

the variables of this study.

Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

In the first variable, It explains about SDL, which consist of four points (1)

the definition of SDL, (2) The Characteristics of SDL, (3) the advantages ofSDL,

and (4) the measurement of SDL.

The Definition of SDL

Gibbons (2002) proposed that SDL is the combination between

knowledge, skills, or personal development that individuals achieves by their own

efforts in any learning methods. It seems that SDL is a key of independent

learning. SDL is a process in which the students takes their initiative and

responsibility for setting their own learning goals, identifying gaps in the learning,

deciding resources, selecting carrying out learning strategies, and evaluating

their own result Loyens (2008). Additionally, one of part from human nature is

SDL, it comes from making decisions for their responsibility.

Min & Pey (2010) indicated that SDL refers to the ability to control learning

plan and other learning factors. They also considered that competence, resource,

and power are the three crucial element.

Related to to those theories above, many experts have been defined the

term of SDL. in which most of them lead to the similar definition about it. In order

to reach a common definition of SDL, this study deals with the definition which is

carried out by Loyens (2008). It can be concluded that the student takes the

more role in learning process from setting the learning goal until evaluating their

own result.

The Characteristic of SDL

Guglielmino (1978) has explained in her research that someone who has

good SDL can be measured by looking at his/her attitudes, values, and abilities

of learner. Then it has been develop by other experts such Lim (2014)

developed that there are 7 characteristics of SDL. Those are curiousity,

readiness, self-examination. Autonomous, critical thinking, comprehension with

little or no instruction, and persistence.


According to Melissa (2007), curiosity is the feeling which the student has

for exploring more to get the new related information as much as possible.

Another characteristic is readiness which also need self-motivation in it so that

they can set their goal clearer and find out to deal with something Min & Pey

(2010). By doing examine themselves. They can strengthen the good result from


Then according to Loyen (2008), autonomous is one of the most important

characteristic. Students will be able to responsible for their own task. They

realize what to do and start doing it on their own. Another characteristic is critical

thinking. Self- Directed Students always thinks deeply before they decide to do

something. Besides that, comprehension with or without instruction is also

important. There are four comprehension skills those reading, listening, writing,

and speaking skill. All those can be used to compose a good result (Gibbons

2002). The last is persistence in which the students try to do the best that they

can and also build up their self-discipline in order that they can solve such

problems faster and better. In addition the main characteristic in a good SDL are

having openness to learn opportunities, self-concept, initiative and independent

in learning, enjoyment in learning, creativity, future orientation, and self-confident

toward their learning skill.


The Advantages of SDL

Carson (2012) states that studying at school is one of the most important

components of learning in which SDL has an important key for all students. A

person who tries to learn independently, he/she gets more knowledge. By having

a good SDL,students get many benefits. One of them is they can be motivated to

learn and try to get knowledge and skills to solve the problem that they face Ana

& Bianca (2014). It will become a skill to gain success in educational field

because the students includes directly in a learning process. SDL is one natural

process which can develop students’ ability and responsibility in learning


According to Williams (2003), student who successfully take part in SDL

are more creative and curious rather than the student who does not. They are

more active and enthusiasm to improve their skills that can help them in solving

the problems by using their own strategies, taking responsibility for their actions,

and making their own opinion. There are many benefits that can be achieved to

have a good SDL. One of them is the student who has a good SDL can be

motivated to takes a role actively in learning process rather the student who also

sits and listens to what the teacher or lecturer says.

The Measurements of SDL

To measure how high or low students’ SDL, we can use questionnaire

such some experts did in the previous study. Self-Directed Learning Readiness

(SDLRS) which was conducted by Guglielmino (1978) has been used in most

study as the tool to measure SDL. The questionnaire measures the complex of

attitudes, abilities, and characteristic in SDL that is defined in eight factors in it.

Those eight factors are openness to learning opportunities, self-concept as an

effective learner, initiative and independence in learning, self-responsibility in

learning, love of learning, creativity, future orientation, and self-confident in

abilities and skills in learning.

