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Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Waste Management
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Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT)

network system for restaurant food waste management
Zongguo Wen a,b,⇑, Shuhan Hu a,b, Djavan De Clercq a,b, M. Bruce Beck c, Hua Zhang d, Huanan Zhang a,b,
Fan Fei a,b, Jianguo Liu a,b
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Key Laboratory for Solid Waste Management and Environment Safety (Tsinghua University), Ministry of Education of China, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BU, UK
School of Humanities and Economic Management, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Catering companies around the world generate tremendous amounts of waste; those in China are no
Available online xxxx exception. The paper discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of a sensor-based Internet
of Things (IoT) network technology for improving the management of restaurant food waste (RFW) in
Keywords: the city of Suzhou, China. This IoT-based system encompasses the generation, collection, transportation
Restaurant food waste and final disposal of RFW. The Suzhou case study comprised four steps: (1) examination of the required
Internet of Things functionality of an IoT-enabled system in the specific context of Suzhou; (2) configuration of the system
architecture, both software and hardware components, according to the identified functionality; (3)
installation of the components of the IoT system at the facilities of the stakeholders across the RFW gen
eration-collection-transportation-disposal value chain; and (4) evaluation of the performance of the
entire system, based on data from three years of operation. The results show that the system had a strong
impact. Positive results include: (1) better management of RFW generation, as evidenced by a 20.5%
increase in RFW collected via official channels and a 207% increase in the number of RFW generators
under official contract; (2) better law enforcement in response to RFW malpractice, enabled by the mon-
itoring capabilities of the IoT system; and (3) an overall reduction in illicit RFW activities and better pro-
cess optimization across the RFW value chain. Negative results include: (1) Radio-frequency
identification (RFID) tags need to be renewed often due to the frequent handling of waste bins, thus
increasing operating costs; (2) dynamic/automatic weight sensors had a higher degree of error than
the more time-consuming static/manual weighing method; and (3) there were disagreements between
the city’s government agencies about how to interpret data from the IoT system, which led to some inef-
ficiencies in management. In sum, the Suzhou IoT system enabled data-driven management of RFW and
had a net positive impact for the stakeholders involved.
Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction generated from commercial dining tables and kitchens; and (2)
grease collected from oil-water separators and grease traps. In
Catering companies around the world generate tremendous China, for instance, about 40 million tons of RFW were produced
amounts of waste, not only of food, but also of paper, plastics, met- in 2014, accounting for 50% of all food waste that year (Wen
als, wood, cardboard, and hazardous materials. ‘‘Restaurant food et al., 2015). In Germany, 18 million tons of food waste are pro-
waste (RFW)”, the focus of our research, is produced by the cater- duced annually, with a significant fraction coming from restau-
ing industry and is composed of two segments: (1) food residue rants (Pleissner et al., 2017). Such quantities of waste can lead to
significant costs. In the United Kingdom, food waste represents a
cost to the catering sector alone of 682 million GBP (WRAP,
⇑ Corresponding author at: State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation 2015). Due to its high organic matter and moisture content, RFW
and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, is rich in nutrients and can be an important source of organic fer-
China. tilizer and bioenergy after proper treatment. On the other hand,
E-mail address: wenzg@tsinghua.edu.cn (Z. Wen).

0956-053X/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
2 Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

