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Ezra and Nehemiah were the most influenced persons in the post-exilic period.

During the post-exilic period the dominant pattern of hope is that the day of Yahweh.

A worshiping Community, God’s redemption is clearly portrayed in the history of

humankind. God stood true to his promise and led his people back to Judah. Those

Yahweh’s people are the covenant community and no person outside of this

community understand abled to acknowledged as a part of  (People of

Yahweh). They were trusting God and depend upon Yahweh always.

During the post-exilic period has revealed that God is faithful to His promises,

providentially protecting and providing for His people while accomplishing His plan.

But when one see the churches in Odisha they do not pay heed to the Word of God.

They are doing as they want and ignore the true God. Among the churches in Odisha

there is no good fellowship and unity among the believers. The churches of Odisha,

didn’t realise that they are the children of God which is also call as the church-the

called out people.

In the first chapter the researcher dealt with the background of the post-exilic

community. The post-exilic period of Ezra-Nehemiah was about 445-463 B.C.E. Ezra

and Nehemiah talk about the re-establishment of the people of Yahweh as a religious

community. The post-exilic Community experienced multi-faceted and pluralistic

religion and society, the community was fraught with various problems; socio-

economic, political and religious struggles. When people came out of great outcry due

to the misery and economic oppression, the traditional social, economic and religious

value embedded in the covenant of Yahweh. Within the frame of the former group,

total separation from foreigners was one of the distinctive characteristic for the
holiness of the post-exilic Jewish community. Likewise the religious, social, political

and economic condition of the churches of Odisha is facing the same.

The second chapter has emphasis an overview of unity with Ezra and

Nehemiah, in relation to the unity of Chronicles. The returned of Sheshbazzer and

Zerubbabel to Jerusalem. The present book of Ezra and Nehemiah was likelihood

occasioned by the secondary addition of the Nehemiah memoirs, and to the other

material to the Chronicles. The Concept of “Yahweh’s people” in Ezra and Nehemiah

during the post-exilic period was behind the conflict. On the one hand, Ezra,

Nehemiah and some of the returning exiles seem to have held a conception that the

returning exiles were exclusively “Yahweh’s people.” Ezra and Nehemiah thought

that the returning exiles should not have intermarried with the rest of the other people

of the land.

There is a time and strong reason for believing that churches in Odisha are

taught according to the Law (the Bible) and instruct the people with it. But the present

situation in Odisha about mixed marriage has become rampant to the context. Ezra-

Nehemiah were telling the people of Israel not to mixed marriage so that those

consequences should not happen in the community. The Churches in Odisha should

teach the Word of God to believers not to have mixed marriage with pagan people.

Churches in Odisha must have good relationship with each family and meditate the

Law of God and follow God as the  (People of Yahweh).

The third chapter discuss the Role of People of Yahweh in Ezra and

Nehemiah. The researcher has describes the concept of  (People of Yahweh)

and other nation, foreigners or aliens during the Post-Exilic Period. It is shows evidence

in the tension of Ezra and Nehemiah. These matters include the reconstruction of structural

projects (Such as Altar, Temple, and Wall), as well as, religious, social, and cultural
reforms conducted by Ezra and Nehemiah. The story of Ezra and Nehemiah takes place

over a hundred years from when Cyrus gives the Jews permission to go home and

rebuild their temple until Nehemiah was in second term as governor of Judah. Ezra

and Nehemiah reflects to the post-exilic period in Judean. The churches in Odisha

should have covenant fellowship with  (People of Yahweh).

The final chapter, researcher give the reason for the People of Yahweh. When

the foundation of the churches were broken down at a time the are believers hopeless

to know  (People of Yahweh), Therefore, in that such situation the Churches

Denomination and Mission is giving hope for the believers to build of their faith in

 (People of Yahweh). The churches in Odisha can have great faithfulness

towards the People of Yahweh.

Among the Christian groups; they could not understand that they are 

(People of Yahweh) and therefore, the churches in Odisha do not have good unity and

sound fellowship within and outside the organizations and worship God as 

(People of Yahweh). At present the Churches and Mission in Odisha need to adopt

values and principles for Churches and Mission in order to strengthen and multiply.

The Churches are the centre place for Christians where they come for prayer and

worship God for blessings. In the Churches the Holy Scripture are read and explained

to the believers. Most of the religious activities are done in the churches. The church

practice Sacraments like Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Marriage is conducted by

the church as a holy ceremony, thus mix marriage with unbelievers is not encourages.

Therefore, the Churches of Odisha should give more priority to worship, reading the

scripture as well as church practices and personal relationship with People of

Yahweh. As a result the Churches in Odisha can be healthy and growth and enlarge

the mission.

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