Guglielmino (1978) stated that SDLRS instrument is suitable for education

institution and education facilitator for knowing the readiness in SDL and

measuring their SDL whether they have a high or low SDL. This questionnaire

has been tested the validity and the reliability in some countries. So it can help

the researcher to measure how high their SDL.

Students’ Achievement

There are some factors which affect students’academic achievement.

Irfan & Shabana (2012) stated that students’ academic achievements are

affected to social , phychological, economic, environment, and personal

factors.Lawrence & Vilma ( 2012) added that the factors are(1) non cognitive

factors such as: SDL, personality trait, self-concept, self-esteem, and others,(2)

cognitive factor, such as: Intelligence, style of thinking and learning, creativity,

and other, (3) motivational factor which includes internal and external factor, (4)

quality of school which includes teaching method, school environment, and


others, (5) family factor, such as: family environment, family support, and others,

(6) socio-economic status such as: parents’ education and their occupation, and

(7) the combination between cognitive, emotional, and behavior.

Learning styles

The essential of learning styles became known in research about the year

1892 and was more likely first used by Thelen as cited by Fatt (2000 ). The

empression of learning styles was originally based on David Kolb’s theories as

cited by Fatt, (2000) says that “ kolb saw learning a circular process where

learning is viewed as a series of experiences with cognitive additions: concrete

experience, reflection and observation, abstract concepts and generalization, and

active experimentation (p.32). Students who adapt their learning style to the task

presented are considered to have a versatile learning style.

According to Lohri-Posey ( 2003), Learning Styles indicate an individuals

preferencial focus on different types of information, the different ways of

perceiving information, and the rate of understanding information, to have

understanding of the learning style preferences of students can provide effective

learning strategies for teachers to use . Students who are share a learning style

that i attuned with the teacher remember information longer are more optimistic

about learning.

By improving the use of assessment of learning style in schools, students

will perform better in and out of school. Although further research is needed, the

original research on learning styles has greatly impacted learning preferences in

education. Knowing how the students ; learn can help teachers and prepare

every year for possibly new types of learning styles found. Many studies who are

in college; more studies need to be conducted that are the elementary schools

levels. Conducting more research at elementary and middle school levels can

help determine the change in learning style at the child experiences.

The empression of learning styles was originally based on David Kolb’s

theories as cited by Fatt, (2000) says that “ kolb saw learning a circular process

where learning is viewed as a series of experiences with cognitive additions:

concrete experience, reflection and observation, abstract concepts and

generalization, and active experimentation. Students who adapt their learning

style to the task presented are considered to have a versatile learning style.

Antecedent and Outcomes

Weimer (2015), shows that self-directed learning starts with a good set of

learning skills. They are essential but not all that’s necessary. Students have to

believe they can use those skills and that using them will make a difference. The

more than 30 years of research on self-directed learning shows a web of learner

beliefs and behaviors that stands behind successful self-directed learning. The

related research is ably summarized in the article referenced below. It explores

five areas of research that undergird the efforts of self-directed learners and can

help teachers design learning activities and assignments that established the

foundation for self-directed learning.

Internal Locus of Control- This construct deals with the extent which people (

research here included many cohortgroups ) believe they have control over

events that influence them. These are folks who think behaviour primarily

determines what happens. Those without this beleivf attribute events to luck,

fate, or other forces beyond their control. Internal locus of control means that

learners believe that they have a control of enough factors to be successful at

learning. Giving learners some control of learning processes is therefore a first in

developing their internal locus. You can’t be a self-directed learner if you don’t

believe you can make good decisions about learning.

Self- efficacy – Self-efficacy is related to the internal locus of control, but

different. It focuses on beliefs, not about control of situations, but about ability.

Research has repeatedly shown that the beliefs students have about their

abilities are powerful predictors of their performance. And self-directed learners

must have confidence in their ability to succeed. Often student’s beliefs focus

more on what they can’t do. Teachers need to create learning experiences that

help students discover that they can do things they don’t think they can, and give

them experiences through which they learn that hard work and persistence trump


Motivation – Motivation is the force that drives the learning enterprise, Students

(and others) are motivated when they are working to accomplish meaningful

goals. Motivation and the locus of control are related. Having control motivates

learners. Many students lack motivation, They don’t seem to understand what

goals education can help them accomplish, or they see only a few courses as

being related to their goals. Authentic assignments can help students see the

relevance of what and they are learning. They can also cultivate the love of

learning.Which is a common characteristic of self-directed learners.

