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1.) Mitosis and meiosis are both processes which describe the production of new cells.

produces 2 daughter cells which are genetically identical to the parent cell. Each daughter cell
is diploid (contains the normal number of chromosomes). This is the result of DNA replication
and 1 cell division. Mitosis is used in growth and asexual reproduction. Meiosis produces 4
daughter cells, each of which are unidentical to the parent cell and to one another. Each
daughter cell is haploid (contains half the number of normal chromosomes).
2.) Telophase is described as reversed of prophase because in prophase Chromosomes become
visible and nucleoli disappear (DNA + associated proteins become tightly organized).
Chromosomes consist of two sister chromatids (DNA replicas + associated proteins) attached
together at a specialized region called the centromere. Nuclear membrane breaks down and the
chromosomes spread out. Spindle fibers (microtubules) appear. While in telophase the cell is
returning to prophase. Chromosomes (now single molecules of DNA with associated proteins)
have reached opposite poles of the cell. Spindle fibers disappear. Nuclear membrane forms
around the chromosome clusters. Chromosomes disappear from view as DNA re-extends, and
nucleoli appear.
3.) Some organelles or cell structure disintegrates particularly endoplasmic reticulum and golgi
apparatus, because they are responsible to provide protein for microtubule formation.
Moreover, endoplasmic reticulum and p granule are used as vectors for the segregation of
information. Together, these emerging data suggest that the coordination between organelle
growth, division, and segregation plays an important role in the control of cell fate inheritance,
cellular aging, and rejuvenation
4.) Sdasd
5.) These ‘normal’ cells act as the body’s basic building blocks and possess specific characteristics
that enable them to maintain correct functioning of tissues, organs, and organ systems. While
cancer cells are misshapen, and appear as a chaotic collection of cells, in an array of shapes and
sizes. Cancer cell nuclei are frequently misshapen and bulges known as “blebs” can often be
observed in cells’ nuclear membranes. In cancer cells the nucleolus becomes increasingly
enlarged and more irregular in cancer cells – cells can have multiple nucleoli within the nucleus.

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