treating RFW improperly can lead to serious food safety and envi- contribution of this article is thus the application of IoT to RFW
ronmental problems. These include: harm to public health as a management via a large-scale case study in an important
result of strong odors, pathogenic microbes, and mycin from rotten metropolitan region.
RFW; sewer blockages due to directly discharged RFW; groundwa- Wang and Yue (2017) developed an IoT-supported infrastruc-
ter pollution, soil pollution, and methane emissions from RFW dis- ture framework that provides an early warning system for food
posed of in landfills (Yang et al., 2013); and the spread of disease safety risks across the food supply chain. Nychas et al. (2016) have
and threats to human health as a consequence of directly feeding also explored the potential of using information technology across
untreated RFW to livestock. the food chain, including cloud computing and IoT, primarily for
In response to rapidly increasing amounts of RFW, numerous food safety management. Regarding food waste, Hong et al.
policies and laws have been implemented in countries around (2014) proposed an IoT-based smart garbage system (SGS) to
the world to promote the integrated utilization of such waste (De improve the effectiveness and efficiency of a ‘‘Pay as You Throw”
Clercq et al., 2016, 2017). While such policies are encouraging, fur- management scheme in South Korea. They implemented it as a
ther work is required to enhance RFW management. Turning RFW pilot project in the Gangnam district, Seoul, for a one-year period.
into useable and commercial resources requires coordination The experiment shows that the SGS, along with the adaptive user-
across the value chain, including generation, collection, transporta- oriented policy, results in not only food waste reduction of about
tion, disposal, and utilization. Management frameworks must take 33%, but also energy savings of 16%.
into account multiple stakeholder interests, such as those of cater- In the United States, IoT systems (such as Grind2Energy) are
ing companies, collection and transportation service providers, and enabling disposal service providers to identify wasteful habits
disposal service providers. and fix equipment before it breaks. This is expected to result in a
In China, there are two traditional ways to treat RFW. The first reduction of tipping fees associated with composting or more tra-
involves selling RFW to illegal third-parties, who manufacture low- ditional forms of food waste disposal. It also enables food waste
quality ‘‘gutter oil” (re-processed cooking oil) or pig feed. This pre- collection bins to be proactively emptied according to fill level,
sents significant food safety risks. The second traditional scheme rather than at pre-arranged collection times, in order to reduce
involves collection of RFW mixed with other waste, which compli- time delays and manual interventions. In addition, some compa-
cates subsequent treatment and leads to environmental problems nies in the USA are using IoT to reduce the amount of water and
(Pei, 2014). In addition, secondary pollution from the traditional electricity required to break down organic materials in food waste
method of collection and transportation is significant. In order to during the oxidative conversion process (Clancy, 2017).
alleviate problems associated with traditional treatment methods, China began to explore applications of IoT in RFW management
the Central Government issued a policy notice on ‘‘Organized around 2010. Focusing on disposal sites, the Shanghai municipality
Development of Municipal Food Waste Resource Utilization and has developed a real-time RFW monitoring system by using RFID
Safe Disposal Pilot Projects”. This has led to the ratification of technology and database management (Guo et al., 2013). In addi-
100 ‘‘pilot cities” where pilot-scale RFW treatment projects are to tion, Taking Yichang City in Hubei province as an example of small
be constructed. Under the 12th Five Year Plan, 242 projects were and mid-sized cities, an innovative ‘‘grid” management method
slated to be built across these pilot cities (De Clercq et al., 2017). based on IoT technology has been adopted. The local government
Anaerobic digestion is the principal technology being imple- established a five-level management system, vertically segmented
mented, given the positive environmental effects and the output by ‘‘city level”, ‘‘district level”, ‘‘sub-district level”, ‘‘community
of valuable products associated with this mature technology level” and ‘‘grid level”. The manager of each grid was equipped
(Franchetti 2013; Jin et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2015; Zhang et al., with IoT devices for real-time acquisition and transmission of
2014; Vandermeersch et al., 2014; Villarroel Walker and Beck, information regarding food waste generation and collection. Mea-
2014; Bernstad and la Cour Jansen, 2011). The economic potential surements collected included time, weight, position, and more
of anaerobic digestion for nutrient-resource recovery from urban (Shu et al., 2013).
and agricultural wastes is, in fact, quite impressive (Villarroel Most of the existing literature only briefly introduces ideas per-
Walker and Beck, 2014). taining to system design, and most studies focus on just one of the
Despite these attempts to enhance RFW management in China, stakeholders in the RFW management chain, as shown in Table 1.
many issues persist. One significant problem is that the flow of The shortage of rigorous methodology coupled with effective pro-
RFW is difficult to control, so that the illegal trade and informal cess implementation and subsequent performance evaluation, is
treatment of RFW is still very extensive in China. In addition to evident from Table 1. Detailed discussion of RFW management
the aforementioned food safety and environmental problems, this policies is also lacking in the literature. As a result, this paper rep-
also leads to under-capacity in respect of formal and legal treat- resents an innovative and valuable contribution to the expanding
ment plants, which results in higher unit costs for these official literature on food waste management. In the face of China’s
RFW treatment paths. For instance, De Clercq et al. (2016) found mounting food waste challenge, this type of research is especially
that one major project in Beijing could only attain 27% of its timely.
designed capacity because of upstream waste collection problems. In contrast, therefore, our research has developed an IoT-based
One of the main reasons for such persistent problems is the lack of RFW management system that encompasses the entire process:
effective supervision in the existing RFW management system. from RFW generation, through collection and transportation, and
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to network technology which on to final disposal. This system has been operating as a pilot pro-
permits sensor-based information exchange between objects. The gram in Suzhou City since 2012. After several years of operation,
technology offers significant advantages in terms of traceability, the results show that the system has significantly strengthened
adaptability, real-time monitoring, and more (ITU, 2005; EPoSS, RFW management, improved enforcement of RFW management
2008; Atzori et al., 2010). Given these technological advantages, regulations, and formalized the entire RFW treatment process.
IoT opens up opportunities for alleviating the difficulties cited The IoT-based system extended and upgraded the traditional
above and enhancing the management of RFW. IoT applications low-tech method of RFW management, and enabled data-driven
to the food supply chain and food waste have accordingly been management of RFW. Operational limits of the system were also
gaining more attention in recent years, although research on identified; and recommendations have been provided (and imple-
applications to RFW in particular is notably lacking. The innovative mented) to enhance its overall effectiveness.

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
IoT applications in food waste management.

Literature District Involved stakeholder Phase of concern Comment

Hong et al. (2014) Gangnam district, Residents who discharge food waste; Generation and Detailed presentation of architecture,
Seoul, South Korea transportation and disposal service collection phase the discharge system, the main
providers; and local government techniques, implementation and
operation results
Clancy (2017) North Atlantic region of Supermarkets, casinos, and hospitality Collection and Introduction of design concept
the U.S. firms who have food waste; food waste disposal phase
disposal service provider
Guo et al. (2013) Shanghai Municipality RFW disposal service provider; local Disposal phase Brief introduction of concept of system
government design
Shu et al. (2013) Yichang City in Hubei Residents, restaurants and cafeterias who Generation and Brief introduction of concept of system
province discharge food waste; manager of each collection phase design
grid; and local government

2. Background and motivation Table 2

Responsibilities of stakeholders associated with RFW based on ‘‘Regulations for RFW
Suzhou City, which is one of China’s first ‘‘Municipal Food Management in Suzhou City”.