Support – Even though self-directed learners do it for themselves, they do it

better with the support peers, experts, coaches, and guides who value the

learners’contributions and care about their success, Students feel supported

when teachers let them learn at their own pace and provide helful resources.

Support makes learning easier. It also increases motivation and develops self-

efficacy and the internal locus of control.

Performance – Performance is the outcome, unlike the previous four areas that

need to come before and during learning. It makes sense that if a learner is

developing in each of the four previous areas, his performance will improve. And

good performance loops back, contributing to the further development of the

other four areas. Each of these areas is part of a web that supports self-directed

learning. Movement in one area produces movement in another area, which

gives teachers lots of places to intervene in the process.

Self-directed learning are based described in terms of the type of learners

it develops. The literature on SDL asserts that self-directed learners demonstrate

a greater awareness of their responsibility in making learning meaningful and


monitoring themselves Garrison (1997) as cited by Antonio (2001) shows that

they are curious and willing try new things Long (1994) as cited in Kerka (2000)

view problems as challenges, desire change, and enjoy learning ( Taylor, 1995

as cited in Antonio, 2001 ). Taylor also found them to be motivated and

persistent, independent, self-directed learning allows learners to be more

effective learners and social beings.

According to Knowles (1975), SDL assumes that the human being grows

in capacity and need to be self directing as an essential component of maturing,

and that this capacity should be nurtured to develop as rapidly as possible

,learning experiences should be organized as task accomplishments or problem

solving learning projects, and learners are motivated by internal incentives, such

as the need to know something specific, and curiosity. Based on Knowles’(1975)

assumptions of SDL, the definition of SDL and related conceptions will be


In research entitled Self-Directed Learning : Views of teacher and students

found out that one problem that encounter was difficulty in articulating a precise

definition of self-directed learning Taylor ( 2001 ) it is both believed that students

take more responsibility for learning SDL than traditional learning. In her

research, some define SDL as learning with help of tutor, programmed or

structured, by using portfolio and with a teacher to facilitate the learning. In her

findings she conclude that although there was evidence that both teachers and

students felt it appropriate to share responsibility for learning, some teachers felt

that some students often wanted teachers’ control. Some teachers to relinquish


Most research believe that self-directed learning helps promote the

creativity and innovation potential of individual, groups, organization, and

countries. It is a process in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the

help of others Knowles (1977). This considered to be the best of all studies. In

any facet of life, this method proves to be crucial in making an individual cope

with the rapid changing life. Self directed learning originated in the field of adult

education but due to availability of internet, information is readily available to

everyone. This research uses this to apply is not to adult education per se but to

younger learners too. Since many teenagers now a days are believed to be

active learners. They have strong desires for learning as well.

According to the study of Villabos M. & Destacamento (2016), this study

assesses students’ self directed learning ( SDL ) qualities and determines their

association to students’age. It assesses the SDL qualities of the students in

terms of self-concept, readiness to learn, initiative and independence,

acceptance of responsibility, creativity, and ability to use basic problem solving

skills. The study tests the association of students’ age with their self-directed

learning qualities. It was found out that among the six areas of SDL qualities

assessed, the area of creativity obtained the lowest mean value in all of the age

groups. It also shows that level of SDL increases as age group increases. The

age group 16 to 17 years old obtained the lowest average mean values in all the

six SDL qualities. The study reveals a significant association between SDL

qualities and age.

Becoming a Self-Directed Learner

Learning to learn is a crucial Ramnarayan & Hande (2005) and become

self-directed learners. Students must learn to assess the demands of the tast,

evaluate their own knowledge and skills, plan their approach, monitor their

progress, and adjust their strategies as needed. (Ambrose et al, 2010: 191), like

wise to the principles of Ambrose et al (2010, p. 191 ) Long (2005,p.4) mentioned

on his work that become a successful self-directed learner, the learner must

develop self-awareness wherein he/she will have the ability to determine his/her

own learning process, strengths and weaknesses.

