Diseases Given by Planets: ST ND RD TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH

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Diseases Given By Planets

Good health is maintained:

(a) when the cusp of the Ascendant receives good aspect from the lord of the ascendant, luminaries and other
(b) when neither the cusp of the Ascendant nor the lord of the ascendant is adversely afflicted;
(c) when lords of 6, 8 or 12 neither occupy Lagna, nor conjoin lord of Lagna nor form favourable aspects;
(d) when lord of Lagna does not. occupy 6 or 8 or 12. (KP Reader 3, p. 175)

Disease is indicated by the 6th Cusp, 6th house, planets in the constellation of the occupants of the 6th house,
the occupants of the 6th house, the planets in the constellation of lord of 6, the owner of the 6th house, planets
conjoined with them or aspected by them affect the health and cause such diseases signified by them when they
operate their dasa or bhukti or anthra and there is aspect to them by progression and by transit. (KP Reader 3, p.

Planets in movable signs cause disease of short duration; Common signs indicate neither short nor long. But
there are chances of relapse: Fixed signs threaten disease of prolonging, chronic, loathsome and tedious
nature. (KP Reader 3, p. 177)

Houses The part of body when rising drekkana is

1 2 3
1st rising sign Head Neck Lower abdomen
2nd Right eye Right arm Genital organ
3rd Right ear Right hand Right testicle
4th Right nostril Right side Right thigh
5th Right temple Right breast Right knee
6th Right cheek Right belly Right ankle
7th Mouth Navel Feet
8th Left cheek Left belly Left ankle
9th Left temple Left breast Left knee
10th left nostril left side left thigh
11th left ear left hand left testicle
12th Left eye Left arm Anus

Sun when afficted will cause defects in the heart or in the eye-sight during the conjoined period of the Sun and
the affilicting. planet. Saturn affilicting the $un causes low blood pressure whereas Jupiter afflicting the Sun
produces high blood pressure. Mars afflicting Sun causes haemorhage, cardiac thrombosis, etc. The constitution
will be overhead and bilious. It also denotes cerebral meningitis, eruptions of the {ace, loss of speech as a result
of cerebral affection, i.e., aphasia, sharp fevers, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile complaints, sun-stroke, scorches
and disease in the head.

Moon gives eye diseases. Lunancy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Epilespsy, Dropsy, BeriBeri. Myxodema, cold, cough,
colic pains. worms, intestinal, defects and diseases, catamenical disorders, Tumours, Peritonitis,. Uremia, Throat
troubles. Asthm~. Eosonophilia, Bronchitis, varicose veins, complications due to .excess of drinks, Hydrocele,
Dyspepsia, Dysentry, Sprue, nervous debility, gastric catarrh, cancer, typhoid etc.

Mars may give acute fevers, Plague, Small-pox, Chicken pox. Measles, Mumps, inflammatory, complaints,
burns.ruptures of capillaries, Fistula, wounds, cuts, brain·fever, Haemmorrhage Typhoid, Pueperal fever, ulcer in
the intestines, Hernia, Erysipelas, Malaria , Abortions, bleeding, boils, carbuncles, Appendices, Muscular
rheumatism. Tumor, Septic poisoning, Tetanus etc.
 Mars: It is inflammatory, energetic and excessive in action. When afflicting it causes sharp and sudden
diseases, accidents, operations, ailments due to over-exertion and carelessness, fevers and inflammatory
diseases, fistulas, disease affecting nose.

Mercury gives Pulmonary system, respiratory diseases, motor segment of the spinal cord, vocal cord, locomotor
functions , ataxia, nervous disorders, deafness.

Jupiter causes Liver complaints, Jaundice, dropsy, flatudence, dyspepsia, absess, hernia skin troubles, cerebral
congestion, catarrh and carbuncles.
 Jupiter: It is nourishing and expansive in action. When afflicting it causes blood disorder, ailments arising
from excessive eating and indiscretion in diet, liver trouble, pleurisy, abscesses, quinsy(?), and gout.
Venus gives Affection in the eye, irregularity in the catamenia, diseases ofthe.ovarles, mucous diseases, skin
disease , Bright's disease cysts ,swelling, Goiter, Anaemia and other complications due to over-indulgence in
amusements, eating, drinking, etc., including Gonorrhea and Syphilils. If Sun and Venus get afflicted, eye disease
· will result. If Mars, Moon and Venus are ill·posited in a horoscope, then the ·native will have discharge for a
larger number of days and the quantity 'also will be profuse,

Saturn refers to Obstrution, atrophy, gall bladder, bones, painful rheumatism, teeth, mottled enamel, fluoride
intoxication, stiff bone, dullness in the peristaltic action thereby poor digestion
bruises, colds, chronic diseases, fear complex,
 Saturn: It is limiting and obstructive in action. When afflicting it causes diseases for want of proper
nourishment, chronic and lingering ailments, rheumatism, colds, chills, dull aches, falls, blows, sprains,
dislocations, bruises.

 Neptune: It is abnormal and restricting in its action. When it afflicts the significator's of health (for example,
Sun, Moon, Ascendant, ruler of the Ascendant and of the 6th, or planet in the 6th), it causes incurable
ailments, psychic ailments, ailments arising from worry, fears, and through drugs and drinks, danger from
poison or gas.
 Uranus: It is spasmodic and irregular in action. When afflicting it causes incurable diseases, nervous
breakdowns, sudden diseases and accidents, cramp, paralysis, ruptures.
 If planets are afflicted in movable or cardinal signs they affect head, stomach, kidneys and skin.
Diseases, for example, brain fever, epilepsy, sudden unconsciousness (apoplexy); stomach trouble, cancer;
kidney and liver troubles; rheumatism, gout and colds or chills.
 Afflictions in fixed signs affect throat, heart, urine-genital organs and blood. Diseases, for example,
tonsillitis, diphtheria, heart troubles, spinal ailments, piles, stones, ailments regarding urinary and generative
organs; blood disorders.
 Afflictions in common or mutable signs affect lungs, intestines, nerves and digestion. Diseases, for
example, TB, bronchitis, asthma, intestinal diseases, rheumatism; dropsy, scurvy.
(Afflictions in Signs: Afflictions in any sign affect those signs in opposition or in square to it.)

Significations of Health and Their Afflictions:

 The afflicting planet causes ailments according to its inherent nature.

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