Waste Resource Utilization and Safe Disposal Pilot Cities”, has been Stakeholders Responsibilities
chosen as a demonstration site for this research. The research Catering company (i.e. RFW & Separate RFW from other waste and
group of Tsinghua University’s Research Center for Industry of Cir- generator) ensure daily waste clearance (Penalty for
cular Economy (CICE) has engaged in research on RFW manage- offenders)
ment problems based on pilot projects since 2006 in this region & Install standardized RFW collection
(Wen et al., 2015, 2016).
& Do not randomly litter RFW (Penalty for
2.1. The status quo of RFW generation and treatment in Suzhou City & Report to the government for record-keep-
ing if independently collecting, transport-
ing, and disposing of RFW
Suzhou City is located in the southeast of Jiangsu Province in & Only consign the collection, transporta-
China. It is one of the most economically developed regions in tion, and disposal process to service provi-
China. Its GDP was 145 billion Yuan in 2015, ranking 7th in China ders with a license
that year. The average economic growth rate was 13.6% from 1979 & Report to the government for record-keep-
ing while signing the contract and provide
to 2015, according to public data from the Suzhou Statistical
contracts while going through annual ver-
Yearbook 2016. ification or other formalities
Due to such rapid economic development, Suzhou’s catering RFW collection and & Determined through fair competition such
industry is also growing quickly. Consequently, the city generates transportation service as bidding, and granted a license by the
provider administrative department of environment
a huge amount of RFW every day. Based on a sample from the city’s
and sanitation
catering industry in 2007, it was determined that Suzhou City pro- & Implement airtight transportation with the
duces approximately 650 tons of food waste per day (with an oil sign of RFW on containers and facilities,
content of 10–15%). However, the status of RFW management while keeping containers clean and intact,
was very poor before the implementation of an official manage- with no dropping or leakage in the whole
ment system. The sample survey shows that approximately 60%
& Types and quantity of the RFW being col-
of the catering industry’s waste went towards feeding pigs or lected and transported should be con-
towards the illegal production of ‘‘gutter oil” (re-processed cooking firmed by the food producers as well as
oil), with the remainder being treated together with other Munic- the disposal service provider
& Provide ledgers to ensure the authenticity
ipal Solid Waste (MSW) and ending up in landfills and incinerators
of data and report to the government
(Hu and He, 2012). monthly on the types and quantity of
RFW (Penalty for offenders)
2.2. RFW management regulations implemented by the Suzhou RFW disposal service & Determined through fair competition such
provider as bidding and granted license by the
municipal government
administrative department of environment
and sanitation
To strengthen RFW management, the Suzhou Municipal & Maintain the environment and sanitation
Government has been developing regulations and measures since system around disposal sites, and adopt
2006. At the end of 2009, the city government announced the ‘‘Reg- efficient pollution prevention measures
together with safety control measures
ulations for RFW Management in Suzhou City” with the support of according to relevant policies.
Tsinghua University. This notice clearly stipulated the responsibil- & Operate disposal facilities in a steady and
ities of stakeholders associated with RFW, including catering com- stable manner and report to the govern-
panies (i.e. RFW generators), RFW collection and transportation ment in advance if in need of shut-down
overhauling (Penalty for offenders)
service providers, and RFW disposal service providers. Details are
& Provide ledgers to ensure the authenticity
provided in Table 2. of data and report to the government
In addition to these rules, the Suzhou government initiated an monthly on the types and quantity of
‘‘RFW collection-transportation-disposal integrated operating RFW (Penalty for offenders)
scheme” to coordinate implementation of the regulations. Under & No processing of abandoned cooking oil for
use or sale and no direct use of RFW as for-
this management scheme, the collection, transportation, and dis- age without hazard-free treatment
posal of RFW is entrusted to an integrated disposal company under

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
4 Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

a build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract. Within this framework, dumping of RFW. Moreover, there was no monitoring of emissions
catering companies must contract a government-approved com- from the disposal service provider, which meant that the disposal
pany for RFW handling under the government’s supervision. In provider could easily disregard emissions standards.
the pilot phase, catering companies provide their food waste to
the integrated disposal company free of charge, and the govern- 3. Design methodology of the IoT-based RFW management
ment provides subsidies for collection and transportation to the system
integrated company according to the quantity of RFW treated
(He et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2015). This model aims to: (1) incen- Together with a team of engineers, the authors developed an
tivize regulated/official collection and transportation; (2) enhance IoT-based system covering the entire RFW collection-transporta
the quality of collected RFW by allowing the disposal company to tion-disposal process in order to enhance the Suzhou City govern-
guide catering companies to comply with disposal requirements; ment’s capacity to manage this vital urban system effectively. The
and (3) improve overall supervision efficiency. details of the system are presented in detail below.

2.3. Status of the Suzhou RFW management system without IoT 3.1. Requirements analysis

Without strong IoT-enabled IT systems in place, Suzhou’s RFW According to ‘‘the regulations for RFW management in Suzhou
management suffered from multiple inefficiencies. Before the City” (as shown in Table 2), RFW is required to be collected, trans-
online real-time monitoring system was implemented in 2012, ported and treated/processed legally, in a human-safe and environ-
the government managed Suzhou City’s RFW in the following way: mentally harmless way. In addition, the three categories of
stakeholders (the RFW generator, the collection and transportation
1. When RFW was being collected from catering companies, the service provider, and the disposal service provider) are required to
RFW generator would have to swipe an ID card manually for provide corresponding proof of the legality of their conduct. The
identification. requirements of the stakeholders and the interactions among them
2. The RFW collection trucks did not weigh the amount of RFW at are as shown in Fig. 1. In order to verify the legality of the RFW
the collection site. Instead, the weight of RFW in the truck was management, and to improve overall management efficiency, the
only measured at the final disposal site and subsidies were pro- IoT-based system had to be capable therefore of encompassing
vided simply according to the value of this weight, which was the entire collection-transportation-disposal process train. The
reported to the government by the disposal company itself required features of the IoT-enabled system are accordingly:
and checked by the government on a random basis.
3. There was no monitoring of the collection and transportation 1. Supervision of catering companies, including automatic iden-
process. tification (RFW is usually collected at the close of business, so
4. There was no monitoring of the quantity or quality of products that automatic identification is needed) and real-time monitor-
derived from RFW disposal and energy conversion; moreover, ing of the RFW amount delivered by catering companies.
there was no real-time monitoring of pollutant emissions asso- 2. Supervision of RFW collection trucks, including real-time
ciated with the disposal process. supervision of the mass of RFW collected and transported by
trucks, real-time supervision of the collection and transporta-
This management framework resulted in multiple problems: tion route/conduct, and dynamic allocation of collection trucks.
Problem 1: The RFW generation source was difficult to super- 3. Supervision of the disposal site, including real-time monitor-
vise due to the inconvenience of the traditional ID card identifica- ing of the amount of RFW entering the site, the products made,
tion and the absence of real-time, on-site weighing during and the pollutant emissions in the disposal process.
collection. Since the amount of RFW collected from each catering
company was not clear, the government had no way to discern 3.2. System architecture design
whether a catering company might be selling RFW waste via illegal
channels for pig feed or gutter oil. Following the requirements analysis, we designed the IoT-based
Problem 2: Illegal activity, such as the watering down of RFW, system as shown in Fig. 2, which includes hardware and software
happened frequently despite government prohibition. Without design elements.
real-time monitoring of RFW input into collection trucks, there First, regarding hardware design, RFID technology is used to
was no way of verifying whether the collected RFW was diluted acquire information about the RFW generator (i.e., the catering
with water for increased weight in order to receive higher companies) to avoid the inconvenience of the previously existing
subsidies. method of swiping an ID card. Compared with the ID card, the
Problem 3: Without an IoT-enabled system, optimization of the advantages of using RFID tags are at least the following: (1) auto-
RFW collection and transportation process was problematic. The matic identification can be achieved at any time, which saves both
absence of location monitoring of waste collection trucks led to time and labor; and (2) the storage of greater volumes of informa-
the inability to (1) track whether collection trucks were following tion is possible (Kaur et al., 2011). In order to solve the problem of
designated routes and (2) optimize collection routes and truck uncertainty regarding the RFW-generating source, vehicle-
allocation based on changing circumstances. Moreover, a lack of weighing sensors acquire data on the amounts of RFW collected
real-time monitoring of collection and transportation operations from each trash bin, which is combined with an RFID tag attached
resulted in the inability to identify and correct secondary pollution to that bin. Surveillance cameras acquire real-time video informa-
sources such as leaking truck bodies and RFW spills during the col- tion on RFW collection and transportation operations in order to
lection and transportation process. monitor for secondary pollution and subsidy fraud. GPS technology
Problem 4: It was difficult to identify unregulated emissions is used to acquire real-time location information about collection
during disposal and rigorously manage the products derived from trucks in order to monitor their travel routes and provide feedback
RFW treatment. During the RFW disposal process, there was no for dynamic truck allocation and route adjustment. With respect to
monitoring of the production of outputs such as biogas and biodie- the problem of large amounts of data generated at the same time, a
sel, which meant that there were fewer opportunities to optimize vehicle on-board controller allows for real-time acquisition, pack-
the disposal process and no basic data to identify the illegal aging, and transmission of the data and information from all the

