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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 10) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of the
the oral standards of English in that English language is stress various forms and convention
order to participate in various oral timed to support materials to critically analyze the
communication demands comprehension meaning constructed in print, non-
(situation, purpose and audience) print and digital materials
B.Performance Standards Prepares for and participates Read with sufficient accuracy Applies different views of the real
effectively in a range of and fluency to support world to effectively interpret
conversations and collaboration comprehension (deconstruct) constructed meaning
with diverse partners, building on in print, non-print and digital
others’ ideas and expressing their materials
own opinion clearly and
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives 1. Make a stand about national Read grade level text with Distinguish among forms (kinds and Administering Second Periodical Test
issues accuracy., appropriate rate and descriptions)
2. Show tactfulness when proper expression Fill-out form accurately (school
communicating with others Observe politeness at all times forms, deposit and withdrawal
3. Observe politeness at all times slips) EN5W-IIj-3.7
II.CONTENT Giving opinion/ Making a stand Reading grade level text with School Forms, Deposit and
accuracy., appropriate rate and Withdrawal Slips
proper expression
1.Teacher’s Guide pages CG p. CG p. CG p.
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Developing Reading Power 5 English Expressways 5
pp.18-19 English and Me 5
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal h?v=P6X6M-THp2I
B.Other Learning Resource Chart or tarpapel, pictures, tarpapel for the charts of Printed materials (school forms),
newspaper, laptop activities, video clip from withdrawal slip and deposit slip
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting A. Reviewing previous Show pictures of children Review on following directions
the new lesson lesson/Presenting new lesson working such as selling Game: Follow the Leader
Direction: Tell whether if the given cigarettes , The teacher asks a volunteer leader
statement is fact or opinion. candies and mineral water in to give directions. The rest of the
1. Pres. Rodrigo R. Duterte the streets. pupils follow what the leader says.
delivered his first SONA What can you say about these The pupil who will do the directions
last July 25, 2016 children? Why do you think they correctly will be the winner
2. I think the Philippines are
will become a great doing this kind of job?
nation again.
3. Someday, I will finish
my studies and fulfill my
4. There is a corruption in
the Phillipines.
5. Maybe, our population
will be lessened if
everybody will be
knowledgeable about
family planning
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson Teacher presents a word map. Today, we will find out how well 1. Motivation
Think of words that can be do you read with accuracy. Have you experienced filling out
associated with the given name. Accuracy means reading the forms?
Ferdinand Marcos words in a selection correctly. When did you fill out forms?
Who among you are familiar with There What forms have you already filled
this name? are strategies you can use to out?
Are you familiar with this issue? help you read words. For Original File Submitted and
What facts or idea can you give example, Formatted by DepEd Club Member
about him? you can sound out the letters in - visit for more
Give your opinion about this issue a word or reread the sentence
figure out the meaning of an
unknown word
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of the Pupils will be grouped into four to 1. Model reading of the story You will analyze the data needed in
new lesson perform the activity. 2. Popcorn reading of the story the sample school form. From this
What can you say about this issue? The Tricycle Boy lesson, you will learn how to fill out
Do you think government’s choice At fourteen, Joselito was one of different forms correctly.
to bury the remains of late the youngest boys
Ferdinand Marcos is a good among the tricycle drivers
decision? operating near the Sta. Ana
Are you also in favor of the Market in
Pres.Duterte’s decision? Why or Manila. His mother died and had
Why not? other children of his own.
Why do you think the government Joselito
