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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Your excellences of the committe. The honourable judges, teachers, and friends. In the name of
Allah, beneficent and merciful. All praises be to Allah all the mighty. Alhamdulillah, because of his
blessing particularly faith and health, so we can be here in a good condition. Peace and salutation be
upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has led us from the darkness to the brightness.

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, let me introduce my self. My name is Fitrohtul Amaliah. Today i would like to deliver a
speech on the topic "Islamic Boarding High School for The Next Conceptual Education at this
Millennial Era".

Brothers and sisters,

As we know that in this millennial era, the most appropriate education is boarding school with a
modern system. In other words, madrasah is the one of the important islamic institution in
indonesia. One of the advantages of belonging to the madrasah is the integration of public science
and the science of religion. It's role is so great in producing the next generation of the nation.

Globalization is a worldwide process resulting from advances in science and technology.

Globalization brings positive and negative impact for the nation. Positive impact, for example we are
getting easily information from the outside in order to help us to find new alternative to solve the
problem that we face. Negative impact, for example entering a bad information such as porn video,
it causes the children or the teenagers adapt it and break their moral. It was caused by less awarness
the important role of public education for continuation islamic role for national development.
However, the impact from the problem above, especially technology and exact, will cause in other
sectors which determine the direction national development had to be handed over to a non-
madrasah graduates.

There are some basic requirements that must be met by the madrasah and should be implanted
for the students to survive in globalization era :

1. Have a good basic knowledge, such as language, math, social, and science;

2. Digging capability, the ability to learn in formal and informal;

3. Have basic knowledge in science and technology;

4. Hard work.

Hopefully with more awarness early implanted the importance of the basic requirements that
must be mastered, islamic students as educational institutions that prepare the younger generation
of muslims for the future to do quality improvement efforts and the quality of education. So to
produce graduates who will be able to play an important role in all sectors of the nation's life.

Baarokallah fiddunyaa wal aakhiroh (Blessed in the world and here after).

And the last i say

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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