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

● Alleviate secondary pollution

● Track RFW flows
● Provide subsidies correctly


Ledgers and report









RFW collection RFW RFW disposal
Catering company RFW and transportation
service provider
service provider Collection fee
● Verify collection amount
● Convenient delivery ● Optimize task
● Control collection cost
● Provide proof of the ● Refine management of
● Provide proof of the
legality of delivery product
legality of collection
and transportation ● Provide proof of the
legality of disposal

Legend: Stakeholder ● Requirement Material flow Information flow Money flow

Fig. 1. Requirements of RFW stakeholders and interactions among them under Suzhou’s management scheme.

on-board sensing devices. These data are then sent to a background truck and sent in real time to the vehicle on-board controller,
server via a General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) module. An Inte- together with the collection time and the weight of collected
grated Circuit (IC) card reader identifies the collection truck as it RFW. The process and architecture of tag-issuing is as shown in
enters the disposal site. A weighbridge with an industrial personal Fig. 3. The Suzhou Environmental Sanitation and Administration
computer (IPC) acquires data on the RFW amount in each truck, Agency, the supervisor of RFW disposal and the responsible party
combined with an Integrated Circuit (IC) card reader for truck iden- for allocating subsidies, is responsible for issuing the tag and
tification, hence to monitor the RFW amount in real time and com- managing the database server.
pare it with the RFW collected at the collection site. In addition, the Compared to the old method of just showing an ID card, the
products and pollutant emissions generated in the disposal process advantage of using trash bins with RFID tags is that the amount
are monitored in real time. of RFW collected can be automatically linked with the generator
Second, in respect of software design, a management platform in real time. This helps to discern whether the food waste of a
based on the hardware system has been developed to allow real- catering company is being sold via illegal channels and can, in
time data visualization, statistical analyses, queries, analytical pro- addition, facilitate the prediction of RFW collection amounts in
cessing, local surveillance, and warnings of process bottlenecks, the near future.
thus to realize on-line management and provide a comprehensive
auxiliary information support system for decision-makers.
3.3.2. Application to the collection and transportation service provider
This system employs a smart truck fitted with an integrated
3.3. Integrated application of IoT technologies and devices RFID reader, a video surveillance camera, a weight sensor, a GPS
module, a GPRS module and a vehicle on-board controller, as
To summarize, various IoT technologies have been incorporated shown in Fig. 4. We followed the smart trucks and manually
into the facilities operated by the various stakeholders engaged in recorded the video files of the collection process by camera as
the entire RFW handling train, from generation, through collection shown in Fig. 5.
and transportation, to disposal. Based on the video surveillance camera, operations during col-
lection and transportation are supervised in real time. This means
3.3.1. Application to facilities operated by the RFW generator that the supervisor can quickly address secondary pollution caused
To upgrade the identification system of the RFW generator, a by leaking truck bodies and RFW spills during collection and
unique RFID tag was fitted to every trash bin of the catering com- transportation.
panies under contract. The tag records information such as the Using the weight sensor, the RFW in the trash bin is weighed
name, address, and turnover of the catering company as well as (in kg) and this measurement sent to the server automatically in
the weight, capacity, and number of the bins. This information is real time. This is crucial. It allows the government to compare
read automatically by an RFID reader installed in the collection the weight of the RFW input into the collection truck with its

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
6 Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Generation Collection and transportation Disposal

Convenient Real-time monitoring of the RFW Real-time monitoring of the RFW
identification amount at each collection site amount in each truck at disposal site and
Real-time Supervising the collection and comparing with the data at the collection
monitoring of the transportation operations site
RFW amount Real-time monitoring of transportation Real-time monitoring of the amount of
delivered route and dynamic allocation of trucks pollution emission and the main products

Monitors of wastewater, solid

biodiesel, biogas and organic

Smart collection trucks

Weigh-bridge with IPC

Qualifiers with IPC of

waste and waste gas
IC card reader
Video surveillance

Vehicle on-board
Vehicular weight
Integrated RFID

GPRS module
GPS module


Garbage bin IC card


fitted with
RIFD tags

Management Platform of Commercial Food Waste

Real-time data Statistics and Analytical Local Abnormality Process

demonstration queries processing surveillance warning procedure

Fig. 2. Overall architecture of the IoT-based system for RFW in Suzhou.