A review of literature shows that self-learning in general, are not only

convenient for the teachers, but, in fact, more effective than traditional teaching

and learning approach. Hence, this literature review aimed to present the

historical underpinning of self-directed learning, the teachers' role in employing

self-directed learning and the process on becoming a self- directed learners.

Some researchers have highlighted the motivational component of self-

directed learning arguing that this kind of learning is effective because it makes

students more willing and more motivated to learn. But few researchers have

examined how self-directed learning might influence cognitive processes, such

as those involved in attention and memory.

In the Philippine educational setting. Implementation of this method is not

clearly define but many students who excel in their academics are people who

make their extra effort of studying independently and are highly motivated to

learn. The researchers did not find any studies relating to this case. Therefore,

clearly defining this process in this country is somewhat obscure yet. However,

the researchers will clearly explain how the student in this country surpass other

learners. Many think that students out do others naturally because of their genes,

others think that it depends on which school they attends to some people say it

the attitude who determines their success in life. The researchers believe that the

last reason could be the biggest factor that defines success academically.



This chapter presents the selection of the research method used,

determination of the sample and sampling technique, the instrument used in

gathering data and the interpretation of data.

Research Design

This study will employ qualitative research design. The research

technique will use case study to have in-depth investigation of the research

study. Using the case study will investigate the contemporary phenomenon of

this study with its real-life context of group of the subjects. Moreover, the

researchers will use triangulation method to test the validity through the

convergence of information from different group of the subject of the study. There

will be three (3) groups in this study: the preteens academic achievers, parents,

and teachers.

Respondents and Sampling Procedures

For this research, purposive sampling was used. Purposive sampling is

defined as a criteria or purpose for selection which becomes the basis for

identifying the respondents. The subjects of the study will be the academic

awardees pupils who got the average of 95% and above, of every section in the

public elementary schools in the town proper of Calauag. This study also include

the parents and the teachers of these preteens academic awardees. They will

be the subjects of the study who will determine the influence of self-directed

learning style in the academic achievements of the preteens.


The data procedure in this study will adopt the protocol for conducting a

Case Study as suggested by Yin (2014)

Table 1

Table of contents of protocol for conducting Case Study

A. Overview of the Study

1. Mission and goals reflecting the interest of the case study

2. Case study questions, hypotheses and propositions

3. Role of protocol in guiding the case study research.

B. Data collection procedures

1. Names of contact persons for doing field work

2. Data collection plan

3. Expected preparation prior to fieldwork

C. Data Collection Questions

Table 1 illustrate the content of protocol for conducting the case study.

The first part of the protocol is the overview of the study will be presented during

the orientation of the subjects of the study. The goals and purpose of the study

will also be presented to the selected subjects. The researchers will also ask the

subject to sign a consent declaring willingness to take part of the study and

making sure that the participation is voluntary which be treated with

confidentiality. After the orientation, the subject of the study will be schedule to a

one-on one interview that will consume 45 minutes. The parents will be

interviewed individually according to the case of challenges encountered of

raising a child. The preteens academic achievers will be interviewed on the

cases such as views of being raised by their parents and its influence to their

psychosocial development. The teacher of each preteens academic achievers

will also interviewed about the observed behaviour of their students. The

preteens is composed of academic achievers with highest honors in public

elementary school and their parents and teachers in Calauag, Quezon. The

researcher will use audio-recording devices and will use note taking during the


Validation of Instruments

The instrument to be use will be an interview between the academic

achievers, the parents and the teachers of these academic awardees. The

interview guide protocol will be validated of a registered psychometrician and

school of heads.

Analytical Framework

The Thematic Analysis (TA) will be used as the analytical framework of

this study. This method will identify, analyze, organize, describe and report

themes that will be found on the data of the case study. Brown and Clarke (2006)

and King (2004) as cited by Nowell, Norris, White and Moules (2017) argued that

thematic analysis is a useful method for examining the perspective of different

research participants, highlighting similarities and differences, and generating

unanticipated insights. The trustworthiness is important in every qualitative

method to the research findings of this study. Nowell, Norris, White and Moules

(2017) presented the phases of doing the TA and the means of establishing

trustworthiness of each phases. This will allow the researcher to provide

credibility of the present case study.


