GDB (Generic Database) Technology Formats: New in v8.0

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GDB (Generic Database) Technology Formats

Version 8.0
Technical Specifications

New in v8.0

• GDB Technology now supports:

- Write support for ERDAS Imagine and read - Survey of India DVD.
support for more datatypes. - Ordnance Survey NTF Boundary-line 2000
- NIMA formats DAFIF, DFAD, and DVOF. version.
- Read support for updated SICAD SQD format - ESRI ArcInfo Gridfile with 32 bit real data and
and support for more element types. Gridfile attributes.

GDB (Generic Database) Technology • Arc/Info TIN (Read)

Output of Arc UNGENERATETIN command
PCI Geomatics software uses GDB Technology to directly • Arc/Info - ESRI BIL format (Read/Write)
read and write raster, vector, and other information from an .HDR file containing georeferencing and structural
extensive list of supported file formats. This offers the information and .BIL file containing image data.
advantage of quick and direct access to data, and eliminates • Aries Image Format (DIPIX) (Read/Write)
the need to replicate files since conversion is no longer Image files with .i Suffix
necessary. Integer files (16/32 bit)
Existing Aries files may be written to
Supported Formats: • Atlantis MFF Image (Read)
Complex images from Atlantis SAR Processor
• AutoCAD DXF (Read/Write)
• ADRG (Read)
Point, Line, Polyline, Solid, Arc, Circle, Text
DIGEST data format
Unsupported entities are represented by a point
Imagery and georeferencing access
Write Line and Point entities
• Arc/Info “binary” Coverage (Read)
ARC and Circle entities written as line segments
Point data and attributes
AutoCAD DXF 13 vectors
Arcs and attributes
• AVHRR Format (Read)
Polygon boundary arcs and centroids
Image data (optical and thermal)
Coverage projection
Level 1b 10-bit/16-bit HRPT/LAC
• Arc/Info Generate (Read/Write)
Level 1b 10-bit/16-bit GAC
Vector data and attribute
Dartcom 16-bit HRPT
• Arc/Info ASCII Grid (.GRD) (Read/Write)
Satlantic 16-bit HRPT
16 bit signed raster layer
Orbital/GCP information read
Projection information
• BMP (Read/Write)
Floating point ASCII Grids
1, 4, 8, or 24 bits per pixel raster image
• Arc/Info Import/Export (ESRI E00 Gridfiles) (Read)
• CCOGIF (Read)
Uncompressed file read
Vector data
ARC, LAB, CNT, TX6, GRD section with attributes
Transverse Mercator projection information
Topographical information
• DAO (Read/Write)
ArcInfo Gridfile with 32 bit real data and Gridfile
Support for MS Access, Excel .xls and other Windows
table formats
• Arc/Info Shapefile (Read/Write)
• DEM (USGS Digital Elevation Model) (Read)
Vector and attribute
USGS 7.5 minute, and 1 degree ASCII DEM files
Point, Arc, Polygon, and Multipoint
UTM georeferencing information
Multi-ring shapes (donuts)
• DIEPS (Full support)
3D ESRI Shapefiles
• DLG (USGS Digital Line Graph) (Read/Write)

Updated: 03/21/01 Page 1 of 4

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PCI Geomatics. PCI Geomatics assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

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GDB (Generic Database) Technology Formats
Version 8.0
Technical Specifications

Vector data with first attribute code • GRASS (Read/Write)