RFID Issuing card

Computer Database server
tag machine

Fig. 3. Process and architecture of tag-issuing for the RFW bins.

weight upon arrival at the disposal company, hence to verify the control center, where it is duly supervised. This not only helps
whether the RFW has been illegally diluted during transportation to judge whether collection trucks are following designated routes,
to obtain higher subsidies. These departure and arrival weights but also provides valuable inputs for dynamic truck allocation and
should be within 5% of each other, i.e., a 5% margin of error is route adjustment in case of emergencies (such as truck break-
tolerated. Fig. 6 shows the truck’s sensor-based weighing opera- downs and exceptional, non-routine collection tasks) as well as
tion at the collection site and likewise at the disposal site’s route optimization in the event of traffic incidents (such as traffic
weighbridge. bottlenecks). Because of research budget limitations, we have not
The GPS and GPRS modules are used both to record the lati- yet developed and incorporated any feature of route optimization
tude/longitude coordinates of trucks, and their routes and opera- into the IoT system. To do so, it will be vital to combine other
tional statuses in real time and to transmit this information to IoT information (e.g., traffic jam information from other commer-

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

3G video server
Vehicle on-board
controller (baery) &

Control GPRS
Integrated RFID reader board & GPS

Fig. 4. Smart collection truck and its on-board devices.

Collecon truck Weighing

RFW dumping
Liing bin up

Fig. 5. Video files of the RFW collection process using the IoT-based system in Suzhou City.

cial systems) with the geographic information acquired by our own (4) Two control module interfaces are reserved for collecting
IoT system (and this is the subject of future work). Combined with additional relevant data, such as oil pressure and fuel
the RFW measurement information, such truck operating data also consumption.
enable the output of dynamic digital maps for visualizing RFW (5) A control interface with WIFI to enable wireless communica-
generation and collection, which should further enhance opera- tion with a handheld RFID device (or handheld quick-
tional decision-making. response code scanner).
In addition, we developed on-board hardware devices (i.e., a (6) The control panel is equipped with a 315 M wireless control
handset and on-board controller) for acquiring, packaging, and module to enable wireless control, debugging and
transmitting the data and information from all the on-board sens- visualization.
ing devices in real time. The system architecture of the vehicle on- (7) Interface with wireless GPRS/Data transfer unit (DTU) for
board controller is as shown in Fig. 7. Its principal functionalities transmitting on-board terminal data wirelessly. Central
are: monitoring software receives and visualizes data from a
GPRS/DTU terminal through the public network to analyze
(1) Interface with a GPS-control module based on GPS data. and process data. A 4G communication network and User
(2) Interface with a weighing-control module, based on data Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used for this communication.
from the weighing system. (8) Other functions: an on-board controller receives RFID tag
(3) Interface with an RFID-control module, collecting data, and values of all food waste bins and oil collecting cans sent by
RFID tag identification. an RFID reader. These data are stored in the terminal

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
8 Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Sensor weighing (sensor)

Weighbridge weighing

Sensor weighing informaon (informaon confirmaon) Weighbridge weighing informaon

Fig. 6. Sensor-based weighing at the collection site and on the weighbridge at the disposal site entrance using the integrated IoT system in Suzhou.

Fig. 7. System architecture of the vehicle on-board controller.

database of an on-board controller for statistics and man- truck and a weighbridge to weigh the RFW collected in the truck.
agement. If some RFID tags cannot be identified, then the The vehicle information and the weight data are sent to the
bins/cans are assumed to be outside of the scope of monitor- back-end server simultaneously through an industrial personal
ing, resulting in a warning being sent to the control center. computer (IPC) and compared with the sum of recorded weights
of RFW collected from each catering company by the truck. If the
3.3.3. Application to the disposal service provider deviation between the two kinds of data does not exceed the limit,
When the truck completes the transportation of RFW and enters namely 5% (as noted above), then subsidies are provided, depend-
the disposal site, this system uses an IC card reader to identify the ing on the measured value at the disposal site. Otherwise, the sys-

