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Project 01

Applied Mathematics (TA5110)

Wedge failure analysis of high speed train tunnel

 To apply vector for geometrical analysis;
 To work with geometries of geological objects;
 To apply matlab and mathematics in mining engineering.

A high speed train tunnel will be built through an anticlinal topography expressed in the
following equation.

0.0005 x 2 + 0.0005 y 2 + z - 100 = 0

Point (0,0,0) is specified as the local coordinate. The two tunnel portals are respectively at
(424.3; 0; 10) and (-424.3; 0; 10). The tunnel is estimated to pass through two planes of
weakness (shear zone) which intersect to form a wedge. The first plane of weakness is
identified through the point at (400; 0; 20) and the second plane of weakness at (-400; 0; 20).

Table 1: Structure Mapping Results

Plane 1 Plane 2

No. Strike Dip Strike Dip Strike Dip Strike Dip

1 47 32 48 38 137 31 140 27
2 55 31 49 37 143 26 138 26
3 47 38 48 37 141 35 140 29
4 53 33 48 35 140 26 137 30
5 55 38 52 31 135 34 136 27
6 49 36 54 37 145 26 135 28
7 53 32 49 35 138 26 138 29
8 54 38 55 31 143 28 135 28
9 46 36 47 38 140 28 144 32
10 50 38 48 39 144 30 141 34

1. To plot the planes into stereographic representation !
2. To determine or to express the normal vector and the equation of the planes !
3. To determine or to locate the intersection between the planes !
4. To determine point of intersections between the planes and the traverse of the
tunnel !
5. To compute the length of the tunnel between the planes / within the wedge !

Bandung, 17-09-2019 - LEW

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