Table 2

Phases of Thematic Analysis and Establishing Trustworthiness in each Phase.


PHASE 1: FAMILIARIZING YOURSELF WITH Prolong engagement with data

Triangulate different data collection modes
Document theoretical and reflective thoughts
Document thoughts about potential
Store raw data in well-organized archives
Keep records of all data field notes, transcripts,
and reflective journal
Researcher triangulation
Reflexive journaling
Use of a coding framework
Audit trail of code generation
Documentation of all team meeting and peer
PHASE 3: SEARCHING FOR THEMES Researcher triangulation
Diagramming to make sense of theme
Keep detailed noted about development and
hierarchies of concept and themes
PHASE 4: REVIEWING THEMES Researcher triangulation
Themes and subthemes vetted by team
Test for referential adequacy by returning to raw
PHASE 5: DEFINING AND NAMING THEMES Researcher triangulation
Peer debriefing
Team consensus on themes
Documentation of team meetings regarding
Documentation of theme naming
Peer debriefing
Describing process of coding and analysis in
sufficient details
Thick descriptions of context
Description of the audit trail

Report on reasons for theoretical,

methodological, and analytical choices
throughout the entire study

Research Paradigm

The study will focus on the preteens or the grade five student’s academic

achievers with highest honors last school year 2018-2019. It is illustrated on the

following figure:

Define and Design Prepare, Collect and Analyze Analyze and Conclude

Preteens Write Draw cross

(Academic Individual case
awardee), Case conclusion
Parents and
Write Case Teacher
Individual Study 1 Modify
Case Theory

Write Implication
(Academic Write
Preteens Case awardee), Individual
Academic Study 2 Write cross
Parents and Case
Awardee Write case report

Write Case Preteens Write

Individual Study 3 (Academic Individual
Case awardee), Case Program for
Parents and Academic
Teacher Awardees

Figure 1. Research Paradigm of the Study


As shown in Figure 1, this inquiry is substantially depended on the Yin’s

Model of Case Study, This will be the basis for the influence of Self-directed

learning to the preteens academic achievers. Preteens will be the founding

theory to analyze the influence of being self-directed learning. Protocol will be

important on this research to have reliability and trustworthiness of this study.

The preteens, parents and teachers will be interviewed individually upon each

cases. After doing the interview, the researcher will make an individual case

report for the three subject study, The researcher will then draw a case

conclusion from the three subjects’ responses using the TA and triangulation



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Research Instruments

Interview Protocol Guide for Case Study ( Yin Model )

A. Overview of the study

1. Mission and goals reflecting the interest of the case study
The main objective of the study is to analyze the influence of self directed
learning to the academic achievers.
2. Case study questions, assumptions and propositions.
1. To explore the challenges of using SDL as viewed by preteens,
parents, and teachers.
2. To analyse the benifits of SDL as viewed by these preteens
achievers, parents, and teachers.
3. To identify the learning style preferences of preteens academic as
as viewed by preteens, parents, and teachers.
4. To analyze the five key assumptions with the influence of Malcom S.
Knowles SDL viewed by preteens, and teachers incentives such as
the need for self-esteem.
3. Role of protocol in guiding the case study research.
To ensure the trustworthiness, credibility and confidentially of the data of
the subjects. This document contains confidential information that must not be
disclosed to anyone other than researcher, the research adviser, subjects of the
study, and members of the research Ethics Committe, Human Rights Advocate
unless authorized to do so.
B. Data collection Procedures
1. Names of contact persons for doing fieldwork

Subject Teacher


2. Data collection plan

Activities Months
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Research planning, finalizing of research x
Development of research instrument x
Presentation of research proposal x
Data Collection using the develop and
approve research instrument
Summarizing and interpretation of data
Preparation of the final paper
Final oral presentation of the research