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 9

tem generates an alarm signal to warn the government by means tion of RFW generators and check information on catering compa-
of a screen pop-up notification and the issue of a text message. nies. The ‘‘Generation amount management” submodule presents
In this case, a re-check would be conducted, requiring a full report inter alia a table of the relevant collection area with data on the
from the disposal company. The warning notification can be number of trash bins, the frequency of RFW collection and trans-
marked as processed only after the re-check information is portation, and the daily average amount of RFW generated. The
submitted. ‘‘Check management” submodule allows for monitoring of whether
In addition to emissions of wastewater, solid waste and waste the rate of RFW generation of a catering company exceeds limits.
gas, the biodiesel, biogas and organic fertilizer production are all Indeed, it is designed to show the times at which limits are
also monitored in real time by sensors. Based on the monitored exceeded and other relevant status information.
quantity of output products from the disposal process the amount In conclusion, this module allows decision-makers to under-
of RFW actually treated by the disposal company can be calculated, stand the distribution of RFW generators and the RFW generation
using the principles of material flow accounting and the input- amounts. This helps to prevent the sale of RFW through unofficial
output relationship of the treatment process. Compared with the third-party channels.
measured amount of RFW that enters the disposal site, the system
can therefore identify whether RFW is being illegally dumped by
the disposal company. 3.4.2. Collection and transportation module
Supervision of RFW collection and transport plays just as critical
a role as the supervision of RFW generation in the minimization,
3.4. Development of an information platform validation and environmentally sound management of RFW. In
some cities, the collection and transportation fee is over half of
Based on the data acquired and transmitted by the IoT devices, the total disposal fee for RFW. This module is accordingly designed
we developed an information platform to enable and support real- to promote compliance and optimization in the RFW collection and
time, online management of RFW in Suzhou. All the data used in transportation process.
the information platform are from the stand-alone system devel- The ‘‘Demonstration of collection and transportation” submod-
oped for the present study. The architecture of the management ule presents a GIS map of the real-time location, status, direction,
platform is comprised of six modules, as shown in Fig. 8. More speed and historical route of every collection truck, based on data
specifically, the submodules of each module are comprised of the acquired by the vehicular GPS/GPRS subsystem. In the GIS map, the
following features. planned route and actual route can be compared, to judge whether
or not a truck is abiding by the rules. Moreover, the catering com-
3.4.1. Generation module pany’s information, such as its name, the district it belongs to, col-
Sound management of RFW at the source can ensure waste lection time and RFW amount, and the number of collected bins,
minimization and trustworthy and environmentally sound prac- can be checked. The ‘‘Management of collection and transporta-
tices. Within the overall RFW train, lack of management of RFW tion” submodule presents information on each truck’s collection
generation at source is widely acknowledged as the critical bottle- and transportation situation, including the catering company’s
neck in China; it is in need of urgent resolution. Supervision of the name, district, weighing time, RFID number and scanning time,
generation process is therefore one of the most significant func- and the net weight of RFW. The ‘‘Video surveillance” submodule
tionalities of the information platform. shows real-time video footage of collection and transportation
The ‘‘GIS demonstration” submodule is designed to show infor- operations, as acquired by an on-board mobile video device. Again,
mation such as the geographic location and contact details of RFW the purpose of this is to prevent secondary pollution and subsidy
generators. Using this submodule, managers can view the distribu- fraud. The ‘‘Alarm management” submodule can set up a warning

Management Platform of Commerical Food


Generation Collection and Disposal Product Decision- Public service

transportation making support module
module module module module module

Demonstration of Disposal data Basic data analysis

GIS demonstration collection and
transportation Critical point Product Generation Complaint
Generation amount Collection and monitoring demonstration analysis
management transportation Alarm Collection and
amount management management Product transportation Interaction with
Check management analysis
Video surveillance Emission supervisor
management Disposal analysis
Alarm management

Fig. 8. Architecture of the management platform for RFW in Suzhou.

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
10 Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

threshold for abnormalities, such as unauthorized parking and agement procedures, and to build a more optimized RFW recycling
communication timeouts. There is also a record of historical system. It is divided into four submodules: ‘‘Basic data analysis”,
alarms. ‘‘Generation analysis”, ‘‘Collection and transportation analysis”
In conclusion, this module enables location/route/logistics man- and ‘‘Disposal analysis”. The ‘‘Basic data analysis” submodule tab-
agement, the supervision of standardized truck operation, and the ulates and plots summary statistics on those catering companies
optimal allocation of trucks during the collection and transporta- under contract in the various city districts, the number of trash
tion process. bins, and the usage status of RFID tags. The ‘‘Generation analysis”,
‘‘Collection and transportation analysis” and ‘‘Disposal analysis”
3.4.3. Disposal module submodules provide real-time data on the amount of RFW being
This module enables on-line supervision of RFW disposal and is generated, the amounts being collected, and the amounts being
divided into four submodules — ‘‘Disposal data”, ‘‘Critical point recycled in the different districts at different times. They also
monitoring”, ‘‘Alarm management” and ‘‘Emission management”. enable secondary analysis of operational data, such as the estima-
Using information obtained from IC card identification and the tion of production rates and emission rates. The entire RFW collec-
automatic truck weighing subsystem, the ‘‘Disposal data” submod- tion, transportation, and disposal process is visualized in summary
ule can present real-time weight data at the disposal site, such as statistical terms, such as bar charts, pie charts and line charts.
the license plate number of the truck, the district the truck belongs
to, weighing time and net RFW weight. For monitoring to prevent 3.4.6. Public service module
subsidy fraud, it can also compare the weight of RFW measured at This module aims to build a vehicle for mobilizing public partic-
the disposal site and at the collection site to calculate the percent- ipation in the supervision and management of RFW, in part
age deviation. The ‘‘Critical point monitoring” submodule gener- through guaranteeing the availability of information that is easily
ates real-time video footage of operations at critical locations at accessible and readily understood by the non-expert. It is divided
the disposal site, as shown in Fig. 10. It also provides real-time data into three submodules: ‘‘Complaint”, ‘‘Appointment” and ‘‘Interac-
on the disposal amount, product amounts, and pollutant emission tion with supervisor”. Through the functions of these submodules,
amounts. The ‘‘Alarm management” submodule records the pro- a complaints and reporting procedure may be developed, including
cessing of warning issues (e.g. the percentage deviation between an on-line channel for members of the public to report illicit activ-
the weights of RFW measured at the disposal and collection sites, ities, such as the illegal trading of gutter oil.
if the deviation exceeds the threshold). The ‘‘Emission manage-
ment” submodule presents real-time data on wastewater and solid
waste emissions during disposal, including their amounts and tim- 4. System implementation and performance results
ings. In short, this module helps prevent cheating, such as the
watering down of RFW, and monitors the critical points and emis- The IoT-enabled system has been operating in the urban area of
sions at the disposal site to prevent secondary pollution there. Suzhou City as a pilot program since 2012. Up to December 2015,
6265 catering companies had participated in the scheme. 36,084
3.4.4. Product module trash bins had been fitted with RFID tags, and the government-
This module aims to enhance the management of the resource- commissioned disposal company had used 28 smart collection
regeneration products derived from RFW. It is divided into two trucks equipped with RFID readers, weight sensors, GPS, GIS, and
submodules: ‘‘Product demonstration” and ‘‘Product manage- wireless video surveillance cameras. Lastly, on-line monitoring of
ment”. ‘‘Product demonstration” visualizes in tabular format the recovered products and pollutant emissions has been realized. In
weight of RFW before disposal and the product output after the short, effective supervision of the entire system has been achieved,
disposal process, where these products include biodiesel, methane, from RFW generation to disposal.
and wet feed. ‘‘Product management” is the e-management of the
stock and sales volumes of the various recovered products. 4.1. Positive results