decided to bury the remains of preferred to stay with an aunt
late rather than join the new family.
Marcos at Libingan ng mga His aunt earned their living by
Bayani? washing clothes . Joselito
Give your own opinion or stand became tricycle driver in the
about this issue morning to help earn some
money .
He went to school in the
afternoon. Joselito had many
He was always pleasant and
cheerful. He was very helpful,
too. He
carried the customers’ bags.
Sometimes he gave school
children a
free ride on his tricycle. Through
his efforts, Joselito did not only
help his aunt, but made her
happy ,too
. Comprehension Check-up
What is the story about?
How did Joselito help his aunt?
How did his aunt earn a living?
What kind of a boy was
What did he do with the
school children to show his
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing 1. What is your opinion with this Accuracy refers to reading Let the pupils read the items in the
new skills #1 issue? words without mistakes. Let the form
2. Who are in favor with the student watch and listen to the Malvar Central School
President’s decision? sample video clip of readers Malvar, Batangas
3. What are the reasons why you theater. Name________________________
are favorable with this? Readers theater gives students Address______________________
4. Who are not favor with the multiple opportunities to read _
President’s decision? What are the text with Grade and Section______________
reasons emotion and to practice reading Nationality_______Religion______
why you are not favorable with the same words over and over _
this? again. Place of birth__________________
5. Should the Philippine (refer: Date of Birth_____________
Government be benefited? Father’s name_________________
h?v=P6X6M-THp2I ) Address______________________
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing 1. Do you have the same stand? Read Me Please! What is the sample form about?
new skills #2 2. What can you say about the Pupils will be group into 3. What information are asked for in
opinions of others? There will be one leader for the form?
3. What did you do to support each What should you do before filling
your stand? group. They will be given a copy out the form?
4. How do you value the opinion of the short script/story. As a Why do you have to read the form
of others? group they should practice to before answering?
read the script/story accurately
with expressions.
Refer to: http://www.english-
Wind.html ( for the copy of the
script/ story )
Refer to : http://www.english-
Refer: http://www.english-for-
F.Developing Mastery Pupils will be grouped into three. Let’s Do the Tongue Twisters Present another forms to fill out.
On each corner, national Read the tongue twisters with 1. Bank Deposit Slip
issues written on the metacards appropriate speed, What is the sample form
are posted. pronunciation and about?
Pupils will to go to the corner that clarity. What information are
best describes how they feel A good cook could cook as much asked for in the form?
about that issue. What is your cookies as a good cook 2. Bank Withdrawal Slip
stand on this issues? Write your who could cook cookies What is the sample form
answer in 3-5 sentences to make I saw a saw that could out saw about?
your opinion/persuasion any other saw I ever saw. What information are
strong. A sailor went to sea To see, asked for in the form?
a. Extra Judicial Killings in the what he could see. And all he
Philippines could see Was sea, sea, sea.
b. Heavy Traffic She sells sea shells on the sea
c. Corruption and Poverty shore ,
But the sea shells that she sells,
on the sea shore are not the real
How many cans can a canner
can, if a canner can can cans?
G.Finding Practical application of concepts Who among you have been Group the class into 4. They will 1. Small Group Dynamics
and skills in daily living confined in the private hospital? be ask to compose a poem with Divide the class into three groups.
Did 3 stanzas about different jobs. Provide each group a form to fill
your parents give an initial The group will read this with out.
downpayment before admission ? accuracy in front the class Group I – School Form
What is your opinion regarding Group II - Deposit Slip
this issue? In two to three Group III – Withdrawal Slip
sentences, give your stand 3. Tell the pupils to pretend
whether it should be implemented that they are in the
or Guidance Office. Then,
not. they will fill out the Pupil
Profile form

