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Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi wb.

Honourable to all of the juries.And also to all of my friends.....

Good morning every body.....How are you today,.....?
Firstly , I would like to Introduce my self. My name is ……………
I’m from ................
Today, I would like to tell you a story about ”SANGKURIANG”

Once upon a time in west Java Indonesia . There lived a wise king who had a
beautiful daughter.Her name was Princess Dayang Sumbi.She liked weaving very
much. Once she was weaving a cloth, one of her tool fell to the ground, she had to
take it but she was very tired. Then she shouted outloud, “ Anybody there? Anybody
there? Can you help me to take my tool ? I promise, I will give you special
present... If you are female.. I will consider you as my sister. But If you are male, I
will marry you”.

No one answered the Dayang Sumbi shouted ,but, suddenly “gug..gug “, a male
dog, it’s name was Tumang, came. He brought her tool quickly, and he gave it to
her. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised , “Oh my God. It’s a dog ! had I marry
him..?” She cried, “,what a pity me..” She regretted her words but she could
not deny. So she had to marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a
small village. Several months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang.

One day sangkuriang killed Tumang, Dayang Sumbi was so angry.

“Sangkuriang!!!!..Tumang is your father, why did you kill him Sangkuriang?”
Sangkuriang said, “I am sorry mom, I don't know that Tumang is my dad, I just
don’t want to make you disappointed, I could not find any dear, So I killed Tumang,
please forgive me mom,” Then Dayang Sumbi hit his head, and Sangkuriang left
the village.

Many years passed, He arrived at his own village. He met Dayang Sumbi and they
fell in love, then they decided to marry. But Dayang Sumbi knew that Sangkuriang
was her son. She knew that from a scar on his Sangkuriang’s head. She agreed to
married him in one condition, Sangkuriang had to build a lake and a boat in one
night. He agreed, but he could not finish the boat. He was very angry. He kicked the
boat. Then the boat turned out to be Mount . Until now people called it with Mount
Tangkuban perahu.

That's all.... thank you for your attention,

wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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