3.4.5. Decision-making support module Over several years of operation, the system has demonstrated
This module provides real-time information on the entire RFW three positive impacts on RFW management in Suzhou:
treatment process. Its purpose is to help decision-makers find fur- First, the control of RFW generation sources has improved. As
ther opportunities for greater operational efficiency, to adjust man- shown in Table 3, the amount of RFW collected via official channels

Fig. 10. Video surveillance of critical points at the RFW disposal site. Note: Numbered locations in the left image indicate the positions of video cameras. The right image
shows the truck weighing point, as observed from the camera at location 14 in the left image.

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 11

Table 3
Data on the collection and transportation of RFW via official channels, catering revenues, and population in Suzhou City from 2012 to 2015.

Item 2012 2013 2014 2015

Amount of RFW collected officially (ton) 1,10,413 1,06,806 1,23,330 1,33,019
Number of catering companies under contract 2442 4451 6633 7488
Catering revenues in urban city (million Yuan) 7128.95 6828.88 6763.86 7195.51
Year-end permanent population (million) 10.5491 10.5787 10.604 10.616

Data source: The amount of RFW collected by official channels and the number of catering companies under contract are from the Suzhou Environmental Sanitation and
Administration Agency. The catering revenues in the urban city and the year-end permanent population numbers are from the Suzhou Statistical Yearbook 2013–2016.

grew to 1,33,019 tons in 2015, a 20.5% increase compared to 2012. ments about its credibility. The Suzhou Environmental Sanitation
In addition, the number of catering companies under contract and Administration Agency is responsible for supervising RFW dis-
increased to 7488, a 207% growth compared with 2012. Table 3 posal and allocating subsidies to the disposal company; it is also
also shows that the catering revenues in the urban area and the responsible for the operation and maintenance of the IoT system.
year-end permanent population in Suzhou changed only slightly Yet the Suzhou Food and Drug Administration Agency is responsi-
from 2012 to 2015, which implies that the total amount of RFW ble for food security, including the punishment of any illegal trade
generated in Suzhou has changed little over the three years. This in gutter oil; it does not entirely trust the information provided by
means that the increase in RFW collected via official channels in the system from the Environmental Sanitation and Administration
Suzhou can be primarily attributed to the IoT system, rather than Agency. Consequently, the impact of the IoT system on the new
to any overall increase in RFW generation from 2012 to 2015. Since management system was slightly lower than we had hoped.
the implementation of the IoT system, formal regulation of RFW
generators has been strengthened, which has led to increased 5. Discussion
RFW collection via official channels.
Second, the effectiveness of enforcing RFW management regu- Our IoT-based system has extended the traditional scope of
lations has been improved. Using the IoT system, law enforcement RFW supervision: from what was once supervision of the disposal
officials can be dispatched whenever there is an alarm signal. Illicit process alone to now the entire train, from generation, through col-
activities regarding RFW treatment can also be discovered and cor- lection and transportation, to disposal. This clearly remedies the
rected quickly. Given the system, over 30 illicit cases per year of problem of focusing solely on disposal, while ignoring source con-
RFW mis-management have been detected and dealt with in a trol. In addition, it advances the establishment of a long-term RFW
timely manner during three years of monitoring. The system has regulatory mechanism for the entire train. Moreover, it enables the
thus reduced the resources invested in meaningless and arbitrary pro-active management of RFW based on data rather than passive
checks and instead increased the accuracy and timeliness of law response. Our system has had several impacts on the stakeholders
enforcement. involved, as now discussed.
Third, the entire RFW treatment process has been formalized For the catering company, the system has an RFID identification
and optimized. Based on the IoT system, the whole process from and weight sensor system for acquiring real-time data on the col-
RFW generation to disposal is now monitored from multiple lected amount of RFW from every catering company under con-
angles. This effectively prevents illicit activities, such as random tract. When the collected RFW amount for a certain period of
dumping of RFW by catering companies, leaking truck bodies, spil- time is far below either the average for the same period in the
ling and dripping of RFW, watering down of the waste during record of the past, or estimates of the amounts that should nor-
transport, irregular truck driving routes, and unregulated pollutant mally be being generated, the system issues an alert to the super-
emissions and illegal dumping during final treatment and disposal. vising authorities: that they should check whether the catering
According to the Suzhou Environmental Sanitation and Adminis- company might be selling RFW via illegal channels. In addition,
tration Agency, there have been significantly fewer cases of such the amount of RFW generated in every catering company can be
illicit activities since the IoT system was introduced. measured, and based on these values, the spatial distribution of
RFW generation can be simulated to facilitate spatial planning of
4.2. Negative results collection, transportation and disposal facilities. On the other hand,
RFW flowing into illegal channels has been stemmed as a result of
Inevitably, the system also experienced some negative perfor- the introduction of the IoT system, guaranteeing the disposal of
mance results. RFW in a clean and environmentally friendly way.
First, the more frequent handling of collection bins means that For the disposal company commissioned for RFW collection and
many RFID tags have had to be renewed more frequently, because transportation, the IoT system uses mobile cameras, GPS, and GPRS
they are broken more easily by such more intensive use. This has to monitor the collection and transportation process. In particular,
increased running costs. The service life of RFID tags attached to the weight of RFW measured by the automatic truck scale system
bins is from 3 months to 1 year. As the price of issuing one RFID at the entrance to the disposal company’s treatment site can be
tag per garbage bin is 0.5 RMB, the total replacement cost per year compared with the corresponding weight measured at the collec-
is between 18,000 RMB and 72,000 RMB. tion sites, to check whether there is cheating during collection
Second, the benefits of the time saved in using the dynamic/ and transportation (e.g., watering down of the waste). If the per-
automatic weight sensors led to the costs of higher errors in these centage deviation between the weight of RFW measured at the dis-
weight readings. The margin of measurement errors was found to posal site and collection site was found to exceed the threshold, the
be around 20% at the beginning of implementation. The previous real-time video feed can be accessed to carry out checks. In addi-
static/manual method was more accurate, but more time- tion, the amounts of products and emissions can also be acquired
consuming, because it increases the manual labor involved in the in real time and compared with the input of RFW, so that the effi-
additional procedure of pressing the control button. ciency of RFW utilization can be calculated and illegal dumping of
Third, the use of the IoT system was not altogether optimal, in RFW during disposal can be identified. At other times, when emis-
the sense that it led to disagreements between government depart- sions exceed the threshold permitted, the responsible party can be