H.Making generalization and abstraction What should we remember in Remember When filling out forms:
about the lesson giving stand or opinion to certain Accuracy means reading the 1. Read each item in the form very
issue? words in a selection correctly. carefully.
There are strategies you can use 2. Follow printed directions.
to help you read words. For 3. Be precise in supplying the
example, you can sound out the information.
letters in a word or reread the 4. Give true and correct
sentence to figure out the information.
meaning of an unknown word. 5. Avoid making erasures.
6. Handle the form with utmost
I.Evaluating learning Direction: Give your opinion/stand Pupils will be given a copy of the Fill out the give form correctly
on the following articles. sample script of the readers ADMISSION FORM
MANILA, Philippines - Sen. theater. They will read this with Name________________________
Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos accuracy and will be evaluated _____
Jr. perceives the Philippines' through the given rubrics below (Surname) (First) (Middle)
rejection of bilateral talks with Residence_____________________
China as a _____
wasted opportunity to resolve the (City Address) (Provincial Address)
maritime dispute over the South Date of Birth_____Place of
China Sea. birth________
"China opened the door and we Address______________________
shut it. The Chinese said ______
let's talk and we snubbed them," Schools Attended:
Marcos said during a media Kindergarten__________________
forum, adding that the country ______
failed to take advantage of the Primary_______________________
given opportunity. _____
China to Philippines: Let's sit down Intermediate__________________
and talk ______
According to the senator, there Father’s
are only three ways to name_______________________
resolve the said dispute: by war, Educational
adjudication or multilateral or Attainment_______________
bilateral agreements. Occupation____________________
Marcos ruled out war and _____
arbitration since the Mother’s
Chinesewould not recognize the Name______________________
latter. Educational
"So talk, and tell them: we are not Attainment_______________
happy with what you are doing Occupation____________________
and we do not agree with what ____
you are doing. But the next thing
you say is: how do we fix this?"
the senator said.
The Senate Committee of Foreign
Relations chair noted
that the Philippines will not lose
anything if accept China's
invitation to a dialogue on the
maritime dispute.
"We should talk to China
bilaterally because it is still the
option. Our Filipino businessmen
can also help by reaching out
to their Chinese counterparts and
friends in China and try to
come up with a solution that will
persuade both governments to,
at least, sit down and negotiate, or
at most, resolve the problem
outright," Marcos said.
Marcos stressed that the
Philippines should not be
"snobbish" in dealing with
"superpower" China. He added
he cannot see any reason not to
talk with China.
"We're strategically important to
any great power in Asia-
Pacific, but we have to play that
role even-handedly. We have
to stop thinking in terms of
kakampi ko ang Chinese, kakampi
ko ang Kano. Ang kakampi mo lang
Pilipino," the senator
The Philippines sent a delegation
to the United Nations
Arbitral Tribunal to defend its
stand against China's nine-dash
line claim over the South China
J.additional activities for application or The teacher together with the Copy a line from the tv ads or Provide the correct information for
remediation pupils discuss the outputs made commercials then read it in the given form.
of the class accurately with
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on
evaluation next objective. next objective. objective. the next objective. to the next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got
mastery mastery 80% mastery
B.No.of learners who require additional ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find
activities for remediation answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering their
___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in lesson. lesson.
answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson answering their lesson. in answering their lesson.
because of lack of knowledge, skills because of lack of knowledge, skills because of lack of knowledge, skills ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the
and interest about the lesson. and interest about the lesson. and interest about the lesson. lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of
___Pupils were interested on the ___Pupils were interested on the ___Pupils were interested on the knowledge, skills and interest knowledge, skills and
lesson, despite of some difficulties lesson, despite of some difficulties lesson, despite of some difficulties about the lesson. interest about the lesson.
encountered in answering the encountered in answering the encountered in answering the ___Pupils were interested on ___Pupils were interested
questions asked by the teacher. questions asked by the teacher. questions asked by the teacher. the lesson, despite of some on the lesson, despite of
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite ___Pupils mastered the lesson ___Pupils mastered the lesson despite difficulties encountered in some difficulties
of limited resources used by the despite of limited resources used by of limited resources used by the answering the questions asked encountered in answering
teacher. the teacher. teacher. by the teacher. the questions asked by the
___Majority of the pupils finished ___Majority of the pupils finished ___Majority of the pupils finished their ___Pupils mastered the lesson teacher.
their work on time. their work on time. work on time. despite of limited resources ___Pupils mastered the
___Some pupils did not finish their ___Some pupils did not finish their ___Some pupils did not finish their used by the teacher. lesson despite of limited
work on time due to unnecessary work on time due to unnecessary work on time due to unnecessary ___Majority of the pupils resources used by the
behavior. behavior. behavior. finished their work on time. teacher.
___Some pupils did not finish ___Majority of the pupils
their work on time due to finished their work on time.
unnecessary behavior. ___Some pupils did not
finish their work on time due
to unnecessary behavior.

