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Opening Remarks-Amie Joy

In recognition of Nutrition Month, I rise today to talk about and acknowledge something our school is taking very seriously – the health and
wellness, my fellow students, faculty, and those who are concerned of healthy living and lifestyle.

An inspiring nutritious afternoon to all of us.

One should never underestimate the importance of eating healthy food. The benefits of eating a healthy diet include living a longer life,
feeling happier, gaining vitality, weight loss, and a healthy appearance. Eating healthy foods means we can better fight diseases and live
longer. When it comes to happiness, studies have shown that eating healthy foods is an excellent natural anti-depressant. When you eat
healthy your energy levels tend to rise.

As we celebrate today this year's Nutrition Month celebration, with the theme"Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" The theme
encourages us to plant more fruits and vegetables for us to have sufficient food to address micronutrient deficiencies and prevent non-
communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. You should try to eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible
throughout the day.

As an institution, we can and we will provide actions and applications for children to become better equipped to lead healthier lives. Let’s
surge forward of achieving a healthy-living school.

Today, I would like to issue a challenge to everyone to infuse a healthy culture in life – inside and outside the school premises. We all have
the power to take real actions to improve our health. I encourage you to look for opportunities each and every day to make an improvement of
your own health.

In addition, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to everyone for a job well done. The success of our celebrations marks a
milestone of history.

May you have a healthy living and continue living healthy.

Thank you very much and God bless us more!

Go Foods (provide energy) – Carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, breakfast cereal

Grow Foods (build the body’s bones, teeth and muscles) – Protein-rich foods such as chicken, dairy products,
eggs, fish, meat, milk, cheese, yogurt, Hunt’s Pork and Beans

Glow Foods (strengthen the immune system) – Veggies (especially the dark green leafy vegetables), and fruits
(apples, bananas, mangoes, oranges, suha, watermelon). Vitamin D helps give your skin that beautiful and
healthy glow!
Here are three main domains of learning and all teachers should know about them and use them to construct lessons. These
domains are cognitive (thinking), affective (emotion/feeling), and psychomotor (physical/kinaesthetic). Each domain on this page has a
taxonomy associated with it. Taxonomy is simply a word for a classification. All of the taxonomies below are arranged so that they
proceed from the simplest to more complex levels.
Creates a free-standingbalanced
figure made of boxesand
found materials.
: Demonstratesskills in creating a free
standingbalanced figure made of
boxesand found materials.
: Appreciates the free
standingbalanced figure created out
ofboxes and found materials.
1. Familiarize one with various movement
activities involving person, objects, music
and environment.
2. Participate in self-testing activities in
simple roll such as:
hinese get-up