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054
12 Z. Wen et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

informed to carry out the relevant checks in a timely and targeted GPS technology is used to acquire real-time location informa-
manner. According to our interviews with this stakeholder, the dis- tion for monitoring the travel routes of the trucks and providing
tinct advantages welcomed by the disposal company are that, first, feedback for timely, dynamic truck allocation and route adjust-
the IoT system facilitated its communication with the government ment. To manage the large amount of data generated by the
stakeholder and, second, its supply of RFW became more pre- sensors/devices on each truck, a vehicle on-board controller
dictable and stable. was developed, which allows for real-time acquisition, packag-
For the Suzhou Government, the system has strong implica- ing, and transmission of data and information from all the on-
tions. In addition to real-time monitoring and control, the system board sensing devices.
also generates statistical summaries of the real-time data. This 3. RFW disposal: Sensors facilitate automatic monitoring of bio-
includes visualization and comparisons of the amounts of RFW diesel, biogas, and organic fertilizer production at the disposal
being generated, collected, transported, and disposed of, by both facility in real time.
district and time. Secondary analysis, such as calculation of dis- 4. Integrated RFW management platform: Based on the hard-
posal by-product rates and emission rates, is also available. In ware system across the RFW value chain, we also developed a
sum, this information provides important references for govern- management platform to enable real-time data visualization,
ment policy formulation. According to our discussions, the distinct statistics, queries, analytic processing, local surveillance, and
advantage which the government appreciates about the system is warnings of process bottlenecks. This online management sys-
that it makes subsidy allocation more reliable and regulatory tem provides a comprehensive auxiliary information support
enforcement more precise. system for the decision-maker.
For the public, the developed system not only makes the status
of RFW collection and transportation transparent, it also provides a Evaluation of the performance of the system shows that it had a
convenient way for the public to expose and report illegal activi- strong and positive impact on RFW management. Positive results
ties, such as trade in illegal cooking oil. It enhances public environ- include better supervision and control of RFW generation, better
mental awareness about RFW and promotes responsible law enforcement over RFW malpractice, an overall reduction in illi-
consumption and disposal practices. cit activities, and better process optimization across the entire
Regarding the limitations of the system (Section 4), several RFW value chain. Negative results include the frequent need to
enhancements can be recommended. First, to solve the problem renew RFID tags for waste bins, measuring error in the automatic/-
of frequent RFID tag renewal, a new way of integrating tag and dynamic weight sensors, and disagreements between government
bin should be designed to make the tag more readily detachable agencies regarding how to best interpret data from the IoT system.
from the bin. Second, regarding the problems relating to the effi- Overall however, and according to our preliminary analysis, the
ciency and accuracy of the weight sensors, the dynamic and auto- IoT-based system has had net positive effects for the stakeholders
matic weight sensor used in the RFW trucks is currently being fine- involved, including the catering companies, all the service provi-
tuned. Experiments are already being carried out to increase its ders (for collection, transport, disposal), the government, and the
accuracy. Last, information-sharing and trust-building between public. In the future, we plan to assess the attitudes and percep-
different government departments should be promoted to improve tions of stakeholders towards the system (especially those of the
the efficiency of information utilization. Good governance in such catering companies and the public) using formal evaluation instru-
aspects of RFW management, as in other sectors of city administra- ments, such as questionnaire with Likert scale.
tion and infrastructure management, is, of course, an especially Nevertheless, the system can be further optimized. Regarding
important factor in promoting (or stifling) technological innova- the problem of damaged RFID tag renewal, new tags should be
tion (Beck et al., 2011; Thompson and Beck, 2014). designed which are easier to disassemble and detach from the bins.
Secondly, regarding the problem of the efficiency and accuracy of
6. Conclusion weight sensors, the dynamic and automatic weight sensor used
in the RFW trucks should be further fine-tuned, to which end work
In order to solve the problem of inadequate RFW management, is already ongoing. Third, regarding conflicts between different
an IoT-based system has been developed and applied in the city of government departments, information-sharing and trust-building
Suzhou, China. It encompasses the generation, collection, trans- must be encouraged in order to realize the full potential of the
portation and final disposal of RFW and its development has IoT-based system. Solving these issues will facilitate the large-
involved research on both the software and hardware components scale replication of this system in other Chinese mega-cities.
of the system. They have been designed, implemented, and then
tested over a period of three years of operation.
The components of the developed system cover the entire RFW
management chain:
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the
National Key Research and Development Program of China
1. RFW generation: An RFID identification system and weight
(2011BAC06B10, 2016YFC0502802) and the National Natural
sensor system have been developed to acquire real-time data
Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars of China
on the collected mass of RFW from every catering company
(71522011). The contents of this paper reflect the views of the
under contract. This avoids the inconvenience of the existing
authors and do not necessarily indicate the views of the sponsors.
method of data gathering and solves the problem of uncertainty
regarding the source of RFW generation.
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and Transportation. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan (in Chinese).
City, Hubei Province, China (in Chinese).

Please cite this article in press as: Wen, Z., et al. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food
waste management. Waste Management (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054

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