C.Did the remedial work? No.of learners who ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
have caught up with the lesson above above 80% above 80% above

D.No. of learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
remediation activities for remediation additional activities for remediation activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation

E.Which of my teaching strategies worked ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
well? Why did these work? ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught
lesson lesson lesson up the lesson up the lesson
F.What difficulties did I encounter which my ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who
principal or supervisor can helpme solve? require remediation require remediation require remediation to require remediation continue to require
G.What innovation or localized materials did Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work
used/discover which I wish to share with other ___Metacognitive 
Development: ___Metacognitive Development:  ___Metacognitive 
Development: ___Metacognitive well:
teachers? Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note Development: Examples: Self ___Metacognitive
taking and studying techniques, and taking and studying techniques, and taking and studying techniques, and assessments, note taking and Development: Examples:
vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. studying techniques, and Self assessments, note
 ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-  
___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair- ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair- vocabulary assignments. taking and studying
share, quick-writes, and anticipatory share, quick-writes, and 
share, quick-writes, and anticipatory ___Bridging: Examples: Think- techniques, and vocabulary
charts. anticipatory charts. charts. pair-share, quick-writes, and assignments.
   anticipatory charts.  ___Bridging:Examples:
 Think-pair-share,quick-
 ___Schema-Building: 
Examples: ___Schema-Building: 
Examples: ___Schema-Building: Examples:
Compare and contrast, jigsaw Compare and contrast, jigsaw 
Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, ___Schema-Building:
learning, peer teaching, and projects. learning, peer teaching, and peer teaching, and projects. Examples: Compare and
projects. 
contrast, jigsaw learning, peer __Schema-Building:
  Examples: Compare and
 teaching, and projects.
 ___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization: contrast, jigsaw learning,
 ___Contextualization: 
 Examples: Demonstrations, media,  Examples: Demonstrations, media, peer teaching, and projects.
  ___Contextualization:
manipulatives, repetition, and local Examples: Demonstrations, media, manipulatives, repetition, and local  ___Contextualization:
opportunities. manipulatives, repetition, and local opportunities.  Examples: Demonstrations,
opportunities. media,

Examples: Demonstrations,
  media, manipulatives,
 repetition, and local
 ___Text Representation:  ___Text Representation:
repetition, and local
 
Examples: Student created drawings, ___Text Representation:  Examples: Student created drawings, opportunities.

videos, and games.  Examples: Student created videos, and games.  ___Text Representation:
 ___Text Representation:
 ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking drawings, videos, and games.  ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking  Examples: Student created

slowly and clearly, modeling the ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking 
slowly and clearly, modeling the Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and
drawings, videos, and games.
language you want students to use, slowly and clearly, modeling the language you want students to use, and
 ___Modeling: Examples: games.
and providing samples of student language you want students to use, providing samples of student work. 
Speaking slowly and clearly, ___Modeling: Examples:
work. and providing samples of student modeling the language you Speaking slowly and clearly,
work. Other Techniques and Strategies used: want students to use, and modeling the language you
Other Techniques and Strategies ___ Explicit Teaching providing samples of student want students to use, and
used: Other Techniques and Strategies ___ Group collaboration work. providing samples of student
___ Explicit Teaching used: ___Gamification/Learning throuh play work.
___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Answering preliminary Other Techniques and Other Techniques and
___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___ Group collaboration activities/exercises Strategies used: Strategies used:
___ Answering preliminary ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Carousel ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching
activities/exercises play ___ Diads ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Carousel ___ Answering preliminary ___ Differentiated Instruction ___Gamification/Learning ___Gamification/Learning
___ Diads activities/exercises ___ Role Playing/Drama throuh play throuh play
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Carousel ___ Discovery Method ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Diads ___ Lecture Method activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction Why? ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Lecture Method ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Complete IMs ___ Diads ___ Diads
Why? ___ Discovery Method ___ Availability of Materials ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated
___ Complete IMs ___ Lecture Method ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Role Playing/Drama Instruction
___ Availability of Materials Why? ___ Group member’s ___ Discovery Method ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Complete IMs collaboration/cooperation ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Group member’s ___ Availability of Materials in doing their tasks Why? ___ Lecture Method
collaboration/cooperation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Complete IMs Why?
in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s of the lesson ___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs
___ Audio Visual Presentation collaboration/cooperation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials
of the lesson in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to
___ Audio Visual Presentation collaboration/cooperation learn
of the lesson in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s
___ Audio Visual Presentation
of the lesson collaboration/cooperation
in doing their tasks
___Audio Visual
of the lesson

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