Write equivalent DLG level 2 files dig (vector) and cell (raster) files
• DOQ (USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle) dig_att (attribute) information is read
(Read/Write) Georeferencing bounds are read for vectors
Image data and UTM georeferencing • GGF (Geosoft) (Read/Write)
Write new DOQ files (cannot write to existing DOQ files) Grid file, Version 2.0 (.grd and .ggf)
USGS Keyworded header DOQ format (Read support) Georeferencing read and written for GGF file
• DTED (DMA) (Read/Write) • GXF (Geosoft) (Read/Write)
Level 1 format ASCII image files, Version 2.0
CD-ROM . dt1 extension files Georeferencing is read and written for GXF files
UTM georeferencing read • HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) (Read/Write)
Write to existing file R18 raster data (8 bit)
• DTED export Uncompressed SDS raster data (8-bit, 16-bit, floating
• DVD - Survey of India point)
• ELAS Raster format (Read) NASA generated PAL data
Image variants which have 8 bits per pixel NASA HDF-EOS files on selected platforms (Read)
• ENVI rasters Georeferencing information read/write
Consist of two files, the header file (with the extension • Helava (Read/Write)
.hdr), and the image file (same basename as .hdr file, but Helava scanner files on selected platforms
no fixed extension). • HIDISK (HI-VIEW image format) (Read)
• EOSAT CD-ROM (Read) 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit read image data read
Revisions A, B, and C formats • IDRISI Raster/Vector (Read/Write)
Georeferencing and GCP information 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit image data
• Erdas Imagine (.img) (Read/Write) Ascii, binary and packed binary imagery read
Image layers can be 8-bit, 16-bit unsigned, 6-bit signed or Binary imagery written
32-bit real • ILWIS vectors
Compressed Erdas Imagine files ILWIS projections
Georeferencing bounds are read • I²S and PRI²SM
Projections are read Import support only
Write support for ERDAS Imagine and read support for • Intergraph Raster Files (Read/Write)
more datatypes Raster formats including .rgb(Read), .cot, .cfl(Read)
• Erdas .GIS and .LAN (Read) Sub-formats supported: grayscale, continuous tone (type
Erdas 7.4 GIS and .LAN image files 2), compressed RGB (type 27), and uncompressed RGB
8-bit and 16-bit unsigned files (type 28) .cot tiled format
Georeferencing bounds are read • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) (Read/Write)
• ERMapper ECW/ERS Raster files (Read/Write) Single scan 8-bit or 24-bit images
ER Mapper's Compressed Raster Formats (ECW) YCC and RGB color space file read
supported for linking, import and export YCC color space write
ER Mapper's Compression and Decompression Software • LAS Image Format (Read)
Development Kits (v.2.0) were used, therefore it is only img image file read
available on 32-bit Windows operating systems ddr header information and geocoding read
ER Mapper Raster dataset: a header file, with an .ERS • Laser-Scan (Read)
extension and a data file of the same basename with no Type 2: Grayscale (uncompressed, LINKable)
Extension. Type 3: PseudoColoured Image (compressed)
• Generic ASCII Vector (GAV) (Read/Write) Type 4: RGB (24-bit uncompressed, LINKable)
User defined ASCII vector format Type 5: Bitmap (uncompressed)
ASCII point files and tables (Read) Type 7: PseudoColoured Image (uncompressed,
• GeoGateway Text Exchange format LINKable)
(used for MDL MicroStation translator)
• GeoSoft (Read/Write)
GXF, GGF, and PLT files
• GIF raster

Updated: 03/21/01 Page 2 of 4

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PCI Geomatics. PCI Geomatics assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
GDB (Generic Database) Technology Formats
Version 8.0
Technical Specifications

• LaserScan IFF Text (Read/Write) • PAMAP GIS (Read/Write)