roll with a ball

beat a drum
1 of 8
, Student at Laguna State Polytechnic University - Los Baños
Final lesson plan in Math (4A's Approach)
1. 1. A. Daily Routine: 1. Prayer Good morning class. Before we start may we all stand up and pray. (The teacher will pray) 2. Cleaning Ok class, before
you sit down; please pick up the pieces of paper and trash. 3. Greeting Good morning once again class. So how are you doing today? Well, good then. 
A. Daily Routine 1. Prayer The students will stand up and pray. 2. Cleaning The students will pick up the pieces of paper and trash then the class will sit
down. 3. Greeting Good morning teacher! (different responses) I. Objectives Within the period, students are expected to: A. Discover the area formula for
triangles. B. Answer problems involving area of triangles. C. Apply what they have learned in real life. II. Subject Matter Topic: Area of Triangles
References: Materials: ruler, scissor,
2. 2. 4. Checking ofattendance Are there any absents today? Very good! B. Priming 1. Recall Before we begin to our lesson, let us have a recap on our past
lesson. So who can still recall our past lesson yesterday? So let’s hear student A. Very good!.  So last time we studied about the area of parallelogram.
Who still remember the formula in solving for the area of parallelogram? Let’s call for student B. Very good!  Thank you student B. 2. Motivation Okay
class, who wants prizes? So many of you want prizes. Well I have a puzzle here. I want someone to assemble the pieces together and create a right
triangle from it. Whoever assembles the puzzle will get a prize. Any volunteer? 4. Checking ofattendance None B. Priming 1. Recall Students will raise
their hands. The past lesson was about the area of parallelogram. Students will raise their hands. Area of a parallelogram is equal to base times height. 2.
Motivation The students will raise their hands. The students will raise their hands.
3. 3. Okay, student C, give it a try. Very good! Let’s give him a round of applause. Well, I have another question. Is it possible to rearrange the pieces and
come up with a triangle with the same base and same height yet have a missing area without excluding any pieces? Who can give it a try? How about you
student D? (If the student solve the puzzle, the teacher will say) Very good! That was a hard one. Let us give him a round of applause. (if no one solve the
puzzle, the teacher will say) Thanks for trying. Anyone else? So if nobody wants to try it, let me show you how it is done. (the teacher will show the class
how to solve the puzzle) C. Activity So from our activity, who could guess our topic for today? Let’s call student E. That’s correct! Thank you student E.
So our topic today is about area of triangles. I know every one of you knows what a triangle is. Student C will assemble the puzzle. The students will
clap. Different responses Some students will raise their hands. Student D will try to assemble the puzzle. The students will clap together. No one raise his
hand. C. Activity Students will raise their hands. I think our lesson for today is about area of a triangle.
4. 4. I want you to group yourselves into 3 groups. Now that you have grouped yourselves, I will give each group activity sheets. All members should
participate, ok? And don’t make loud noises. Ok, very well then.  (the teacher will distribute the activity sheets to each group.) Did you bring scissors
and ruler? Very good. You will need that in our activity. So the instructions are written on the activity sheets. After that, record the data and answer the
following questions. Group 1 will answer question no. 1; group 2, question 2; group 3, question 3. D. Analysis 1. What are the area of the rectangles A, B
and C? How about the triangles they formed? 2. What is the sum of the areas of the two triangles formed by rectangle A? Is it equal to the area of the
same rectangle? How about B and C? 3. What is the area of the largest triangle formed by rectangle D? What can you say about its area compare to its
original shape? The students will grouped themselves into 3 groups. Yes teacher. The students will scan the activity sheet. Yes teacher. . The students will
do the activity. D. Analysis
5. 5. OK class. Time’s up! So may I call each group’s representative to present their findings? Very well said! Thank you every one for your cooperation.
Let us give ourselves a round of applause. The students will stop what they are doing and will sit properly Group’s representative will come in front and
present their findings. Group 1:  Rectangle A has an area of 16 units2 and its triangles both have an area of 8 units2.  Rectangle B has an area of 24
units2 and its triangles both have an area of 12 units2  Rectangle C has an area of 12 units2 and its triangles both have an area of 6 units2 Group 2:  The
sum of the triangles of rectangle A is 16 units2 and it has the same area with its original shape, the same goes to other. Group 3:  The estimated area of
the largest triangle is 17 units2 and its original shape’s area is 35 units2. Its largest triangle is about the half of its original area. The students will clap
their hands.
6. 6. E. Abstraction You all did great in our activity.  So now let us go to the discussion. What can you say about the area of the area of the rectangles and
the triangles they formed? Very good!  Now let me ask you, if the area of rectangle or any parallelogram is equal to base times height, what is the
formula for the area of a triangle? Very good.!  You have discovered by yourselves the formula for finding the area of a triangle. You are now
mathematicians.  The formula for finding the area of a triangle is A= ½bh since the area of a triangle is one half of the area of parallelogram. So now let
us have examples. Find the area of the given triangle: May we have a volunteer? Ok student F, try to solve it.  E. Abstraction The area of the triangle is
equal to one half of their original shape. The area of triangle is equal to one half of the area of parallelogram or ½bh. Student F will raise his hand Student
will answer the example. The area of the triangle is equal to 27 cm2
7. 7. That is correct!.  Very good student F. Reminder guys, never ever forget the units, ok? Another example Try to solve this: Anyone from the class?
Student G, can you show us your answer in the board? Very good Student G.  You may now take your seat. Generalization Are there any questions? So
let us have a recap. What is the formula in finding the area of a triangle? Very good!  How did we get the formula for the area of the triangle? Very
good.  You all did understand the lesson. Yes teacher! Students will raise their hands. Student G will show his answer in the board. The answer is 30
in2. The student will take his seat. Generalization None teacher! The area of a triangle is equal to base times height. We got our formula since the area of
triangle is one half of the area of rectangle.
8. 8. F. Application Okay class, since there are no more questions and you all understood the lesson; please answer the problems in the questionnaires that
will be handed to you. (the teacher will distribute the questionnaire) Solve for the following: 1. A triangular garden has a baseof 12m and a height of 7m.
Find thearea of the garden. 2. A pyramid has a triangular base.It covers 4,350 ft2 of theland and has equal sides of 87 ft. What is the height of the base of
the pyramid? 3. If a triangular field has an area of 150m2 and a height of 20m. What is its base? Okay guys, times up. Please pass your papers to the
front. And please copy your assignments. IV. Assignment Answer the following. 1. A trianglehas an area of 25m2. It has a base of (2x + 1)m and a height
of (3x + 4)m. Find the measure of thebase and the height. 2. Find thearea of an equilateral triangle whose sides are10m in length. 3. The perimeter of an
isosceles triangleis 16 meter and has an area of 12m2. Its height is 4m. Find the measureof its sides. So goodbye class. See you tomorrow.  F.
Application The class will answer the problems. The students will stop writing and will pass their paper to the front. Good bye teacher!. 

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