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August 15, 2019


Municipality of UPI

Dear Mayor Piang,

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

The Department of Health created the Midwifery Scholarship Program of the

Philippines (MSPP) in support to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals.
This program aims to decrease maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rate
by producing and ensuring a constant supply of competent midwives to serve the
identified priority areas in the country.

In implementing this, DOH FO XII has established partnership with University of the
Philippines, School of Health Sciences-Extension Campus in Koronadal City. These
partners have already endeavored to accept applicants from BARMM particularly
from the provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao. Among them were beneficiaries of
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), Indigenous Peoples (IPs) from
geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas, and family members of the
decommissioned MILF combatants.

UP SHS Extension, through its democratized admission policy, the school provides
scholarships and admits high school graduates coming from remote and largely
inaccessible rural communities and marginalized urban communities. The scholars
are bound by a contract and are committed to return to serve their communities
after completion of the program.

Ms. Norhaya Ali is one of the endorsed students of Ministry of Social Services –
BARMM to avail the MSSP Program. The requirements of UP SHS Extension during
the enrolment, as stipulated on the RETURN SERVICE AGREEMENT (RSA) are the

1. Barangay Resolution endorsing the student to avail the said

2. Barangay/Community Profile

In line with this, we humbly request your help through providing the above
mentioned documents to the concerned scholar.

Please note that the all expenses and miscellaneous fee including their board and
lodging, monthly and book allowance, and uniform are covered by DOH Central
Office through their MSSP Program.

Anticipating for your favorable response on this matter.

Thank you and more power.

Very truly yours,


Chief, Technical and Assistance Division
4Ps Regional Program Coordinator for Admin and Finance

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