3. Expected preparation prior to fieldwork

To facilitate our note-taking, we would like to audio tape our conversations
today. Please sign the release form. For your information, only researchers on
the project will be privy to the tapes which will eventually destroyed after they are
transcribed. In addition, you must sign a form devised to meet our human subject
requirement. Essentially, this document states that: (1) all information will be held
confidential, (2) your participation is voluntary and you may stop at any time if
you feel uncomfortable, and (3) we do not intend to inflict any harm. Thank you
for agreeing to participate.
I have planned this interview to last no longer than one hour. During this
time, I have several questions that we would like to cover. If time begins to run
short, It may be necessary to interrupt you in order to push ahead and complete
this line of questioning.
C. Data Collection Questions
…… we will be facilitating this interview. The goal of this research had
been introduced on the first part of this Interview Protocol. You have been
selected to speak with us today because you have been identified as someone
who has a great deal to share the influence of self-directed learning to the
academic achiever.
Prior to interview you were sent an introductory letter and two consent
forms (one to sign and return and one to keep) prior to the session today. The
interview will take not less than 1 hour.
Did each of you bring your consent letter? If not, I have some here for you.
(copies distributed). Does anyone have questions?

If there are no further questions, let’s get started with the first question.

Part II.
Pamilyar ka ba sa paggamit ng SDL? ( Are you familiar with using SDL?)
Response of the interviewee:

1. Ano sa iyong palagay ang kahalagahan ng paggamit ng SDL sa iyong pag-

aaral? ( What do you think is the importance of using SDL in your study?)
Response of the interviewee:
Prompt: Paano ito nakakatulong sa iyo?( how it helps you?)
Response of the interviewee:

2. Ikaw ba ay may mga kinakaharap na pagsubok o problema kapag gumagamit

ng SDL? ( Do you have any difficulty or problem when using SDL?
Response of the interview:
Prompt : Paano mo naaayos kapag ikaw ay nagkakaproblema? ( How do you
adjust when you are having problems? )
Response of the interviewee:

3. Ano pa ang iyong ginagamit ng learning style sa pag-aaral ,maliban sa SDL?

(What’s your learning style aside from SDL?)
Response of the interviewee:
Prompt : Sa iyong palagay, madali ba para sa iyo kapag ito ang ginagamit mo?
( In your opinion, is it easy to use?)
Response of the interviewee:

4.Paano ka gumagawa ng iyong asignatura o kaya proyekto, humihingi ka ba ng

tulong sa iyong magulang o kasama sa bahay? ( How do you do assignments or
projects? Do you ask your parents or any other adults for help?)
Response of the interviewee:

5. kapag ikaw ay may gustong malaman sa pinag-aaralan mo, lumalapit ka ba sa

magulang, guro o gumagamit ka ng internet? (When you need additional
information for your assignments, do you approach adults or or do you use the
Response of the interviewee:

Prompt question: (May benipisyobaitosaiyongpagaaral)?

1.1 May nakikita ka ba na mga benipisyo sa paggamit ng SDL ?

1.2 Ano ang mga naitutulong sayo sa paggamit ng SDL?
1.3 Paano ito nakatutulong sayo ?
2. Ikaw ba ay may mga kinakaharap na pagsubok kapag gumagamit ka ng SDL ?
3. Maliban sa SDL may ginagamit ka pa bang Learning styles ?

4. Ano sa tingin mo ang mas magandang Learning style na makapagpapadali sa

iyong pag-aaral ?
5. Sa paanong paraan nakatutulong sayo ang paggamit ng SDL ?
6. Sa tingin mo kaya mo na bang magkusa pagdating sa pagaaral mo ?
Prompt question: ikaw ba ay nagpapatulong pa sa mga magulang mo ?

2. kapag mayroon kang gustong malaman, ikaw ba ay nagchecheck ng

google, teacher o sa iyong magulang?
3. halimabawa kapag may mga problema kang kinakaharap sa inyong bahay
o sa school ekawba ay nagkukusang humanap ngparaan upang
masulusuyunan ang iyong problema.
5. ikaw ba kahit walang ibigay sayo na reward ang mga magulang mo ay nag
aaral ka pa din ng mabuti.

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