Attributes created for each layer: Import/Export support (.hdr) (Windows platform only)
REPCode Feature Code • PCIDSK (Read/Write)
GroupId FSN (Feature Serial Number) PCI native database
Angle RO (Orientation for texts and symbols) Image, vector, georeferencing, segment information
Height AC 3 • PCX
TextString: TX for text features • PLT (Geosoft Plot File) (Read/Write)
ChildList: Used to group features linked by invisible .plt and .att files
lines Lines, polylines, polygons imported directly
• LGSOWG/CEOS CD-ROM (Read) Circles and arcs are emulated
Image data read for numerous sensors • PPM (Read/Write)
• LIPS (Gould) (Read/Write) PPM: RGB format, 24-bit supported.
8-bit monochromatic, 24-bit color PGM: Grayscale, 8-bit supported.
• MapInfo Data Interchange Format (Read/Write) PBM: Bitmap, all supported.
mif and .mid files • Raw Image Format (Read/Write)
Graphical objects imported with attributes User described raw files
Projection read/write Pixel/Line/Band interleaving
• MapInfo Style TIFF Rasters (Read/Write) 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit real data
A .tab file is used to store the georeferencing • RST (Works ASCII RST) (Read/Write)
information. Vector Representation Style Table
• MicroStation Design Files (DGN) (Read/Write) Style and graphical primitive information
Raster: Compressed Binary, Binary, Byte • SDTS Vector Data
Vector: LINEs (3), LINESTRINGs (4), SHAPEs (6), and SDTS TVP format files are supported by the GeoGateway
CURVEs (11) library for import and view, but not for export.
• MrSID Compressed Imagery (Read) • SEAStar (Read)
LizardTech's Multiresolution Seamless Image Database NASA SeaWIFS HDF files on selected platforms
format (MrSID) OrbImage CEOS datasets on all platforms
LizardTech's Decompression Library API (v.1.0.3) used, OrbImage (SeaWIFS) Level 1B
therefore it is only available on 32-bit Windows operating • Siemens SICAD (Read/Write)
systems. SQD line (ETYP=LY)
• NDF (NLAPS Data Format) (Read) SQD point (ETYP= PG1)
Select header file, then access band files ENUM field extracted as attribute
Image and GCP information is read Read support for updated SICAD SQD format and
• NIMA formats DAFIF, DFAD and DVOF support for more element types
• NITF (National Imagery Transmission Format) • Socet Set (Read)
(Read/Write) Annotation and DTM (.dte)
Version 1.1 or Version 2.0 imagery • SPANS Vector Archive (Read/Write)
Uncompressed 8-bit unsigned data .VEC vector data
Georeferencing LONG/LAT or PIXEL when data is read .VEH header file
CIB datasets (Read) • SPANS Raster (Read/Write)
• NTX (Caris Interchange format) (Read) 8-bit, 16-bit and 32 bit real raster data
NTX vector file: CurvedLines (1), Point-to-Point Lines .rgb table files
(3), Dashed Lines (4), Text With Position (6), Names (7), Projection and georeferencing information
Symbols (8), and Spot Heights (11). • SPANS “quadtree” (Read)
• OGDI translator and OGDI driver Import/Export support
Includes support for CADRG, VMAP series and Digital • SPANS .tbb format(Read/Write)
Nautical Chart Internal table/point format
• OTH Gold (Read) • SPANS .vtx/.top format (Read)
The OTH Gold formatted product is designed to conform Internal vector format
to the Canadian Department of National Defence ITG • SpotSAR (Read)
MTF standard format Canadian SpotSAR format
• Oracle8i Spatial/GeoImage (Read/Write) • SPOTView GIS-GEOSPOT (Read)

Updated: 03/21/01 Page 3 of 4

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PCI Geomatics. PCI Geomatics assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
GDB (Generic Database) Technology Formats
Version 8.0
Technical Specifications

SPOTView 1.5 and 4.0 formats

ElViz (16 bit elevation product) datasets
Georeferencing read for some projections
• Sun Raster (Read/Write)
Pseudocoloured, Grayscale, and RGB Sun Raster files
• TARGA (Read/Write)
Uncompressed True-Color and Black & White formats
16-bit, 24-bit, and 32-bit color images
• TBA (.tba) (Read/Write)
SPANS attribute table format
• TIFF (Read/Write)
TIFF B (Bitmap), TIFF R (RGB), TIFF P (Palette), and
TIFF G (Grayscale)
Tiled and 16 bit TIFF files
Compression formats: None, LZW, PackBits, others
Georeferencing support with GeoTIFF format or world
• UK National Transfer Format (.NTF) (Read)
NTF 2.0 files provided by Ordnance Survey (U.K.)
Ordnance Survey NTF Boundary-line 2000 version
Transverse Mercator Projection information
8-bit BIL, 16-bit BIL, 8-bit BSQ, and 16-bit BSQ
• VICAR (Read)
AVIRIS image data format
• Vision (Read)
Import support for Vision .gia vector interchange files
• Vitec (Read/Write)
Full support for Vitec files on selected platforms
• WorldMap (Read)
1 band image files
• xBase (.dbf) (Read/Write)
Database format (Dbase IV)
Vector data read/write
• XBM (X Window Bitmap) (Read/Write)
X10 and X11 XBM formats read
X11 XBM format.write
• X Window Dump (Read/Write)
UNIX screen dump format
Pseudocolored, Grayscale, and RGB X Window dump

Updated: 03/21/01 Page 4 of 4

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PCI Geomatics. PCI Geomatics assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

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