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Quiz 1

Name of Student : ________________________

NIM : _________________________

Section: 1
Complete the question based on the answer given ( N:Nurse, D: Doctor, P: Patient)

1. D: How ______ ________ the patient?

N: The patient is 57 years of age

2. N: When does ____________ __________ ____________ today?

P: The patient gets surgery in 20 hours today

3. P: What ______ _______ ___________?

N: I need your personal data.

4. P: Excuse me, When ________ _____________ ___________in the afternoon?

N: The operation ends at four in the afternoon.

5. P: What time __________ ____________ _____________ this room?

N: The doctor visits this room at 9

Section :2
N_rs_e pr_f_ss_ _n _s _n_ _mp_rt_nt p_s_s_ _n r_c_ntly. M_st p_t_ _nts b_th _n

th_ st_t_ _nd pr_v_t_ h_sp_t_ls n_ _d _xc_ll_nt s_rv_c_. N_rs_ s_rv_c_s th_

p_t _ _nt pr_f_ss_ _n_lly b_th y_ _ng _nd _ld_r p_t_ _nts. _xc_ll_nt s_rv_c_

b_c_m_s the f_rst pr_ _r_ty _n th_ h_sp_t_l. Let’s d_ b_st as the n_rs_ and m_k_

_xc_ll_nt s_rv_c_.

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