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Detailed Lesson Plan

Teaching and Assessment of Grammar

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Identify the Grammar Translation Method/Approach (GTA).
B. Determine the characteristics of GTA.
C. State the GTA’s advantages and disadvantages in teaching.
D. Present a teacher-student scenario showcasing GTA.


Grammar Translation Method/Approach


Laptop, projector, white board and marker

IV. A. Learning Activities

Teacher’ s Activity Student’s Activity

Let’s all stand and pray One of the students will pray
with his/her own prayer

Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am/sir

You may now take your


C. Review
Let’s take a review from our
previous lesson.

What is it all about? It’s about the reading

approach which is reading view as the
most usable skill to learn a new
language. Also, in this approach, the
comprehension is taught well and the
vocabulary is controlled at first, then
expanded. This is the approach that
materials highlighted the target
language skills.

Very good!

B. Developmental Activities

Do you know any poem? Yes, ma’am

Can someone give an Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare,

example of poem? ma’am

Can we have another My November Guest by

example? Robert Frost, Ma'am

Because you mention Robert The student will be grouped

Frost I have here one of his poem into four (4) groups to translate the
entitled "Stopping by woods on Snowy poem.
Evening". And I want you to translate
the poem.

“ Stopping by Woods on Snowy

By Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods, fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Did you encounter some
difficulties in translating the poem? Yes, ma’am

What do you think is the

reason behind that? Maybe because there are
some words that is hard to translate
and that will fit in the context of the
What do you think is the
connection of the activity in our topic? I think that our topic is about
an approach in translating of text in
C. Discussion
So let’s go back to your
activity. The activity that you did is an
example of the Grammar Translation
Method/Approach or GTA.

By the title itself, can you

define the Grammar Translation Ma’am, in the activity that we
Method/Approach? conducted, I can say that GTA is an
approach that tackle the right way of
translating with correct context in
Nice observation.
In Grammar Translation
Method/Approach, the instruction is
given in the students’ native language,
much like the modern MTB-MLE of
the K-12 paradigm.

Are you all familiar with the

MTB-MLE of the K-12 paradigm? It is the use of our first
language in teaching English, Math,
and Science in grades 1-3 or the use of
our mother tongue to teach the students
to fully understand the lesson.
That’s right, in accordance to
this, GTA mainly use the native
language or the first language that
results to little use of the target
language which is our second language
specifically in communication.

Why do you think that this

approach does not improve the skills I think it’s because the
of communication with the use of the teachers are more focus teaching the
target language? students that even themselves explain
the lesson using the mother tongue
even in interacting with the students.
Yes, as the teachers teach
with the native language the student
will acquire the language more than
the expected language.

Did you know that the main

purpose of the GTA are to (1) helping
students read and appreciate foreign
language literature, (2) Students can
become more familiar with the
grammar of their native language also
write and speak their native language
better, and lastly, (3) Helpful for
mental exercise which includes
vocabulary learned through
memorization and reading?

You heard it right, with the

purpose, the student must learn the
target language with is the second

Ma’am, I have a question.

GTA have characteristic so How do we know that the approach
you can easily identify it. that was being used to us is the GTA?
 It focuses on the rules
of grammar and their
application in
translation passage
from one language to
 Vocabulary is the
target language
through direct
translation of the
native language.
 Readings in the target
language are
translated directly and
discussed by native
 Grammar is taught
with extensive
explanation in the
native language.

Although the GTA is a big

help in the learning the students, it was
still lacking in communication ability.
However, there are still advantages
with this approach along with its

Aside from what I have said, The advantages of this

can you give some advantages and approach maybe is the intense use of
disadvantages of the GTA in teaching native language that the student will
and learning process. easily learned and widen their
vocabulary. Also, in explaining, native
language can make it clear with the
idea the teachers want to say that to
coping easily with the lesson. For the
disadvantage, maybe the teachers will
neglect that some rules in teaching
grammar needs to explained and
understand by the target language, but
they still use the native language that
makes the student confused.

Let’s see if you answer are

correct with its advantages and
 It is an easy method.
 It helps in building
 It’s saves teachers
 Comprehension is
easily tested.
 Grammar is easily
 It is unnatural
 It neglects speech,
and pattern practice.
 It ignores habit
 Exact translation is
not possible like
idiomatic expression.
 It teaches English by
rules instead of by
 Students becomes a
passive listener.
 It is uninteresting.

Even though it’s

disadvantages dominate the
advantages, many of our educators use
this method. However, this
method/approach is now mix with
different method with the same
purpose, for the learners easily
understand the lesson. But the most
disadvantage this method is that the
teachers specifically English teachers
are not required to be fluent in the
target language. This results to a low
English proficiency for the teachers. Ma’am, as an English teacher,
this method will make our ability to
For a future English teacher, speak fluently the target language,
would you like to practice this which is English language, in low
method/approach? performance. I know this method will
be a big help but it doesn’t mean I use
it often. This kind of method can be
used occasionally if the lesson fits on
it. So, I think will mix it with different
approaches that will not make my
English proficiency low in
communication and not.

We are now going to have a
role playing activity.
The student will be divided
into four (4) groups. Each group will
have different scenario about a
teacher-student scenario using the
GTA. The students will be given 5
minutes to discussed what are they’re
going to do and has 3 minutes to
present it to the class.
Group 1: Teaching literature
Group 2: Teaching basic
grammar (nouns, pronouns, part of
Group 3: teaching the rules of
grammar (subject-verb agreement,
structure of the sentence)
Group 4: teaching in a
normal/ everyday class

 Clarity
 Content
We talk about the GTA which
 Collaboration stands for Grammar Translation
5 Approach/Methods. It uses more the
 Accurate to the topic native language than the target
10 language that results in lack of ability
Total: 30 to speak fluently in the target language.
The characteristics of this approach are
more on vocabulary, memorization and
E. GENERALIZATION reading comprehension. Although the
Who can give me recap on GTA has lots of disadvantages, many
what we have studied today? (Picks teachers use this method in teaching
two (2) students) that makes them loss their fluency in
the target language.

Short quiz:

Directions: Read the

statements carefully and identify
whether the given statement is correct
then write T and if wrong underline the
word/s that made the statement false
and write the correct answer.

1. Vocabulary words
should not be chosen from the reading
text being used.
2. Inductive method is
used in grammar.
3. Students must be
accurate in translating the sentences
into their target language and vice-
4. Teachers teach
vocabulary words through
memorization, bilingual word list and
5. Students will
practice through analyzing exercises.

Directions: Identify if the

statement is advantage or disadvantage
of the "Grammar-Translation
Approach" based on the discussion.

6. It makes the student

a passive listener.
7. It is an unnatural
8. Grammar is easily
9. Exact translation is
not possible.
10. It helps in building

Make two (2) to five (5)

paragraph encapsulating all you've
learned about the topic being discussed
which is Grammar Translation
Approach. Write it in a yellow paper.

Prepared by:

Panopio, Reydel
BSED 2101 – ENG

Ulayao, Princess Mae

BSED 2101 – ENG

Villanueva, Ma. Elsie

BSED 2101 – ENG

Yaco, Jelah Mariz

BSED 2101 – ENG

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